The dog drinks a lot of water and urinates: the reason. How much water should a dog drink a day normal?

The dog drinks a lot of water and urinates: the reason. How much water should a dog drink a day normal?

Why does your dog drink a lot of water, and then sprinkles? Why is the animal tormented by thirst in winter? You will find answers to these questions in this.

If you have brought yourself a four -legged friend, it will not hurt to study all the subtleties of caring for the dog. These faithful animals are not always cheerful, playful. Sometimes they have various health problems. Unfortunately, they cannot say about them. The owner should be more attentive to the pet, notice all sorts of trifles in changing his behavior. Even the fact that the dog begins to drink a lot of fluids for no reason, can signal serious diseases. Consider this issue in detail.

The dog drinks a lot of water and urinates: reason

There are approximate norms of fluid consumption per day for our smaller brothers. An adult dog can drink liquid in about such an amount-45-65 ml per day per kilogram of live weight. But dogs do not understand anything about this, so often such restrictions violate. If these deviations from the standards are small, then it's okay. When the four -legged for several days literally drinks and drinks liquid after a short period of time, then he often urinates - this is already abnormal.

Cold in the dog - thirst
Cold in the dog - thirst

The causes of abundant water consumption by a pet:

  • Thirst torments on summer sultry days not only people, but also fluffy animals. When hot, the dog eats less and drinks more.
  • An important factor in the consumption of an increased amount of water is the diet of feeding. Those pets who feed on ordinary food (porridge, meat, vegetables) drink much less of their counterparts that use dry food.
  • Adults do not always notice how children feed their fluffy friends. Often they give puppies sweets, ice cream of other sweets that cause severe thirst in dogs.
  • Viral infections, high temperature also affects the norms of fluid intake. After all, it is the activation of immunity that provokes the loss of a large amount of water from the body of animals. As a result - they need to replenish it.
  • Stressful situations, fright - cause thirst for pets. Pain syndrome also affects the drinking mode.
  • Pregnant animals consume more fluids when the dog has estrus, it is also tormented by thirst.
  • Ulcer, diabetes, kidney pathologies, poisoning, pyroplasmosis, hepatitis, uterine inflammation, age -related changes in the body (in old age) cause increased water consumption.
Causes of thirst for dogs
Causes of thirst for dogs

IMPORTANT: Do not take the water from the pets, if they eagerly drink it, try to give liquid in small portions so as not to overload the kidneys. Do not postpone a visit to the veterinarian with a dog if there are such problems.

Does the dog need water in winter?

In winter, the pet, who lives on the street, should have water. An animal cannot in a cold also without liquid. Therefore, a person must provide at least a three -time replacement of the dog's drinker as water freezed in the cold. Do not think that snow can replace a four -legged drink.

The norm of fluid consumption in winter for dogs
The norm of fluid consumption in winter for dogs

The dog drinks a lot of water in winter: reason

In the winter, the above diseases can also appear in animals and that is why pets begin to consume liquid excessively. Among other things, if heaters work in the room, dry air, then the dog is often tormented by thirst. To get rid of the problem, purchase moisturizers or just put a container with a liquid.

The use of some dosage forms (diuretics, various hormones, anticonvulsants) affect the amount of fluid consumed.

In winter, the danger of acquiring infectious diseases is growing. If a fluffy friend has weakened immunity, then there may be a cold.

The causes of this condition in animals are the following factors:

  • frequent diseases are in decorative breeds, since they have a weak gene pool
  • hypothermia, wet paws entail unpleasant consequences among pets aged
  • improper maintenance, poor nutrition leads to a weakening of the immune system
  • communication with sick brothers can also become sources of health problems.
The dog drinks a lot of water in winter - why?
The dog drinks a lot of water in winter - why?

IMPORTANT: For the treatment of colds, the pet should be provided with comfortable conditions, drink warm drink, limit walking in the fresh air.

The dog eagerly drinks water and immediately bursts: the reason

If the dog eagerly drinks water after eating, and then bursts, then in most cases there is nothing wrong with this. Perhaps the animal simply does not control its "appetite". Or this happens due to overexcitation, stress, outdoor games.

Thirst in dogs
Thirst in dogs

IMPORTANT: If vomiting occurs regularly after drinking in adult dogs, then perhaps she has problems with the digestive tract, blockage or vice of the esophagus from birth. The specialist can not do without the help of a specialist.

How much water should a dog drink a day in a day and what water to give her for drinking?

It was already a little mentioned the norms of fluid consumption by the dog. A pet can drink from 45 to 65 ml of water per day per day. Drinking should be clean. It is better to give water to the past preliminary cleaning or running, if it is normal quality.

Drink from natural pure sources is suitable. It is allowed to pour a pet boiled, non -carbonated water. The main thing is that it is always fresh. Change the liquid in the drinker several times a day so that there are no harmful bacteria, then the four -ladered friend will delight you with his good mood and charge you with positive.

What water is suitable for drinking a dog?
What water is suitable for drinking a dog?

Take career about the smaller brothers. Do not be lazy to change stagnant water in a bowl. Follow the health of the dog. In cases of deviations of the pet’s behavior from the norm, do not be lazy to visit the veterinarian so that irreversible consequences do not happen. Then your friend will pay you kindness, fidelity, will bring many joyful minutes to your life.

Video: What to do if the dog is thirsty?

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