Compatibility in numerology by date of birth. Namerology compatibility

Compatibility in numerology by date of birth. Namerology compatibility

Did you know that in the ancient civilizations of China, Egypt and Babylonia there were its unique numerological systems?

The sages of those times knew that not only physical forces, but also intangible by human being. The numbers are able to accurately characterize the personality and even indicate compatibility.

Numerology of compatibility of men and women

So, in order to find out in what vein your attitude is predetermined with a partner, write your own and his date of birth in one line. Fold them, and then subtract 22 from the resulting number.

Important: if when calculating is a number that is more than 22, read the indicated figure again.

1 - Relations are under the creative beginning.They are interesting, full of inspiration. Of course, a lot at the same time depends on the mood, but much can be changed with ease. What can be attributed to more significant disadvantages is that one of the partners will want to take on the role of a clear leader. The only advice in this case is to try not to conflict and learn to make concessions

Compatibility is possible if partners easily change anything
Compatibility is possible if partners easily change anything
  • 2 - the most favorable relationship.Partners understand each other from the half -nights. Both have a well -developed imagination, both interesting personalities. The so -called kinship of souls arises between them
  • 3 - Many would call these relations ideal.They ultimately lead to marriage, children. As for finance, then the forecasts are also good. However, all this is possible if the mother does not intervene in the relationship - the feminine will be very strong
  • 4 - but in this union a dominant role belongs to a manthat promises a lot of passion, strong emotional manifestations. What is destructive is gossip and jealousy. You should not even try to keep a partner "on a short leash"
  • 5 - that union that can be rightly called fateful. And who will act as a guiding star - the question is open. Differences in views and even social differences can be observed, but wisdom will smooth out all the sharp corners
  • 6 - This union is considered the most favorable of all possible. It has love, understanding, and respect. Complete harmony contributes to the creation of the strongest marriages. At first it may seem that it is not easy to understand the partner, but this feeling passes over time
Compatibility is possible in the future, although at first it is given with difficulty
Compatibility is possible in the future, although at first it is given with difficulty
  • 7 - Here you can choose one word - mobility. Mobility in the form of travel, dating, changes in all kinds. But also under mobility is also inconstancy - treason, unfortunately, in this case is not rare. Therefore, do not rush to make important decisions
  • 8 - relationships that can be called karmic,once upon a time, the partners owed each other a lot, which found a manifestation in this life. Now they must work on relationships, on themselves. However, what should not be done is to correct another person

Important: the connection of such people with each other is difficult to break, so you can not even try to get away from problems in this way.

  • 9 - Union of loneliness - partners are very uncomfortable with each other, they do not feel enough connection. Not enough attention, feelings, comfort. Sooner or later, these people will disperse. Most likely, the reason will lie in unrequited love from someone else's side
  • 10 - the case when a partner is a rescue circle. Even if finances play an important role, all the same, everything will end well, the relationship will bring one benefit. Happiness, success is what awaits lucky
This compatibility is akin to a rescue circle
This compatibility is akin to a rescue circle
  • 11 - compatibility in the intimate sphere of these people is excellent. However, perhaps the advantages end there, because both people seek to dominate, not particularly striving for compromises. The intervention of outsiders is also fraught, cheating is possible
  • 12 - another relationship considered karmic. They will never be forgotten, accompanied by misunderstandings, resentment, victims. People are ready to go for a lot, but at the same time they often find out the relationship. In a word, the difficulties will be constant companions
  • 13 - Partners are completely incompatible at the energy level. No matter how one of them sought to keep the union, it will fall apart-this is only a matter of time

Important: these relationships can be called dangerous, so it is better to stop them as early as possible.

  • 14 is a very good option for living together. Calm, understanding, stability, common goals. Such a combination is a harbinger of stable relations
  • 15 - can be characterized in one word - guard! Blackmail, manipulating, severe dependence, especially sexually. Perversions are not excluded. The connection will not bring anything good
The compatibility is terrible and fraught
The compatibility is terrible and fraught
  • 16 - complete instability, including quarrels, clarification of relations. Sooner or later, this will all lead to a divorce. Absolutely devastating relations. The consequences are especially catastrophic if outsiders interfere in disassembly
  • 17 - not partnership, but an addition to each other in all respects. The real “second half”, which she loves to describe in books and show in films. Joint life, creativity - harbingers of a great future
  • 18 - Relations based on the illusion. It seems that people do not fully understand who they came together with. This is fraught with fraud, mutual insults, treason

Important: you need to soberly look at such a relationship.

  • 19 - great love, happy children, understanding, support, harmony - That's what awaits people according to this result. It is definitely worth making a serious relationship
  • 20 is a good example of how love is smoothly formed from friendship. At first it may seem that it is difficult to get to a partner that he is not always clear. However, a little patience - and now the problems are receding, and devotion and sympathy are ahead
  • 21 - energetically, these people are just a find for each other. The intentions are originally serious, since the partners are calm, comfortable and well together, they tend to show care and participation
  • 22 - complex relationships that are characterized by the phrase "like on a volcano." A partner is an extremely independent, explosive and wayward person, longing for freedom. This alignment can lead to a divorce, unless the efforts are made to understand each other
The compatibility is bad if you do not take care of yourself
The compatibility is bad if you do not take care of yourself

Numerology: Calculation of compatibility by name and surname

To calculate compatibility by name and surname, you only need to stock up on a pen and paper. Write the last name, name, patronymic. Try to have each letter in a separate cage.

Important: it is necessary to ensure that the first letter of the name of the man is located under the first letter of the female name. The same applies to the surname, patronymic.

Now you need to look at the result. The names are well compatible when:

  • The letters in the row vertically coincide according to the “Agreement-Lasy” scheme
  • Vertical letters are identical
  • The number of letters is the same in names, surnames or patronymics. If the difference is one icon, then it's okay
  • Names, surnames or patronymics begin the same with vowel or with consonants
  • In the name, surname or patronymic of a man there is a letter that is often found in a woman

It's believed that:

  • The main one will be the one who has more letters in the name, patronymic and surname
  • Equality belongs to those who have the number of letters approximately the same
  • If there are few letters in the name, a person will not have a great influence in a pair
Compatibility by name and surname can be calculated by considering all the letters
Compatibility by name and surname can be calculated by considering all the letters

Compatibility table by name and surname in numerology

In general, there is an opinion that it is better to make calculations only by name, since it does not change and carries personal characteristics. What can not be said about patronymic, surnames that hide additional characteristics. In addition, the surname of women may change after marriage.

So, in order to determine compatibility by name, you need to substitute the numbers from the letters instead next table, then smoking them:

1 - a, and, y, s, b
2 - b, g, k, l, r, w, i
3 - g, s, c.
4 - d, m, t
5 - e, n, x
6 - in, y, e
7 - h, o, h, y
8 - p, f
9 - sch

Important: if the number in the end turned out to be two -digit, add up to each other its components. For example, out of 13 it turns out 4 (1+3).

Important. compatibility is provided from childhood and laid down in the name
Compatibility is provided from childhood and laid down in the name

Now we look at the result each of the partners individually:

  • 1 - this figure is compatible with anyHowever, in the understanding of the satellite, such a person needs especially sharply. He just needs a partner to support in all endeavors. Warmth, comfort, a feeling of reliable shoulder nearby and protection - this is extremely important for units
  • 2 - compatible from 1, 3, 6, 8. Heat, stability and comfort are also appreciated, but sharp changes are not welcome. The constant struggle against life is clearly not for doubles, it is important for someone to trust someone and lean on someone. But in terms of friendship, anyone is suitable for such people, because they will certainly have everyone who surrounds
  • 3 - 1, 3, 6, 9 are recommended for them. 5 is possible if it is mature. Troika is unlikely to get along with the conservatives, because they are used to going against the system, challenging society. True, this is amazingly combined in them with naivety. In general, the triples attract others with positive, but few are able to stay nearby with them
  • 4 - combined with 1, 2, 6, 8. Four tend to think in a negative way, but at the same time they desperately need positively from the side. However, the partner should stock up on a fair amount of patience, since it will not be immediately possible to amuse these pessimists
Compatibility by name is an ancient key to finding an ideal partner
Compatibility by name is an ancient key to finding an ideal partner
  • 5 - you should pay attention to 3, 7, 9. Five are distinguished by wisdom, love of independence. They are ready to look for a partner for a long time and purposefully, because he is obliged to understand them, as well as bring diversity to life. But even numbers may seem too boring
  • 6 - you need to pay attention to 1, 3, 4, 6, 9. Sixes are real aesthetes. Beauty in all life manifestations is the most important thing for them. They need admiration, but at the same time they themselves want to admire the partner. This will be especially possible with the same six
  • 7 - fit 1, 3, 9. Fighters for something-be it love, freedom, science. Various, contradictory, talented seven are sometimes incomprehensible to society. They are able to feel strikingly what is right and what is erroneous. Need support and someone who can be trusted
  • 8 - they need 1, 2, 8. They value above all the responsibility, willingness to help, reliability, care. Life makes us make such requirements, because it does not indulge in eights. These people are secretive, not inclined to forgive, picky
    Important: you can conquer such people if you just help them, and not give a hundred tips.
  • 9 - you need to pay attention to 3, 7, 8. Nine cannot stand a passive environment because of their own amazing activity. The type of people who will help not only in a word, but also with deed. However, the same expects from others
Compatibility by name will not wait, but to select a partner purposefully
Compatibility by name will not wait, but to select a partner purposefully

Numerology: Calculation of compatibility by date of birth

You can separately calculate the characteristic by the date of birth of a man and a woman, and then look into an interpretation and draw a conclusion about how people are suitable for each other.

To do this, you only need to write down the number, month, year of birth in one line and add each separate dial. If a two -digit number turns out, fold the numbers separately again until it is unequivocal.

So, number 1:

  • Woman - She is independent, strong, able to take control of the situation. However, at the same time, men who are too clearly allowed to command, do not like. Its waywards can cause a lot of headache to the stronger sex, but some of them even like such a tickling of nerves. At the same time, such a woman needs care from time to time
  • The male - It has independence, assertiveness, irrepressible energy. In a word, just the type that many ladies like. He will do everything for a loved one, deserves trust, is a real stone wall. Of the minuses - often ignores the requirements of a partner, and also during love, they completely ignore common sense
Numerology by date of birth can indicate both pros and cons of
Numerology by date of birth can indicate both pros and cons of

Number 2:

  • Woman - Extremely charming, sociable. But trust can only be imbued with the person who has long known. It does not tolerate conflicts, assertiveness. In principle, the nature is contradictory - superficial and deep, constant and windy
  • The male - Sociable, trusting, direct, appreciates beauty and inclined to amorous. He needs the woman who will inspire, always be near, support. Such a man will be devoted, but for those who appreciate the unpredictability of women, he does not fit

Number 3:

  • Woman - conquers activities and reasoning. Also charming, independent, it is hardly possible to get bored with her - this conquers men. This lady full of desires and plans for the future is obliged to feel free, otherwise there can be no question of any relationship

Important: with this woman you need to behave very carefully, since she is inclined to get tired of too deep relationships, tend to change her feelings.

  • The male - It is of great popularity among ladies, which is and is very happy, without disdaining several connections at the same time. Therefore, it is seriously rarely perceived. She does not stand her own attitude to his person, gives preference to charming women
Numerology by date of birth indicates the necessary features in the partner
numerology by date of birth indicates the necessary features in the partner

Number 4:

  • Woman - The realist, practitioner, the reliability of the partner for her is manifested in material security as well. Of course, there are pluses in a similar approach - economy will be in the way, by the way, but sometimes wasteful expenses are possible. Such a woman is often capricious, jealous, prone to manipulations. Needs a partner who has huge potential
  • The male - Initially, he is looking for a companion for long -term relationships, which will help him maintain family traditions, to store the hearth. I am not inclined to intrigues in principle. Also not inclined to make extra, in his opinion, expenses in the form of flowers, going to a restaurant, chocolate. Like no one else can calmly get married

Number 5:

  • Woman - It has great charm, artistry, loves flirting and flattery. He needs a pragmatic man who can keep energy inhabbing over the edge. It is also extremely important that the partner has rich intelligence, life experience - a woman will be proud of such a chosen one, be sure to boast
  • The male - Charming, independent, independent, assertive. Leadership qualities are pronounced brightly, which manifests itself in relationships, so it needs respect. Intelligence appreciates the most in women, although appearance is also important

Important: among other things, such a man needs to be provided with comfort in everyday life, praised. Will certainly respond with generosity and romantic pleasant trifles.

The compatibility by date of birth indicates what a person is ready to go for the sake of another
The compatibility by date of birth indicates what a person is ready to go for the sake of another

Number 6:

  • Woman - Outwardly detached and cold, inside it is very sentimental, sensual. It's all about great shyness and dreaminess. Since it is a romantic nature, it needs a responsive partner who will be given to the relationship to the end. Chooses a husband equal to himself
  • The male - Hardworking, reliable, man of words. Stability in relations for him above all. However, resentment, too frequent condemnation of others very much interfere in life. It is recommended to choose the woman who will correspond to the social status, being a kind of “face” of a man

Number 7:

  • Woman - It is so attractive that sometimes this scares away potential fans. She is smart, knows how to give herself, has a tact. He dreams of romance, but at the same time seeks a respectable person. He will never tolerate restrictions on his own freedom
  • The male - It also seems cold due to its innate seriousness. But such an endurance helps him to achieve his goals. At the closest acquaintance, he manifests itself as a very attentive and sensitive person. The chosen one must be reconciled with periodic isolation
Numerology by date shows what the chosen one should put up with
Numerology by date shows what the chosen one should put up with

Number 8:

  • Woman - assertive, powerful, has a strong will. Nevertheless, deep down, this person is very vulnerable, needs to understand. And even if he does not scare the periodically manifested selfishness, because in heart affairs he will retreat into the background. Needs a partner equal to himself

Important: it is useless to seek her love - either he loves herself, or rejects all sorts of attempts to "get into the soul."

  • The male - Honest, persistent, self -sufficient, sometimes seems to be a rather self -confident type. But surprisingly it combines all these qualities with softness, kindness and judgment. However, anger sometimes emerges out, scaring others. In family affairs, very lean

Number 9:

  • Woman - restrained in appearance, but with closest communication, reveals himself as a vulnerable person. Extremely harms such an unspokenness. He needs a highly intellectual partner who will not claim her freedom. I am extraordinary, full of interesting ideas, expects a lot from a man
  • The male - A romantic erudite, characterized by increased sociability and striving for those people who are capable of self -expression. Honesty and mutual respect for him in priority. The disadvantages include incontinence and some detachment from reality. Has big chances to meet a second half on a trip
Numerology by date of birth can even tell where there is a chance to meet a second half
Numerology by date of birth can even tell where there is a chance to meet a second half

Numerology of love compatibility

You need to write in one line first the date of birth of one partner, having added all the numbers, and then the other. If two -digit data is obtained, it is necessary to re -addition. As soon as we get two unambiguous numbers - the indicators of each partner - we put them together. We look at the result:

  • 1 - quite strong relationships, In which a man and a woman perfectly complement each other. Harmony, however, may be violated if the struggle for leadership begins. In this case, to learn how to find a compromise is simply necessary
  • 2 - relations under mutual benefit, Which, however, can exist for a very long time. People can be interesting with each other, but at the same time they certainly want to get something. Unfortunately, colorful emotions can not be expected
  • 3 - it is hardly a strong relationship, since betrayal is likely. But even if a cross is put on cohabitation, people may well remain friends
Numerology will tell you where in a love relationship the problem
Numerology will tell you where in a love relationship the problem

Important: do not flatter yourself that there are warm feelings - it is unlikely that this will protect from inconstancy.

  • 4 - measured, care for each other, tenderness and love characterizes such a alliance. He has all the prerequisites for developing a strong marriage. The material benefit is not a priority here
  • 5 - the relationship of two egoists, which would not hurt to listen to someone except himself. However, these people will certainly expect a bright explosion of emotions, accompanied by attachment to each other
  • 6 - exemplary relations, In which there are not only love, but also friendship. Disputes are rare here, basically everything is decided at the negotiating table. Even if the passion fades away over time, you can be sure that warm feelings and support will remain
  • 7 - Harmony accompanies these people, Excluding any large quarrels. This is the union of like -minded people who always try and in everything show support to each other
  • 8 - these people definitely pull each other, But the connection of this kind is unlikely to be ordinary. Cases of manipulating a partner are frequent. True, such a manipulation can ultimately lead to the successes of a person who is manipulated. But still it is worth adding a relationship more sincerity
  • 9 - Relations can be perfect, but with one condition - financially stability. Any hardships are overcome if these people do not experience the needs. Otherwise there are no pronounced shortcomings
Numerology will also tell you what to do in order to ensure that love is bright and mutual
Numerology will also tell you what to do in order to ensure that love is bright and mutual

Numerology of compatibility in marriage

Similarly, add the dates of the birth of a man and a woman separately, and then make these dates among themselves. Look at the result:

  • 1 - it is unlikely that such a marriage will last long, since the struggle for leadership continues constantly. This ultimately exhausts
  • 2 - marriage of two opposites. However, they may well be happy if they cope with everyday problems
  • 3 - spouses are connected Both of themselves both bodily and spiritually
  • 4 - more like the union of two friends. However, in marital life, an intimate connection is not the last place, so it is worth focusing on this issue
  • 5 - one of the partners will constantly soar in the clouds. If this does not stop, you can put an end to marriage
  • 6 - an example of a happy marriage, in which complete consent reigns
  • 7 - People are happy together, But the issue of material well -being periodically pops up and causes a lot of concern
  • 8 - spouses cope with external problems perfectly. But as for the internal ones, they can significantly damage the marriage

Important: it is important for these people to learn how to trust each other.

  • 9 - the least suitable pair for marriage. Perhaps you should take a closer look at the chosen one
Numerology can talk about marriage compatibility
Numerology can talk about marriage compatibility

Numerology of compatibility of zodiac signs

  • Aries - It is perfectly compatible with the signs of its own elements (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo), as well as with air (weights, twins, Aquarius). However, regarding the scales, constant work is needed on errors
  • Taurus - He feels good with representatives of the earthly element (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgin) and Water (Scorpio, Fish, Cancer. Subject to the efforts with Scorpio, you can achieve amazing harmony
  • Twins - Perfectly compatible with air signs (twins, Aquarius, Libra) and with fiery (lions, Aries, Sagittarius). However, in relations with twins and archers you will have to make some efforts
  • Crayfish - It is worth taking a closer look at water signs (cancers, scorpions, fish) and earth (virgins, Capricorns, Taurus). It is they who are able to appreciate the craving for romanticism, family and comfort, as well as soft character
  • A lion - gets along with fiery signs (lion, Sagittarius, Aries) and with air (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini). They will be able to find an approach to the wise lion and not get lost in its brightness
Numerology does not bypass and compatibility according to the signs of the zodiac
Numerology does not bypass and compatibility according to the signs of the zodiac
  • Virgin - He will get along with fish, Capricorn and Taurus. They are best poked with this practical sign. But Scorpio, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Libra is better to bypass both in love and marriage
  • Scales - They are unique in that they are able to get along with any signs. Congenital diplomacy contributes to this as well, as well as adaptability to any conditions
  • Scorpion - This sign is quite complicated, but it has every chance with the same difficult fish and crayfish. A good attempt will turn out in the case of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo
  • Sagittarius - Lions and Aries will make them an excellent company, since they are all swift in everything. The air element is also suitable
  • Capricorn - But it is better for him to stay the same practical Taurus, virgins. Scorpio, fish, crayfish will also be imbued with Capricorn
  • Aquarius - He is recommended to hold on to sociable weights and twins. They perfectly put in view of the similarity of characters - the same active, sociable and fearless
  • Fish - Put with delicate and romantic people who belong to the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Cancers, Scorpions, Capricorns
For example, fish are compatible with those who are able to evaluate their romanticism
For example, fish are compatible with those who are able to evaluate their romanticism

Numerology compatibility in numerology


  • 1 - strong conflicts are possible. People are drawn to each other, but at the same time they conflict, trying to suppress each other. Often they are great friends, but a bad family
  • 2 - the unit will constantly suppress it. If people still want to be together, the deuce will have to stock up on energy
  • 3 - these people are egoistsbut they are able to complement each other well, understanding the origins of the fixation on their person

Important: true love in this case is very rare - there is no warmth here and approximately.

  • 4 — Success is possible only if the relationship is carried business character
  • 5 - explosive couple with a wide range of emotions from all -consuming love to mortal insults
  • 6 - good combination, since the ambitious unit will feel good with a quiet six
  • 7 - a funny couple. The seed is always in the clouds, in connection with which people are unlikely to penetrate each other
  • 8 - Two scum in feelings. Only if the unit is fixed on itself, the eight focuses on the control of finances
  • 9 - the wisdom of this person is extremely necessary. It is considered the best combination
The unit is complicated in compatibility due to focus on itself
The unit is complicated in compatibility due to focus on itself


  • 2 - an ideal combination for friendship, But extremely complicated for intimate relationships. For a deuce, his sensation is in the first place
  • 3 - this combination can be very promising, But only if a man is a three. The three is confident and slightly cold, and the deuce is very soft
  • 4 - A good union of lovers is possible, but the problem is that both people still do not dare to take the first step
  • 5 - a fairly interesting combination, But with problems, since an emotional and soft two often causes irritation in a stable fifth self -confident
  • 6 - stability and love to the coffin This combination promises
  • 7 - It is unlikely that these people are able to understand each other. The deuce is spinning around her experiences, and the seed is too dry to imbued with them
  • 8 - People think they have a lot in common, but in fact there are more differences. These are good lovers, but bad family
  • 9 - these people have a different language for explanation. Often a deuce, even with all diligence, is not able to understand what nine wants from her
The deuce is compatible with those who will reconcile with her spiritual throwing
The deuce is compatible with those who will reconcile with her spiritual throwing


  • 3 - Union of two individualists. It helps a lot in relationships, and contributes to the gap

Important: external circumstances play considerable importance. Success is possible if people do not experience any special shocks.

  • 4 - This person perfectly stabilizes the top three. As a rule, the latter is engaged in its projects for its pleasure, and the four helps her financially
  • 5 - These people love various kinds of adventures, They have a creative vein, and the tastes in bed also coincide
  • 6 - a good combination for a deep relationship, based on mutual attention and trust
  • 7 - these people seem to be good interlocutors And it may seem that they have a lot in common. But this is not so, because gusts of three seven are often just funny
  • 8 - quarrels are a permanent companion this pair. It is unlikely that she has the future
  • 9 — Perfectly grasps the essence of things, and the three at the same time perfectly owns the word. These abilities complement each other well
The three is compatible with those who will understand her creative impulses
The three is compatible with those who will understand her creative impulses


  • 4 - the union can be quite stable, However, its danger lies in boredom. It turns out a paradox: if people are completely compatible, they begin to feel emptiness
  • 5 - these people are hard with each other, since the stable four will always irritate the activity and windness of the fifth
  • 6 - a rather prosperous union. There will be no reproaches and scandals here. People equally appreciate the house, peace. However, they often have to pretend, hiding boredom
  • 7 - calm relationship, True, without possible ardor. And there is a chance that the seed will contact the four exclusively for reasons of material benefit

Important: with the seven, the four has a great chance to become less boring.

  • 8 - it seems that both partners are gravitated to stability, However, a conflict may arise on the basis of financial management. Scandals are not rare here
  • 9-here is difficult to predict anything, but we can say with the confidence that the wisdom of the nine will be very useful for the four. The main thing is that the excessive adoration of the latter does not destroy anything
Four is difficult to achieve compatibility with someone because of her boundless boredom
Four is difficult to achieve compatibility with someone because of her boundless boredom


  • 5 - family souls. They are interested in traveling together, leading life. Even quarrels here are quickly smoothed out
  • 6 - They require different things. So, if the five gives preference to fun, the six gravitates to everyday life. The union is still possible, but only if a man is a five
  • 7 - Interesting combination similarities and differences, the so -called "golden mean" in this regard. They are good together in love, and in marriage, and in doing business
  • 8 - Of course, they can try to convergeBut the craving of both people is unlikely to contribute to this. Ultimately, the gap will occur sooner or later
  • 9 - they are simply amazingly good together. The only thing that can create a problem is the same detachment of both of the realities of life, screwing in the clouds
The five can be compatible with those who will understand her dreaminess and frivolity
The five can be compatible with those who will understand her dreaminess and frivolity


  • 6 - These people are similar, have the same goals. As a rule, they come down only to the need to have a cozy house. However, there is a danger of further cooling to each other. As a result, people seem to be sickening from each other, but they try to keep their face in front of others
  • 7 - both emotionally and intellectually, they are unlikely to converge. The six, in principle, is not able to approve the incorrect, in her opinion, lifestyle of seven, and the latter is annoyed by the excessive landing of the partner

Important: however, if there is a strong love, people can turn a blind eye to what annoys them. Nevertheless, such a couple is still extremely vague.

  • 8 - At first it seems that people are suitable for each other. In fact, the six only uses the dexterity of eight. The latter, in turn, seems to be happy to help, but the union turns out to be somehow too selfish-eight are simply used
  • 9 - The six helps her to find stability, to look with confidence in the future. However, in this case, a woman should act as a six, otherwise the man will experience a sense of his own inferiority
The six is \u200b\u200bcompatible with those who are suitable for her fixture on everyday life
The six is \u200b\u200bcompatible with those who are suitable for her fixture on everyday life


  • 7 - the problem is that this figure is prone to too much detachment, to contemplation, close in yourself. It is difficult for such people to converge to two people because they are too fixed on themselves, with difficulty agreeing to contact. A person not only does not want to leave his inner world, but will not even make attempts to get a partner out of his inner world
  • 8 are continuous conflicts. One of the most ridiculous unions that are completely unsuitable for marriage. The fact is that the closed seed will be very angry because of the impudent encroachment on her world of eight. Moreover, the landlessness of the latter is very annoying. The eight does not like it when they do not obey her
  • 9 - People feel relatives to each other. Nine cares about a partner, helps her less often to close in herself. The seed inspires its soul mate

Important: despite such mutual sympathy, it is better for these people to act as creative partners, since for family relationships, the seed shows its feelings too poorly, and the nine acutely perceives it.

The seed is compatible with the person who will understand her departure into himself will be able to pull out tactfully
The seed is compatible with the person who will understand her departure into himself will be able to pull out tactfully


  • 8 - hard in the sense that both people will constantly command, not wanting to give in to the palm of the championship. The problem is that the quarrel, starting with the slightest trifle, risks developing into something global, that it will be very difficult to hush up. If the arguments end, force can be applied, while little attention is paid to the floor
  • 9 - different goals make communication problematic. The fact is that the eight is quite purposeful, and nine, despite his wisdom, does not understand what inspires a partner. It all comes down to the fact that nine begins to teach, which is perceived without enthusiasm and even resentment. However, as business partners, these people can still get along
Eight will be able to experience compatibility only with someone who will take its determination
Eight will be able to experience compatibility only with someone who will take its determination


  • 9 - These people can equally get along with each other or not. There will be mutual understanding, and this will cause considerable joy, but the problem is that sincerity for such people is very important as mutual understanding. With the slightest inconsistency, nine begins to wind themselves in the sense that they are not understood
Nine is compatible with those who are completely open to them
Nine is compatible with those who are completely open to them

Compatibility table in numerology

The date of birth affects the sign of the zodiac of a person, and he, in turn, on the compatibility of a man and a woman. The most clearly can be dealt with this thanks to the table.

Compatibility table of men and women
Compatibility table of men and women

What people are compatible according to numerology: tips and reviews

Numerous observations indicate the following:

  • If both people were born on a single day, Their joint life will be accompanied by luck. The fact is that tastes, views, assessments coincide. If there are misunderstandings, then they are quickly eliminated. Long relations and stability are provided

Important: to be afraid in such a alliance is, unless, boredom.

  • But if one person was born on a single day, and the second in an odd day, At first, doubts will be accompanied constantly. People will be lost in conjecture in an attempt to correctly understand the act or word of the partner. Love is similar to the American slides, because quarrels and reconciliation alternate in it regularly. People will forever remain for each other not fully unraveled phenomenon, although this shakes interest
The date of birth can greatly affect the mutual understanding of partners
The date of birth can greatly affect the mutual understanding of partners
  • If both people were born on an odd day, They will always be able to come to a compromise. This is a good option for both family and business relationships
  • Special attention should be paid to those who born on the 7th or on the date, a multiple of number 7. Such people are always ready to take the initiative, become a leading pair, and undeniable. Well, if both people were born on such a day, relations promise to be extremely successful, oddly enough, because they have a creative beginning
  • Born on the 29th They risk being always open to the crowd. Having reached the peaks in life, they and their partners have to put up with close attention from others
  • Born on the 18th They will also be able to achieve success, stability. They always make the most profitable marriages
Born on the 18th due to the fact that they feel their compatibility well, make good marriages
Born on the 18th due to the fact that they feel their compatibility well, make good marriages

As you can see, it is quite possible to calculate compatibility. This greatly simplifies life, bringing mutual understanding, respect, harmony into it. Of course, you cannot change the date of birth and your partner, but perhaps the best understanding of the second half will help to establish a relationship.

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