Modern scenarios of weddings. Scenario for a wedding without a house with a family

Modern scenarios of weddings. Scenario for a wedding without a house with a family

An interesting article for future newlyweds. Several scripts for the wedding.

Wedding is one of the most unforgettable events for the couple. Therefore, I would like to conduct a celebration in a cheerful atmosphere with friends and relatives. Now in the fashion fashion in the European style, which are held without the participation of the toastmaster. But do not think that the celebration will consist only of a modest feast. You can take the role of the leader.

Comic original script for the anniversary of the wedding

Of course, the wedding anniversary, and especially the anniversary, should be held in the company of the closest. To make a holiday cheerful, you can arrange various contests and games.

Approximate scenario for the anniversary of the wedding

It is not necessary to tie the script for a specific date, but you can mention this. To conduct a celebration, it is advisable to choose two presenters. It is best if it is a man and a woman.

The words of the presenters:

Greetings, dear guests

Sadness all your

And get ready to have fun

To fully enjoy the wedding.

Before you forget to fill the glasses

And drink together for the newlyweds.

Competition of questions and answers

Appeal to the couple (to the culprits of the celebration):

Now you have a task

Responsible is a very test

You go to the center of the hall together

The answers to the questions successfully select.

For this competition, you need to prepare two bags with questions and answers for the groom in advance. Questions may be such a plan:

  • Dear, do you want a lot of children?
  • Will you call my parents “mom” and “dad”?
  • Will we get a dog?
  • Will you buy me a fur coat?

The bride pulls the paper from the first bag, and the groom answers from the second. The answers should be like that:

  • Only after a silver wedding
  • Turn the baby
  • If the salary allows

Thus, the groom in randomly chooses answers to questions. It turns out very original and fun.

Merry lottery

After this contest, the couple to sit in place and a short break is arranged in order to eat and drink. Be sure to shout "bitterly"! When the invited people and the husband and his wife will rest at the table a little, the second presenter asks the guests to buy a comic lottery. The price can not be called, let each of the invited give as much money as he will consider necessary.

The words of the host:

“The guests of the dear rested, drank a little, gulled

Now we ask you to come and buy a lottery. ”

A basket with pieces of paper is prepared in advance. Each of the guests should pull out a bundle and read aloud what is written inside. For example:

  • Do not be sad, crunch. We hand you a cracker (a pack of crackers is awarded)
  • This thing may come in handy. You will have to dare a sutra (a bottle of beer or low -alcohol drink is awarded)
  • The gift is our fence and the pencil is called (I hand the guest to the pencils)
  • You will say thanks soon, and the gift is the best book (the guest is handed a magazine with crosswords)
  • A stormy fun is now undergoing. And our present will save you tomorrow from a hangover (handed aspirin)

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to give the guests a little relax from the competitions. The invited and the culprits of the celebrations drink and eat.

After a small break, gifts are awarded to the culprits of the celebration. It is necessary to do this jokingly. It is worth agreeing with one of the guests in advance. The presenters must prepare a large box with bat bottles. The box is beautifully packaged. One of the guests gives a gift to the newlyweds and says that this service is insanely expensive, and he chose it for a long time. When handing over, the guest drops the box with a “gift” on the floor. Everyone hears the sound of broken glass. After that, the guest announces that this is a rally and gives a couple of his real gift.

Bride kidnapping competition

During the dance, it is necessary to quietly take the bride from the hall. After that, the presenter says that the bride has disappeared, and in order to buy it you need to dance striptease to the groom. After the groom’s dance, one of the invited men, dressed in the bride’s dress, comes out and sits on the knees of the groom. The guest says that he will return the bride if the groom gives him a bottle of Hyensy. At the same time, you do not have to buy this elite drink. On a bottle of cognac, you can stick a Hyensy label drawn on a quick hand. After ransom, the couple dances the last dance by candlelight. Guests eat a cake and diverge.

Wedding banquet script

Increasingly, the newlyweds are trying to save on the behavior of the wedding. Most young people prefer to go to relax abroad than to spend a lot of money on chic banquets. But this does not mean that the holiday will be boring. You can prepare interesting contests and scenarios of the celebration in advance.

Necessarily during the wedding celebration you need:

  • Thank parents
  • Congratulate the newlyweds
  • Arrange the abduction of the bride
  • Thank the guests
  • Cheer the invited using contests and lotteries

Funny contests for a wedding

They can be announced by one of the guests. It is best if it is a close friend of the bride or friend.

  • Competition "attraction". To conduct the competition, you need to pack objects in large boxes in advance. At the same time, you should not say that it is packed. It is necessary to describe the subject in a comic form. For example: milk storage container (bra), eggs (family underpants), washing machine (grout), sewing machine (needle and thread). Guests should bargain after the declaration of the lot. The initial price can be 5-10 rubles. Money is folded in a bag for newlyweds. After the acquisition of lots, guests are asked to unpack prizes
  • The competition "Casanova". It is necessary among guests to choose several funny men. Music is turned on and for a certain period of time a man should collect more kisses. The calculation is carried out by the number of prints from lipstick on the face of a man. Women should not give up immediately, the participant won a kiss
  • Competition of questions for guests. This is a traditional and cheerful competition. It is necessary to prepare in advance leaflets with questions and answers. They are folded in different boxes. Questions should be the following plan: do you like alcohol? Have you ever danced a striptease? Do you hide your additional income from your partner? Do you have ties on the side? The answers can be like that: knowing me you can not ask, I enjoy it, only at night in bed, it’s a shame to confess to everyone. Usually this competition is accompanied by laughter

Modern wedding script for a wedding with unusual and fun contests

This scenario is ideal for young guests. All contests are funny and mobile:

  • Portrait. For this competition, several participants choose. Each contestant is distributed to sheets and pencils. Everyone should draw one of the invited. On the back, in small letters you need to write who is depicted on the portrait. Then these drawings are given to guests and they must guess who is drawn on the portrait. Whose drawing will gain the most correct answers, then the winner. Portraits are given to the one who is depicted on it
  • Who was born? For this fun competition, several couples are selected. Women become opposite their men. The host gives women information about the born baby. On the sheets you can write: a Chinese with cunning eyes was born, a baby’s baby who yells all the time. At the same time, a woman should show her partner with gestures what is written on a leaflet. The men who most correctly solve the encrypted information wins
  • Competition "Drunkard". This competition was built on the principle of the children's game "Excess". For this, 5-6 participants are selected. One glass is placed on the table less than the contestants. Music is turned on, and participants walk around the table. As soon as the presenter claps his hands or the music stops, you need to grab a glass and devastate it. Who did not get a drink, he retires
  • Competition "Baby". To do this, several men who love beer are invited to the stage. A nipple is put on each bottle. Which of the participants will quickly devastate the capacity, he won

Script for a small wedding party with friends

It is desirable that the roles of the leading are taken. If they are advanced years, then you can have a celebration to be held by friends and friends of the newlyweds. Before the arrival of the newlyweds, the presenters offer guests snacks and champagne in the lobby of the restaurant.

After the arrival of the spouses, romantic music turns on, and the children sprinkle a couple of rose petals. One of the presenters offers to say goodbye to the bride with a girlish name. For this, the girl is awarded an armful of balls filled with helium and a marker. The bride should write her girlish name on each of the balls and release them into the sky.

Further, everyone is invited to the table. It is necessary to ask all men to pick up a bottle of champagne and at the same time open them, you will get a real fireworks.

  • Competitions for the bride and groom. These are a kind of trials for the newlyweds. It is necessary to put several men in the center of the hall. The bride is blindfolded. She should with the help of hands feel the ears of each of the candidates and determine where her husband is. The groom will not be bored either. His eyes blindfold him. Several girls sit on chairs and expose their legs. The groom must feel his feet to determine where his beloved
  • Competition for guests. It is necessary to choose several active pairs in the hall. Men sit on chairs, and a paper napkin is placed on their knees. Women kneel for their partners. Music is turned on and participants should grind the napkins with their buttocks and legs
  • Competition for invited "clothespins". A traditional and very cheerful competition. Several pairs are selected. Men are given tin empty cans on ropes and clothespins. Participants are blindfolded by their eyes. They must pin the jewelry on their chosen ones. Then you can ask them to remove jewelry without the help of hands with open eyes. This competition brings people together if they are not married
  • Dance competition. The couples are given balloons, incendiary music is turned on. Partners should burst the ball in the dance, squeezing it with buttocks or chest

The wedding ends with the rite of removing the veil. To do this, romantic music turns on, the groom removes the veil from the bride and dances with her the first family dance. Further, the newlyweds thank the guests for the fact that they congratulated them. The spouses cut a wedding cake and give out guests. At the end of the evening, everyone enjoys a wedding salute.

Wedding evening scenario with contests for toastmaster. Wedding celebration script for the toastmaster

Usually the script for the wedding with the toastmaster is divided into two parts: introductory and table. At the very beginning, after the arrival of the newlyweds, they are sprinkled with wheat grains and rose petals.

Further, the guests and spouses sit in their places. Tamada offers the groom and the bride to write five animals on leaves. Now the presenter asks the following questions:

  • Affectionate as
  • Beautiful as
  • Caring as
  • Smart as

After each sentence, she pulls out a leaflet with an animal that the groom wrote. In the same way, a competition with the answers of the bride is held. Laughter spreads the hall.

The vote for the gender of the baby, who will be born in pairs, is considered traditional. For a cheerful game, Tamada takes out two little men, one blue and the second pink. Each of the guests should put some money in the chosen man.

Accordingly, if one of the invited wants to vote for a girl, he must live money in pink clothes. The floor that will collect the most money will win.

Tamada can prepare a bottle of champagne in advance with a photograph of a couple of the bride and groom.

IMPORTANT! Lovers will have to open a bottle exactly in a year.

  • Competition "What is in a glass." A fun competition for all guests. To conduct it, 100 g of vodka is poured into the glass. It is necessary to lower the straw into each container. Tamada announces that in all glasses, except for one water. Guests need to determine the grimaces of participants in which glass of vodka. At the end of the competition, the presenter admits that in all glasses vodka
  • Nodes. A cheerful competition that will be funny over the participants. Tamada invites several people of different sexes and age to participate. Each is distributed a rope with a length of 1 m. It is necessary to tie the maximum nodules for each of the participants. After everyone can do it, the toamada announces that the winner will be the one who will be the first to untie all the nodules
  • A fun contest for men. Tamada invites several men who underwent military service in the army. They are given neatly folded T -shirts and offered to quickly put on. After that, the participants are blindfolded and family cowards are handed out. Men will try to put on panties, thinking that this is T -shirts

Original wedding scenarios with house contests

If the wedding is celebrated at home, then most often among the invited the closest people and friends. Everyone has long been tired of the usual noisy feasts. It is worth responsibly to organize the celebration and think through every little thing.

Mandatory part of any wedding:

  • Meeting of the newlyweds
  • The first dance of the newly -made spouses
  • Congratulations and toasts
  • Contests, games and competitions
  • Giving gifts
  • Dancing and disco
  • Farewell to girlish and bachelor life
  • Eating a festive cake

So that the wedding does not seem boring, it is necessary to dilute the traditional part with fun games and contests. At the same time, you need to try so that the guests do not get bored and do not have time to get drunk. To do this, after 1-2 of the drunk glasses, some kind of competition is arranged.

Home wedding contests

  • Cabbage rolls. A comic competition, to participate in which a man is invited. His eyes are blindfolded and announced that a woman with a sweet candy in her mouth lies on the couch. He must find the candy and eat it without the help of hands. But a man without sweets lies on the sofa, while playing the music "Blue Moon"
  • Appetite. For the competition, couples are invited, they blindfold them and change places. Participants need to eat a banana, a different participant bites from each edge. Thus, the contestants will meet their lips. Fun if the participants will be the same sex
  • Pregnant wife. A fun contest for men. It is necessary to glue the balloon at abdomen with tape. A box of matches falls out on the floor, and the participants should collect everything and not burst the ball

Wedding evening scenario in a narrow circle

The script depends on where the celebration is held, at home or in a cafe. In the restaurant, you can arrange mobile competitions that require a lot of space. At home, they mainly choose games and competitions at the table or near it. You can even arrange quizzes at the beginning of the celebration so far all guests are sober.

  • Striptease. With the help of chairs, a circle is made. 10 participants are selected, they take the same amount of chairs. Music is turned on and the participants should put any thing on a chair after it. The number of things taken depends on how close the contestants are. Further, the music turns on again and the participants are already putting on a thing from the chair that stopped
  • Fashion boutique. For the competition, you need to take a large bag and put funny clothes in it. It can be panties of 58 sizes or bra 10 size. Each contestant takes an object from the bag and puts it on. You need to take off your outfit for 30 minutes
  • Kamikaze. A fun contest to improve mood. A glass is placed on the table, each sitting should pour a slightly strong drink into the container and convey further. Who will have a complete glass, should drink it

Scenario of the Russian Wedding Rite. Costumes for Russian weddings

A few centuries ago, our ancestors observed all the subtleties of Russian rites. Now many are striving to organize a European, sea wedding. But still, some newlyweds want to observe traditions.

The main stages of the Russian wedding ceremony:

  • Matchmaking
  • Collusion
  • hen-party
  • Wedding
  • The wedding night
  • Wedding feast

It is on the wedding day that the celebration begins with putting the bride in order. A friend helps her to dress. At the same time, the groom is at home and should not see his beloved. Further, the man comes for his lady. Relatives of the bride ask for a ransom. After that, the newlyweds go to get married to church (to the registry office).

The meeting of newlyweds with their wheat was considered traditional in Russia, but now many couples are abandoning this tradition. The newlyweds choose rose petals or soap bubbles. Be sure to meet young people with a loaf and salt. There is a belief who will bite more, he will be the head of the family.

Previously, after the arrival of the young, their parents made a fireplace, this was considered a sign of a family hearth. Now this tradition was replaced by sparkling candles at the end of the evening.

Costumes for Russian weddings

Clothing for the wedding of the bride is quite complicated and diverse. In Russia, a shirt with embroidered ornaments was originally worn. A sundress on wide straps was put on top of it. A similar outfit was decorated with a festive apron and a beautiful belt.

There was always a kokoshnik on the bride’s head - a hat with an open nape. It was believed that the girl herself should embroider the ornament on the shirt, but now you can purchase clothes with machine embroidery.

The groom put on a shirt with a long sleeve and trousers. At the same time, all ornaments should have been made of the same threads as the bride’s outfit.

A wedding is a day that will be remembered for a lifetime. So that you recall this celebration with warmth and trepidation, make maximum efforts to its organization.

Video: Wedding Script

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you, great article! I took a lot of contests for myself))

  2. Tamada is often necessary at a wedding. But not necessary. You can spend a wonderful holiday without it.

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