The dog is afraid of other dogs, people: why, what to do and how to teach a dog not to be afraid?

The dog is afraid of other dogs, people: why, what to do and how to teach a dog not to be afraid?

Fear of a petty petrot must be stopped. Learn about why the dog is afraid of relatives and people from the article.

We associate a dog with reliable protection and protection. It is for this purpose that dogs of large breeds are taken to the courtyard or in the apartment, and even from small “bells” - Chihuashek or York - expected that they will at least notify about the appearance of strangers with voiced bark. But, it happens, an animal instead of playing the role intended for him, simply hides from others-this applies to both brothers-dogs and people. Why is your pet like that?

Why is a dog or a puppy afraid of other dogs?

To understand why the dog is afraid of other dogs or the puppy is afraid of other dogs, It is necessary to find out the reason why the animal experiences fear. There are several of them, and almost all of them are laid at an early age.

Fear of the puppy
Fear of the puppy
  1. Taking a dog from a nursery or giving it there for a training, the owner was not convinced of the qualifications of workers, he chose the option “cheaper”. It is possible that in such a nursery, dogs are cruelly treated and achieve results with not understanding and developing the reflex, namely pain and fear. The problem is also that such violations in the dog psyche are not noticeable immediately, but as they grow older. And experienced dog handlers in this case talk about two aspects: lack of socialization of the dog (i.e. he simply does not know how to “communicate” with his own kind) or does not feel confidence in his abilities, if suddenly happens fight With relatives. A bright indicator of this is the fall to the ground upside down or uncontrolled urination, bowel movements.
  2. The dog was brought up in a closed space And now he is elementarily afraid of open space - streets, park, square. Here is also the reason in the improper upbringing of a dog, which has not been accustomed to walking in an open territory from a puppy. At the same time, fear extends not only to itself, but also to people, transport, any loud sound.
  3. Too early separation from the mother. If the puppy was taken earlier than after reaching 2 months, then he did not manage to learn from the bitch “in society”, grew without brothers and sisters who would make it possible to feel “in the team” on an equal footing, understand the meaning of other animals And man in his world.
  4. The resulting mental trauma. Most often manifests itself in an animal selected on the street or in a dog shelter. Of course, during the wandering, the animal survived a lot of stresses, which have now overlapped - Changing the scene and owner. A similar period of adaptation often becomes problematic.
  5. Heredity It can also play a role in the formation of the character of the dog. This reason is quite rare, since in principle the dogs belong to a rather sociable animal. You can determine such cowardice at the age of 1-2 months: the puppy does not participate in games with the rest, prefers a secluded corner, does not approach a bowl with everyone else, but waits for others.
  6. The puppy survived the fright, caused by any of the reasons: visiting the veterinarian, cruel treatment, inadequate behavior of the mother, etc. All this can affect further behavior in more adulthood.

What to do if the dog is afraid of other dogs?

First of all, to try to understand the reason why the dog is afraid of other dogs. When you figure out what exactly the fear of relatives is caused, it will be easier for you to correct the situation. And the correction will be in the actually complete re -education of the dog.

And steps in this direction will be:

  1. Socialization
  • The younger the dog, the easier it is to restore its normal psyche and an adequate attitude to other animals. Puppy cannot be isolated from brothersTherefore, if possible, it is worth finding him friends.
  • Walk With him where many dogs walks, let him meet, plays (ideally - so that the dogs are about the same age).
  • Divide your walk into two parts: one in the company of other dogs, the other with the owner to train him to obey the teams. Usually this approach eliminates all potential problems in the behavior of the dog.
  1. Control over the situation
  • Carefully watch the dog, especially if it is still a puppy or junior, and adult dogs are nearby. At the first attempts to offend your dog, stop them. Just distinguish between the situation when your hut is simply pulled out so as not to interfere, and when they really show aggression.
  • In the second case, it costs change the company or place of walking. Otherwise, your pet will get used to getting a chat from other dogs and fear of them is inevitable.
Follow the situation
Follow the situation
  1. The suppression of fear
  • If your pet flies to you, casting and screamingdo not show panic and do not rush to wreck over it, otherwise it will be perceived as approval of his cowardice And then, at the slightest reason, he will look for protection from you, even without a real threat.
  • Fuck yourself calmly, because the animal feels the state of a person, and your panic can additionally translate the already excited dog.
  • And replace pity neutral affection, give her the usual team: “sit”, “lie”, etc. So you will calm the dog and let him know that everything is in order.
  1. Work on fears
  • Do not deprive the dog of society Your brothers, just change her company. Talk to the owners of animals, learn about the nature of their pets, explain to them the problem and ask them to come to your aid.
  • Take a walk with dogs on leashes All together, so that your dog understands that this is normal behavior, and that others are not dangerous for him. If you are lucky to attract a friendly cheerful dog into the company, let them play together.
  • Occasionally look for new friends for your animal, diversify his environment. Group dressing with professional instructor helps well.
It is important to work with fears
It is important to work with fears

If the dog is afraid of other people: what to do?

If the dog is afraid of people, you should figure out the reasons. This can happen if:

  1. The dog was brutally treated, she was often punished. In this case, the animal gets used to seeing a threat in a person and constantly expects punishment from him.
  2. The dog is not socialized Most of the time is locked up without seeing people. It is possible that in this case your pet is afraid of an unknown person, to whom he also attributes to the people unfamiliar to him.
  3. The dog has a weak nervous system. This quality is innate and to retrain the dog, to wean it to be afraid, you will need a lot of time, patience and care.
  4. Unexplained fears, the reasons for which were laid down before we took the pet to educate. Here you should carefully observe whether the animal is afraid of all people or only men (women, children). Based on the results of observations, it is necessary to build a correction of behavior.
  5. Distrust of man and self -doubt. This happens more often if the dog was taken from the shelter or selected on the street, where she happened to suffer from animal haters. A similar fear is treated only with love and a patient attitude.
Fear of people
Fear of people

What to do in such cases?

  • First, to understand, how exactly the fear manifests itself. If the dog runs away at the sight of a person, do not catch up with it, scream, and even more so to punish for disobedience or, equivalent, to reassure with lamentations.
  • It is better to give the dog the opportunity to run away, and then calmly, without a scream, call her and after she stops, get closer to himself. Calmly stroke the dog and take it on the leash, and then continue the walk.
  • If the dog barks to hoarse or rushes at a stranger, no need to sharply grab it, pull a leash, and even more so scream. So you scare the animal even more. To find out the causes of aggression and adjust the behavior, it is better to attract an experienced dog handler to the aid.
  • If the matter is limited to growl, here you can hold a dog for a leash or collar, give a simple command "Silence!" Or "quieter!". Do not scold or praise the dog, just calmly talk to him.

All of the above recommendations are universal and approach the upbringing of a dog of any breed. But still there are small nuances. You will learn about them later.

The shepherd is afraid of other dogs

  • Primarily, Shepherd dogs should not be kept in full solitude. All walks are best carried out in the company of other dogs, of course, carefully controlling the situation. When the puppy plays with other dogs, he will not be afraid of other dogs When it grows up.
  • Why is a shepherd afraid of other dogs? Like dogs of other breeds, if the puppy has already scared another dog, just change the company. And here - attention! Walk with other friendly dogs, but do not let them meet muzzles.
  • Lead the animals on the leashes in parallel, let them go from different sides from the owners. When you are calm and confident, you thereby convey such a perception of the situation and your dog.

Spitz is afraid of other dogs

  • First, if you notice that your Spitz is afraid of other dogs, then look among the dogs walking with your owners of small, friendly and calm. Try to familiarize them carefully.
  • If the dog is only mastered in your house, highlight it personal spaceWhere she would feel “at home”. Its further acquaintance with the territory should occur only at the request of the dog itself (this will not take much time). Encourage a pet, praise it, give delicious ones.
  • Try not to scream, not to scandal, do not increase your voice not only on the dog, but also in communicating with family members. Avoid waving your hands, throwing objects.
No need to be afraid
No need to be afraid
  • Do not use roulette on the street, give preference to a slope (it is more difficult to break out of it to a dog than from a collar) and a leash. Try not to pull the leash, just call the dog, and gradually increase the time of walks. Find a friend of the same size, but do not force a dog if he does not want to communicate with other dogs.
  • Just calmly go in your direction, and if your dog sniffed the oncoming relative, praise him.

York is afraid of other dogs

  • Often the owners of small dogs limit their communication with other dogs, out of fear that the baby can offend. Dogs feel the mood of the hosts, and this fear could have come to them.
  • Therefore, do not be afraid to take your pet to visit those acquaintances who have calm adequate dogs, regardless of their size. And remember that York, despite its size, still refers to the terriers, which means it is not a pocket dog.
Kids can be afraid
Kids can be afraid
  • He is a hunter in nature, which means that he will easily find a common language with Fokss or Erdel terriers. The main thing is not to be afraid yourself and thereby you will not give a reason to york was afraid of other dogs.

Toy-terrier is afraid of other dogs

  • remember, that the first exit to the Dog Street is a kind of stress. Therefore, if you notice that the Toy terrier is afraid of other dogs, take it in your hands. So he will feel more confident and faster will get used to the atmosphere of the street.
First time tolerates stress
First time tolerates stress
  • Gradually, he will be increasingly running on his own, and this will be a good time to start acquaintance with other dogs.
  • The main thing is to start friendship with small and non -aggressive dogs, praise it for every sniff and game. And remember - without patience and affection, you can’t bring up a dog.

Video: How to teach a dog not to be afraid?

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