Modern methods of treating alcoholism. The first narcological assistance.

Modern methods of treating alcoholism. The first narcological assistance.

Currently, alcoholism is officially recognized by doctors with a disease that changes the physical and mental state of the alcoholic. The problems of this disease are most often solved by narcologists and psychologists. The former are engaged in the elimination of alcohol from the body, the "cleaning" of internal organs, and the restoration of physical health. The latter affect the psyche of an alcoholic, taking his consciousness to another, healthy level. Methods of treatment of chronic alcoholism are diverse, but there is a certain order due to the disease itself.

Standard treatment for alcoholism

It is generally accepted to believe that first of all, a visit to an narcologist is needed, a drug intervention in order to withdraw alcohol from the body of a sick person. But the first narcological care itself, these procedures do not cure, they only “clean” the body. Since the causes of alcoholism lie much deeper, are associated with a change in the psyche, immediately after cleansing the body, the stage of working with a psychologist should follow.

Treatment of alcoholism

The first step is the relief or elimination of a hangover state.

The body of an alcoholic, accustomed to the constant "intake" of alcohol, with a sharp cessation of such injections, is shocked, the so -called withdrawal syndrome.

And at the moment, the help of doctors is necessary to stop the withdrawal. This stage is carried out most often in a specialized narcological hospital by narcologists.

Some try to “dig” at home, which is undesirable for various reasons: there is no control by doctors, and isolation from alcohol is not guaranteed. Cases of death of alcoholism at home have been recorded.


After eliminating toxic substances from the body, the next stage of treatment begins.

Since various internal organs are affected by the alcoholic, attention is paid to restoration of health.

Among the medicines used to treat addictions, tranquilizers, antidepressants, as well as drugs that reduce the duration of the state of euphoria as a consequence of intoxication.
Prescribes drugs and controls their intake and exposure to the attending physician.

Simultaneously with drug methods, treatment of the patient's nervous system should be treated. The stage is long, can drag on for months, for years and be accompanied by breakdowns.

The main goal is to form an internal negative attitude towards alcohol.

Methods for the treatment of alcoholism

One of the methods is coding.

Coding simple from alcohol dependence

Efficiency is confirmed by many years of observation, but statistics show that there is a high probability of disruption, a return to alcohol use.

Experienced psychotherapists should provide such assistance taking into account the psyche of a particular person. In essence, coding is an anti -alcohol suggestion, the impact on the human psyche. That's why this method helps more often well -inspired people.

At the same time, a certain “code” (hence the name of the method) is introduced into the treatment of “alcoholism” in the subconscious, which forms psychological indifference to alcohol and simultaneously fixes the “drink” in the brain under the threat of undesirable consequences and possible fatal outcome.

Female algogolism

Neurophysiological coding on alcohol dependence

Another coding method is based on the effects of electromagnetic impulses on the patient's biologically active points. At the same time, individual “nerve centers” associated with the craving for alcohol are selectively blocked for several sessions. The consequences can be migraines, nausea and vomiting, which gives rise to aversion to alcohol.

Effect on the brain

Electroststerekoding on alcohol dependence

A deeper intervention in the body of an alcoholic occurs with neurophysiological coding. It should be applied with particular caution under the supervision of specialists.

The method can cause a failure in the work of the heart, lungs, and other internal organs even with one -time alcohol consumption.

Hypnosis for the treatment of alcoholism

This technique of treatment for alcoholism is used by doctors sometimes in group treatment. Having previously familiarized patients with the essence of hypnosis, the doctor immerses them in hypnotic sleep in standard ways. And then in a state of sleep during a hypnosis session, aversion to alcohol is inspired by the patients.

The formed attitude is unstable, so hypnosis requires repeated repetition.


Injections in the treatment of alcohol dependence

The ban on taking alcohol can be caused by the input of drugs. For example, on the basis of tetraethyltiuramdisulfide, it does not have a negative effect on the body, but after drinking alcohol can provoke disorders, even before death.

After the injection, the drug is checked by its effectiveness by taking a small dose of alcohol.

The reaction of the body demonstrates the patient's effect of the drug when trying to drink. The method requires the administration of drugs additionally, since it is gradually excreted from the body from the body and its effect weakens.


Sewing under the skin of a "long -playing" drug for the treatment of alcoholism

Another method of introducing the medicine to the body is associated with implantation to a patient with capsules (tablets) such as Esperal, or disulfira, or torpedo. This so -called “losing” is an operation, carried out with pain relief.

The effect persists for a rather long period and depends on the number of sewn tablets.

Methods prohibiting the use of alcohol using drugs - "torpedo", Esperal, etc. The main condition is that the recovery should be in sobriety up to the last injection, “binder”. After injection, the patient has a clear understanding that while the medicine acts, you can’t drink a drop. However, after the treatment and duration of the implanted medicine, breakdowns often occur.



Acupuncture programming

Often, with hypnosis and coding, they confuse the method developed by Semenov S.P., a psychotherapist, back in 1979.

This acupuncture programming is one of the most progressive means of getting rid of alcohol dependence.

It does not have side effects, however, to make the impact effective, the use of alcohol should be completely eliminated before the session.

Treatment in rehabilitation centers and groups of "anonymous alcoholics"

In Russia (much earlier in America), rehabilitation centers for Alco and drug addicts are actively developing. Most often, these are religiously directed organizations, but the degree of religious involvement in different centers is different. In them, drug methods are much less than a lesser degree, but the psychological effect is very actively expressed.

Group classes give a long positive effect.

The rehabilitation in centers (up to a year or more) receive the skill to resist their own desires and craving for alcohol. If social adaptation is also organized after the rehabilitation center, the recovery effect is even more pronounced. After the course of treatment, the recovery needs social rehabilitation.


Group treatment in centers

Treatment gives the results if a person is aware of the fact of his own illness, accepts it without trying to assure himself and others that he will “tie” it on his own. The first step towards recovery is a person recognition of his own powerlessness before the disease.

Female alcoholism

It is believed that female alcoholism is much more difficult to cure than male. Although it is addicted to alcohol, as statistics show, a woman can be much faster. Characteristic for women alcoholic are binges.

The difference between female alcoholism is that even close people can not suspect about alcohol addiction of women for a long time. As a result - a belated treatment to doctors and the low effectiveness of treatment.

The methods of treating female alcoholism are not much different from how men treat men. These are drugs, and all kinds of coding, etc.

Female alcoholism

Self -medication at home

The folk remedies used can be divided into three categories:

  • do not allow you to get intoxicated;
  • reduce the effects of alcohol after a feast;
  • help get rid of alcoholism as a whole.

Preliminary measures

The treatment of alcoholism independently helps to reduce the effects of alcohol. To do this, prepare in advance for the upcoming feast.

Before the feast:

  • you should drink strong tea with mint, or coffee with a slice of lemon, repeated after taking alcohol;
  • eat cabbage seeds (white), about a spoon;
  • chew a bitter almond of pieces of five nuclei.


Tea and coffee with lemon

The removal of the body from a state of intoxication. Recipes

  • After a feast, adding, for example, to a glass of water 20 drops of mint tincture, drink it: a headache passes. Or a couple of drops of ammonia, the effect is the same.
  • It is recommended to greatly grind the ears of the intoxicated: a strong blood flow to the head will “return” consciousness to normal.
  • Widespread methods that cause a gag reflex. It can be hot coffee with salt or other saline solutions.

Salt solution

  • The sobering occurs if you drink strong tea, coffee with the addition of several spoons of honey. You can use alcohol tincture of mint by adding 20 drops to about a glass of water.

Formation of disgust for alcohol: folk recipes

Make an alcoholic breathe smoke from burned birch firewood, preliminary in front of a bonfire sprinkled with sugar. It is believed that after that you will not even want to look at vodka.

A sharp disgust for alcohol can cause a gray mushroom gray, as the people believe. Mushrooms need to be fry or cook soup with them and feed the drinking person, preferably in sober condition. When intoxicated, the reaction of the body will follow, as poisoning: severe nausea and urge to vomit.

In the summer, collect several forest bugs and put them in vodka. Let it brew and then drink this vodka of an alcoholic, not talking about the infusion. Rumor claims that in this way you can cause a steady aversion to alcohol.

Infusion with forest bugs

You need to eat 6 teaspoons of sweet honey in three stages with an interval of 20 minutes. Repeat after a couple of hours. Let get enough sleep. The next day, repeat the procedure in the morning before breakfast. For dessert - 4 tablespoons of honey. The hangover is removed. Contressing - diabetes.

You can reduce the attraction to drink with red burning pepper. Make tincture in a half liter of alcohol or vodka (2 weeks). Then add 2-3 drops of pepper to each liter of vodka.

Hot pepper

The infusion of thyme (creeping thyme) is used several times a day on a tablespoon. Prepare an infusion, bay with boiling water (glass) of three tablespoons of grass. The drink causes an attack of nausea and vomiting.


Prolonged treatment for alcoholism with folk remedies

To loved ones, you can try to fall off the alcoholic from alcohol with the help of herbs.

Up to three months is required for the treatment of a nine. The infusion is prepared every day: 2 tablespoons of nine are left in a half -liter of boiling water for half an hour. The filtered solution is taken before meals. Every month take a break for two weeks.

Use the roof of the hoof: the spoonful of the root of the root first boil for 10 minutes on a non -fire fire (take the glass), then let it brew for 30 minutes. The filtered decoction is used, by a tablespoon, adding to a glass of vodka, no more, and give a drink without warning. The medicine provokes vomiting, nausea, aversion to alcohol. However, the plant is poisonous, you should be used carefully.

Treatment with decoctions and infusions

Treatment of alcoholism: tips and reviews

There is dependence on alcohol, both physical and mental. Therefore, it is logical that treatment is carried out in different directions and using various means. According to the reviews of the difficult path of liberation from alcoholism, with the joint efforts of the alcoholic himself and his inner circle, there is hope to learn how to suppress dependence and live without alcohol.

Video: We treat from drunkenness without the knowledge of the patient

Video: Alcoholism - new treatment methods







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  1. My husband began to drink hard, I don't even know what to do? ((((

  2. Marina, how to do what. Persuad the spouse to go to the doctor. If you are afraid of publicity, go to a private specialist, then they will not be registered, and the treatment will be prescribed. For example, my doctor prescribed a drop of a drop of Midzo, even painted an individual reception scheme. The spouse does not miss a single trick. So he completely tied with alcohol and said that now he would catch up those years that he drank binges.

  3. The husband seems to be serious problems. I don't know what to do, you can’t live already, but it’s a pity to throw it

  4. Oh, I myself had problems with alcohol, until I myself realized that this was the problem of talking with me was useless. I read on the Internet that midzo drops help in this, decided to add from the water to her water and they have no smell. And gradually the desire to drink alcohol disappeared.

  5. Without a led patient, as it turned out, it was possible to cure a person. My brother has a drunken alcoholic, after I divorced my wife. And no persuasion that it should not be abandoned. Until drops of sobriety of Mizzo met my way, they can be given addicted without asking him, just dripping them daily in food, which I did. A persistent aversion to alcohol did not immediately appear, probably after a monthly reception of drops of midzo. But there is a result, the brother does not drink as 5.5 months.

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