Dream Interpretation - to see a river in a dream: the meaning of sleep. Why dreams wide, narrow, cold, warm, frozen, deep, small, blue, green, calm, fast river: interpretation of sleep

Dream Interpretation - to see a river in a dream: the meaning of sleep. Why dreams wide, narrow, cold, warm, frozen, deep, small, blue, green, calm, fast river: interpretation of sleep

This article contains the most complete interpretations of the dreams in which you saw the river.

Dream Interpretation River - see the river in a dream: the meaning of sleep

The river - this symbol dreams of people very often. And this is not surprising, because it itself, in fact, symbolizes the life of a person, its current and steep turns. Treat any sleep, seen with the river. Whatever sign sleep would give you, he must warn you, not frighten you.

A dream with a river can have many meanings, both good and bad. You should always notice the smallest details of the river: its color, purity and other circumstances. They will help to interpret everything correctly and understandable.

In this article, the most complete list of interpretations of dreams with the river is collected, which is convenient to use to understand its meaning.

Dream Interpretation River:

  • Big -an interesting, rich life full of colorful moments and vivid events. But, if a river with dirty and muddy water, wait for the same unpleasant events.
  • Wide -a long and happy life filled with close people, pleasant meetings and happy memories.
  • Small -short, quick life. You will not have time to look around, as she will end. Change priorities and take care of self -realization, devote yourself to your favorite business.
  • With current water -this is a good sign that promises you a successful resolution of all the things for which you will take. Current water is a symbol of movement. There is no time to stand still.
  • With standing water -a similar "stagnation" will affect all parts of your life. Everything should be radically change and heal "in a new way." A dream portends trouble for you if you "stand still."
  • Narrow -you do not have enough interests and hobbies that could at least somehow diversify everyday life. Then every day he will find paint, and life is meaning.
  • With floating people -too many people seek to intervene in your affairs, advising and indicating what to do literally everywhere! Overestimate their importance for yourself.
  • With people on the shore -people from the outside are carefully watching you, trying to notice any oversight and extra step. This can play against you one day, be careful.
  • Without people -loneliness will not improve your life, will not help achieve harmony and success. Try to communicate more, meet and travel.
  • With boats -on the way you will meet many people, many of them will be very useful. But do not trust everyone in a row.
  • With fishermen -with hard work and stubborn diligence, you can admire the fruits of good work, which will bring you success and happiness.
  • With reeds -the problems that you create for yourself significantly worsen your life. Stop living with fantasies and dreams, do not look for the ideal.
  • With water lilying -nice news from well -known people. Good events that will happen to you day by day.
  • River at sunset -you need to take care of your future, make investments, accumulations, and stock up on a rainy day.
  • The river at dawn -you are at the source of your creative, personal and professional successes. Try to properly dispose of your resources so that life develops in the best way.
  • The river in the light of the moon -an unforgettable romantic journey that will immerse you in a whirlpool of passions. Perhaps this is the same thing that you are so missing in life now.
  • River and green meadows -sleep portends good events in the future, so feel free to plan any trips, purchases and acquaintances. Confidently conclude contracts and start business projects.
  • Rainbow across the river -in the near future, something incredible will happen to you. Something that will greatly delight and inspire you. Perhaps this is a long -awaited purchase or a fantastic acquaintance.
  • Bridge over river -you will have an amazing opportunity to fix the old mistake.
  • River railway -a big journey, an interesting adventure associated with a long road and a train.
  • The river in winter -the planes should be suspended, now is not the best time to develop a career.
  • The river in the summer -career prosperity, the best time to achieve recognition and success.
  • The river spring -the ideal time to start a new business, a new business, to make a new acquaintance or build a new relationship.
  • River in the fall -if the river is clean, this means that a successfully concluded transaction will bring fruits to you, if muddy, wait for disappointments.
  • A river with a floating garbage -envious people will attach a lot of strength to somehow influence your career growth and implementation. Be attentive to those people that surround you and do not share your secrets.
  • River with fishing nets -if you are a little more persistent and more hardworking, you can find much more than you planned. You have great potential.
  • Drowned in the river -wait for great troubles that can confuse all the plans and violate the fulfillment of the most cherished desire. Beware of enemies and their revenge.
  • Dried river without water - Another contribution, an attempt or a creative project will not bring you the desired, but rather, will spend all your strengths and devastate everything inside the soul. Do not try to fix everything quickly, just take up a new business with new strength.
Dream Interpretation River: Interpretation
Dream Interpretation River: Interpretation

Dream Interpretation River is beautiful, deep, blue, black, red, brown, green, clean, calm and smooth, deep: interpretations

The color of the river is closely connected with what meaning the dream is. Of course, this is the first thing that is remembered for you from vision.

Dream Interpretation River:

  • Deep -the world of great capabilities will soon open its doors before you, try not to miss the chance and “catch good luck by the tail”. If they offer a new workplace - agree, the trip - go, acquaintance - go to the meeting. Everything will be fine.
  • Blue -in any situation, keep calm and try to reason wisely. Confidence, determination and harmony with the spiritual world will win any difficulties.
  • Green -no matter how difficult the situation is, you can always count on the help of your loved ones and family. Feel free to ask for help.
  • Brown -conspiracies, lies and resentments will fill your life in full and give unpleasant experience. Avoid any quarrels and scandals, do not spoil your reputation.
  • Yellow -no need to envy and gloat so that no one can bring negative emotions into the life of you.
  • Red -sleep has two values. If color is a reflection of the sky or sunset, then love precedes you. And if the river is red, like blood is to trouble, pain and loss.
  • Quiet -make any decision, only properly weighing all the pros and cons, do not rush, do not get excited and think with your head.
  • Shiny in the sun -a pleasant gift, compliment or letter will be presented to you in the near future.
  • Pure -a favorable time for marriage and the beginning of a romantic relationship.
  • Transparent -no one is trying to conceal the truth from you, do not look for a catch from loved ones.
  • Blooming -wait that everything is bad that you have done to others can return to you with double strength.
  • Salt -something will go wrong, somewhere you made a mistake and pay for it.
  • Fresh -no changes and changes in life have yet been expected.
  • Reflects the blue sky -do a good job and it will return to you doubly.
  • Reflects the sun -the chance that the made -up is to be realized.
  • Reflects the cloudy sky (clouds) -negative is thickening you, think about who you could offend and who may wish you evil.
  • Reflects white clouds -sleep symbolizes funny holidays, meetings, arrival at the house of guests.
  • River with fish -a woman can dream of a woman before childbirth or a long -awaited pregnancy, a man, as a sign of successful business and good work.
  • With frogs -wait for envious people and people who would like to get your success.
  • With jellyfish -a woman who clearly does not wish you good can confuse all plans.
  • With tina and duckweed -resentment, bad words, knuckles, rage and quarrels with loved ones.
  • With algae -you need to immediately deal with all the problems that have been accumulated for a very long time.
  • The river smells bad -a bad opinion has been added to you, try to fix it.
I dreamed of the river: What does it mean?
I dreamed of the river: What does it mean?

Dream Interpretation River is dirty, muddy, small, seething: interpretation

Not a clean river always symbolizes bad events in life.

Dream Interpretation River:

  • Dirty -unpleasant events, quarrels with loved ones and problems at work overshadow life. If you do not give up, you can withstand everything with dignity.
  • Muddy -bringing the negativity of other people, do not expect that in return they will give you something good. Try to make peace with those whom you managed to offend.
  • Foamy -bad conversations will be able to drive you crazy and change the opinion of others about you.
  • Small, not deep -now you have very little chance of getting what you are so striving for.
  • Boiling -events fill your life and bring a lot of anxiety to it.
  • With a destroyed platform -someone tried in vain to build a relationship with you.
  • With bottles and cigarettes -you will let into a person who will leave a bad mark in her.
  • With dead fish -wait for spoiled relationships, quarrels with loved ones.
  • With dead animals -to diseases, destroyed relationships, to the loss of dear people or things.
  • With dead birds -unpleasant news from afar
  • With wastewater -you have started enough ill -wishers spoiling your life.
  • With garbage on the shore -you will see the result of your actions later, do not forget that when doing evil, you will receive evil in response.
  • With pieces and debris -plans will crash, dreams have not yet been destined to come true.
  • With the sandy shore -to bustle and troubles, to clarifying relationships, to vain conversations.
  • With the clay shore -a chain of events that will involve you in clarifying the relationship between well -known people. In the end, you can quarrel with loved ones, lose friends, make enemies.
Sleep about the river: its meanings
Sleep about the river: its meanings

Dream Interpretation: Ice, cold river with ice, snow: interpretation

Dream Interpretation River:

  • Ice -cold in relation to and parting with a loved one
  • With pieces and ice plates -unpleasant words, phrases and resentment from a person’s dear to the heart
  • Snow falls on the river -you will regret your actions for a long time
  • Rain drips into the river -you will cry a lot
  • The hail falls into the river -offend a loved one
  • Ice crust on the river -destroy relations with an dear person
  • Frozen fish in water -unfulfilled dream
  • Frozen river -illness, troubles, problems, tears
  • The ice cracked on the river -hope for resolving problems
  • Hang -someone uses you for personal benefit

The meaning of dreams with the river is a dream book a river with gulls, fish, snakes, shells: interpretation

Water is the habitat of many creatures and you can also briefly meet them in your dreams. Try to recall what details you observed and find their interpretation in the list.

Dream Interpretation River C:

  • Fish -a sign of pregnancy for a woman and a symbol of prosperity for a man.
  • Seagulls -guests in the house, often unexpected. Get ready for news and letters from afar.
  • Snakes -expect trouble from people who do not want goodness to you.
  • Crayfish -your close friends definitely conceive a grudge against you.
  • Turtles -pay attention to the family to avoid the IS in the future.
  • Ducks -there is a lot of conversations about you, think about whether you gave a reason for rumors.
  • Swans -a dream portends you a meeting with a person with whom you can connect your life. To the wedding.
  • Monsters -you have secret fears or secrets that haunt you. Share your experiences with a loved one and will become easier.
  • Whirlpool -your intrigues can play a bad joke with you.
  • Waterfall -something will seriously change in your life in the near future.
Full dream book river
Full dream book river

Dream Interpretation A river with waves, foam, sediment, silt, film, flows through the desert, in the forest, between the mountains: interpretation

Even the river can have a “character” and this feature is also important for the correct interpretation of sleep.

Dream Interpretation River:

  • Noise -a serious conversation in high colors is brewing.
  • Lets the waves -no need to give out emotions, try to restrain yourself.
  • Foams -when discussing other people behind your back, you also risk becoming trouble.
  • Splashes to the beach -your thoughts are now busy with a person who is clearly not worthy.
  • Flows in the forest -a big secret is hidden from you.
  • In the desert -you doom yourself to loneliness with your actions.
  • Between the mountains -sometimes you need to come to terms and just go with the flow.
  • In field -you will be faced with a choice, try not to make a mistake.
  • Flows into the sea -your aspirations will lead you to the implementation of the desired.
  • Divided into two mouths -you will gain a different meaning of life, meet a person, start a family.
I saw a river in a dream - how to understand the meaning?
I saw a river in a dream - how to understand the meaning?

Dream Interpretation River - swim, sink, splashing, throw a stone, coin into the water, save the drowned man, jump, dive, dive, choke in the river: Values: Values

What did you do, being next to the river in a dream?

Dream Interpretation in the River:

  • To swim -to receive everything from life, it is easy to fulfill desires and achieve your goals.
  • Jump from the bridge to the river -interfere with someone else's life and bring on unpleasant consequences.
  • Bathe -it’s fun to spend time, meet friends and dear people.
  • Splashing -to the time spent in vain and money.
  • To go with the flow -correctly dispose of your life.
  • Swim against the current -try in vain to change something in your life.
  • Drown -you will be at a dead end, face financial difficulties.
  • Choke with water -will suffer from your own rudeness.
  • Immerse yourself in the depths -gain a psychological problem.
  • Save a sinking person -solve someone's problems.
  • Throw a stone into the water -to experience someone's patience.
  • Throw a coin into the water -the mystery desire should soon come true.
  • Drink from the river -face difficulties and solve them on your own.
  • Write to the river -to complicate your own life.
Sleep the river
Sleep the river

Dream Interpretation River - Swim on a boat, raft, mattress, rescue circle, log: interpretation

You can sail along the river not only independently, but also with any means of transportation.

Dream Interpretation River, swim on:

  • Boat -to gain success in life, to achieve recognition from the surrounding people, to get all the benefits: a car, an apartment, an account in the tank.
  • Fishing boat -to obtain a new promising offer at work. Be sure to agree, it will bring you success!
  • Mattress -try in vain to decide your financial situation and cope with difficulties. Now is not the best time to get rich.
  • Rescue Circle -do not neglect the help of loved ones and at the right time agree to accept the proposal.
  • Raft -be in the worst position and get out of it with your own zeal and desire.
  • Wreckage of the boat -you will regret the deed.
  • On a log -from great success you will only have crumbs, appreciate what you have, right now!
Dream Interpretation River
Dream Interpretation River

Dream Interpretation River - the meaning of dreams on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

The day of the week is also important for the correct interpretation of sleep.

Dream Interpretation of the river, the meaning of sleep in:

  • Monday -a dream on this day should refresh your memories and help to conclude what to do and not. Sleep has a very strong and literal meaning, he can be trusted.
  • Tuesday -dreams on this day should affect the development of your creative abilities. Correct interpretations with your creative impulses and implement a new project correctly.
  • Wednesday -on this day, dreams often tell a person about his personal life. Try to recognize in him hints of love and romantic relationships.
  • Thursday -in this dream, you can see the secrets of how to build a successful career and achieve significant success in your professional field.
  • Friday -on this day, dreams should bring you closer to the family. Try to understand how exactly they say about your loved ones and what you need to do in relation to your family.
  • Saturday -such dreams are designed to remind you of the depths of your inner world and indicate those points that you should work on.
  • Sunday -a dream will tell you about the events that will happen to you in the near future.

Dream Interpretation River: Reviews

Angelina:“I am very afraid of those dreams that are imprinted in memory and do not want to disappear. Most likely, they are important for humans. For example, to warn him of a retreating misfortune or, conversely, to please the advancing happiness. ”

Alexander:“Dreams always need to be recorded! I remembered - I opened the notebook and wrote everything, it only occurred to it. In the smallest details. It doesn’t matter if this is a morning or a deep night. Then, later, with a cup of coffee, open a dream book of values \u200b\u200band everything is calm, correctly deciphered. ”

Alyona:“Worst of all, when terrible dreams are dreaming. All sorts of monsters and ugly monsters. You then absorb everything into yourself and are even afraid to look for an explanation of this sleep. Didn't you have it? "

Video: "Dream Interpretation River: what does sleep mean?"

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