Chihuahua dog: description of the breed, veterinarian tips, owners' reviews

Chihuahua dog: description of the breed, veterinarian tips, owners' reviews

Features of the chihuahua breed, its feeding, care, health, pregnancy and vaccinations.

What and what color, sizes are the dogs of Chihuahua? How many years have been living at home, to what age do they grow when ears get up, the teeth of the Chihuahua dog change? At what age to take, sterilize, castrate a puppy, what vaccinations to take a Chihuahua puppy? How many times a day and what food is better to feed the dog, how much should eat at a time, weigh the Chihuahua dog? How often and how many days there is estrus, a pregnancy lasts in a chihuahua dog?

Types of the Chihuahua breed

Chihuahua's dog has been distinguished by an unusual disposition and has been leading the dogs in the list of the most top -ends for several years. This is due to the fact that the size of the dog is small, so it can easily be kept in an ordinary city apartment. In the article we will talk about the features of the content of these dogs and their development. 

There are several breeds, and options for the separation of these dogs. Initially, all the dogs are divided into two types: 

  • Short -haired 
  • Long -haired 

The most interesting thing is that dogs with short wool are much more likely to melt, since their hair is very thick and short. Under them there are also undercuts, so such dogs require careful care and constant combing. 

Long -haired dogs look larger, however, this is a trick of vision. The large size of the peach is due to the presence of dense wool, which is very fluffy and can hang almost to the floor. These dogs are recommended to be trimmed. 

Chihuahua species of breed: 

  1. Chihuahua Kobby type. These dogs are quite strong, dense, with thick and wide bones. The head of the dog is large, the ears are small, big eyes. In general, the dog of this breed is quite strong, with thick wool and a pronounced undercoat, looks rather massive. 

  2. Deer type. Translated means a deer, really a dog is a little like a roe deer, only in a reduced form. Very thin paws and miniature physique. The head is small, but the ears are tall, large. The coat is not very thick due to the fact that there is practically no undercoat. 

    Deer type
    Deer type

These two types of Chihuahua are recognized as dog lines and participate in a variety of exhibitions. The most interesting thing is that there are other breeds that are not recognized as dog lines, but are often found among non -specialists. 

Unrecognized Chihuahua breeds: 

  • Classical 
  • Aborigines 
  • English 
  • Beijes 
  • Extreme 
  • Exotic 

All of them differ from each other in size, physique. But notrecognized as dog linesTherefore, you are unlikely to get to the exhibition with such a dog. Please note that only dogs that belong to the standard are also allowed for breeding. 

Deer type
Deer type

Chihuahua: Sizes and Weight

Chihuahua differs from each other in a breed, respectively, this puts off its mark on the size, as well as the weight, and the growth of the dog. Accordingly, Chihuahua, the size and weight of which is average, is from 1.5 to 3 kg. And growth from 15 to 30 cm. There are differences between dwarf, medium or large chihuahua. Below are a table with the growth of puppies to one and a half years. 

Data table
Data table

How much do Chihuahua live at home?

The average life expectancy is 15-16 years. But there are pets who have been living for more than 20 years, and pleases their owners. However, it happens, unfortunately, this is not as often as we would like. Of great importance is the atmosphere inside the house, as well as the features of the nutrition and the content of the dog.

Dandemists say that they live Chihuahua at home, which are fed healthy foods, they regularly do vaccinations, examination with a veterinarian, much longer, and can live up to 20 years. The number of births in girls is also of great importance. It was established that those females who give birth often quite often live long, up to 10 years. This is due to the fact that childbirth depleted the dog, making it weak.

Cute dog
Cute dog

When do Chihuahua get ears?

Many owners are interested in when their favorite ears will stick out, and their constant position will arise. However, there is no clear answer to this question, because such a norm is not regulated anywhere.

When Chihuahua get ears:

  • It is believed that in long -haired ears rush about 1 month, and in long -haired at 2 months. However, there are individual features of the development of the dog. Therefore, often dog owners resort to tricks and put their ears on their own pets on their own.
  • To do this, a toothpick or rod from a ballpoint pen is used and a patch. For gluing the ears, the sink itself is wiped on both sides with alcohol, a peculiar tire in the center of the petal is disinfected and glued.
  • Thus, thanks to this frame, the ears do not fall. Note,what, If you are offered to purchase a puppy for six months age, while he has ears, this is a serious problem.
  • The fact is that this breed cannot do not stand at all, this is considered a serious pathology. Such a dog will not be taken to the exhibition and will not be allowed to participate in knitting. This is due to the fact that perhaps a pregnant bitch was poorly fed, the conditions of detention were not the best.
  • Accordingly, she simply did not have enough nutrients to convey them to the necessary extent to her puppies. Because of this, some defects in development are observed, including with the production of ears in puppies. 

When does the teeth change in Chihuahua?

The first teeth of the chihuahua breed appear at the age of 1 month. At about 2 months, the dog has a full growth of milk teeth, their number is 32 pieces.

Chihuahua teeth change:

  • The change of milk teeth to permanent teeth is carried out at the age of about 4-7 months. By about 9 months, the dog should have all the constant teeth, in the amount of 42 pieces.
  • Please note that the shift period can cause a lot of anxiety in the puppy, which is associated with unpleasant and painful sensations. At this time, it is necessary that dog owners regularly control the state of the mouth of their pet. The fact is that gradually the roots of the milk teeth are absorbed, loosened and pushed out by constant teeth.
  • However, there are troubles when a healthy tooth is already growing, and the milk has not yet fallen. Thus, two rows are formed that can change the dog’s bite, make it wrong.
  • That is why milk teeth must be removed on time if they interfere with the growth and development of permanent teeth. Therefore, it is recommended at this age to regularly conduct an examination by the dentist, and if necessary, remove all interfering milk teeth that do not allow constant to grow in time.
  • During this period, it is necessary to monitor the nutrition of the dog so that it is by no means very soft. Oddly enough, but most often pathologies with teeth arise in the doggies, which are fedsoft food, And they do not strain the chewing muscles.
  • Thanks to this, the jaw is developing poorly, pathologies can be observed in the development of teeth. So constantly give the doggrazonchik, hard, hard food, so that it strains chewing muscles, coach the jaws. 
Cute puppy
Cute puppy

When is the sterilization of Chihuahua?

Not all owners start their pets in order to receive offspring or engage in a kind of business, for the sale of puppies. Many make a dog for their souls and for their own entertainment, so all the troubles that are associated with estrus and sexual behavior in dogs become a real test for the owners.

Sterilization of Chihuahua:

  • The males of Chihuahua during sexual hunting become very aggressive, their behavior may change. In addition, the territory is wrapped. Accordingly, if you are not ready to constantly wipe the puddle from the floor and look for the places where your dog was urging, it is best to sterilize or castration of the dog.
  • On average, this operation is carried out at the age of 6-12 months. It is best if in females it is carried out before the first estrus. It is believed that in this way it is possible to almost 100% prevent the appearance of a breast tumor.
  • In most cases, a certain preparation for sterilization is not required, especially if the puppy is young and it has no health problems. The situation is somewhat different if the dog is 5 years and older, then additional tests and tests may be required.
  • The fact is that the cardiovascular system for such pets may not work in the best way, so you need to make sure that the dog will suffer anesthesia without health consequences. In the course of sterilization, the uterus and ovaries are removed in girls, and the males of the seeds, sometimes a scrotum.
  • Recently, operations with the imposition of internal seams have been performed, for which there is no need to care. Accordingly, this minimizes the care of the dog and its anxiety in connection with the discharge from the seam.
  • After the operation, the pets are put on a blanket or collar so that the seams do not disperse.

When does Chihuahua's estrus begin?

Chihuahua's estrus begins at the age of 6-9 months. Oddly enough, the owners can skip this process, because the breed is very clean, so it is constantly licked. However, in most cases, the hosts notice changes in behavior, as well as dark bloody discharge from the loop.

How is Chihuahua's estrus going through:

  • During this period, you must be very careful and walk the dog only on the leash. Otherwise, the offspring is guaranteed, and not at all from the male that you would like. Please note that in some dogs, the estrus begins a little later, but there is no cause for concern.
  • If you are very worried, you can contact a doctor for consultation. The duration of estrus is approximately 20-23 days. However, not all this time in the dog from the genital tract will be observed.
  • Most often, the period in which the dog is ready for mating occurs from 10 to 16 days. It was during this period that the egg matured, which is ready for fertilization and descendants. Please note that in the same way as other dogs, Chihuahua flow about 2 times a year.
  • This is absolutely normal, it is believed that the dog can be fertilized twice a year. It is with such a frequency that the priches are observed in the doggies. In order not to be for the owners of a large number of inconveniences, a dog can purchase special panties that will absorb the discharge.
  • Try to be affectionate with a dog during this period, and in no case scold for the fact that it stains carpets or upholstered furniture. For this period, it is best to purchase special covers and put on furniture so as not to dirty it. 

When should the first vaccinations be vaccinated with Chihuahua puppies?

The most interesting thing is that the first vaccinations for Chihuahua puppies are done at the age of 8-9 weeks. This breed is purchased at the age of about 2 months, respectively, the first vaccinations should be made by the breeder, that is, the first owner of the dog. Further, the next owner should carry out repeated vaccinations. The dog is vaccinated for the first time from leptospirosis, plague, adenoviruses and hepatitis viruses.

Repeated vaccinations are made exactly in a month, on average of 12 weeks, and, in fact, are the same as for the first time. That is, they consolidate the result. For the second time, a vaccine from rabies, which is not in the first version, is added. The next vaccine is done in a year. After that, it is necessary to instill dogs annually. Please note that after buying a puppy in the passport, it should be indicated that the breeder instilled a puppy. Otherwise, you will have to urgently contact the veterinarian and make complex vaccinations yourself. 

Pregnant dog
Pregnant dog

What is the best food for Chihuahua?

Undoubtedly, such doggies cannot be fed from the table. It is worthwhile to adhere to a strict diet:

  • Porridge
  • Boiled lean meat
  • Offal
  • Dairy

Preparing food for a doggie takes time, so often the finished food is used to save time.

List of the best feed for Chihuahua:

  • Now Natural Fresh Small Breed Recipe
  • Grandorf 4 Meat & Brown Rice
  • Almo Nature Holistic Adult Dog Small
  • Purina Pro Plan Small & Mini Adult Canine
  • Bosch mini adult
Cute dog
Cute dog

Pregnancy at Chihuahua: Symptoms

Do not expect that immediately after knitting, the dog will have some kind of symptoms of pregnancy. Usually the first signs can be seen no earlier than after 20-25 days. For dogs, there are no such tests as for people, so an exclusively doctor can determine pregnancy, but also after 20 days. It is such a period that is a turning point when it is already possible to determine and diagnose pregnancy with palpation.

Symptoms of pregnancy at Chihuahua:

  • However, the owners of the pets can observe changes in the behavior of the girl. Usually they are observed, starting from 14 days after conception. The dog’s behavior is changing, it becomes more calm and balanced, it walks little on the street, immediately goes home.
  • She spends most of her free time in a bed and becomes not as playful as before. In the period after 20 days, the dog can have toxicosis, so appetite decreases.
  • Do not insist on food, and feed the dog with a high content of calcium. You can give special vitamins for dogs. The larger the gestational age, the calmer the girl becomes. It is phlegmatic, practically does not respond to irritants. It walks little, it can lick intimate places.
  • You can also determine pregnancy by nipples, as they swell. After 2 months, immediately before childbirth, the dog can have mucous discharge from the vulva. This suggests that the mucous traffic jam comes out and the dog is ready for childbirth.
Dog after childbirth
Dog after childbirth

Chihuahua: Owners reviews

In general, these dogs are quite friendly, but they can hardly be called very calm. The fact is that such dogs love to bark, they are often called a bell, due to the fact that there is practically no rest. Each exit to the street is accompanied by barking and wagging tail.

Chihuahua, reviews of the owners:

Alexander. He started this dog 2 years ago, I have a male, which was castrated at the age of 8 months. The territory does not mark, it differs in a phlegmatic character. A lot barks a lot, behaves more calmly than on the street. You can calmly walk without a leash, since it is not aggressive, does not rush at anyone, after going to the toilet, asks home.

Alexei. Chihuahua was presented to me. Immediately, as soon as he received this strange gift, he laughed, because the dog seemed very funny to me. Long, thin legs and standing ears. I thought that this was not a dog, but some strange monster. But now I’m used to it, I love him very much, the dog is very smart and sensitive to any changes in the mood of the owner. I have no problems with him, there were troubles with vomiting and nausea, but after contacting the veterinarian we were prescribed treatment, and the condition of the dog was normalized.

Eugene. I bought myself a girl Chihuahua not for the purpose of knitting, but in order to get a friend. For health, on the recommendation of the veterinarian, she mated her girl at a year and a half. She brought 4 puppies, the birth passed quite hard. Two puppies were born a head forward, and 2 pelvis. I was very worried, so I called the veterinarian. She did the right thing, because after the birth of all the puppies there was no placenta, so there could be decay. After giving birth, a week later the dog began to feel very bad, the condition worsened. I took an appointment with the doctor, they found that she did not have enough vitamins and calcium. They assigned injections in courses. It’s good that then I turned to the doctor, my baby’s health has normalized, now we have only two puppies, we have already sold two. We hope that our kids will fall in good hands. I advise everyone this breed, since it is very cheerful and friendly. In addition, it does not take up much space in the apartment, and very clean.

This breed is ideal for residents of modern apartments. The dog requires little space and is distinguished by a good disposition.

Video: Chihuahua

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