How much gelatin is added to jelly: proportions. How to soak and breed food gelatin for a jelly ordinary and fast -soluble and when put in jellied meat: instructions for use

How much gelatin is added to jelly: proportions. How to soak and breed food gelatin for a jelly ordinary and fast -soluble and when put in jellied meat: instructions for use

Find out whether it is necessary to add gelatin to jelly of chicken, meat and fish, in what quantity, when.

The most commonly used in cooking is gelatin. You should figure out which dishes to add it and how to use it correctly.

Do gelatin add to the jelly?

The jelly (differently, jelly, pouring) is one of the festive dishes, so it is very important for the hostess that he froze well and looks beautiful on the table. After all, a beautiful presentation of dishes has always been and will be mandatory on the festive table.
In the process of preparing a junction, even if all the rules and recipes are observed, it is possible that the dish will not freeze, there will not be enough their own geling properties of the ingredients, and this is feared by all the housewives. To make everything work out for sure, if desired, gelatin is added to the jelly.

Food gelatin.
Food gelatin.

Important: gelatin is a collagen processed with a thermal and chemically, obtained by their connective tissue, tendons, bones and animal skins, fish bones. The gelatin looks like a viscous mass, colorless or with a yellow tint. On sale, most often, gelatin is offered in the form of granules or plates.

How much gelatin to add to jelly of chicken, meat, fish: proportions

Kurin is overwhelming

The jelly of chicken is prepared faster than this dish from other varieties of meat, it is also more tender to taste. As the main ingredient for a dish, it is best to use the meat of the rooster, especially the home, then it will definitely harden. However, if it is a chicken or broiler, then, most likely, you will have to add gelatin.
The proportions look as follows:

  • chicken weighing 1.3 - 1, 5 kg
  • gelatin - 2 tablespoons, this is approximately 10 g
Chicken jelly made with gelatin.
Chicken jelly made with gelatin.

Jellied meat from fish

Rather, this is not jellied, but a filling one. It is most often prepared from:

  • fish
  • vegetables
  • stuffed fish and meat products

Products are cut into thin pieces, they use as an edible decoration:

  • eggs
  • lemon slices
  • tomatoes

The broth or decoction obtained during cooking fish and/ or vegetables intended for pouring goes to cook jelly.
The amount of gelatin, necessary to put in a broth or decoction, depends on the strength of the broth or decoction.
Average proportions are as follows: 1 -2 g of gelatin per 1 cup.

Bay from fish and seafood with gelatin.
Bay from fish and seafood with gelatin.

Important: gelatin needs to be soaked in cold water in a ratio of 1: 5.

Jellied meat from meat

If you cook colds with a gelatin of meat, then the usual proportion is 25 - 30 g of gelatin per 1 liter of liquid.

In the meat jellied meat, gelatin is required.
In the meat jellied meat, gelatin is required.

How much gelatin is needed for 5 liters of chicken, meat, fish?

The traditional-optimal ratio of gelatin and fluid volume is 1: to 10, that is, 1 part of the gelatin per 10 parts of water.
To obtain elastic jelly, which can be cut with a knife, it is recommended to take 40 - 50 g of gelatin per 1 liter of water. Accordingly, for 5 liters of liquid you will need 40 g · 5 \u003d 200 g.

How to soak and breed food gelatin for a jelly ordinary and fast -soluble in water and broth: Instructions for use

Usually on the package of gelatin it is written, how it should be dissolved. Perhaps the instructions are written in small print, and it should be repeated. So, 2 tablespoons of fast -decided gelatin must be dissolved in 1 glass of cooled broth and thoroughly stir. If the mixed gelatin does not immediately dissolve, it is left for a while, then it will dissolve better. After that, the already diluted geling product is poured into the entire broth and thoroughly stirred again, then the composition is brought to a boil.

If you breed food gelatin in water, then you should do this:

  1. Dilute gelatin in water with a ratio of 1 (gelatin): 10 (water), leave to dissolve for 40 -50 minutes or for 25-30 minutes, if the gelatin is fast -soluble.
  2. At the end of this period, gelatin is well stirred, so that there are no insoluble granules and crumbs. If they still have, then let the solution stand a few more minutes after mixing.
  3. Next, filtering and introducing a dissolved geling product into the broth is carried out.
Divine breeding.
Divine breeding.

When to add gelatin to jelly?

Gelatin in jelly is added at the end of cooking, slowly in hot, ready to boil the broth. The meat must first be removed from it with a slotted spoon. The introduced swollen gelatin must be constantly mixed in the broth, wait for the broth to reach a boil, but does not boil. After that, the pan is removed from the stove or turn off the burner with gas.

Both with gelatin.
Both with gelatin.

How to add properly, introduce gelatin into jelly?

The dissolved gelatin is introduced into the hot, almost ready to boil the broth.

Bring the broth with giving solution to a boil.

Pour the broth with gelatin in a soda or plates in which meat is already laid out.

How long should jelly be frozen with gelatin?

The jelly with gelatin freezes much faster than without him. Instead of 7 - 8 hours, a jelly with a gelatin in the refrigerator will freeze in about 4 hours.

Video: How to dilute gelatin for a junction?

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Comments K. article

  1. The gelatin solution should be in your opinion 1: 10 to water. 1 liter is 1000 grams, which means 1/10 part of a liter of 100 g.

  2. I am a poet, I am called Dunno! From me to you - a balalaika!

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