How much does 1 liter weigh and what is equal to the volume of water?

How much does 1 liter weigh and what is equal to the volume of water?

In this article you will find out how much water weighs and what its volume is equal to.

The weight of one liter of water is a very interesting question that we decided to figure out and found an answer to it. You will learn him later.

How much does a liter of water weigh?

So, different factors are usually affected by the weight of water and you can name the exact figure, but provided that they will be taken into account. In the plate below you will find all the main indicators depending on temperature and other factors:

Water weight depending on different factors
Water weight depending on different factors

What affects the mass of water?

The mass of water is an unstable indicator and, as we have already said above, it lends itself to the influence of some factors and depending on their influence, the mass changes slightly. Thus, a mass of water can affect:

  • Temperature
  • Atmosphere pressure
  • Condition - liquid, snow or ice
  • Salinity
  • Type of hydrogen isotopes

As you can see, there are a lot of factors and therefore the weight of water can be different.

How to determine how much a liter of water weighs?

How to determine the weight of the water?
How to determine the weight of the water?

To conduct an experiment, you will need a bank of glass or plastic, a measured glass, a scales and distilled water. First, weigh the jar on the scales and remember this figure. Pour a liter of water into it and put it on the scales again. Now remove the weight of the can and you will get about a kilogram. By the way, the weight of other liquids can be determined so.

Video: How much does a liter of water weigh?

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