Snowboards for beginners: how to choose the right snowboard in length, width, stiffness, shape, deflection, structure, material, style of skiing: tips. How to choose mounts and shoes for snowboarding?

Snowboards for beginners: how to choose the right snowboard in length, width, stiffness, shape, deflection, structure, material, style of skiing: tips. How to choose mounts and shoes for snowboarding?

In this article we will talk about what parameters should be guided when choosing a snowboard.

Do you know that a person burns about 1200 calories in a snowboard for an hour, and also involves almost all muscle groups? Are you intrigued? Then it's time to get the perfect snowboard - and go to the snowy peaks!

Selecting snowboarding by skating style

First of all, it is necessary to determine how and where the novice snowboarder plans to ride. If the beginner still does not know, it is recommended to get acquired first Universal model (All Mountain). It will allow you to master The right technique And even some simple tricks In the nearest park. In addition, the universal model is quite capable of developing good speed.

Such snowboards they are not hard. By the middle, they narrow a little. It is absolutely not necessary to have special skills when mastering them, therefore, for beginners, such an option is what you need!

Important: even with the active use of a universal snowboard, it may be enough for several seasons.

Classical universal snowboard
Classical universal snowboard

If there is a realization that something specific needs to be purchased, it is worth paying attention, for example, to Freestyle Freestyle (Freestyle). They allow you to perform various tricks Both in Snow Parks and in the mountains. They show themselves well when working with skulls.

A characteristic feature of Freestyle-Dokos is the identity of their tail and nasal parts. That is, the ride can equally easily land both the front side and the dorsal, forward. Wherein Sfold snowboards Ideal for small springboard tough - For large ones. Easy enough with such boards are given and short turns.

Snowboard in the style of freestyle
Snowboard in the style of freestyle

Carving - They should be purchased by those people who dream of cutting at decent speed on the slopes, The special for this is good prepared. They should be attached to heavy mounts and boots. Such boards are enough hard, long.

Important: it is better for beginners to postpone such a purchase until they begin to make tangible success.

Carving -digest is long and hard - it is convenient for them to use when passing the prepared tracks
Carving-digest is long and hard-it is convenient for them to use when passing the prepared tracks

Freeride-scores (Freeride)- This type is suitable for those athletes who prefer to train on unprepared slopes. Perfectly withstand the passage on a deep snow cover.

Outwardly, such boards can be recognized by larger and width Compared to universal models. Often with them the nasal side is wider, More than a tail - it allows you to stay better in the snow.

The wide nasal part of the freeride-intensifying way allows you to make turns even on an unprepared highway
The wide nasal part of the freeride-intensifying way allows you to make turns even on an unprepared highway

How to calculate the length and width of the snowboard?

It turned out to decide on the style - now it's time to deal with the size of the board. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the athlete. So, here are the main nuances:

  • Carving or universal snowboarding Ideally should be approximately 15 cm below Human growth. If there are no ruler at hand, and the goods are before your eyes, you need to put it nearby.

Important: if the top of the board is at the level of the chin-cut, you can take this option.

  • If you want to choose a snowboard for skiing In the style of freeride, need from growth, take away 10 cm.
  • Board for skiing in style freestyle Ideally should be In short, about 8-10 cm.
  • If the athlete is different fragile physique and, accordingly, with a small weight, preferably take away from the desired number 5 cm.
  • If a person weighs more than necessary, on the contrary, it is necessary add 5 cm.
  • Only to comprehend the basics preferably subtract 8-10 cm.
  • Athletes, reaching an average level, can remove 4-5 cm.

Important: preferably, in order to guarantee to guess with the size, to familiarize yourself with a special sign. It is often attached to the product by manufacturers.

Snowboard size sign for beginners and for more experienced athletes
Snowboard size sign for beginners and for more experienced athletes

And what's about widths? It's believed that than the board is already, all the easier to manage it. And more wide models Better behave in an unprepared area.

  • However, this is not all. You should navigate, of course to the size of the leg. That's what they are boards depending on the width:
  • Narrow (narrow) - The waist of the boards reaches 250 mm. For owners of a small foot.
  • Regular (standard) - For athletes with an average foot size. The waist of snowboards is in the range from 250 to 260 mm, the width of the ends reaches 300 mm.
  • MID-WIDE (medium) - The size of the leg can be 44 or slightly smaller. The middle of snowboards can be, as in the previous case, 250-260 mm, the width is also similar.
  • Wide (wide) - For people with the size of the leg from 44 indicators. The waist of snowboards exceeds 260 mm.

Important: you should also focus on how much the sock acts. The maximum permissible indent is 2 cm. Otherwise, it will begin to get stuck in the snow.

Ideally, the sock should not go beyond the borders of snowboarding
Ideally, the sock should not go beyond the borders of snowboarding

How to choose a snowboard for stiffness?

The next in importance of the snowboard parameter is its rigidity. Depends on it speed, With which the athlete will be able to make tricks and switch from one element to another.

Tighting is two types:

  • Longitudinal (it is also called "stiffness on the deflection") - It will come in handy for those who need speed when sailing, the execution of Ollie trick. Such rigidity can be the same along the entire length of the snowboard, and can only appear in separate parts.
  • Torsionnaya (also referred to as "tough for twisting") - The speed depends on it during the rolling or removing the board to the arc. Small torsion hardness is good for newbies - It is easiest to manage with her.

Important: hardness must be checked manually.

How to do it?

  • In case of longitudinal indicator The tail of the snowboard must be installed on the floor, and the nose should be fixed tightly with one hand. Then with the other hand you need to press on the middle of the board. The rigidity directly depends on how much the snowboard is bending: Strongly - small, slightly - large.
This is how you can check the stiffness of snowboarding
This is how you can check the stiffness of snowboarding
  • For check torsion stiffness It is necessary to clamp the tail between the feet, and turn the nose with effort. The direction of turning the role does not play. But what should you take a closer look, is that How much the snowboard is twisted. If strongly, the rigidity is minimal, and vice versa.

It is recommended to take into account in advance how exactly is the rigidity of snowboarding on the tricks:

  • The newcomers It is usually as soft as possible. This is very convenient for the learning process. If you do not develop high speed, errors will not be significant. The high speed will most likely lead to vibration, but this is normal in this case.
  • Some boards have a tougher nose and tail, as well as a softer middle. This is very convenient if the athlete loves ollie trick - Raising into the air without the help of hands.

Important: this option is loved by snowboarders with experience.

Ollie Flink on Snowboard
Ollie Flink on Snowboard
  • If planned tricks within the city on railing, boxes and small park elevations, definitely you should choose the board softer. It will be well twisted, it is easy to control.
  • If a snowboarder wants ride on the highway, in a large snow, He should look at the board with a soft nose and the hard rest. The nose will softer will allow you to easily swim out, and the tighter middle and tail will allow you to control the riding at high speed.

How to choose a snowboard in shape?

As for the form of snowboarding, only 3 types are distinguished. For example, twintip are symmetrical models. The width of the tail and nose is the same, like the distance from the nose to the middle and from the middle to the tail. This provides comfort, for example, when using svitch-stroke. You can move due to symmetry in completely any direction, which is very convenient When skating somewhere in the park.


Direct Twin Tip Snowboards (Directional Twintip)- They have a nose and tail symmetrical in shape. However, the tail is slightly tougher than the nose - it contributes to stability. Fasteners are located closer to the tail - this is good when moving by virgin lands.

Important: such snowboards will be equally good both in deep snow and on the springboard, which should be noted for beginners.

Directed Twin-type snowboards
Directed Twin-type snowboards

Directed directed (Directional) - They are characterized by a larger length from the middle to the nose than from the middle to the tail. At the same time, the embedded for fasteners are located closer to the tail, and the nose looks wider. The boards are suitable both for carving and cutting in deep snow. The direction is exclusively down the elevation.


How to choose a snowboard for deflection?

This parameter directly affects The degree of simplicity in the management of the board. So:

  • Weight (Cumber, classic) - It is characterized by a raised middle part. Thus, as soon as the athlete becomes a snowboard, the pressure is distributed evenly. But errors in this case are fraught, therefore the classic version is not suitable for beginners.
  • Roker (banana) - But this option is already for newbies. Characterized by arcuity, which makes the board More obedient. Including turns.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to jump with springboards, sliding around the railing, it is better not to find a banana.

  • Zero (flat) - The board in the middle is completely flat, and its ends only slightly rise above the ground. Such a board too it lends itself well to control During the execution of tricks, good For a leisurely driving.
  • With combined deflection (hybrid) - As the name implies, it is a mixture of various options. Counts optimal model - She can develop a large speed, and is controlled with ease.
Types of snowboards
Types of snowboards

How to choose a snowboard on design?

You can highlight in this regard 3 types of boards:

  • Cap - The core of such a snowboarding from below closes with a sliding surface, and is slammed on top with a monolithic lid. There is such a thing inexpensive, and repair it is simple. But in the event of an unsuccessful landing, there is a great risk splitting Snowboard.
  • Sandwich - And here all the components press. That is, the design is just as puff, but at the same time it holds perfectly. It is more difficult to fix such a board as you might guess, but The risk of her breakdown is not so great, As in the previous case.
  • Combined type - In this case, the ends are executed according to the technology of the sandwich, and the middle is attached according to the technology-CEP.

Important: this provides simultaneous strength and lightness of snowboarding.

The combined snowboarding design is simultaneous strength and lightness
The combined snowboarding design is simultaneous strength and lightness

How to choose a snowboard on the material?

The cores of the boards are usually made of the following materials:

  • Only from wood - It can be ash, oak, beech, pine, spruce, poplar. It is believed that such a snowboard will be react well to vibration and blows. Company "Marvin" I went even further, using it for my products specially genetically modified woodwhich has no rings. The advantage of such a material lies in its strength and elasticity.
  • Foam and wood - Such snowboards cheaper and have a little weight. However, at the same time, they cannot properly resist vibrations, do not differ in elasticity.
Snowboards from foam and wood are lighter
Snowboards from foam and wood are lighter
  • Various combinations - So, wood is sometimes combined with aluminum, carbonate. Thanks to this, snowboards are becoming more stringent.

Concerning sliding surface, then the material for her can be as follows:

  • Extruded polyethylene - It is inexpensive, it does not require any special care.

Important: in case of damage, such a snowboard can be repaired for an acceptable amount.

  • Polyethylene seducted - The powder is polyethylene, as you can understand from the name, passes through the procedure of sintering and pressure processing. It is more difficult to repair such a board.
The sliding surface of the snowboarding determines the ease of the tricks of the tricks
The sliding surface of the snowboarding determines the ease of the tricks of the tricks

How to choose mounts for snowboarding?

This item should be paid no less attention than the rest. After all, the better the mount, the better it will be possible to make tricks, and the less the risk of injury. Types are as follows:

  • Soft (Soft) - most common, easy to handle and cheap. Recommended beginners. In this case, the toe and the ankle are fixed with the help of transverse belts, and the heel is fixed thanks to the backshot more rigidly.
  • Step-in- The peculiarity of such an adaptation is that it can automatically click after the athlete stepped on the board. One side, convenient, but it costs a lot.

Important: it also does not manifest itself very well if it is clogging with snow - the system simply does not snap.

Scheme with the name of the elements of fastening snowboarding
Scheme with the name of the elements of fastening snowboarding
  • STEP-In-GO- It looks like a connection of the lower and upper shoots. This allows you to fix shoes with maximum comfort. Haybek is leaning back.
  • Hard (Hard) - Similar to ski. Look like a plate and two frames. It is put on as follows: first, a heel is installed, and then a frame with a lock is attached to it. Such a mount is suitable exclusively for hard boards.

Extremely recommended go to a store with a boot - This will definitely exclude incompatibility. This boot should ideally be firmly fixed during verification. The process of fastening and unfastening should occur without effort.

Important: if fasteners are bought simultaneously with the board, it makes sense to ask consultants immediately attach them.

When purchasing snowboarding, it is recommended to immediately ask to fix the mounts on it
When purchasing snowboarding, it is recommended to immediately ask to fix the mounts on it

How to choose shoes for snowboarding?

So, what parameters should you focus when purchasing boots?

  • The degree of stiffness - It directly affects the athlete's comfort level, as well as how easy it will be to perform tricks for him. This indicator is determined on a 10-point scale. Beginners It is worth paying attention to the indicators to level 5, a progressive athletes - respectively, above 5. Tighting is the same replaceable Due to special plastic inserts.
  • Options for laces - There are three of them. The most common among beginners and professionals - classical. By the way, he is considered the most reliable. You can also choose vOA system, Which is a wheel automatically drawn in case of turning. Suitable for those who dream to save time. The third option called "Puff" - a kind of “golden mean” between the previous ways. That is, the athlete saves time, but at the same time can adjust the degree of tightening on his own.
Snowboard shoes with classic lacing
Snowboard shoes with classic lacing
Shoes for snowboarding with a cord of the VOA lacing system
Shoes for snowboarding with a cord of the VOA lacing system
Snowboarding boots with a tightening system
Snowboarding boots with a tightening system

It would seem that it could be difficult to choose a board with mounts? Nevertheless, even such a simple design has many nuances, which are completely useful to study before buying.

A few more tips regarding the choice of snowboarding:

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