Words of gratitude for the gift in verses and prose. How to thank for a gift with words for a birthday, wedding day?

Words of gratitude for the gift in verses and prose. How to thank for a gift with words for a birthday, wedding day?

You should thank a person for any gift made to you. You can find beautiful words and poems for gratitude in this article.

How to thank a man, a guy for a gift and attention with words in verses and prose?

Present - an important part of the relationship between people. This is the key to their friendship, love, respect and understanding. The gift can be made in honor of the festive event, an important case or date. It is not rare that gifts are presented only to make a person mood and make it pleasant.

Important: whatever the reason, any gift "requires" gratitude. You need to do this out of respect for a person, as an indicator of good education and in order to “fill that little void” in the soul that arises in a person during a gift presentation.

You need to thank the man for gifts from the heart. It is necessary to do this because they, compare children, put great hopes and strength into their congratulations. Even if the gift is not so great and important, in return you must make it clear to a person how grateful you are It is for such a gesture. This will stimulate him on further attention to you and give pleasant emotions.

How to thank the man for gifts?

Words of gratitude to a man or a guy for a gift in prose, in his own words:

Thank you, dear (the name of the person), for the fact that you were able to approach the choice of a gift so reverently. Your attention is very valuable to me. How nice to get from you (the name of the gift) right now! You have no idea how you pleased me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

(Human name)! Thank you very much for the gift! This is an incredibly pleasant thing for me that I need and important, because it was you who gave it to me! I am surprised how accurately you know and feel my desires! I will tell you from the bottom of my heart: I am happy now as a child! I thank you for your attention and love that you gave me along with (the name of the gift)!

My beloved (human name)! I thank you for the gift and for spending your time and searches in order to just make me pleased. This thing (or the name of the gift) is saturated with great love and therefore pleases me now and will be able to delight me for a very long time! You have no idea how fun to me and happily in my soul! Thanks dear for (name of the gift)!

Important: gratitude can be pronounced for a dear person out loud, feeling every word and making it clear to the interlocutor how accurate he was in choosing a gift for you. If the gift was not made personally (transferred, sent by mail, left as a surprise), you can thank the man by phone or by means of SMS.

How to thank a man beautifully for a gift made?

Words of gratitude to a man or guy for a gift in verses:

I want to tell you, beloved:
Thank you for your attention,
Thanks for the gifts, dear
Your love and understanding!

Beloved, so I want to admit to you:
It is unlikely that anyone is to compare with you.
No one can compare with you!
Thank you (name) for care!

You tried so hard and thank you.
For being able to please and surprise.
Your flowers, gifts are so beautiful,
I am very happy to be with you, to love you!

Thanks for the pleasant moments!
Ah, how pleased me!
Your gifts, like compliments,
They rejoice in heart and soul!

Thank you, dear, for affection and patience,
With whom you chose a gift and bought.
Your attention is such a congratulation,
Which no one gave me!

How to thank her husband and beloved for gifts and attention with words in verses and prose?

The attention of a beloved man is priceless. He must not only please, but also thank him for not forgetting to give you gifts. Sometimes one word “thank you” is not enough, because the spiritual words of gratitude in verses and prose will come in handy.

Gratitude to your beloved in your own words and prose for a gift made:

Beloved (human name)! Every year lived with you is a fairy tale. You make my life happy and easy, please me not only with flowers, but also with gifts with all my heart. Each time I am more and more surprised how subtle you feel me and know how to choose pleasant surprises. Thank you for your attention, love and affection!

Dear husband! You can’t even imagine how “guessed” with a gift for me. And I continue to rejoice that I have a close and beloved person who can “read thoughts” and pamper my woman! Thank you not only (the name of the gift), but also for the fact that you always stay nearby!

My love, (the name of a man)! You could please me with your gift - it's true! Thank you for continuing to do me pleased and do not forget about my female weaknesses. I want to say with confidence that I was incredibly lucky to have such a loving and attentive husband like you!

How to thank your beloved for gifts?

Words of gratitude to her husband, beloved guy in verses:

Ah, how joyful inside!
And how sweet it is!
Thank you for giving me today
Attention, love and a gift!

Darling, I am dear to me, I need it, important.
You give me attention, warm.
Your gifts of all sweets in the world are sweeter!
I was madly lucky with you!

You please me for a holiday and suddenly
You bring me gifts and flowers.
And every time it becomes pleasant
When I hold in my hands, I give you!

In any, clear and gloomy weather,
You are near and you please me!
Thanks for the gifts and care
What regularly get from you!

What to say to you? - Thanks,
I thank you!
So with love and beautiful
You decorated my life!

How to thank a friend for a gift and attention with words in verses and prose?

Close and best friends often delight each other with gifts. It can be symbolic presentations or real significant things. In any case, to say “thank you” and “thank” a person must be than necessary. For this, words in prose or verses will come in handy.

Words in prose for gratitude to a friend for a gift:

Dear (human name)! I want to thank you for the fact that besides your attention I regularly receive the necessary and important gifts for me. Everyone you choose with your soul and heart and therefore, I respect the signs of your attention. Thank you for love and friendship!

(Human name)! You, as always, surprise and please! Thank you not only for the gift, but also for the years of our friendship. After all, it is she who is the most valuable that you could (could) give me! I admit to you honestly that your surprises are the most long -awaited, pleasant and special for me!

Life gave you to me (the name of man). And this gift is the most valuable. Thank you for pleasing me with your surprises. I respect all the signs of attention, but yours are the best and expensive valuable. Thank you for friendship and congratulations!

How to thank a friend for a gift with beautiful words?

Words in verses for gratitude for the gift:

My best friend, my dear friend,
I love you, I respect you!
Your gift is the best, welcome, beautiful,
Today "thank you" from me!

Thank you, friend, that you do not forget.
And every time you sincerely congratulate.
Thank you for giving gifts from the bottom of my heart,
How dear you are to me - you can’t imagine!

You are a friend not only dear, you are a beloved friend!
Thanks for the gift and your attention.
Any of my holiday, he is beautiful with you,
My soul dances and sings!

How could you guess with such a gift?!
You felt what I needed now!
In my chest is warm and even hot.
And tears of happiness pour from good eyes!

Let others envy
I have a best friend!
I am large
I accept from his hands!

How to thank a friend for a gift and attention with words in verses and prose?

A girlfriend is an important person in a woman’s life who can share sorrows and joys, to support in a difficult life and, of course, make a pleasant gift. A girlfriend should be thanked with warm words that can bring people closer and give them moments of joy.

Words in prose for gratitude to a girlfriend for a gift:

My dear (name of man)! Thank you for the great understanding with which you and I lived this for a long time. With whom, you chose a gift for me. So no one can please me. Only you “read thoughts” and always know about my “little” dreams.

Beloved girlfriend! Thanks for the attention and care that you could choose this gift for me. I appreciate it and endlessly respect your attention! You filled my life with joy and pleasant surprises: today and always!

(Name of a friend)! I thank you for the gift that will certainly become an important thing for me in life. You, like no one, know how to please me and surprise me! I love you for your attention and I want to say thank you for the endless joyful moments!

Words of gratitude in verses for a gift to a friend:

My friend, I want to say thank you!
Your gift pleased and surprised.
He, like you: is important and beautiful.
He will inspire me, give me strength.

Thank you! Thanks from me!
You are my dear and close person.
You can’t mark your gift,
He will give me warmth and friendship light!

I am pleased with your gifts
I am pleased with your words
From which it is hot on the heart,
From which the soul sings!

Any of your gift as a holiday
He is important to me, dear, love!
You try not in vain
Girlfriend, you are indispensable!

Your gift is the long -awaited
I rejoice like a child.
And such a friend is glorious
No more, like mine!

Words of gratitude to parents for a gift in verses and prose

Parents are the most important people in the life of every person. They always delight their child with chic expensive gifts and do not require anything in return. However, thank loved ones and dear people for attention!

Gratitude in prose for gifts to parents:

Dear Parents! There is not enough warm words to thank you for the attention and surprises that you regularly give me. Thank you for never forgetting to congratulate me with words and gifts. Thank you for not sparing either funds or money.

My beloved mom and dad! I want to thank you from my heart for such important and pleasant gifts! You, like no one, know my desires and dreams. That is why you always manage to surprise me and make me happy (happy).

Parents! You are my most dear people in the world! That is why I want to thank you for the fact that in addition to wonderful gifts, you once gave me my life! If you weren’t, I would not be so happy (happy)!

How to thank parents for a gift with beautiful words?

Glory to gratitude in verses for parents for a gift:

How are you dear to my heart to my heart,
How much you mean, how warmly they love!
Thanks for the gifts and a happy fate,
Which one day you gave me!

There are no more important gifts,
Than those that mom and dad give.
You make life pleasant
And warm me with your affection!

A gift from parents
We love and amazing!
And there is no more pleasant and more important
Than what you give me!

Mom and dad, thank you very much!
Thanks for the holiday, gifts, words!
You are my treasure gold,
I love you today, I always love you!

Words of gratitude to colleagues for a gift and attention in verses and prose

Colleagues often give gifts to each other for holidays, especially for birthdays. You need to accept gifts with all politeness, responding with words of gratitude and smiles. This will set up colleagues in a positive way and contribute to friendly relations.

Words in prose for colleagues for gifts:

Dear friends! I want to thank you for gathered and congratulated me with such a wonderful gift! I really appreciate your attention and desire to make me pleased. I promise to keep a gift and every time looking at it, I will remember my beloved and kind team.

Thank you, colleagues! You surprised and pleased me with a gift! I did not expect (expected) such warm congratulations and attention, so now I am joyful and pleasant. I promise to appreciate your gift, keep at home and each time to remember your kindness and reciprocity.

Dear Colleagues! Every year you do not forget to congratulate me on my birthday. Thank you for giving me so much attention, care and choose pleasant gifts. I value your friendship and respect!

How to thank colleagues for a gift?

Gratitude words for a gift for colleagues in verses:

You are not colleagues, you are friends! -
I will say with pride and happiness.
Thanks for the gifts and words
They are not better and more beautiful in the world!

I was lucky to work with you
I was lucky that you are nearby.
Thank you for your congratulations and gifts
For fulfilling dreams.

It is better not to find colleagues in the world:
Attentive, caring, loved.
Thanks for the gift! What to say?
He is dear to me and will be stored for me!

Not everyone has given such happiness:
Have attentive and loving colleagues.
Thank you, dear ones, for gifts,
They will bring me good luck and success!

How to thank for a gift in words and in verses for a birthday?

Not one birthday of a birthday, does not do without congratulations and gifts. They should be taken not only with a smile on the face, but also with grateful warm words.

Gratitude words for birthday gifts in prose:

Dear guests! Thank you very much for making maximum efforts and preparing such wonderful gifts to me! Each of them is important and I need. I rejoice today as a child and this is all thanks to your attention!

My beloved loved ones! I can’t even convey in words how nice and fun for me to get congratulations and gifts from you today. Your surprises and warm words made me happy (happy) today! But, the best gift is your attention, it is priceless!

Friends and relatives! You surprised me today and delighted me with your gifts. Their cost is not so much important, as the fact that you have a quieter and carefully chose everyone and solemnly handed me that day! My heart is full of joy and happiness, thanks to you!

How to beautifully thank guests for birthday gifts?

Gratitude words for a birthday present in verses:

Hooray! My holiday, birthday!
Today there are so many congratulations!
Your gifts, without doubt,
They will leave a lot of impressions!

The best guests in the world
Gifts give from the heart.
Thank you, my good
For the fact that you came to me!

Birthday, fun,
Many joyful guests.
Thank you all for the gifts
From relatives and from friends.

For me this day is like happiness
Because you are nearby.
I will say thanks for the holiday
For gifts, words, flowers.

How to thank for a gift for a wedding day in verses and prose?

Not a single wedding celebration is complete without pleasant gifts for the newlyweds. Accepting everyone, lovers should thank the guests personally or solemn speech for everyone at the festive table. In some cases, congratulations can be sent in writing.

Gratitude from the young for gifts for a wedding in prose:

Dear and beloved guests! We want to thank you cordially for the generous, beautiful and necessary gifts to our young family. We promise to store the memory of you and today's day for a very long and reverently.

Dear guests! Thank you for being able to share today's holiday with us and pleased us with pleasant gifts. Thank you for thinking about our comfort and life, give gifts. It is incredibly pleasant for us to get signs of attention from you!

Relatives and friends! There is not enough words to convey all the joy and gratitude to you, which overwhelms our hearts on this day. Thank you for your warm words and wonderful gifts. We are sure they will complement our family life, make it comfortable and comfortable.

How to beautifully thank the guests for wedding gifts?

Gratitude from the young for gifts for a wedding in verses:

Relatives, friends, friends!
Today, happiness is our credo.
Thank you for all the words
For all gifts and bouquets!

So I want to shout "thank you" loudly
For joy, for gifts, wishes of the sea!
This wedding was very "bitter",
And "sweet" from a fun feast!

We want to give you a bow
And thank you very much.
Let the glasses are solemn ringing
In your honor it will play beautifully!

Thank you guests from two newlyweds.
We value your delicate words, gifts and love.
I so want the joy in our life of a new one,
Accompanied from memories again and again!

Words of gratitude for a valuable gift in verses and prose

Valuable gifts require special attention. If you get an expensive thing for any occasion, you should thank the giving person first of all.

Gratitude in prose for an expensive gift:

Dear friend! Your gift not only pleased me, but also surprised me. He told one point about your feelings and was able to discover the meaning of “friendship” and “love”. Thank you for your efforts and attention.

Dear (human name)! Your gift is very valuable to me not only by value, but also by importance. I will store, protect it as I keep and love your warm attitude towards me. Thank you!

(Human name)! You could give me a dream. I am happy and do not fully understand how lucky I was to have such an dear person like you. Thank you for care, efforts and labor. Thank you

Gratitude in verses for an expensive gift:

Such a gift is happiness for the soul.
Thank you very much, nice.
Your efforts are so good
That I became incredibly happy!

Nobody could please me like that
This is a real generous gift!
Your gift is a confident and hard step,
He fired a fiery fire in my heart!

There are not many gifts,
But yours could hit me.
Thank you for choosing
And you did not skimp on what to give!

Video: “How to thank the man for gifts? Gratitude to men "

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