Specialty jurisprudence: who can you work? Where to go to work with a legal education?

Specialty jurisprudence: who can you work? Where to go to work with a legal education?

Each novice lawyer thinks about where you can go to work and is lost when choosing the direction of work. We will tell you where you can go to work as a lawyer.

Many future lawyers, or those who still plan to learn for this specialty, often think - where can you go to work as a lawyer? We decided to deal with this issue and tell who you can go to work and what opportunities this profession opens.

Who can a lawyer work - where to go?

So, the profession “lawyer” is considered prestigious and is always associated with a highly qualified person who has received a legal education and has an appropriate diploma. Who can he work? Let's find out.

  • Prosecutor

Such a lawyer is an important part of the court proceedings, because the indictment is assigned to his shoulders.

Often it is precisely on his diligence and professionalism that the offender will be behind bars, whether the money will return to the treasury from the corrupt official or he will take a bribe and go to warm countries.

To become a prosecutor, you can’t just graduate from the university and achieve the desired crusts. This requires experience and you need to go through all the stages of career in order to get this position.

  • Referee

This is not just one of the systems of the system, but the real ruler of destinies, because his word is decisive, but not final, because decisions can be appealed. The status of a judge is in a special way in the Russian Constitution. First of all, he guarantees inviolability and gives the right to bear the charge for criminals.

Again, in order to obtain such a position, you must first get the experience, and besides, there is a certain condition regarding age. To obtain a judge’s position, you should be 25 years old. Until that time, you can just have time to gain experience. It is also important to note that the length of service as a lawyer should be at least 5 years.

So, if you really intend to become a judge, then do not refuse to work even in the most disadvantageous places for you. Remember that this is only the beginning and everything is ahead. It is important to note that when working as a judge, one cannot join political parties, be a deputy or engage in entrepreneurship.

  • Advocate

Undoubtedly, every lawyer can become a lawyer. He is already sides to the protection of people and organizations. At the same time, he may be the prosecutor. Probably, you should not even explain who the lawyer is. You yourself saw many films and programs with their participation. It is important to note that for advocacy it is required:

  • 5 years of experience at least
  • You will have to undergo an internship at least in one year with a more experienced colleague, and only then can you work yourself
  • You will need notebooks for sure - you need to note everything important, remember the process of work, as well as how to bravage with legislation
  • We'll have to go through an obligatory exam in the Law Chamber in order to get a license and the corresponding status. You can't work without it

The lawyer is allowed to engage in creativity, science and even teaching.

  • Notary

After proper internships, passing exams and obtaining a license, such a lawyer can engage in notarial completion of documents, signatures and so on. It is important to note that the notary can be both a representative of state and private structures, or work for itself.

In fact, the notary is considered not the most interesting activity, but it is very profitable.

  • Investigator

A lawyer working in the prosecutor's office or police on investigations of various cases. Depending on the place of work, the case may vary. After the investigation and the clarification of all the circumstances of the case is completed, the investigator must make a prosecution for the prosecutor.

  • Legal adviser
Legal adviser
Legal adviser

As a rule, such people work in companies. They can be state or private. Legal advisers are responsible for checking contracts, ensure the legality of transactions, and also engage in all litigations. In addition, he monitors the legality of the actions of the leadership so that it does not supply itself, and may even represent their interests in court.

  • International lawyer

Such a profession requires knowledge of various languages \u200b\u200band should strive for ideal. He can work in embassies, consulates, as well as international organizations. In other words, there are more opportunities and therefore you can even find work in another country, though you first have to learn and gain experience.

Video: "Who to become?" Profession: Lawyer

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  1. Good article

  2. Immediately, of course, you won’t sit in the prosecutor’s chair, and it is not necessary for those who without experience, I think. In practice, I worked as an investigator - I still need to look for such a trash ... Then I decided to go to the bar. There were few acquaintances in this area, I was looking mainly on vacancies sites. Avito needed a lawyer’s assistants - and went there and went. I need to plow, but I did not count on the resort.

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