The MKB-10 convulsive syndrome in adults and children: types of epileptic seizures, causes, treatment, first aid for convulsive syndrome. What do you need to know about convulsive syndrome to a healthy person? Prevention of convulsive syndrome, features of the daily routine for people with convulsive syndrome

The MKB-10 convulsive syndrome in adults and children: types of epileptic seizures, causes, treatment, first aid for convulsive syndrome. What do you need to know about convulsive syndrome to a healthy person? Prevention of convulsive syndrome, features of the daily routine for people with convulsive syndrome

Many people have formed an erroneous opinion about epilepsy. With the word epilepsy, a picture of a person occurs in front of us, whose body is convulsed, and active salivation comes out of the oral cavity, but in addition to seizures, epilepsy has many other manifestations.

They try to keep silent about the presence of this disorder, so the environment listens to the general stereotypes and errors. Whatever form the disease may occur, the main thing is that most patients have the opportunity to lead a full lifestyle.

Epilepsy is one of the common chronic diseases of a neurological nature. The disease affects both children and adults, but is diagnosed mainly to adolescence. One of the manifestations of epilepsy is a convulsive syndrome that occurs as a result of unhealthy bursts of the electrical dynamics of brain cells.

MKB-10 convulsive syndrome in adults and children: types of epileptic seizures

  • Depending on the brain damage zone, epileptic seizures are divided into partial and generalized.
  • The complete inhibition of the brain is called generalized convulsive attack. Partial violation of the activity of the brain, while maintaining the legal capacity of one of the areas, is classified as partial seizure of epilepsy.
  • An extensive convulsive ICB syndrome is divided into tonic and absance.
  • Tonical seizure is preceded by characteristic manifestations in the body. In medicine, such symptoms are called aura. The patient has several seconds in stock to avoid hard falling on the floor. In the first minute, the seizure of the body constrains a strong tension, the rhythm of breathing is disturbed. The limbs begin to shudder randomly.
  • Convulsive syndrome in this case lasts no more than 2-3 minutes. Then the patient comes into consciousness. Breathing and muscle tone return to normal.
  • Absance seizures are observed mainly in children. The child falls out of reality for a few seconds, while remaining on his feet with open eyes. The events taking place in this gap are erased from the patient's memory. The absence of pronounced external manifestations makes signs of epilepsy inconspicuous for others.
  • With a simple partial attack epilepsyconvulsions constrain the body partially. Being in memory, a person feels a small burning sensation in the affected areas. After an attack of epilepsy subsides, fatigue occurs and limited legal capacity remains temporarily. The perception of smells and sounds occurs with distortion.
  • With a psychomotor attack of epilepsya person is in a detached state for several minutes. The seizure is accompanied by strange facial expressions and uncontrolled movements. The patient does not remember the details of the seizure. In some cases, the situation is complicated by a repeated large seizure.

Epileptic convulsive syndrome: causes

The appearance of an epileptic convulsive syndrome is associated with many different factors. In addition to external factors, epilepsy has a hereditary nature. Genetic factors have a significant impact, but not decisive.

Symptomatic damage to the head has the following reasons:

  • mechanical damage to the head - concussion, bruises, injuries;
  • brain blood circulation interruptions - strokes, heart attacks;
  • brain inflammation, infection - encephalitis, meningitis;
  • deviations in the work of the nervous system - multiple sclerosis;
  • drug and alcohol use;
  • tumor neoplasms in the brain;
  • violation of chemical reactions in the body.

A human lifestyle with epilepsy directly affects the number of convulsive attacks. Stress factors have a negative effect on the nervous system.

If the child is sick with epilepsy, then parents need to provide for possible reactions of the brain:

  • Infutable sleep - activation of the body's protective forces affects the functioning of the brain.
  • Medicines that affect the activity of the nervous system.
  • In severe inflammatory diseases.
  • Hormonal restructuring in the body.
  • Light and fiery flashes, long -term flashing of artificial light.
  • Dangerous food additives.
  • Experiences and stress - the voltage of the nervous system provokes an attack.

Convulsive syndrome: treatment of epilepsy

  • In children with epileptic convulsive syndrome I have an opportunity up the disease. It is very important to follow the recommendations of a neurologist. With a long absence of convulsive attacks, doctors cancel the diagnosis. The patient is recommended to be observed annually in a neurologist.
  • After each epileptic seizure The patient needs to receive drug treatment over the next three years. The effect of drugs is aimed at preventing repeated seizures. Each seizure in childhood negatively affects mental development.
  • Provoke epilepsy Chronic diseases can. Adult patients should not run diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  • With repeated seizures, anticonvulsant drugs are taken without fail. Using blood tests, the effect of the drugs taken is controlled
Preparations for treatment
Preparations for treatment

The main anti -epileptic drugs include:

  • With extensive convulsive seizures - karbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin.
  • With psychomotor seizures - clonazepam, Becklamid, sodium valproate.
  • Small epileptic attacks - trimetadion, ethosyximide, Lamotridine.

To diagnose epilepsy, several hardware research is used - MRI, electroencephalography, angiography, computer diagnostics.

  • With positive dynamics, the dosage of medicines gradually decreases. If, within two years after the cancellation of drugs, a convulsive attack is not repeated, the patient is considered healthy.
  • With accurate diagnosis of a tumor and other structural changes in the brain, it is possible surgical intervention.

First aid for convulsive syndrome

  • An attack of epilepsy is predominantly short -term. Continuous Syndrome It lasts several minutes and ends without the participation of drugs.
  • Emergency care for the patient is the correct behavior of people around them. A clear sequence of actions avoids complications.

First aid for convulsive syndrome:

  1. In case of suspicion of developing an attack of a person, they are laid in a horizontal position on a flat surface. Too tight things weaken, unbutton or remove.
  2. It is important to exclude contact with dangerous objects - furniture, water, electricity.
  3. It is necessary to carefully monitor the course of the process, track the duration of the attack.
  4. Fix your head in a position to one side, thereby excluding oxygen starvation due to language or saliva.
  5. With vomiting, to fix the patient's lateral position, without the opportunity to change the position.
  6. Do not use improvised means to fix the jaw.
  7. During the attack, liquid drugs are not given.
  8. Until the attack is stopped, the patient is not left alone.
  9. After an attack, a person is provided with peace.
  10. If the attack is delayed, the patient is rectally administered the anticonvulsant drug.

What do you need to know about convulsive syndrome to a healthy person?

  • With a word epilepsy, convulsive syndrome Many have fear. The lack of information about this chronic disease forms an erroneous idea of \u200b\u200bpeople with convulsive syndrome.
  • About 1% of the population around the world has this feature. The disease does not interfere with normal life - Work, study, family, everything goes according to plan.

To adequately refer to people with epilepsy, it is useful to know several interesting factors:

  • Epilepsy is not transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. Providing first aid, it is impossible to become infected disease.
  • A person with epilepsy cannot be appointed to a position with increased load and frequent stresses.
  • During the attack, a mechanical effect on the human body is excluded. Convulsions pass on their own.
  • Convulsive attacks are frequent in children and in people of advanced age.
  • During convulsive syndrome a person does not pose a danger to people around him.
  • With a short -term attack, there is no need to call an ambulance.

Prevention of convulsive syndrome

  • Medical physical education helps to balance the functioning of the brain. Respiratory training and dosed physical activity favorably affect the work of the nervous system, increase stress resistance and prevent a number of diseases.
  • Sports should exclude possible head injuries.
  • Patient With convulsive syndrome It is worth abandoning bad habits. An overdose of toxic substances provokes convulsive syndrome.
Rejection of bad habits
Rejection of bad habits
  • For the full operation of the respiratory system, you need to exclude hypothermia or stuffiness. Fresh air provides a high -quality full sleep, so walks should be included in the daily schedule.
  • With the development of epilepsy in a child, the best preventive agent from attacks is the increased care of parents. It is very important for a person with epilepsy to feel a full -fledged member of society.

Features of the daily routine for people with convulsive syndrome

Treatment of convulsive syndrome requires compliance with certain rules. Patients with epilepsy should adhere to the daily routine.

  • A person needs a full sleep. There can be no question of working at night or sitting at night at night.
  • From the daily menu you need exclude sharp dishes. Review the amount of sugar and salt consumed.
  • A lesson in sports sections will help the teenager socialize in society and improve the work of the nervous system.
  • Bathing In the soul should take place at a comfortable temperature. You can not steam in hot water or temper in cold.
The temperature should be comfortable
The temperature should be comfortable
  • Control of sexual relations. Pregnancy in a woman with epilepsy is possible only under the supervision of a doctor. Sexual infections are also capable of provoking an attack.
  • Taking any medication requires consulting a doctor. Women can not take hormonal medicines uncontrollably.
  • The pastime of the TV should be limited or with frequent breaks.
  • Timely use of prescribed drugs.

Any exacerbations requires attention and emergency consultation with a doctor.

Video: convulsive disorders

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