Glass mosaic: how to lay out with continuous sheets and panels yourself?

Glass mosaic: how to lay out with continuous sheets and panels yourself?

In this article, you will learn how to independently lay out a glass mosaic at home.

Want to update the kitchen or bathroom, but do not know how? Stick a glass mosaic or a mosaic panel, and your house will be as new.

What is a glass mosaic?

Glass mosaic - These are small tiles, the average size is 2*2 cm. They can be:

  • Square
  • Rectangular
  • In the form of drops
  • In the form of pebbles
  • Multifaceted

For mosaic, not ordinary glass is taken, but burned at high temperatures, and therefore stable:

  • To increase temperature
  • Frost -resistant
  • Moisture resistant
  • Durable
  • Durable
  • To aggressive chemicals

Glass mosaic goes on sale, glued on paper, grid or film. The tiles can be disconnected. The most popular sheet size is 50*50 cm. It is best to work with mosaic on the grid.

The tiles gathered together for one sheet can be:

  • Monophonic
  • With the transition from one tone to another
  • Multi -colored

Note. If you want to make some kind of artistic image on your wall-it is rarely sold, most often they collect the panel themselves, or they order ready-made in a special assembly company.

Glass mosaic on the wall in the form of panels

Where can I apply glass mosaic?

Places in the house, on the street where you can apply a glass mosaic:

  • The bottom of the pool with rounded sides
  • Part of the wall in the kitchen
  • Floor
  • Bath
  • Bathroom
  • Fireplace
  • Spa salons
  • Columns
Glass mosaic in the kitchen
Pool of a glass mosaic

Secrets without which the perfect laying of glass mosaics will not work

A few secrets that must be observed to get a perfectly lined glass mosaic:

  • You can start working with mosaics if the temperature in the room where the mosaic will be laid out, within +5- +30 degrees Celsius.
  • Do not plan a glass mosaic around a pipe or other round hole, it will be very difficult to lay it out.
  • It is very difficult to cut glass tiles, so you can not plan to lay out the angle with it.
  • In a glass mosaic, a grout between mosaic elements is very important. The final type of work depends on how it is made, what color.
  • Do not use cement grout for grouting glass mosaics, the glass dulls from it, you need to use only an epoxy shiny grout. The minus of the epoxy grout is expensive.
  • To glue the glass mosaic, you need white tile glue, gray does not fit - it can protrude at the seams.
  • If you are going to lay out the bottom of the pool with a mosaic, it is best to use cement.
  • Glass tiles cannot be folded on the floor one to the other, it is easily scratched.
  • If the work is used jointly glass tiles and ordinary ceramic, it must be borne in mind that glass mosaic is thinner than ceramic tiles.
  • If you see that there are still irregularities in the mosaic, it remains not to show them-you can not install horizontal backlighting relative to the mosaic, or even close near it.
  • The panel is assembled on the table, and then glued to the wall.

How to make a glass mosaic glued on sheets with your own hands?

To lay out the glass mosaic with sheets, on the wall, you need to act in the following sequence:

  1. Before gluing a glass mosaic on the wall, first you need to thoroughly align it, remove all the roughness, and it should also be monophonic. If the wall is loose, it must be treated with a primer. It would not hurt to treat the entire wall and the entire wall where the mosaic will be glued.
  2. We mark on the wall using the level how sheets with tiles will be located.
  3. Stir the glue in warm water, and interfere, while the mixture becomes viscous and homogeneous, but not too thick. Immediately apply the glue on the wall with an ordinary spatula with an even layer, about 3 mm, not thicker, then draw along the wall with a gear spatula, removing the remaining glue. Immediately apply glue for 4 sheets on the wall.
  4. Glue the mosaic with a net on the glue on the wall. If you have a glass mosaic on a film or paper, glue with paper or a film to you, leveled the tile with your hand or a round rubber roller. When it dries a little - remove the paper or film from the surface of the tiles. If the tile “flew off” with the paper, glue it again. Before sticking the next row of tiles, we install small plastic crosses between them.
  5. After about half an hour, a hard brush or stick, we remove the protruding excess glue, and leave to dry at least 1 day.
  6. When the mosaic has dried, check all the seams, remove the remaining glue, if any.
  7. We put the grout on the seams with a rubber spatula, first in one direction, then in the other, after 10-15 minutes we remove the remains of the grout from the mosaic so that it does not dry out. We polish the tile with a piece of felt. Let the grout to dry in the seams.
  8. With a wet sponge, remove all the contaminants from the lined mosaic. If individual spots are not removed, remove them with diluted sulfuric acid.

Note. The tiles of glass mosaics collected on paper are only good to lay out the bottom of the pool, because under the paper glued on top, there is no irregularity, and after gluing with glue, align them late. For walls, it is better to take a glass mosaic on a grid or film.

Glass mosaic glued with sheets

How to make a glass mosaic panel?

The panels are made of tiles of different colors of glass mosaics. If the tiles are collected on one sheet, they will have to be disconnected or buy not attached tiles.
First, the panel must be assembled on a horizontal surface, and then glued to the wall.

We make a glass mosaic panel:

  1. We take a large sheet of thick paper and draw on it the contour of the desired image.
  2. We cover the paper with a transparent cellophane film of the same size.
  3. On top of the film, we spread the mesh -plane from the fishing line in size as paper and a film.
  4. We fasten all layers around the perimeter with ordinary tape.
  5. We glue the glass mosaic corresponding to the color pattern on the grid, using a thermoclay.
  6. When the image is ready, cut it down the contour. If it is large, we cut it into fragments, throw the paper with a film, and we will glue the net on which the mosaic is attached to the wall.
  7. On the wall we draw the contour of the image, applying a circuit on paper to the wall.
  8. Glue the image to the wall with white tile glue, when it dries, remove the remains of the glue.
  9. We make a grout at the seams, clean it from it, and the panel is ready.
Panel "poppies" of glass mosaics
Panel "chamomile" from glass mosaics
Panel "Summer Flowers" from glass mosaics
Panel "The bottom of the sea" made of glass mosaics

What grout to choose for glass mosaics?

There are gaps between the tiles of glass mosaics, they are filled with grout. It happens in different colors. Much depends on the color of the grout: the final version of the glass mosaic looks different if the gaps are filled with white grout or colored.

To see what you succeed, you need not to regret a little tile, and make a sample using the color of the grout you like, and see how the mosaic with colored seams will look. If you like it, then you can glue on the wall.

Glue for glass mosaics

What glue is needed for glass mosaics?

  • For glass mosaics, you need white glue designed for tiles of the following brands: Ceresit, Mosaik, Bergauf, Axton.

What density to make glue?

  • The density of the glue should be such that it does not drain from the trowel.

How to mix glue?

  • It is advisable to stir the glue manually, after the mixer, the smallest air bubbles appear in the glue solution that interfere with the solid gluing of the tiles.

So, we learned how to lay out a glass mosaic in our house or apartment.

Video: How to lay a mosaic correctly?

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