How to cause an aversion to alcohol: methods, methods, folk recipes, a list of drugs that help get rid of alcohol dependence. Prevention of alcoholism, which will not allow a person to return to alcohol use: Description

How to cause an aversion to alcohol: methods, methods, folk recipes, a list of drugs that help get rid of alcohol dependence. Prevention of alcoholism, which will not allow a person to return to alcohol use: Description

In this article, we offer methods of treating a person from alcohol dependence. Both medical and folk methods of treatment will be indicated.

In the fight against alcohol dependence, various methods are used that cause disgust to alcohol. As a rule, they are added to food or drinks. Their effect on the body is as follows - a person has unpleasant sensations after he begins to drink alcohol. Many drugs are added to food without the knowledge of a person. Aversion of alcohol occurs imperceptibly, but with a similar method of treatment it is very important to adhere to a certain dosage.

How to cause aversion to alcohol: description of the methods

An important stage in the treatment of alcohol dependence is aversion therapy. It is needed so that a person has an aversion to alcohol. The following methods help to achieve this goal:

  • Taking drugs. The means that are taken inside can cause alcohol to alcohol, sewn under the skin. Intravenous injections are also beneficial.
  • The use of healing herbs and other folk remedies. After a person begins to drink alcohol, herbs contribute to the formation of a gag reflex.
  • Impact on the human psyche. This category includes methods such as hypnosis, or visual agitation.

As medical practice shows, the most effective method of combating dependence is the use of drugs.

Salvation from alcoholism
Salvation from alcoholism
  • While the patient does not drink alcohol, these agents do not cause unpleasant sensation.
  • If alcohol penetrates the patient’s body, the components of the drug begin to enter into a chemical reaction with this substance. Acute poisoning appears, sometimes leading to dangerous problems, even death.

Therefore, drugs must be consumed only as prescribed by the doctor.

  • Folk methods have a similar effect: when the patient drinks alcohol, he has symptoms that he was poisoned. As a result of this, in a patient at a subconscious level, drinking alcohol causes associations with nausea, vomiting reflex, and therefore a person simply refuses to drink. Meet folk recipes below.
  • In order to achieve a more positive effect, it is necessary comprehensive treatment. It is complemented by hypnosis or visual agitation. The technique is used in the framework of ordinary medical treatment, unless, of course, the patient agrees.
Cause disgust
Cause disgust

Home treatment without the knowledge of the patient is a cardinal technique that is used if the patient does not recognize the problem and the persuasion of relatives does not act at all. In this case, relatives take responsibility for complications during treatment and after it.

How to cause aversion to alcohol without a person’s knowledge - drugs: List

Before using such funds, it is advisable to consult a doctor. He will be able to suggest whether treatment will be effective in a particular situation.

During treatment, take into account a large number of factors, for example, patient disease, his condition during treatment. After all, the more a person does not drink, the better for himself.

Use medicines without knowledge
Use medicines without knowledge

Medicines have an effective and rapid effect. They can reduce the craving for alcohol, but it is quite difficult to give an alcoholic without its knowledge. You can grind such a medicine into powder, then add it to the patient’s food, as indicated in the instructions. The following drugs are capable of causing an aversion to alcohol:

  • "Teturam". This medicine can block dependence. The drug is considered potent. It has preventive and healing properties, is used according to this scheme in the instructions. It has many side effects, therefore, it is prescribed by doctors very rarely.
  • "Kolme". In this drug, instead of disulfiram, cyanamide is present. The medicine is completely harmless, after it the craving for alcohol disappears. But there is one minus - the medicine is very expensive. Kolma is one of the best medicines that helps to cause aversion to alcohol.
  • "Coprinol." The drug is available in the form of drops. This is quite convenient during the use and pouring of the medicine to the patient into food and drinks. The medicine contains a mushroom dungeon that causes a reflex of disgust. The drug has a negative effect on the liver, as well as on vision and by ear. It is realized in pharmacies only in daily doses.
  • "Akamprosat". This drug is considered the most ideal option during treatment. Medicinal tablets are perfectly dissolved in liquids, and therefore they can drink the patient without his own knowledge. Manufacturers of the drug give a complete guarantee of cure. After him, a person will be freed from physical and psychological alcohol dependence. The main acting substance of the drug is calcium acetylgomotaurinate.
  • "Propel." This medicine belongs to the group of homeopathic drugs. Treatment with this product is extended much longer than with other drugs. The product contains natural components that destroy dependence on alcohol. In addition, thanks to this medicine, the negative consequences that arose from a hangover disappear.
  • "Lavital." This drug is also considered homeopathic. The drug contains healing herbs, for example, milk thistle, St. John's wort and many others.
  • Also, for these purposes, you can use inexpensive homeopathic grains Nux Vomika breeding 200, if the effect is weak, then breeding 400. They must be dissolved before use in boiled water.
Cut up with alcoholism
Cut up with alcoholism

Important: drugs that were listed above are not recommended to give the patient if he is currently drinking very much. This can cause only additional problems. Also, such drugs can not be consumed to pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, patients with diabetes and people with cardiovascular diseases.

How to cause aversion to alcohol: extraordinary ways

These methods are not scientifically substantiated, but at the same time they are considered quite effective. You can also actively use them, as the methods will accidentally push the alcoholic to the decision to quit drinking alcoholic beverages forever.

  • For 2 weeks, hang open dishes with an alcohol in a cesspool. The drink will have the same color, taste, aroma. However, such alcohol, as a rule, causes a strong nauseous reflex, and with it aversion to alcohol itself.
  • Powder made of carapace crayfish, causes a strong vomiting effect if consumed with alcoholic beverages. Finely chop the shells of crayfish, use it if possible. Mix, for example, to a snack, drinking. The patient’s body will begin to actively respond to a combination of alcohol with a snack. A similar method in the patient will develop such a reflex: alcohol will begin to associate in an alcoholic with nausea, vomiting reflex. If the patient will regularly use this tool, he will simply refuse alcohol over time.
Use non -traditional methods
Use non -traditional methods
  • Prepare the food by adding a dawn mushroom to it. During such treatment, doctors are prohibited from drinking alcohol. Strong poisoning - this is what will be the consequence of such an act. Serve the patients with a boiled and fried state until a person refuses alcohol at all.

How to cause aversion to alcohol: folk methods and recipes

It is quite difficult to call a person with a disgust for alcohol, but this is possible. We offer you some effective folk recipes that will help in this process.

St. John's wort tincture

Stock up for tincture:

  • St. John's wort - 4 tbsp.
  • Boiling water - 500 ml

Cooking process:

  • Take the grass
  • Pour it with boiling water
  • Boil the composition in a water bath for half an hour

Cool the decoction. Let the patient without his knowledge 2 times a day for 2 weeks. This tool, if regularly accepted, is able to cause an aversion to alcohol in the patient.

A decoction of oats

Prepare the following products:

  • Oats - 500 g
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Calendula - 50 g

Cooking process:

  • Rinse oats
  • Pour the cereal into the container, pour water, boil
  • Boil the composition for half an hour, add calendula
  • Insist for 12 hours, strain

Give an alcoholic 3 times before meals for 250 ml.

Bug tincture

To cook tincture, harvest in advance:

  • Blopes - 2 pcs.
  • Vodka

Cooking process:

  • Take vodka
  • Put bugs in it
  • Insist the potion for about 10 days, putting it in a dark place

Green tea

This drink is quite easy to prepare. Stock up for him:

  • Ordinary leaf green tea without any additives.

Cooking process:

  • Take tea
  • Brew it. In this case, you can add honey or dried fruits to tea
Green tea for alcoholism
Green tea for alcoholism

Let the patient drink 4 cups per day. Make him eat leaves after brewing. If you treat the patient without his knowledge, then you can add leaflets to food. The effect will come after 30 days, maybe a couple of months.

Tincture with the addition of tansy and yarrow flowers

Stock up for tincture:

  • Tansy flowers - 2 tbsp.
  • Yarrow flowers - 2 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Sugar - 600 g (1 l)
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. (1 l)

Cooking process:

  • Take cold water.
  • Add flowers.
  • Insist the product for 2 days.
  • When 2 days pass, boil the product.
  • Turn off the stove.
  • After 4 hours, boil the product again.
  • Strain the tincture.
  • Add granulated sugar, honey in the right amount.
  • Boil for 5 minutes.

Syrup give the patient for 3 weeks before meals. Then take a break. One dosage - 25 ml.

Tincture from a lover and bay leaf

For cooking, take:

  • Vodka - 0.5 l
  • Bay leaf - a few pieces
  • The root of the lover
From alcoholism
From alcoholism

Cooking process:

  • Take vodka.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients to it.
  • Insist 1 week.

Pour this tincture into alcohol that the patient drinks, but not more than 7 drops. After 2 days, the alcoholic will pass the craving for alcohol. The general course is 14 days.

Tincture on the root of hoof

Stock up with such components:

  • The roof of the hoof - 2 tsp.
  • Water - 500 ml

Cooking process:

  • Boil water.
  • Add the root, boil again.
  • Set aside the composition for 30 minutes so that it is infused.
  • Strain the decoction.

Give the alcoholic daily 1 tbsp. decoction. You can also add it into food or drinks.

Tincture from thyme

For tincture, you will need to take:

  • Tybraz - 6 tbsp.
  • Boiling water - 500 ml
From thyme
From thyme

Cooking process:

  • Take grass.
  • Pour them with boiling water.
  • Insist about 2 hours.

Having strained the decoction, add it to the drunkard 2 times a day into drinks for 1 tbsp.

Infusion on pharmacy herbs

To get a potion, stock up:

  • Timyan - 4 tbsp.
  • Golden -haired - 1 tbsp.
  • Wormwood - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  • Take the herbs.
  • Brew them with boiling water (2 tbsp.).
  • Hold the tincture for 5 hours in a warm place.
  • Strain the product.

Give the patient every day in this proportion: 4 times 2 tbsp. The full course is 3 months. If necessary, extend the course for another 1 month.

A drink for vigor

For a drink, prepare the following ingredients:

  • Water - 500 ml
  • Mineral water - 1 liter
  • Normal vinegar - 1 tsp.

Cooking process:

  • Boil water in advance, cool.
  • Mix all the ingredients.

Let the patient as necessary, but no more than 5 glasses per day.

Acorn potion

Stock up:

  • Acorns
  • Vodka
Acorns from alcoholism
Acorns from alcoholism

Cooking process:

  • Wipe the acorns, add vodka to them.
  • Dilute 10 g of potion in an alcoholic drink.
  • The course of treatment: 4 times a day.

Prevention of alcohol dependence

In order to strengthen the treatment process or remove the alcoholic from binge, you can use the following safe drugs.

  • Protren-100. This medicine does not have at all side effects.
  • "Metaco." This drug is considered an antidepressant. It is able to derive products that formed after processing alcohol.
  • "Barrier". This tool will support the patient, his physical and psychological data after he refuses alcohol. The product is produced in drops.

Video: Medicines for alcoholism

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Comments K. article

  1. Is it really really possible to arouse an aversion to alcohol in a drinking person? This question is extremely important to me, since a person close to me is drunk.

  2. Yes, really, I myself saw how my husband did not particularly draw to alcohol after the drops of the midzo, which I was quietly dripping every day. And what could I do if he drank every day without awake? And so he returned to his family, at work everything went uphill again, life improved and we did not divorce, although I already planned.

  3. I have been going to groups of anonymous alcoholics for 15 years and use the AA 12 steps in my life.

  4. Drops of Midzo dripped her husband and without useful. No reaction. Only once blushed his face and then covered with later ..

  5. Hello how to cause an aversion to alcohol so that a person does not drink

  6. The father -in -law was in a terrible binge. They caused an aversion to alcohol with drops of alkikiks. They are made on herbs. They helped us very well. Coding did not give such a result as the use of these drops.

  7. I completely agree that coding is not given any result now. My husband also took alkovik drops and now he drinks extremely rarely and only light drinks. I am very glad that they could not lose it and that they immediately learned about these droplets!

  8. Write. Please use who used the drops of alkovyx where you can buy it

  9. Where could I buy? What is the price?

  10. You know .... Once you grab a sore, so then you can’t use a drunk. The pains are simply terrible, especially in the liver. I stopped drinking in general and the health of the liver, in principle, I support hepatrine. I order it in the online store a phytomarket, so it is always available. When the liver is restored, cleaned and protected, then nothing bothers.

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