Tips for a novice blogger - blog design, communication, personality: Rules

Tips for a novice blogger - blog design, communication, personality: Rules

Blogger is very popular today, but not everyone knows why and how to start correctly. In our article we will give some very good tips, which should not be done to beginner bloggers.

Often, when creating their blog, people repeat the same mistakes. So what should not be done when creating your blog? Let's find out.

Tips for a novice blogger: Review

Tips for bloggers
Tips for bloggers

1. Bloging loves open people. If you decide to start your blog, then get ready to talk about yourself everything that is possible. Even the little things of life. People must see that you are a living person, you have nothing to hide. They will definitely want to communicate and cooperate with you. If you cannot present yourself or prefer to hide, then you will not succeed.

2. Design and interface. Remember that you create a blog for people. So, everything that is on your site should be convenient for users and attract them. Otherwise, they simply will not read you, because they will not be able to find the right buttons or simply the design will be ugly. The same applies to YouTube channels and pages on social networks.

Invent a slogan, “face” for the blog, and also think about other moments. Moreover, you should not load your resources too much by advertising, because it will not only distract, but also interfere.

Blog design
Blog design

3. Communication. If you created your resource, loaded a video or articles there and wait for readers to poke in crowds now, then you are very mistaken. You need to go out and chat on other people's blogs, declare yourself and so on. Register on social networks and communicate there, tell about your hobbies and so on.

Learn one thing - you do not need to write at least where. Use the places where you definitely understand the theme. Moreover, you should not beg and ask people to go on your blog and read it - it repels.

In your own blog, try to answer everyone. Try to be polite and do not try to argue and impose on everyone your point of view. Aggressors and just strange people who carry nonsense are better to ban. Do it calmly and don't be afraid. Readers always need to be welcomed, especially new ones.

4. New ideas. Always try to invent something new and develop your own style. It is also worth talking about your mistakes in some endeavors and how you overcame them in order to get a big return. If you do not have ideas, then move away from the computer and go about other things. Gradually, ideas themselves will come to mind.

5. Content. Many advise you to write a lot and often. This is a really faithful advice. Write constantly and from the heart. First, yes, it will not work, but then you will have your own style, grip and you will gradually master other blogging skills.

Try to be useful to people, answer important questions or just talk about interesting things. Try to write so that the reader is interested, so forget about the dry information language. It is so full on the Internet.

It is important to note that any sites should be sharpened for all sorts of TIC and others. Yes, undoubtedly, without it, but do not forget that if you work for some search engines, then they will hardly read you. Try to combine, as they say, pleasant with useful.

Video: 5 tips to a novice blogger

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