The meaning of the proverb “The world is illuminated by the Sun, and a person with knowledge”: Description

The meaning of the proverb “The world is illuminated by the Sun, and a person with knowledge”: Description

In this article you will find a description of the meaning of one of the proverbs.

There are a million different proverbs. We use them in everyday life and with their help we answer questions or affirm some kind of life position. Everyone knows the proverb “the world is illuminated by the sun, and the person with knowledge”, what does it mean?


So they say, when I want to point out the importance of knowledge and education in human life.

  • Literacy, experience, different skills are also important as the earth needs sunlight, and without the sun there will be no life on our planet.
  • If people are illiterate, then their guidelines are errors and false values.
  • A competent person strives for truth and he is always interested in knowing the actual reality.
  • Intelligence is especially appreciated in the modern world, when the latest technologies flourish.

A person who seeks to be literate is similar to the sun. He radiates the light inside himself and conveys to others.

  • Knowledge helps to embark on a true path and find the right solution.
  • They are like a ray in a dark room, cover everything around. Therefore, the words “knowledge” and “education” are an integral part of the word “light”.

People stretch to a smart and competent person, like green plants stretch to the sun's rays. With such people is always interesting, they are good interlocutors. They seem to illuminate everything around with their light, showing how interesting it is to be smart, to know something new and expand their horizons.

Video: 20 Wise Jewish Proverbs

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