The union is like in the Russian language - in what cases a comma is placed in front of it, and in which there is no example, examples

The union is like in the Russian language - in what cases a comma is placed in front of it, and in which there is no example, examples

The analysis of the basic rules on the production of a comma in sentences with the union "How".

Unions in the Russian language are official parts of speech, with the help of which a connection between one part of the sentence with another is drawn up, as well as between separate sentences of the text and between words in one simple sentence.

Frequently used union " HOW"It is not rarely raising many questions in terms of setting in front of him a comma. To figure out in what cases it requires a comma of a comma in front of the Union " HOW", And in which not, read our article to the end.

Image 1. Rules for setting a comma in front of the Union as.
Image 1. Rules for setting a comma before the union "How".

The union "How in Russian: in what cases is a comma put?

Commas in front of the Union " HOW»Is placed in the following cases:

Case 1. Commas are placed if the union " HOW»Refers to turnover, which are close in the role of introductory words in the sentence. Introductory turns include: as luck would have it; as an exception; as specifically; usually; like now; Consequently; such as And the like.

Examples of sentences:

  • At night, as luck would have it, a thunderstorm broke out;
  • It was, as I remember now, a tall, thin man in the cylinder;
  • Thousands of warriors, as one, with a rolling cry rushed to the attack;
  • Most people, as a rule, do not change over time;
  • When we gathered on a picnic, as specially, charged a strong hail;
  • On Sundays, as a rule, parents and I go for a walk in the park;

Note: Please note that in the above examples, introductory turns with the Union " HOW»Stays up on two sides. However, if they are part of the predicate or have a close semantic connection with it, then the comma is not placed at all.

For example: the lesson will begin as usual. Last week ended as always. The first rains begin in May as a rule.

Image 2. Table when a comma is placed.
Image 2. Table when a comma is placed.

Case 2. If the Union " HOW"Is a connecting element of two parts of complex sentences.

Examples of proposals:

  • He continuously watched tons of water rushed down from the cliff;
  • They saw a lightning flashed in the sky;
  • She noticed how a high skinny figure disappeared around the corner;

Case 3. If there is a comparative turnover that begins with the Union " HOW", Then it stands out with commas.

Examples of proposals:

  • Her voice sounded like music;
  • Ahead, like lightning, a high -speed train swept;
  • In the distance, like a smoldering coal, dull light in the window squeams;
  • Below, like a mirror, a small mountain lake shone;

Note: Please note that if the proposal continues after a comparative turnover, then this turnover is released with commas on both sides.

The union "as in Russian: in what cases is the comma is not put?

Cases in which the turnover with the Union "is not isolated" HOW"There are only 5:

Case 1. If the turnover in which there is a union " HOW»Act in the role of the action. For example: a mosquito flew from a kick like a bird.
In this case, the turnover with the Union " HOW»Can be replaced by an adverb ( fright) or instead of it you can use a noun in the creation case ( he flew by the bird). The main problem is that it is not always possible to have complete confidence that it is precisely the circumstances of the image of the action, and not the circumstances of the comparison. It is in such situations that people most often make mistakes.

Examples of proposals:

  • The river was bending like a snake ( monthly/Snake);
  • At school, we studied English as an elective ( optional);
  • She jumped like a hare ( like a hare/hare);
Image 3. What are phraseological units in Russian?
Image 3. What are phraseological units in Russian?

Case 2. If the Union " HOW"Is part of the phraseology (sustainable expression). Phraseologism is considered a stable phrase of the Russian language, through and partially saturated with irony or crafty.

Examples of phraseological units:

  • I need a fifth leg as a dog;
  • It will help as a dead pink;
  • Stupid as a cork;
  • Bel like a lun;
  • Everything is like water from a goose;
  • He fell asleep as dead;
  • Wait like a manna of heaven;
  • Not to see as your ears;
  • Differs as the sky from the earth;
  • Like a shower;
  • Carry out like Sidorov a goat;
  • Gloomy as a cloud;
  • Goal like a falcon;
  • Went like execution;
  • Staggering like drunk;
  • Slept like a dead;
  • Remember the name;
  • Red as a lobster;
  • Rode like cheese in oil;
  • Have at one's fingertips;
  • Fresh as a cucumber;
  • Repeated as in delirium;

And there are still a lot of such phraseological units. However, there is not a single clear rule that would help to distinguish phraseologism from ordinary comparative turnover. Therefore, you just need to learn how to recognize them in texts on occasion. The Russian language is penetrated through phraseological units and all cannot be remembered.

Image 3. Table when a comma is not placed.
Image 4. Table when a comma is not placed.

Case 3. If the Union " HOW»There is in the turnover, which is part of the predicate and this proposal does not make a complete meaning.

Examples of proposals:

  • She holds on as a mistress;
  • The bee is known as a worker and a bribe taker;
  • He treats her as property;
  • They feel like in their native elements;
  • He behaves like crazy;
  • She takes it for granted;
  • She puts forward it as a plan;
  • He justifies it as a hypothesis;
  • They appear there as representatives;
  • It sounds like a call;

Case 4. If the Union " HOW"Is located between the predicate and subject to a complete simple sentence and could be replaced on a dash.

Examples of proposals:

  • Lake as a mirror;
  • Cloud like a feather bed;
  • Man as a closet;
  • Branches like paws;
  • Hands like a rake;
  • Autumn as gold;
  • Sport as life;

Case 5. If before a comparative turnover with the Union " HOW»There is a deny in the form of a particle NOT And such words as Completely, completely, almost, like, exactly, just, just.

Examples of proposals:

  • They do not live together as relatives;
  • His hair is twisted exactly like that of his father;
  • The magazine was not published as always;
  • She is still like a child;
  • The sun shines completely like yesterday;
  • He answered me just as I wanted;
  • It turned out just like last time;
Image 5. Complex unions with how.
Image 5. Complex unions with "how".

Additional information about the production of a comma before the union "How"

It is important to remember that the union " HOW"Can be used as a complex compound union" Like ... so ..." or " BECAUSE", As well as part of the revolution" SINCE», « From the time» « AS» « As more or less».
In such situations, a comma should be put either before " HOW", Either at the beginning of the whole complex union.

Examples of proposals:

  • She showed remarkable results both on the knowledge of office programs and in the speed of the press;
  • They finished playing, while the train was already approaching the platform;
  • Anna was engaged in ballroom dancing, while Paul trained in the gym;
  • The director touched this topic both in his film and in the interview;
  • Since we returned from the campaign, fatigue in the legs has not yet passed;
  • Cartoons like both children and older people;
  • He wanted to spend as much time as possible alone with her;
  • Oranges like both you and me;

Also, the union “how” can play the role exclusively means of expressive speech in the sentences.

Examples of proposals:

  • He tried properly;
  • We tried to stay alone as long as possible;
  • Fatigue in the legs seemed to evaporate;
  • She somehow hoped to be in time for the beginning of the concert;
  • At that moment, he was just finishing his work;

Video: Rules for setting a comma with "How"

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