Means of combating wrinkles around the eyes. How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes of the house?

Means of combating wrinkles around the eyes. How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes of the house?

The article discusses the main methods of combating wrinkles around the eyes, recipes of masks, tips and recommendations.

The main ways to combat wrinkles around the eyes

The appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, unfortunately, is inevitable. This trouble contributes to many external and internal causes, the priority factor is, of course, the aging process.

The very first wrinkles begin to appear at the age of 30-35, sometimes even earlier-from 25 years.

Wrinkles around the eyes

Stress, incorrect, irregular skin care in the periorbital zone, the use of poor -quality cosmetics, bad habits, malnutrition, frequent irradiation with ultraviolet rays, heredity - these are all factors that accelerate the formation of folds and wrinkles around the eyes.

Over time, wrinkles become deeper, lengthened, swelling and “bruises under the eyes” join. In the fight against this nuisance, the main thing is to moisturize and tighten.

The main methods of getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Cosmetic: professional tools, as well as for care at home. These are all kinds of creams, serums, lifting tools, tonics, oils
  • Hardware cosmetology, which is aimed at improving the metabolism in the skin and its tightening
  • Peelings - getting rid of the upper layers of the skin and stimulation of the production of elastin and collagen
  • Beauty injections - lipofilling, botox, contour plastic, plasmolifting, mesotherapy
  • Plastic surgery is the most radical method of getting rid of deep folds and wrinkles

Wrinkles around the eyes

Cosmetic care preparations have different composition and features.
However, all of them have some similar components:

  • powerful humidifiers
  • collagen responsible for the elasticity of the skin
  • ceramides that have a protective action
  • a complex of vitamins
  • plant extracts
  • peptides and antioxidants
  • coenzyme Q10 - stimulator of recovery processes
  • SPF filters-defenders from ultraviolet radiation

In the complex, these substances are very necessary for daily care. Their first task is prevention. That is, they slow down the development, deepening existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

In addition to these means, to combat the main enemies of female beauty, it is necessary:

  • rest, get enough sleep
  • give rest to your eyes, especially if you work at the computer, read a lot
  • care for the skin regularly and high quality
  • use good cosmetics and natural care products
  • it is necessary to take care of it correctly: do not rub the skin, washing off cosmetics; gently attaching cotton wheels moistened with makeup moistened with makeup, to remove cosmetics; apply creams with fingers pads pointily, without rubbing or stretching the skin
  • for the skin around the eyes, it is useful when you sleep on your back with a slightly raised head end, the room before bedtime must be well ventilated
  • in addition to creams and masks, cubes of ice and contrasting comresses are very useful, such procedures perfectly tighten the skin

Vitamins for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles. Aevit around the eyes from wrinkles

Vitamins themselves cannot be construction bricks for cells, so they are not able to smooth wrinkles. But these substances are very actively involved in all metabolic processes, so they can be called assistants in the development of the necessary for the beauty and smoothness of the skin of elastin and collagen. The most necessary and important vitamins for the skin are A and E.


  • The combined vitamin preparation AEVit, which includes retinol and tocopherol, is very well -deserved popularity. The drug is used both inside and externally. This drug is produced in the form of small capsules with oil contents
  • AEVit is very useful for dark circles under the eyes, goose legs, flabby eyelids, swelling under the eyes. The drug can be used both in its pure form and in combination with various ingredients in the composition of creams and masks.
  • Before you try to use AEVit externally, be sure to make a sample
    Squeeze the oil out of the capsule, apply a small amount to the inside of the forearm. After 20 minutes, rub the remaining oil and observe 2 hours behind the test area, whether itching, burning, rash, hyperemia, that is, signs of an allergic reaction, will occur. If there are no one, it is fashionable to safely use the drug

Important: vitamins do not tolerate high temperatures, so cosmetologists warn that the drug cannot be used in the compositions with heated ingredients, everything is only at room temperature.

  1. Before applying a mask with Avit, carefully cleanse the skin of the eyelids
  2. Gently drive the product with the middle fingers along the massage lines - from the inner edge to the external, apply to the upper eyelid and lower
  3. The first procedure is best limited to 5 minutes of exposure. Next time, the time that is worth leaving the mask can be added. If the reaction to the drug is good, you can bring the total mask excerpt time to 20 minutes
  4. Since the product has an oil base and a fat film is formed, it should not be washed off, but it should be removed with a dry cotton swab
  5. Apply the mask in the evening, an hour and a half before bedtime
  6. After the mask, apply your evening gel or cream to the skin

Wrinkles around the eyes

The frequency of use of a mask with Avit is determined individually. With very dried skin, you can make such masks daily, a total of 15 procedures and a mandatory break.

In order to prevent AEVit, it can be used for masks 2 or 3 times a week.

Glycerin from wrinkles around the eyes

Glycerin pharmacy has long earned popularity as a good tool for rejuvenating and moisturizing the skin. Glycerin is an enemy of “goose legs” and “bruises” under the eyes.

The main properties of glycerin:

  • moisturizing - saves the skin from peeling and excessive dryness
  • smoothing - small wrinkles are effectively smoothed
  • healing - used to treat eczema
  • protective - leather treated with glycerin, is not available for microbes, toxins, pollution

When using glycerin, you need to remember some rules:

  • be sure to check the expiration date of the drug
    Before use, it will not be superfluous to conduct a sensitivity check (on the back of the forearm or wrist)
  • keep the bubble in a cool place away from sunlight
  • shake the bottle before direct use
  • if you want to make a vitamin-glycerin mask (with vitamins A and E), oil solutions of vitamins can be added directly to the bottle to glycerin
  • you can cook masks with other components only in ceramic or glassware
  • it is advisable not to use glycerin in pure form, it is better in masks in combination with herbs and other folk remedies
  • apply masks with glycerin with a very thin layer and leave for 10, a maximum of 15 minutes
  • remove the remains of a glycerin mask with a wet swab moistened in warm milk
  • after a glycerin mask, do not apply anything better on the skin
  • make masks in the evening, before bedtime
  • recommended course: 2 times a week for a month, then a mandatory break

Wrinkles around the eyes

Recipes of masks with glycerin in the composition:

With vitamin E

Add the contents of 10 capsules of tocopherol to 30 ml glycerol (pharmacy bubble), mix well. Apply in the evening in accordance with the above recommendations.

With vitamin a

The cooking and application scheme is the same as with tocopherol

Glycerin-oil mask with chamomile and vitamin E

10 capsules of tocopherol (contents) are mixed with a glycerol bottle (30 ml), add 100 ml of chamomile decoction and 5 ml of castor and camphor oil. Apply twice a week.

Glycerin-vitamin mask with yolk

Great moisturizing agent. Mix 30 ml glycerol with oil of 10 vitamin E capsules, add 1 raw egg yolk to the mixture. The mask is not subject to storage and it must be used immediately after cooking.

Multifunctional Glycerin-Survian mask

It refreshes well, smoothes folds and wrinkles, eliminates dryness. For such a mask, cook oatmeal in milk without salt and sugar. Mix 1 tbsp. With 1 tsp Glycerin, you can add egg yolk.

Gelatin from wrinkles around the eyes

Gelatin is a unique product in its properties and composition. It is difficult to overestimate its benefits for the youth of the skin, because it is almost in its pure form by a collagen. D geician masks have excellent anti -aging, stimulating, whitening, nutritious and tightening effects.

Wrinkles around the eyes

However, it is worth making a reservation that despite the obvious benefits for the skin, cosmetologists are in no hurry to recommend the use of gelatin masks for the periorbital region. Geatin masks are tightened as they dry out, and since the skin around the eyes is extremely thin and delicate, it does not need such a tightening.

Some sources recommend using masks with gelatin for the skin around the eyes in combination with honey and mineral water or glycerin and vitamins. Each woman should decide or not, each woman should decide or not.

Ice and washing cold water from wrinkles around the eyes

Cold is a friend of beautiful skin and an enemy of facial wrinkles. What can be better tone, strengthen and stimulate the skin than ice? Especially if it is not just ice, but in combination with useful herbs. Morning washing with cold water will give you a fresh open look and fit skin.

Cosmetologists consider the cubes of frozen herbal decoctions to care for the area around the eyes.

Wrinkles around the eyes

Frozen decoctions will bring great benefits to you parsley, nogotkov, chamomile, bide, sageboth separately and in combination.

A decoction will help to relieve fatigue from the eyes horsetail of the field.

1 tbsp. Grinded grass pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, then pour on ice molds and put in the freezer. Wipe the skin around the eyes with cosmetic ice lightly along the massage lines, in the morning and evening.

Good for softening and pulling the skin around the eyes frozen cubes from a mixture of milk with water (1:1).

You can freeze the chopped plates strawberry berries And use them in the morning every other day. Such care is effectively fighting wrinkles, dark circles and edema.

Aloe masks from wrinkles around the eyes

Aloe is just a magical skin for skin due to its amazing properties. Aloe juice is perfect for both young and mature skin.

Aloe properties:

  • aloe - strong humidifier
  • has pronounced regenerative properties
  • soothing and restoration properties are good for sensitive skin
  • stimulates metabolic processes
  • protective properties

Aloe can be used for the skin around the eyes in its pure form. To do this, squeeze the juice from the cut leaves, but before that, the cut leaves should be kept in the refrigerator for at least 7 days. Apply aloe juice to the skin under the eyes of a daily for 10-14 days, then take a break for two weeks.

Wrinkles around the eyes

Aloe masks recipes

Oil mask with aloe juice

Mix the prepared aloe juice in equal parts and any of the oils - sea buckthorn, almond, olive. You can apply a mask in the morning and evening.

Moisturizing mask with aloe

Mix 100 ml of aloe juice with the same amount of milk and 1 egg yolk. A well -mixed mixture should be applied immediately after cooking. Take the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Aloe mask and honey from wrinkles

In equal parts, mix aloe juice, liquid natural honey and homemade cottage cheese. Cottage cheese can be replaced with fat cream or sour cream. Apply the mask to the skin, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Aloe mask and glycerin

It has excellent anti -aging and moisturizing properties. Mix 10 g of glycerol with 10 g of liquid honey, 10 g of aloe juice, dilute with the same amount of warm water and add a pinch of oatmeal flour. Mix all the components and put in a thick layer under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. Remove the remains with a wet swab. Make such a mask 2-3 times a week and the result will surprise you.

Massage around the eyes against wrinkles

Massage of the periorbital zone is necessary to stimulate blood circulation, lymph flow, and improve the permeability of care products.

Wrinkles around the eyes

Massage must be done after thorough skin cleansing and applying to the skin of the cream.

Perform massage with eyes closed with pillows of the middle and ring fingers. Repeat all movements 3-4 times.

  1. Stick the skin above the eyes under the tan arches from the nose to the temples, under the eyes along the upper edge of the zygomatic arc in the opposite direction - to the nose
  2. Describe the eight with one hand: from the outer corner to the inner from the bottom of the eye, through the bridge of the nose - from the inner corner to the external in the upper part of the other eye
  3. Gently press your fingers with your fingertips in the eye contour
  4. Brave lightly in bundles in the upper and lower eyelids
  5. Pull the eyelids a little from the outer edge to the temples
  6. Complete the eyelids, press (slightly) fists to them and make an effort, trying to open your eyes
  7. Press your palms on the temple area and quickly take your hands
  8. You can finish the procedure by washing with cool water and applying your usual cream under the eyes

Regularly do such a massage and existing facial wrinkles will be noticeably reduced, and the appearance of new ones will sign in time.

Wrinkles cream around the eyes

Modern cosmetology offers the widest selection of all kinds of skin creams around the eyes. It is worth learning to understand this diversity.


First, pay attention to the components of the cream. Some expensive creams consist of natural components, are absolutely harmless, but also ineffective in the fight against wrinkles.

Wrinkles around the eyes

The composition of an effective cream should include

  • Retinol - Strong antioxidant. Coenzym Q10 - Mandatory component of the cream around the eyes, especially in the summer
  • Green tea extract - Natural antioxidant
  • Hydroxide acids - exfoliate the upper epidermal layer and stimulate the formation of new cells
  • Kinetin - slows down the process of formation of wrinkles and skin pigmentation.
  • Copper peptides have a regenerative, wound healing, antioxidant effect
  • Tretinoin - A very strong component, you should not choose a cream with this substance until a certain age and without consulting a cosmetologist
  • Should be the cream from wrinkles with SPF - a solar protection factor, because solar radiation is one of the main reasons for the formation of wrinkles around the eyes


  • The value of these important marks on the cream must be known. Cosmetologists advise using good wrinkles after 25 years
  • From the age of 30 we buy Anti-Age cream, since at this age the skin begins to lose elasticity, it becomes dry
  • From the age of 35, we will safely purchase Anti-Rides funds, especially if visible wrinkles have already formed
  • Stronger creams with lifting effects can be regularly used only from the age of 45

Wrinkles around the eyes

When choosing a cream under the eyes, it is worth considering not only its cost and the manufacturer, but also your age and features of your skin. And of course not to neglect the consultation of an experienced cosmetologist.

Honey helps to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Honey masks from wrinkles around the eyes

The remarkable properties of honey are due to its richest composition. Modes are just a find for delicate skin around the eyes.

Properties of natural honey:

  • toning
  • high permeability
  • well cleanses the pores and holds moisture in skin cells
  • antioxidant properties
  • accelerates tissue regeneration
  • whitening properties
  • universality - suitable for any skin type

Important: Before using honey, be sure to check your skin for sensitivity to this product, as it can cause a strong allergic reaction.

Wrinkles around the eyes

You need to use honey regularly, only then you can count on a visible result.

Honey mask with parsley juice

Contacting and whitening

  • 1ch.L. honey
  • 2h.L. freshly squeezed parsley juice
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil

Apply the mixture to the area around the eyes, rinse in 20 minutes.

Honey mask with protein

  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • whipped protein 1 egg
  • corn flour-1-2 tsp

Put the components, apply warmly under the eyes, hold until the mixture cools down, then rinse with warm water.

Wrinkles around the eyes

Honey mask

Very good recipe for smoothing wrinkles

  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. oatmeal
  • 1 tbsp. Green tea brews

Mix the components, dilute with warm water, warm it a little. You can apply such a mask not only under the eyes, but also on the whole face.

Honey mask with banana

  • 2 tsp honey
  • 0.5 ripe banana
  • 1 tbsp. fat cream

Mix everything in a blender, add 6 drops of lemon. Apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes.

Means of combating wrinkles around the eyes: tips and reviews

The main tips for the effective fight against wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Care must be regular
  • Use homemade natural masks and compresses in combination with good means of modern cosmetology
  • Care cosmetics, as well as decorative, should be of high quality and properly selected by age
  • Avoid stress, lack of sleep, overwork - this negatively affects the skin around the eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes

Svetlana, 36 years old: For me, a miraculous remedy is ordinary ice. At first, I wiped my face with a piece of ice for tone, and then I saw that the wrinkles began to leave. Now regularly wipe the eyelids with ice, and then lubricate with olive oil. After 20 minutes I wash off and rejoice at my reflection in the mirror!
Katerina, 42 years old: I make lotions of green tea every evening for two weeks. Then I make a mask with diluted glycerin for two weeks. I see that new wrinkles are no longer formed, and goose legs have become smaller and thinner.
Marina, 30 years old: I like to smile! Well, as a result - wrinkles. I struggle with them with the help of oils, tried a lot, but I especially like sea buckthorn and castor.

Video: Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

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Comments K. article

  1. I practice seasonal masks. In the summer I make, for example, strawberries, cucumber with the addition of cream, honey or sour cream from vegetables and berries. In autumn, in winter, eggs can be sour cream or aloe with honey. In the spring, parsley in a blender, helps with wrinkles well. I also accept the Triple Omega-3 Evalarovskaya and female half-vitamins. Everyone gives less than I really have))) there are almost no wrinkles)

  2. I try to drink more water, eating balancedly. Cream Collagen Librider for the skin around the eyes helps to smooth out wrinkles

  3. I want to talk about my experience in preserving beauty and youth, in particular, getting rid of wrinkles. Recently I tried one cream, and now I will not exchange for any others. It is called hyalurin, I bought it on the official website, I have not yet seen in stores in my city. The effect is visible to the first application: the skin looks fit, smoothed, very pleasant smell and consistency. After a month of use, wrinkles were noticeably divided, this never happened to me so that you could so globally get rid of wrinkles with the help of one cream.

  4. Tell me on which site do you buy this gyalurin cream?

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