Works about spring: Spring nature, spring in the city, spring signs, spring holidays

Works about spring: Spring nature, spring in the city, spring signs, spring holidays

Tender, beautiful spring. It has so many magical and unknown.

With the onset of the new season, each person has the mood and plans for the near future. A change in daylight hours has an impact on our daily schedule. The body needs time to rebuild from warm weather to cold and vice versa. Long rains catch the spleen and limit our pastime on the street. While sunny days they cheer up, and cause a desire to take a walk.

Spring nature

Spring has become a favorite season for a lot of people. The long -awaited March comes to replace the snowy cold February. Nature begins to wake up from winter hibernation. Everything around is changing. The first spring rays of the sun warm the cool air. The sky becomes transparent, blue and infinitely high. On the streets there are still the last islands of melting snow. On the roofs of houses, icicles shine and drip. Spring streams run under the feet of passers -by. Wet earth fills the air with a special aroma.

With the first heat in trees and flowers, active sap flow and rapid growth begins. The first leaflets erupt from swollen kidneys. Every spring day, new changes in nature are noticeable. Everything around is filled with a new life.


The ice begins to burst on the ponds. Very soon, the rivers and the lakes will be completely freed from the glass shell. Melt water will fill the shores and flood the coastal vegetation. With the advent of spring, the river is gaining new power. As soon as the ice comes down, a new stage of life in fish will begin. In the spring there is a fishing ban, as the fish spawns during this period. The dry reeds are already reached the echoing of ducks. Very soon, pitching with ducklings will float through the water.

In a quiet sleepy forest, migratory birds will be loudly depressed. With the first warmth, they begin to twist the nests. The snow blanket will become thinner and finally give way to the green carpet. The first to appear fragile snowdrops. The first rays of the sun will heat the winter den and animals will begin to wake up after a long hibernation. In a few weeks, there will be no trace of winter.

The arrival of spring is always a desired phenomenon for both people and nature. This time of the year brings inspiration and a new surge of strength. Spring beauty is a desire to create artistic masterpieces and beautiful photos. Spring gardens transfer us to a fairy -tale world. New colors, sounds and smells overwhelm the heart and inspire.

Tender nature
Tender nature

Spring inspired Russian writers to a huge number of famous works. Alexey Pleshcheyev wrote beautiful spring lines:

Snow is melting, streams run,
The window was in the spring ...
Solovy will be discouraged soon,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!
The heavenly azure is pure,
The sun has become warm and brighter,
Time for the blizzards of evil and storms
Again passed for a long time

Spring in the city

With the onset of spring, the city seems to come to life. People more often go to spring walks. Children go out to play playgrounds. Very soon the time will come for rollers and bicycles. The parks are filled with vacationers. Fountains begin to work. A sonorous laughter and fun is increasingly heard.

Squirrels jump through the bare trees. Passers -by treat hungry animals with nuts and seeds. Soon the first insects will show up and stuck on the gray trunks of woodpeckers. The asphalt is still wet and filled with puddles. A cool wind penetrates through and through, but I already want to quickly remove the hat and change into a spring outfit.

Young lawns begin to green on the streets. Very soon, spring flowers and young shrubs will be planted. Flowering trees are angry. In the middle of spring, the first insects will be furious over multi -colored flower beds. Bright colors of flowers will dilute the grayness of high -rise buildings and houses. The city authorities will ennoble public places. Borders will begin to whiten and be full of painted benches.

In the town
In the town

There are more and more sunny days. Only sometimes warm spring rains pass. They wash off winter traces and arouse nature. Spring fills each resident with a good mood and elevated feelings. I want to rejoice, live and love.

In late March - early April, fruit trees will bloom. The branches will be treated in a snow -white wedding outfit. Every passerby can breathe a fragrant spring aroma. The time for the first spring photoesion comes.

Spring flowers

Melt water awakens the first spring flowers. Young plants are very tender and fragile. The greens are full of juicy green colors.

The word spring is associated with the first flower - a snowdrop. Despite the deposits of the last snow, it always blooms first. Families of snowdrops at first resemble bells, and then become similar to white stars. The smell of the flower is slightly harsh. A bouquet of snowdrops always causes tenderness and raises the mood. The flower is listed in the Red Book and requires special attention.


Following the snowdrop, acute foliage of crocuses breaks through. An abundance of colors among talus snow immediately attracts attention. Obligated flowers resemble the shape of a glass. Due to short stems, it is very difficult to form a bouquet. Crocuses are often given in gift pots. After flowering, they can be planted in the ground and seeing the next spring.

Very similar to the snowdrop of a spring strain. Blue flowers grow in families and lay down with blue carpets. The plant is frost -resistant and unpretentious. A delicate pigeon flower serves as another reminder of the approach of warm days.

No spring is complete without mimosa, lilies of the valley and hyacinths. In anticipation of a beautiful female holiday among the abundance of beautiful bouquets, a spring mimosa appears. The fluffy yellow twig since Soviet times has become one of the symbols of International Women's Day - March 8. It is not surprising that it is at the spring time that this bright and happy holiday is. On this day, every woman, surrounded by male attention, blooms and fragrance like a spring flower.

At the very beginning of spring, fragrant hyacinths begin to bloom. Under favorable conditions, curly flowers are full of their colors until the end of April. In the variety of shades, not a single spring flower can compare with it. In ancient Greece, the inflorescences of hyacinths were considered royal plants.

Delicate spring flowers
Delicate spring flowers

At the end of April, the valley bloom. Contrary to its tiny size, the flower has a very strong sweet smell. Passing by the lilies of the valley, you will definitely hear their obsessive aroma. This flower is best observed in nature, since the bouquet of lily of the valley has a toxic effect. Despite such a feature, white bells evoke the smell of spring.

Spring tulips are amazing with their beauty and variety of colors. The flower has a sophisticated rich aroma. Exhibitions of tulips are held around the world, which combine various shapes and colors. Such a sight allows you to plunge into a fairy tale for a while. In warm May days, the abundance of these colors can be observed in all city parks.

Each spring flower is original in its own way. Without flowers, spring would not be such a beautiful and fragrant season. It is flowering that dresses nature in a festive outfit.

Spring signs

Every spring day, days are longer. The time is extended for walking. Crowning Skvortsov informs of the return of migratory birds. They return not by the calendar date, but follow their instincts. Birds fly only to warm edges.

Bird behavior can tell a lot about the weather:

  • If the rooks get nests early, then rapid warming is expected. The sound of the cranes is a traditional harbinger of spring.
  • A high flight of cranes portends bad weather.
  • Long nightingale singing at night guarantees a dry and clear day.
  • The March activity of the woodpecker symbolizes later than the beginning of spring.
  • If sparrows are united in large flocks, then in the near future there is no precipitation.
  • Cuckoo singing is a favorable sign for the start of sowing flax.

The sun's rays begin to warm with warmth. Everything in nature suggests that spring has come. I want the deposits of snow as soon as possible to give way to plants. Nature phenomena are also marked by folk signs.

  • The rapidly melting snow portends a plentiful amount of precipitation in the summer season.
  • Frequent March fogs also speak of a rainy summer.
  • If at the beginning of spring lightning sparkles without thunder, then the summer will be arid.

Carefully watching the trees, you can predict the upcoming events a little.

  • If the birch spreads the leaves before alder, then the summer will be arid. The abundant harvest of birch juice promises a warm spring and a rainy summer.
  • Early landscaping oak symbolizes clear dry weather.
  • Later, the flowering of mountain ash indicates late autumn.

Insect behavior also predicts some events.

  • Before changing the weather, the bees never leave the hive. If in the early May morning bees already buzz on the flowers, then the day promises to be sunny.
  • The abundance of May beetles portends summer heat.

These signs are checked by generations and help predict the weather no worse than meteorological services. Warm early spring is a harbinger of cool summer.

Great spring holidays

With the onset of the first warmth, the desire for spring vacation in nature visits. As a rule, on early picnics are selected for spring holidays. The earth does not have time to warm up quickly and gives it cool. A fun mood, a good company and a hot bonfire will not allow to freeze in the fresh air.

Traditionally, parting with winter, and the meeting of spring is accompanied by Shrovetide. During the Pancake week, it is customary to prepare pancakes, pancakes and butt pastries. Treat guests and carry a hotel to relatives. Generous and worthy treats mark the owners with a well -fed life for the next year. To celebrate Shrovetide, mass events and fairs are organized. All kinds of rites are held against destructive forces.

The meeting of spring is accompanied by a church holiday Annunciation. After this holiday, agricultural work begins on Earth. Active life begins in birds, insects and mammals. Annunciation is not noted with noisy fun. On this day, it is customary to visit the church and not to commit sinful actions.


The most important spring holiday has long been considered Easter. This church event is accompanied by a bake of cakes and a blank of dye. A large number of signs and rites are timed to Easter. The struggle of painted paints was a popular and funny custom. If after the blow, the shell of your egg remains unharmed, then happiness is on your side.

Before Easter there is a wonderful custom of a pure Thursday. On this day, it is recommended to bring cleanliness in the house and arrange a bath day for your body. Weather in bright Easter predicts May weather. Cold Easter with a thunderstorm portends a good harvest. Easter Easter is a harbinger of a rainy month. Clear weather on this day promises a clear sunny summer. On Easter you can not do work and household. Spring picnic will help to avoid everyday troubles.

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