Stockholm syndrome: what these are, forms, stages, symptoms and manifestation, treatment and prevention

Stockholm syndrome: what these are, forms, stages, symptoms and manifestation, treatment and prevention

Stockholm syndrome is not a serious illness or a serious mental disorder, however, psychotherapy is still shown with it. What this syndrome implies, learn from the article.

In normal, healthy relationships there is no place for violence and bullying, and people who were still subjected to violence from someone’s side, as a rule, fiercely hate their offender. However, in the modern world, different ones happen. Very often in such unhealthy relations and situations you can see the manifestation of Stockholm syndrome.

Stockholm syndrome: What is it in psychology?

Stockholm syndrome It has many other names, for example, the syndrome of hostage survival, common sense syndrome, etc. This syndrome is nothing more than the psychological state of a person who is subjected to violence, however, has compassion and even sympathy for its tormentor.

  • Got this psychological condition Such a name, due to the tragedy that happened in Stockholm in 1973, the escaping prisoner was able to capture the bank alone, while he wounded one policeman and took 4 more people hostage. The police complied with all the requirements of the criminal and even delivered his cellmate to him, however, at the same time, it was developed by a plan for saving people through a gas attack.
  • After the liberation of all the hostages, the latter said that they were not afraid of their offenders, but to the police, because according to them the criminals did nothing wrong with them. There is information that it was the hostages for their money that hired the invaders of lawyers. One of the criminals was justified and released. It is known that after that he supported communication with one of the hostages, and according to some reports, they even got married.
  • From the foregoing, one can draw a definite conclusion: with the Stockholm Syndrome, the victim is always interested in the fate of its torturer. Moreover, the injured person never considers himself a victim and tries to help the rapist in every way to avoid punishment.
Sacrifice and torturer
Sacrifice and torturer
  • There are cases when the victims of terrorists, rapists and family tyrants completely stood on their side and even defended in court. Some managed to hire lawyers and defenders for their money for the villains, also visited them in prison, and during the court sessions stated that they themselves were to blame for what happened and that they were provoked some kind of tragedy.

Stockholm Syndrome: Forms

It should be noted that several forms of Stockholm syndrome are distinguished:

  • Household. This form is manifested in family life and may concern:
  • Relationship between husband and wife. Unfortunately, almost every person can recall at least one family from his environment, in which the husband raises his hand to his wife (less often a wife on her husband). And even despite all these beatings and moral bullying, women remain in a relationship with the offender.
  • What's this? Stupidity, benefit? Women justify their decision by the fact that they do not want to leave children without a father, they cannot leave because they have nowhere that they are financially dependent on the offender, that they themselves constantly provoke scandals and beatings, etc. In fact, this is how they show myself stockholm syndrome. Women do not repulse the offender, do not call the police (even having serious injuries), they burn out her husband, inventing the stories “walked, fell, earned a bruise under the eye”, etc.
  • Relations of parents and children. This is the case when the parent allows himself to publicly humiliate and insult the child, at home allows himself to raise his hand on him, say that he does not need him, etc., however, with all this, if he loves if he loves whether he loves whether he loves His offender, he will answer with confidence yes. As a rule, children suffering from Stockholm syndrome never complain about the Obiden parents, also justify their actions and are looking for the reasons for the problems in themselves
  • Corporate Stockholm Syndrome. This form of psychological dependence appears in relations between the authorities, higher guidance and ordinary workers, subordinates. Stockholm syndrome is manifested in this case a constant feeling of guilt of an ordinary employee before his superiors: He did little, did not have time on time, asks for an unscheduled day off, etc., as a rule, those workers who receive the lowest wages, work on their weekends, do not go on vacation, etc.

Stockholm syndrome: causes

In order for a person to get stockholm syndrome, he must directly contact his offender. This can happen in a terrorist attack, during military operations, during imprisonment, in a family where the dictatorship reigns and is a tyrant, in working groups, etc.

  • The fear of dying at the hands of the rapist, to be beaten. This is perhaps the first reason why the victim begins to obey his offender and justify his behavior in every way. First of all, she justifies his cruel behavior for herself, because it will be much easier to endure mockery, and after he thinks about the reaction of society and wants to avoid it in this way. Often, shame and guilt for the behavior of the tyrant is experienced by his victim.
  • Habit. People who have been bits from childhood are offended by their parents, peers, etc., get used to violence and most often in childhood they begin to develop Stockholm syndrome. Moreover, such people very often take the side of the torturer in the situation with other people. Here is a clear example, which, unfortunately, is known to many people. The daughter comes and complains to her parents that her husband beats her. Despite the fact that these are her family people, instead of support and help, a woman can most often hear: “It’s guilty, you give an occasion”, “So you do something wrong, you need to please your husband”, “It’s just that he would not be you Beat, which means that there is a reason, ”well, the classic“ hits, means loves ”. So only a victim who also has stockholm syndrome.
  • Understanding how you can survive in a stressful situation. In this case, the victim plays the role of an obedient soldier who does not discuss the actions and orders of the authorities, but silently fulfills them, considering them the only faithful. It is worth noting that the tyrant in such a situation behaves somewhat differently. He still understands the value of his victim, therefore, despite gross words, behavior, etc., does not cause her serious injuries. As a result, as a rule, everyone is satisfied: the victim seems to have not suffered, and the criminal/home tyrant received everything he wanted.
  • Personal qualities. There are people who are less affected from the outside, they can be secretive, closed in themselves, are not talkative, etc. Such people are usually less susceptible to Stockholm syndrome. They quietly hate their offender and simply wait for him to pay for all the evil that he caused them. The sociable people are more susceptible to the emergence of this unhealthy connection with the offender. They can talk to him, delve into the reasons for his behavior and even try to direct to the “right” road. During such communication, the victim is imbued with the situation and motives of the tyrant, and begins to regret it.
  • Low self -esteem of a person who is subjected to violence, unwillingness to act. There are 2 options for the development of the situation: either try on the role of the victim, or actively act and try to confront the to the torturer. The second option is chosen much less often than the first. Why? Because for many it is much easier than trying to change the situation. For example, if we are talking about a victim of domestic violence. You must admit that in 99% a person can leave, start a new life, etc., but he does not want, because it is easier, more convenient, comfortable and most importantly - you do not need to go beyond the usual. Even more this situation is aggravated by the self -esteem of the victim. If it is low, a person begins to think that he is just not worthy, that all that he has is the best that he deserves, etc.
Sacrifice and offender
Sacrifice and offender
  • Love for the aggressor. It also applies to household Stockholm syndrome. The woman is very attached to her husband, loves him very much and begins to put his interests above all, including her health (psychological and physical), comfort and happiness. In this case, the aggressor will use the defenseless state of its victim, and will torment it in all available ways. It is worth noting that violence can be physical, psychological and even sexual.

Stockholm Syndrome: Stages

Stockholm syndrome is always formed in 4 stages:

  • The victim was originally establishes contact with his offender. This does not happen because these people want to talk or open their souls to each other, but because of a forced joint stay (especially in the case of the capture of hostages, a terrorist act, etc.).
  • Due to the fear of death, the victim’s injury begins to obey the to the to the to the to the torture and is willing to do everything that he will order.
  • Further, as a rule, the victim communicates with his offender, sometimes the latter can tell why he does just that (he can tell very sad stories, etc.). At this stage, the injured person is imbued with understanding and compassion for his torturer.
  • At the 4th stage, the victim is already completely emotionally dependent on the rapist, she is grateful for not killing, retained life, etc.
Sacrifice and rapist
Sacrifice and rapist

Stockholm syndrome: symptoms and manifestation of syndrome

To understand that a person developed Stockholm syndrome is very simple. The main symptom of this unhealthy dependence is sympathy between the victim and the aggressor (one -sided, mutual).

  • That is, if there is a situation in which a person is actually a victim, but he himself does not consider himself a victim and tries to protect his offender in every way, we can talk about the presence of this syndrome.
  • Another symptom that a person already has a Stockholm syndrome or is subject to it. compassion for criminals, humane The attitude towards them. For example, people who do not suffer from this syndrome at the sight of a maniac, killers, etc. do not try to find out the reasons and motives of his act, peremptorously declare that the offender is guilty and deserves punishment, and a person suffering from Stockholm syndrome will begin in the same situation To sympathize with the criminal, try to find out what prompted him to such an act and certainly finds him an excuse.
Compassion and love for the tormentor
Compassion and love for the tormentor
  • Refusal of help, even if it is obvious that the victim is needed. If the victim has long been with her tormentor, she begins to be afraid not of him, but the fact that this whole situation is exposed, the torturer will be punished, and she will be saved. No matter how paradoxical it sounds, but it is. Therefore, most often the victims of domestic violence never say that they suffer, that they are subject to violence, etc., they dutifully tell everyone who sees the threat and wants to help them that their family is fine that no one offends them.
  • Many in such a situation conclude that this tyrant tunes the victim so much, however, he does not need to do anything, the psychological and emotional dependencies of the victim on him are such that the latter is ready to do and say, just not to upset his object of compassion (sometimes adoration).

Stockholm syndrome: diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Of course, before starting any treatment, it is necessary to make sure that a person really suffers from Stockholm syndrome, however, there is no diagnosis of this dependence as such.

  • Work with the victim begins after it ends a psycho -traumatic situation. That is, after liberation from the hostages, after the divorce of the spouses, if there was domestic violence, etc.
  • Find out if there is this unhealthy attachment to the aggressor, Psychologists and psychotherapists during conversations with victims. If the specialist sees that the victim is trying to mitigate the circumstances of the incident, with compassion belongs to the torturer, etc., it is concluded that she has Stockholm syndrome.
  • They can also analyze the words of the victim during the court session. In this case, they watch how the victim behaves at the sight of its offender, does it justify him, since very often the victims say that the aggressor actually did not want to harm anyone, did not intend to shoot, kill, etc.
  • As for treatment, in general, this syndrome passes on its own several days after the victim ceases to be with the torturer.
Need a psychologist
Need a psychologist

However, if we are talking about family Stockholm syndrome, then psychotherapy is prescribed as a treatment:

  • As a rule, the therapist talks to the victim, explains to her why she treats her offender just like that, convince that such behavior is not the norm, programs for “healthy” behavior.
  • Experts also use special techniques that help the victim objectively evaluate what happened, their behavior and aggressor, look at the situation from a different angle.
  • Another method of therapy is playing a stressful situation And her analysis. In this case, the psychotherapist offers a person who suffered from violence to remember the situation, all her details. Further, together with a specialist, the victim analyzes the situation, searches for the correct way out of it, etc.
  • It is worth noting that forecasts are almost always favorable. Victims of terrorist attacks, hostages very quickly lose unhealthy communication with criminals. The victims of home and corporate violence cope with the syndrome a little longer, since very often they reject help and do not see any problems in the current situation.

All people who have suffered from Stockholm syndrome in one way or another should undergo a course of psychological assistance. This will help them get out of a stressful state and begin a full life.

  • Unfortunately, there is no prevention to prevent this syndrome, since this is a normal protective reaction of the body to danger and stress.
  • All that we can do to reduce the chance of the occurrence of Stockholm syndrome is not to resent ourselves, to respect ourselves and not give other people to be dismissive of us.
It is important not to give yourself offense
It is important not to give yourself offense

If you are faced with such a situation, be sure to seek help from specialists. Believe me, get out of this situation without harm, you can only want to and put a bit of effort.

Video: What does the victim feel at the Stockholm syndrome?

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  1. protest for punishment, violence and a counter question about the method of punishment, violence, accordingly, leads to justification

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