Hair haircut according to the horoscope, days of the week, zodiac signs: suitable haircuts, favorable and unfavorable days. How often to cut your hair to grow faster? How to choose a hairdresser?

Hair haircut according to the horoscope, days of the week, zodiac signs: suitable haircuts, favorable and unfavorable days. How often to cut your hair to grow faster? How to choose a hairdresser?

The article describes in detail the influence of the cycle of the moon and horoscope on hair growth.

All women dream of healthy and beautiful hair. In addition, long and thick hair will always be in fashion. You can do many hairstyles on them. And, even without styling, such hair looks spectacular. Hair, according to ancient traditions, is a place of content of female energy.

It is not recommended to cut the hair above the shoulder blades. Unfortunately, modern ecology, stress at work and malnutrition do not contribute to hair growth. Also, many women use poor -quality shampoos, neglect additional care.

The hair begins to fall out and the tips. Many are not able to grow hair below the shoulders. In addition to the above factors, the lunar calendar affects the rate of hair growth and their health. The moon is the only satellite of the Earth that has the strongest influence on all living organisms on the planet. Its action has been proven by scientists, so this factor should not be neglected.

Lunar calendar haircuts
Lunar calendar haircuts

How often do you need to cut your hair to grow faster?

The hair growth rate depends on how quickly the cell division occurs. You can compare hair growth at the speed of nail growth. If the nails grow quickly, then the hair speed is also high. Hair growth depends on their condition. Healthy, strong hair grows much faster.

Hairdressers strongly recommend cutting the ended tips. Firstly, this will improve the appearance, and secondly, it will make sore hair grow faster. Even if the hair is not spoiled, their ends must be trimmed at least every three months. This will practically not affect the length, but visually add volume to the hair and will make them healthier.

How to choose a hairdresser?

The quality of the haircut and hair growth rate depends on the master who makes a haircut. Use the tips to choose a good hairdresser.

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to is the state of the salon itself, to its neatness and respect for customers. A good master will not work in a third -rate institution
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the workplace of the master, to his accuracy and respect for the tools. Also ask what cosmetics for hair is used by hairdresser
  • Feel free to ask about the experience of work, education and participation in some competitions. There will always be something to boast of a good master
  • Please note that the demanded hairdresser has many regular customers. Therefore, it will not be easy to sign up for him
  • A good master always has many ideas, he will not be indifferent to your ideas and fantasies. If the hairdresser, to whom you have turned to several minutes without enthusiasm, listens to your wishes, be sure that you will have a standard haircut
  • Read about the chosen master on the network, learn about him from your friends.
  • Highlight a sufficient amount of time for a haircut. Even the most talented hairdresser does not want to work when he is driven
The hairdresser
The hairdresser

How to cut your hair on a lunar calendar?

You can adjust the speed of hair growth by using the lunar calendar:

  • If you wear a short haircut and rapid hair growth is undesirable, then you should go to the interior during the waning phase of the moon. During this period, the processes in the body slow down and the hair will not grow at an accelerated pace
  • If you strive to grow long hair, cut it to the growing moon
  • It is not recommended to cut the hair during a solar or lunar eclipse, as well as during the full moon
  • Not only the phase of the moon is important, but also its presence in relation to other planets and signs of the zodiac. According to the instructions of astrologers, the best days for haircuts are 9 and 23 days of the lunar cycle. But on the 15th day it will be better to refrain from going to the hairdresser

How to cut your hair according to the signs of the zodiac, what haircuts are suitable?

Despite the fact that many astrologers indicate the most favorable days for haircuts, this is a purely individual question. It all depends on your zodiac sign and on its ratio with celestial bodies on a certain day. The layman who is superficially familiar with astrology is difficult to make an accurate calculation. And the change in hair growth indicators will not be significantly. The most convenient option is to use the lunar phases and your instinct.

There are haircuts that will most harmoniously suit a certain zodiac sign. Such hairstyles will be able to emphasize individuality. Even if you never wore such a haircut, maybe the time has come?

  • Aries. This fiery sign is full of energy and vitality. The most suitable option for this zodiac sign is a short haircut. She personifies Aries activity, his inner fiery image
  • Taurus. For this zodiac sign, natural haircuts are suitable, which are not served by styling and cosmetics: varnishes, gels or foams. The natural colors of light shades are suitable
  • Twins. The owners of this sign are real experimenters. Therefore, complex haircuts and bright shades of hair are suitable for them. Thanks to their “airiness”, twins can afford to change the image quite often
  • Crayfish. For cancer, there are two options for hairstyles - either long hair collected in a braid, or a short square. Both hairstyles emphasize the softness and mystery of this zodiac sign
  • A lion. There is also a fiery sign of the zodiac, but more aristocratic than others. Lev's haircuts of medium length with a cascade are suitable. You can dye your hair in a red or light shade
  • Virgo. Owners of this zodiac sign will like to create “Mirages” in their image. Use wigs and various temporary dyes for hair to regularly update your style
  • Scales. The most balanced sign from the entire zodiac circle. Regardless of the length of the hair, the scales are recommended to monitor your hair and make styling. For example, a classic hairstyle-rack is an ideal option for restrained weights
  • Scorpion. A sign who loves attention to his person. Haircuts at the peak of popularity or extravagant hairstyles are suitable. At the same time, they should not look defiant
  • Sagittarius. Liberty and optimistic personalities who do not like constraints in anything. The ideal hairstyle is a short haircut or horse tail
  • Capricorn. The active sign of the zodiac who does not like to spend time spending time. Therefore, it is necessary to make such a haircut, the care of which takes a minimum of time
  • Aquarius. This zodiac sign is so unique that it has no binding to a certain haircut. The main thing is that she is in fashion and evoke the admiring glances of others
  • Fish. The soft sign of the zodiac, which needs to wear long hair. They can be dissolved or collected in hairstyles that will not squeeze the hair too much

Hair haircut by day of the week: favorable and unfavorable days

  • Monday. According to astrologers, this day is favorable for haircuts
  • Tuesday. You can go to the hairdresser if you are tired of monotony and want life's life
  • Wednesday. Also, the day is extremely favorable for going to the hairdresser. On this day, there is a chance to meet an interesting person, to make new friends.
  • Thursday. The haircut on this day will take place safely
  • Friday. On Friday, it is recommended to carry out all cosmetic procedures, including hair cutting
  • Saturday. You can cut your hair, but you need to focus on well -being.
  • Sunday. On this day you can not make haircuts. It is better to transfer the procedure the next day of the week

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