Standing films that everyone should watch: list, description. Films for viewing with friends, girl, guy, teenager: the best comedies, melodramas, adventure films, science fiction

Standing films that everyone should watch: list, description. Films for viewing with friends, girl, guy, teenager: the best comedies, melodramas, adventure films, science fiction

A selection of beautiful, impressive, fascinating films of different genres: comedies, melodramas, science fiction, love films. A list of films that are worth watching at least once in a lifetime.

Standing films that everyone should watch: the best comedies

The main task of any comedy is to cheer up the audience. Finding a good comedy is not so simple. We decided to save your time and collected a selection of the funniest comedies for every taste.

"Taming of the obstinate", Italy, 1980

This comedy can rightfully be called the classic of world cinema. After all, almost 40 years have passed after the release of the film, and they are still watching and loved. The plot is simple: Eliya once knocked on the door of a squabble person with an unbearable character of Eli. A girl who is accustomed to attention from men cannot come to terms with the indifference of the owner of the house, she decides to win his impregnable heart at all costs. Let's see what will come of it ... The comedy is full of jokes, funny dialogues, but the main characters are the highlight of the film. The charisma of the main actors, Adriano Celentano and Ornella Muti, deserves the highest praise.

Frame from the film "Taming of the Pull"

"1+1", France, 2011

As a result of an accident, the aristocrat Philip remained forever paralyzed. To brighten up his miserable and bitter life, he hires a completely inappropriate person to care for himself - a guy with a bad biography named Driss. As a result, the life of both men acquires meaning, becomes bright and rich. There is something to think about. For example, as prejudices that have developed in society, they can affect fate. Or that you are alive while your soul is alive.

Important: the film "1+1" is based on real events. The real hero of this picture, Philip Obzzo di Borgo, insisted that the film be comedy, not dramatic.

Frame from the movie "1+1"

"Boy in Vegas", USA, 2009

A light, cheerful film will help to relax and cheer up after a hard day. The story of friends who wanted to come off in Vegas in honor of the upcoming wedding of one of them. But the result exceeded all expectations, in the morning the guys did not remember what happened to them. Now they have to find out whose child is in their room? How was the tiger there? Where did the groom go? Comedy for those who do not want to load their heads with various philosophical thoughts and morality. There is also a continuation of the comedy “Boy 2: from Vegas to Bangkok” and “Boy: Part III”.

Best comedies

"Always say yes", USA, Great Britain, 2008

The story of how cool life can change, thanks to just one word. The main character was a depressed person, always denied himself, friends. But once he concluded an agreement, and now his answer should always be “yes”.

The best comedies that should be seen

Here are a few more comedies that will help to dispel sadness at leisure:

  • "Gambit";
  • “If the mother -in -law is a monster ...”;
  • "Nothing to lose";
  • "Malibu safeguards";
  • "Family robbery";
  • "We are the Millers".

We hope that this selection will make you forget about depression and charge you with positive emotions.

Video: 5 best comedies of 2017

Standing films that everyone should watch: the best melodramas

If you have a lyrical mood, maybe you even want to cry a little or to do not care about life topics, you should see a good melodrama.

Important: the genre of melodrama has such features as emotionality, tragedy, the presence of a love line. Often the finale of the melodrama is unpredictable, partly for this, the audience loves this genre so much.

Melodramas make the viewer survive a whole gamut of emotions - admiration, sadness, love, longing, joy. We present you a selection of melodramas of all time that are worthy of your attention.

Titanic, USA, 1997

Saying something new about the great film “Titanic” will probably not work. The Titanic to this day takes top places in the collections of the best melodramas. Most people watched this film more than once, and each time they experienced a tragedy with the heroes of this series. It is impossible to describe about the feelings of people who so wanted to live and love, but became a victim of tragic circumstances - this should be seen. See to understand the price of life.

Video: Trailer for the film "Titanic"

"Life is beautiful" Italy, 1997

Another masterpiece of world cinema, which has earned numerous awards. In the center of the picture is a young happy family, whose happiness was destroyed with the advent of World War II. Father and son were sent to a concentration camp, and the mother and wife went after them of her own free will. To survive, the father came up with a game for his son: you need to hide from the warders. The one who succeeds will receive a real tank as a gift. The story that love is able to destroy all obstacles is even so monstrous.

Frame from the movie "Life is Beautiful"
Frame from the melodrama "Life is beautiful"

Forrest Gump, USA, 1994

This film is the owner of 6 Oscar. Despite the release date of the film, the plot is still relevant.

Here you can cry, and laugh, and get an impetus for action. The story of a demented, but very simple and kind person, and his extraordinary life. Each role in this film is endowed with deep meaning, this will make you rethink life values.

"Your world will never be the same after you see him the eyes of Forrest Gampa"

Amelie, France, Germany, 2001

Audrey Toto in the role of the main character Amelie personifies a girl with oddities who loves to intervene in someone else's life, bringing joy and happiness to her.

The best melodramas: "Amelie"

Seven Life, USA, 2008

The story of a strong man who did not spare his life saved the lives of other people. But something made him do this, perhaps it was a chance to correct his past mistakes.

Will Smith in the film "Seven Life"

List of standing melodramas:

  • "La La Land";
  • "Beauty in American";
  • "... and in my soul I dance";
  • “Hurry to love”;
  • "Jane Austen".

It is worth noting soviet melodramaswho remain loved at the present time:

  • "Girls";
  • “Lonely is given a hostel”;
  • "Love and pigeons";
  • "Winter cherry".

We offer to view a melodrama that will help to brighten up a lonely evening or to view with a loved one.

Video: Melodrama "I thought you would always"

Standing films that everyone should watch: the best adventure films

If you want to plunge into the world of tests, go towards the dangers that are breathtaking, it's time to watch a good film about adventures. There are many worthy paintings in this genre, for example:

  1. "Dzhango freed";
  2. "Dancing with wolves";
  3. "Lord of the Rings";
  4. "Hobbit";
  5. "Pirates of the Caribbean";
  6. "Gladiator";
  7. "Survivor";
  8. "Outcast."

Adventures combine in addition to the main one, and other genres: comedy, melodrama, action movie. The film about adventures can be watched by the whole family on a weekend to escape from everyday business and just relax.

The best adventure films
Hobbit: Best Adventures Films
Frame from the movie "Gladiator"

Standing films that everyone should watch: the best fantastic films

Fiction is a genre that is gaining more and more popularity. Many people who did not recognize fantastic films as worthy of their attention, after watching, changed their point of view.

If you are interested in plunging into the world of special effects, parallel worlds, fantastic creatures, incredible nanotechnologies, we offer to watch a selection of standing fantastic films.

  • "Frankenstein" - Dr. Frankenstein gathered an artificial man and revived him. However, frightened by his brainchild, leaves him alone. The monster is childishly innocent, but faces anger of this world. It vowed to find its creator and avenge him.
  • "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" - A couple of young people decides to forget about each other with the help of a computer system that erases memories. However, the more Joel forgets Clementine, the more he begins to love her.
  • "Mr. Nobody" - The film consists of excerpts of memories of the life of an old man who remained the last mortal man in the world. All people around are immortal. What memories are real, and which are only possible options for events, it is not clear.
  • "The line of the future" - The main character falls into a temporary loop during the war with aliens. Each time he gets into the same battle, and each time everyone better understands how to defeat the enemy.

Video: 10 best science fiction films

Standing films that everyone should watch: the best films about love

Love is very multifaceted: it is mutual and unrequited, passionate, all -consuming, painful, tender, beautiful, happy. Different facets of love can be seen in a selection of films dedicated to this beautiful feeling.

  • "One day" - The story of how many years it took a couple in order to understand that they were created for each other.
  • "Sweet November" - A beautiful, incredible, short -lived and tragic love story of a couple of young people.
  • "Pride and Prejudice" - A film made based on the novel of the same name Jane Austin.
  • "P.S. I love you" - The film is about how three words can change life when it seems that life has ended.
  • "A quiet harbor" - The story of a woman who escaped from a cruel husband. Fate gives her a second chance to find personal happiness.
Film about love "One day": the story of a whole life
Frame from the film "P.S. I love you"
The best films about love: "Pride and prejudice"

Standing films that everyone should watch: the best films about the war

The films about the war make a very strong impression. The tragic events that have carried away hundreds of thousands of human lives leave an indelible mark in the soul. The films about the war make you recall those terrible times to honor the memory of the dead, to remember how much the world was reached.

Many films have been shot about wars of different countries and different years, but the theme of World War II remains the most relevant. Almost a hundred years have passed after this terrible and destructive war, but people remember and pass the tragic events of past years from generation to generation.

The best soviet movies about war:

  • "Cranes are Flying";
  • "The fate of man";
  • “... and the dawns here are quiet”;
  • “They fought for their homeland”;
  • “Ata-battles, soldiers were walking ...”;
  • "One old people go into battle."
The best Soviet films about war

Modern Russian films About the Great Patriotic War:

  • "Brest Fortress";
  • "Stalingrad";
  • "Battle for Sevastopol";
  • "In the fall of the 41st";
  • "28 Panfilovites."

Films about the war show the heroism of people and what the war did or could not do with them.

Video: War Films

Standing films that everyone should watch: the best films about space

Films about space open the veil of an unknown world, attract mystery and secret, which scientists have been trying to reveal for many years. Is there life on other planets? What is she?

Once upon a time, humanity will find answers to these questions, but for now we offer to watch exciting films about space.


The film that received an Oscar for the best visual effects. In the center of the plot, a team of scientists and researchers who went to another planet in order to further relocate humanity.

The film "Interstellar"


The team of researchers went to Mars. As a result of sandstorm, they were forced to urgently leave the planet. The scientist and biologist Mark Watney was left alone on Mars, as colleagues considered him to be dead.

The film "Martian"


The film, which received an impressive number of awards and awards. The plot is based on the space mission, which is headed by the veteran of astronautics Matt Kovalski. Among the crew members are also a successful specialist Ryan Stone. Suddenly, a disaster occurs overboard.

Films about space

One cannot help but recall other films affecting the themes of the cosmos:

  • "Guardians of the Galaxy";
  • "Star Wars";
  • "Prometheus";
  • "Avatar."

Films about space will allow you to move to a fantastic world where you will find many interesting discoveries and adventures.

The best films for adolescents-girls: List

Favorite films of teenagers are films about teenagers, that is, films about themselves. Someone sees himself in history, others like to observe a love story between young people, others are in search of motivation.

There are almost always a love line in films for teenagers, but it should not be vulgar, vulgar. It is natural that in adolescence, girls begin to think about love, about the opposite field, about relationships.

We have collected a selection of films that teenage girls like.

  • "Balls of the Amur";
  • “Hello, Julie!”;
  • "Snow White: Revenge of the Dwarves";
  • "The simpleton";
  • "Gibby";
  • "Five friends."

The best films for teenagers-boys: List

Teenage boys can be advised to watch films that will help to develop in themselves such qualities as courage, the desire for knowledge, the ability to defend themselves and their interests.

List of films for teenage boys:

  • "Pele: the birth of a legend";
  • "Dedicated";
  • "The kingdom of the full moon";
  • "Tom Sawyer";
  • "Walks with dinosaurs";
  • "Max".

We hope that we were able to help you in choosing a movie for watching. We will be glad if you share with us your collections of worthy films.

Video: Top 10 films for teenagers

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