Fiberglass for nail extension. How to use, build up, strengthen nails with fiberglass: reviews

Fiberglass for nail extension. How to use, build up, strengthen nails with fiberglass: reviews

Instructions for nail extension on fiberglass.

Fiberglass - popular material in the nail service. Not so long ago, he appeared on shelves in stores and simply filled a variety of sites. In this article, we will tell you how to build up and strengthen the nails with fiberglass. 

Fiberglass for nail extension, how to use?

In fact, this is a very durable and strong material that helps to achieve a small thickness. At the same time, the nails are quite durable, they do not break and are very strong. This is achieved due to the features of the material. For extension, you need to select the correct fiberglass. The very first appeared fiberglass onAliexpress, its price is quite low. It is sold in small boxes cut into small pieces and fibers.

However, the use of such material is extremely inconvenient due to the fact that you have to spend a lot of time on the layout of fiberglass on the nail. That is, it is necessary to lay out one hair on a prepared nail. This is a very long time, despite the apparent strength of the material. As a result, the time for extension is not saved, but rather becomes much more than when increasing on classic paper forms. Therefore, we advise you to purchase fiberglass in small pieces, which are sold by segments of about 20 cm.

Building on fiberglass
Building on fiberglass

Fiberglass for nails, how to use:

  • For simplicity of work, it is necessary to roll out fiberglass using orange sticks or some kind of cylindrical, round object. It can be a pencil. It is necessary to make the fiber look like a sheet of paper.
  • Further, it must be divided into areas, about 1 cm long. This is done using a base or ordinary gel for nail extension. Thin strips are applied to the fiberglass, which are, as it were, separators.
  • Preparation for building is carried out in a standard way. To do this, saw the surface of the nail, make it rough. No need to cut the nails, only a natural gloss is removed.
  • Next, it is necessary to usedeafer andprimerto raise scales. After that, the base is applied with a thin, rubbing layer and dried in a lamp. Only after that, a thin layer of ordinary is applied to the middle of the nail from the tipbuilder Gel for building.
  • Now it is necessary to cut off small pieces from the fiberglass, about 1 cm long. If you performed markings in advance, then the time for extension is significantly reduced. Now spread these shreds on the nails and press with an orange stick or tweezer. It is necessary to ensure that eachhair And the fiber was drowned in the gel. As soon as all the hairs are immersed in the gel and well drowned in it, it is necessary to perform drying.
  • Next, the part is removed by which the fiberglass was fastened to each other. That is, the end is cut a little. It is best to do this with unnecessary pieces or scissors that failed. Please note that fiberglass is a very durable material and cuts cutting tools greatly. Then it will be problematic to use them to cut the cuticle, it will be necessary to attribute the products for repeated sharpening. 
Arched nails with fiberglass
Arched nails with fiberglass

How to build up nails with fiberglass?

As soon as you dry the material in the lamp, you will get the so -called frame for building. Now you need to take a gel of medium density. It is best if it is self -leveling.

How to build up nails with fiberglass:

  • A small amount of gel must be drawn on the brush and begin modeling, as if through the air. Due to the good fluidity of the gel, it will penetrate between the fiberglasses, enveloping it.
  • In order for the material to form a good apex, and brought the amount of saw to a minimum, it is necessary to turn the nail down in order to form a drop in the form of a natural tubercle in the place of the apex or stress zone. After that, drying is carried out.
  • Please note that it is necessary to carry out re -sealing the nail from the inside. To do this, the same gel is taken, and is applied by rubbing movements in order not to shake the fibers.
  • Next, the inner surface of the nail is dried. After that, a sawdust is carried out according to the standard scheme. If you post the material well, then you can achieve a lack of sawdust, that is, to extension in technology without a cut. However, this requires skill and high speed.
  • Since the materials that have high fluidity are usually aligned well. However, if you work slowly enough, then this can create additional problems. Since the liquid gel will flow into the area of \u200b\u200bcuticle, sinuses and side rollers.
Beautiful nails
Beautiful nails

How to use fiberglass nails: correction

Please note that it is necessary to immerse the villi in the gel for about half a centimeter long, this is done so that when growing, the fiberglass does not fall off the nail. The most interesting thing is that it is quite possible to carry out several corrections in a row using fiberglass.

How to use fiberglass nails:

  • Oddly enough, but some masters of the nail service learned to make fiberglass strengthening and correction of nails. A small amount of fiberglass is poured with gel. However, the most often the usual correction with gel in the cuticle area is performed.
  • In this case, the nail is shortened with ceramic or carbide cutters. It is quite difficult to saw the end of the nail with a file due to the high strength of the fiberglass.
  • During the correction, you must not forget to seal the overgrown fiberglass with gel. This is done from the inside in order to prevent the penetration of moisture under the nail, peeling of the material. 
  • The main advantage of such an increase is that this material allows you to achieve naturalness, small thickness and goodwearable nails. 
Fiberglass for nail extension
Fiberglass for nail extension

Damage to fiberglass for nail extension

Now there has been a lot of information regarding the harm of fiberglass,because of It can fall into the lungs and cause undesirable consequences.

The harm of fiberglass for nail extension:

  • This is true, the material is a kind of glass, the dust of which can fall into the lungs.
  • That is why when working with fiberglass, it is necessary to use a good hood, a mask on the face and protective glasses. Thus, the likelihood of fiberglass dust entering the lungs will be reduced to zero.
  • In addition, it is advisable to remove such nails not by cutting, buttibodyrem Or so as not to dust the material. 
Neat nails
Neat nails

Fiberglass for nail extension: reviews

There are now a lot of conflicting reviews about the material, someone liked fiberglass, and they consider it an excellent alternative to natural building. Someone believes that building nails on paper forms is much easier. Anyway- this is A great option for those who want to develop and keep abreast of the novelties of the nail industry.

Accordingly, if you are such a person, love to experiment, are in search of the perfect material for building, strengthening nails, in any case it is worth checking and using fiberglass. Its cost is low, and for increasing you will need a regular gel, fiberglass and standard set, which is used to increase or strengthen nails. 

Fiberglass for nail extension, reviews:

  • Alina, Moscow. I purchased fiberglass a few months ago in a store that spreads Fox products. I got good products, in the packaging I found 3 laces about 30 cm long. It is very convenient, it is good to roll out and distribution over the surface of the nail. I managed to increase the first time, but I spent almost as much as much as to increase the extension as when extensing my nails on paper forms. The nails turned out to be very thin and beautiful, but for the masters of manicure who work on the stream in the cabin, I cannot advise this material.
  • Olga, St. Petersburg. I purchased fiberglass 4 months ago on AliExpress. I came a small box with a modest amount of short pieces of fiberglass. To be honest, I'm tired of distributing these hairs over the nail. The procedure is very long, and I'm just tired. I don’t know how to save time for building up this material. I didn't like him at work. At the same time, pieces that fall on the skin are very chopped. I will not buy this material anymore.
  • Oksana, Krasnodar. I took advantage of the fiberglass after I had a praise on YouTube. Before that, the material appeared on Instagram, but I did not buy it, take risks. Now, in general, I am satisfied, due to the fact that I do not like extended nails due to their great thickness. With fiberglass, the situation has changed, the nails look like natural. If you increase several times, then in general the procedure takes a little time. The only thing is a little experience. And then I will use fiberglass, I liked this material.
Pieces of fiberglass
Pieces of fiberglass

Nail repair with fiberglass

The most interesting thing is that fiberglass can be used not only as a material for building, but also as a means for repairing problem nails. This is an ideal option if there are on the nailsonycholysis Or there are constant cracks in a particular place. It is not necessary to apply fiberglass with a flat plate on the entire nail.

Nail repair with fiberglass:

  • It is enough to use several fibers to apply directly to the crack. That is, this is an ideal option for repairing nails and cracks. Due to the small thickness, no excess volume is created and does not require long -term preparation. In order to repair the crack, it is necessaryi drankandt, apply the base on the nail and put the fiberglass on it. A thin layer of gel is carried out to fill this crack and connect the fibers together. 
  • There are several nuances that should be considered when increasing or strengthening nails on fiberglass. If, with normal extension, the nail is cut off almost under the root, then when usingfayberglass It is necessary to leave about 1-2 mm of the length of the nail.
  • This is necessary thataboutfind to the pillow of the finger and for the purpose of laying out the material from the inside. Otherwise, you run the risk of filling the area of \u200b\u200bthe pillow with gel, and then cut it.
  • You can also perform such an extension when using not a construction gel, but an ordinary thick rubber base. It is also well aligned and will be a great option for building.Fayberglass - ideal option if you are a home user and do not want to purchasebuilder gel. Indeed, fiberglass harmful material, so it is necessary to use glasses, a mask, as well as a powerful hood. 
Fibling nail repair
Fibling nail repair

Who will be useful for fiberglass? In general, this material will be ideal for people who are developing, beginners, and home masters. It is suitable for those who have not yet learned to correctly substitute paper forms, there are some problems with the production, as well as fitting under the nail. It is much easier to work with fiberglass, so the threads continue the nail plate, its natural bend.

If you want to perform arched extensions, then after a short drying of the gel for 10-20 seconds in the lamp, you can remove the nails from it, squeeze with metal clothespins, or reverse tweezers. It is best to use clothespins to dry the material in the lamp directly with them. After that, clothespins are removed, the edge is sawn. 

Video: nail extension on fiberglass

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