Dog Papillon (Papiyon)-multi-colored continental toe-spaniel with butterflies ears: description, standard, appearance

Dog Papillon (Papiyon)-multi-colored continental toe-spaniel with butterflies ears: description, standard, appearance

From this article you will learn about the papillon breed dog. Her habits, rules for training, care and content are described here.

The breed of dogs papillon originated in France. This graceful dog is often called a “French butterfly”, she received such a nickname at the expense of her remarkable ears, similar to the wings of this elegant insect. Read the description of this breed below, as well as about standards, appearance, training, care and health of these interesting dogs.

Papillon breed dog (papyon): description, standard, appearance, photo

Dogs of the papillon breed are in eighth place in the ranking of the most intelligent dogs, and are well amenable to training. They have a slight, flexible character, curiosity and are distinguished by devotion to their owners. In view of their hyperactivity, papyons are not suitable for sedentary people, because these dogs will not calmly doze off on their lounger, but will become “flutter” like butterflies in search of a fascinating lesson not only for themselves, but also for their master.

It is worth knowing: Dogs of this breed are very sensitive and understand all the changes taking place with the owner, thereby adjusting to it.

Look at the photo of these dogs, how cute and beautiful they are:


Here is the description and standards of appearance:

  • Papillons have small stature - from 20-28 cm, and weight can vary from 2 to 5 kg. Extremely rarely these dogs exceed 5 kg, average up to 3.5 kg.
  • The animal’s hair is elongated, falls down in waves and does not curl. There is practically no undercoat.
  • The color can be any, it does not contradict the standard, a characteristic difference is a dominant white color. Spots of red and black colors are allowed. Most often found: tricolor, white-bolon and white-black dogs.
  • The head is small in size, proportional to the body and the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced.
  • The eyes are large, almond -shaped, dark color.
  • The tail is high, covered with long wool, twisting in the ring and location on the back is not allowed.
  • The body of the dog with a straight back, wide chest and a toned belly, the lower back is convex.
  • The front paws are straight and elegant, and the hind legs are strong, with developed muscles.
  • The jaw has a scissor -shaped bite and strong teeth.

A distinctive feature of the breed is long wool on the ears. Newborn puppies have hanging ears, and by age 2 to 4 monthsThey rise.

The pros and cons of multi-colored toy-spaniels (papillons) with butterfly ears: character and features


Papillon, a multi-colored toy-spaniel with butterflies ears is a sweet, dwarf animal of French roots. The dog attracts attention with grace. The most popular breed is papillons with standing ears. Falens are also popular - this is a kind of this breed, but they have ears of a more rounded shape, and there is a long fringe at their tips. In second place in popularity are papyons with hanging, drop -shaped ears.

The nature and features of the papillons:

  • These pets, thanks to their peculiar character, lively and fervently react to the attention provided by the owner.
  • Such an animal is one of the few that immediately feels the approach of danger and turns into a formidable beast.
  • The pet does not bear sharpness and unceremoniousness in relation to himself. This royal person has its pros and cons.

The advantages of the papillon breed:

  • At an early age, the puppy is easy to educate.
  • The animal is loved and in demand in society because of a number of positive qualities: playfulness, friendliness, beautiful appearance, attachment to the owner, good attitude with children and so on.
  • Intellectual abilities reach the maximum point, among decorative breeds it takes the first place.
  • According to the statistics of the dogs of dogs, the dog occupies an honorable ninth place among all breeds.
  • The dog is distinguished by protrusion, ingenuity and curiosity.
  • Teams absorb quickly, clearly performs them, do not require praise in return. Sweet sugar for the dog is the delight of the owner.

It is worth noting a few more advantages of this dog, which will help you choose it, if you are facing a choice - buy a papiyon or a representative of another breed. Here they are:

  • Devotion is the main distinguishing feature of the dog.
  • The animal is an animal. For this dog, the main thing is that the owner is near and pay attention to her, to be taken care.
  • The papillon is a fan of traveling easily adapts to any climatic conditions and tolerates any type of transport.
  • This breed is a favorite of children, plays merrily and fervently with them. It always applies to children's whims patiently and friendly.
  • The animal always finds a common language with other pets. He loves cats, unlike other breeds of dogs.

An animal, like a person cannot consist of some advantages. Papillon also has disadvantages:

  • Papillon, prone to obesity. Therefore, the diet for the dog must be carefully selected so that the food is healthy and balanced, with a sufficient content of vitamins and trace elements.
  • Periodic physical activity will help to avoid a quick weight gain.
  • The papillon in nature resembles a bell. The dog barks at any noise: a knock on the door, a rustle behind the threshold, the arrival of a stranger. Therefore, remember that an overly calm and balanced owner, such pets will be a burden.

Here are a few other minuses of the breed that you must pay attention to when choosing a pet:

  • The dog does not like a large crowd of people. During the holiday, you will have to move the pet to another room, otherwise the dog will constantly bark and show aggression.
  • Before starting a pet, you need to clearly understand, the animal requires proper care to stay in shape. Periodically you will have to invest in cosmetic procedures that are not at all cheap.
  • Regular consultations with the veterinarian are also needed. The dog is subject to dislocations of the knee cup (increased fragility of bones) and dental problems.
  • Wool is a vulnerable place in the dog. If the dog does not pay due attention, do not bathe in a timely manner and do not comb daily, then the pet will lose its attractiveness, and will look like an abandoned mongrel.

Having decided to acquire a dog of royal blood, you need to remember: loneliness is contraindicated for it and confidence in complete safety is necessary. This is a family member, requiring attention, love and affection. But, if the dog receives proper care and a good relationship, then the papillon will answer you the same.

Dog Papiion: Health and illness


The dog papillon is in great demand among filmmakers, artists and she is a favorite of secular ladies. The dog is called a "butterfly", because of standing ears, reminiscent of fluttering butterfly wings. Papillons are considered the most unpretentious and healthy among dwarf breeds. A distinctive feature of animals:

  • Characterized by excellent immunity
  • Durable nervous system
  • They live on average up to 18-20 years

The causes of the ailments of the dog, as a rule, are caused by improper care, unbalanced nutrition and untimely vaccination. Here are diseases that can appear in representatives of this breed.


  • In a healthy pet, they should be clean, widely opened.
  • If the dog has lacrimal paths, it is necessary to establish the cause.
  • In case of a foreign body, the elimination of the stimulus, and observation of the condition of the eyes.
  • Sometimes incorrectly selected food, as a rule, is oversaturated with protein and carbohydrates, can become the cause of tearfulness. One of the symptoms may be inversion of eyelids or eyelashes, it is necessary to immediate eliminate the cause, otherwise the inflammation of the tearful bag will continue and lead to more serious consequences.
  • Genetic causes are also possible, unfortunately, then the pet is incurable and as a result, the atrophy of the retina. As a result of this, complete loss of vision.

Fragile bones:

  • Are the cause of all kinds of injuries and fractures.
  • Most often, the dog has a knee cup, prone to displacement when running. Symptoms of this ailment: a change in the shape of the hind limbs, lameness, pain in the knee. In case of damage to both joints, the pet constantly cries due to pain.
  • Do not self -medicate, you need to contact the veterinarian in time.
  • It may be necessary to operate, and in mild cases, supporting, vitaminized therapy.
  • Timely appeal to the clinic guarantees the recovery of the dog. If the disease is genetic, then the probability of complications and relapses.

With problems with hearing:

  • The pet constantly scratches the ears and rubs them into the blood, and a dark plaque appears inside.
  • The reason may be an auricle. Symptoms: fetid smell, discharge, swelling of the auricle. It is necessary to use anti -icing ear drops, and undergo a course of treatment with antibacterial drugs. Untimely treatment threatens the loss of hearing.
  • Deafness can be both acquired and congenital.
  • Deafness cannot be treated, but it can be prevented by paying attention to the first symptoms and observing the rules for caring for animals.

Reduced sugar:

  • Symptoms for hypoglycemia: shakeness when walking, exhaustion and cramps. It is urgent to give the dog, something sweet.
  • The reason for lowering blood sugar can cause an unbalanced diet, improperly selected food for a puppy, stress or if the animal constantly freezes.

Unusual sneezing:

  • The symptom is a convulsive inhalation of air and hoarse.
  • The reason causes the dust in the nasal cavity of dust, pollen, grains of sand.
  • Symptoms can pass themselves, but if the sneezing continues, you need to contact the veterinarian.

The owner must clearly remember that the papillon needs timely care. You can not let the disease go by itself. Help in time, can lead to the best, to the operation, in the worst - to death.

Papyion breed: Care and content


First of all, owners need to study the features of caring for this breed, since it requires special attention than other dogs. Here are the rules for the care and content of the papyion breed:

  • Regular combing will make it possible to look smooth and silky wool.
  • This procedure usually pleases the pet and does not cause discomfort.
  • Special attention must be paid to the ears of the pet, on which tangles are often formed.
  • Like every dog, it needs daily walks, after which the pentorian body is recommended with water with water.
  • Papillons do not always love water procedures, so the owners will have to pay special attention to the dog’s accustoming to the soul. When bathing a pet, it is recommended to use a special shampoo, but no more than twice a month.
  • You should also pay attention to the brushing of the teeth and cutting the claws.
  • A mandatory moment in the content of this breed is its vaccination, which will avoid the transfer of various diseases.

Proper education and care for this unusual animal will bring joy, pleasure and peace.

Continental To-Spaniel, Papillon: Nutrition of a small breed of dogs-how to feed?


Healthy nutrition of a small breed of dogs is an integral part of the lifestyle of each animal in view of the possible various inherited diseases. Veterinarians are advised to take a puppy only after consulting and inspecting an experienced specialist. It was said above that this breed has a number of predispositions. It has thin bones that can easily break with incorrect handling and nutrition of a pet.

It is worth knowing: Papillon must be fed strictly at a certain time, with special food. At an early age, the puppy of continental toy-spaniel should be fed with special vitamins for its rapid growth and proper formation.

How to feed:

  • The puppy is forbidden to eat various ordinary human products, namely: sweets, chicken, pork, which can cause severe allergies. It is also not recommended to give bones, as this clogs the intestines.
  • Buy in special animal stores food for toy-spaniels. In this stern there are all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.

Due to malnutrition, not only allergic reactions, but also various dermatitis are possible. This type of breed is prone to overeating, so the owners need to clearly observe the amount of food.

Remember: Papillons are very active and need constant drinking. Pure water should always be freely available for a pet, especially on hot days.

Each owner of the Toy-Spaniel must know the following:

  • You can make an exception, and give the dog a little meat raw. However, there is a risk of infection with parasites, so veterinarians are recommended for a strictly defined time to take special antiparasitic drugs.
  • An important indicator of malnutrition is watery eyes and dull wool. This means that the selected food is unbalanced and an experienced veterinarian is necessary.

Adhere to the necessary rules in rational nutrition. If you will correctly feed Papiyon from the first days of his life, then he will give you a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure and positive when communicating with him.

Breed papillon, papyon: training


Since the papillon is considered a very smart breed, with its training, as a rule, there are practically no problems. However, it is worth remembering that the maximum of perseverance, encouragement and positive in communication with the dog should be shown. The papiion recognizes the shades of intonation well, but this does not mean that you can scream if the pet did not react to the team the first time or disobeyed. The key to success here will be a humane attitude.

  • An unconditional plus in the training of this breed of dogs will be devotion to the owner - often the papillon is well obeyed by those without whom he does not think of his life.
  • You can start training from the first days of the puppy in the house.
  • Only now with teams and complex tricks you will have to wait.

To begin with, it will be good if the pet learns to respond to his nickname:

  • To achieve this, one should call his name whenever there is a need to call him to himself, feed or play.
  • It is possible that this will not work the first time.
  • But there is no reason to worry. The degree of learning of dogs is different, as in people. Someone needs more repetitions, someone less.
  • After the papillon’s puppy has learned his nickname, you can proceed to the simplest teams.
  • To do this, you should retire with a pet in a deserted place, remove all the toys (so that the papillon does not disperse attention), prepare a collar, a long leash and a treat.

Procedure for training teams:

  • Say the nickname to attract attention.
  • Say the command: “Sit!”, “Stand!”, “Lie!”, “To me!”, “Voice!”.
  • Achieve its implementation.
  • Encourage the pet.

If the papillon puppy did not remember the procedure, confused in them, or cannot figure out what the owner wants from him, the whole procedure should be repeated.

The main thing: Do not overdo it. For starters, it’s enough and 15-20 minutes workout. In the future, time can be increased up to 40 minutes.

Training with an instructor is recommended no earlier than at 4-7 months. As in the case of other dogs, you should avoid excessive softness and stiffness, and also do not forget about punishments and encouragements.

Balon dog Papillon: How much do puppies cost in a nursery?


Sellers - breeders of dogs, set prices for this breed, starting on certain factors:

  • The age of the dog.
  • The availability of documents (passport, genealogy, certificates and vet. Passport).
  • The presence of the parents of titles. Their occupation will be an advantage and, accordingly, the price will be more expensive.
  • The seller’s residence regions.
  • Purebredity of the animal.
  • Class and subspecies of the papillon.

Purebred dogs are more expensive than mixtures of two breeds. In the presence of all the necessary documentation, the cost of a butterfly dog \u200b\u200bpapillon automatically increases. After all, a completely healthy and with an excellent genealogy dog \u200b\u200battracts the attention of breeders more than a cross.

There are several types of purchase:

  • Much depends on the age of the puppy. Based on this fact, you can buy puppies from 2.5 months to half a year.
  • The older the puppy, the cheaper it will cost.
  • By the type of wool, you can buy: short -haired and long -haired, as well as with medium -length wool

There are not so many colors, but there is something to choose from. It all depends solely on your preferences:

  • Black and white
  • White bloody
  • Tricolor
  • White-red
  • Lemon-bolly
  • Black-bearded
  • White-lemon

Puppies of the last three colors are in high demand, so you can notice a higher cost for these suits. Also, by the type of purification and exterior, we distinguish the following categories, it is the cost of the dog: it depends on this type:

  • Show class -(show class). Purebred rocks that fully meet the stated standards. Such a puppy will cost, on average from 35,000 to 80,000 rubles.
  • Breed class -(Brid-class). Puppies are purchased for breeding and exhibitions. The cost will be below the previous class - from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles.
  • Pet class-(Pete Class). As a rule, they are purchased as pets, may have minor defects in the type of breed. And it does not affect the health of the dog. 5000 to 25,000 rubles.

Metis puppies, without visible defects, will cost the breeder on average up to 10,000 rubles, and "butterflies" without a genealogy will cost in a nursery up to 15000.

Papillon: Owners reviews


An unusual little dog brought to us from France, whose ears are similar to butterfly wings, is gaining more and more popularity. A feature of this breed is irritability associated with a lack of attention, so the kids are very sociable and playful. Despite the small size, the dog is quite hardy and is happy to make a company in traveling, calmly enduring the road. The animal is distinguished by long wool and a beautiful multi -colored color.

Here's what else the owners of dogs of such a breed write - reviews about the papillion:

  • Maria, 26 years old Throughout my life, as I recall, we have kept only cats at home. But somehow I consulted with my mother, and we decided to have a dog. For a long time we thought, and eventually agreed on the papillon. And what I want to say - this excellent creature has become for us like a real member of the family. Our atom is smart, energetic, peppy and flexible dog. He really likes when we spend for a long time on walks, and always go to bed together. 
  • Eduard, 19 years old Papillon is a beautiful breed of dogs. Suitable for those who want to have a loyal and active friend with good health. I'm just in shock how careful my snowball is. When I tell him something, he looks directly into his eyes as if he understands our language. It is very well trained and is able to cheer me up at any time. Our pet, as soon as you take him in his arms, immediately falls asleep, and he also does not refuse to lie down next to me.
  • Irina, 30 years old I want to tell you about my pets, who are already 3 at home. Papillons instantly fascinated me when I got to know them better. I can’t keep myself so as not to admire them, as well as their ability to think independently. Papillons are mobile, many of them participate in various competitions and quite often take prizes. They love to walk for a long time with forests and meadows, as for the latter, the papillons are able to run for hours without a break, and do not even feel fatigue. So, if you want a “royal” friend for yourself, then feel free to start a papillon, he will serve you correctly and devotedly.

Video: Papillon - all about the breed of the dog | Dog of the papillon breed

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