How much to cook chicken for soup, broth? How and how much do you need to cook homemade, village chicken and a broiler in a pan, a slow cooker and a pressure cooker until cooked?

How much to cook chicken for soup, broth? How and how much do you need to cook homemade, village chicken and a broiler in a pan, a slow cooker and a pressure cooker until cooked?

How and how much you need to cook homemade chicken, broiler, pieces of chicken, frozen carcass.

You can cook the chicken in order to get the broth. Chicken broth is delicious in itself. Also on the chicken broth you can prepare various soups, borsch, sauces.
They cook chicken and as an ingredient for the preparation of second dishes, or just for brewed chicken.

In what water to cook chicken?

There are two options:

  • prepared for cooking chicken to cook in cold water
  • put it in boiling water
For cooking, the chicken carcass is placed in boiling or cold water.
For cooking, the chicken carcass is placed in boiling or cold water.

Important: If you want to get a delicious broth, it is better to put the chicken in cold water. If you get the main thing - tasty meat, you should choose the second option. The meat protein, thus, will not curl up and remain in the meat, making it soft and juicy

VIDEO: How to boil chicken?

How to cook chicken in a pan until cooked?

  1. The chicken washed and scorched on fire is put in a pan
  2. There should be so many water in the pan so that it covers the carcass or her pieces
  3. After the water with the chicken has only boiled, you need to remove the foam, otherwise the broth will not be transparent
  4. Before boiling water, the pan is kept on fire without a lid
  5. As soon as the boiling process is established, the foam is removed, the pan with chicken cooking in it can be covered with a lid and left over low heat
  6. The readiness of the chicken is checked by pricking her meat with a knife or fork. In the chicken meat already boiled, a knife or tooth teeth penetrate gently and without difficulty

Important: there is no certain time of cooking boiled chicken. It all depends on its "age" and size

The finished boiled chicken will be doused soft and easily pierced with a fork.
The finished boiled chicken will be doused soft and easily pierced with a fork.

If the carcass is bought in a store, then, as a rule, young, rapidly preparing copies are sold there there
The preparation time of the homemade or purchased chickens in the bazaar depends on its age and the method of feeding.

The old trigger can cook for an hour and a half, even two, and at the same time, remain tough. True, the broth at the same time turns out thick and rich.

IMPORTANT: During cooking, you need to add salt, onions, carrots, pepper, ingredients that will give broth and meat to the water

How and how much to cook the chicken in the pressure cooker until cooked?

The useful invention of mankind - a pressure cooker - was created in order to quickly and cool to cook various products. It is not without reason that it is called - a pressure cooker.
The chicken in the pressure cooker is preparing faster than in the pan. The exact time of cooking, again, depends on the type of chicken.

To prepare a chicken in the pressure cooker, you need:

  • wash
  • cut into parts
  • put in a pressure cooker
  • report to it spices and vegetables
  • to fill with water

Important: pieces of a broiler or fast -cooking chicken in a pressure cooker will be ready in 15 minutes. A whole wasp will be prepared for about 25 minutes.

Home or market chicken (young) will prepare in 35 - 40 minutes. An unmarone and during life the active chicken will be prepared for about an hour, then - check by readiness.

How and how much to cook the chicken in a slow cooker?

For preparation in the multicooker chicken, select the “Extinguishing” mode. The "Baking" mode is also suitable.
As always, wash the chicken into pieces (or not), put in a container, report in it salt and spices, vegetables or marinade.

It is best for cooking in this way to choose a chicken or a young broiler. A kissing wasp in a slow cooker will be prepared for about an hour, while chopped into pieces - about half an hour.

VIDEO: The most delicious boiled chicken

How and how much to cook a whole chicken after boiling?

  1. Even if you put the chicken in a pan with boiling water, it will pass for some time before the water boils again
  2. When the water boils with the chicken, this began the process of cooking the carcass itself. Now you need to remove the foam and close the pan with a lid
  3. Leave to cook over low heat
When the chicken boils, it needs to be covered with a lid.
When the chicken boils, it needs to be covered with a lid.

A whole chicken will cook longer than chopped into pieces. Estimated cooking time - an hour - one and a half, and if a market chicken, then two hours, and even longer. It is necessary to check the readiness of the chicken no earlier than after the specified time.

How much to cook broiler chicken after boiling until cooked?

Broilers differ from ordinary chickens in that they are more fleshy and cook quickly. Therefore, a whole broiler chicken will be cooked from boiling to readiness from 35 minutes to an hour.
During cooking, do not forget to add salt, onions, bay leaf, spices at will to the broth.

How and how much to cook chicken breast after boiling?

It is unlikely that anyone will specially separate the chicken breast from bought in a bazaar or home chicken. Typically, they are used to prepare delicious, healthy and rich broths.

Chicken breast is cooked for about half an hour.

If chicken breasts are prepared, then most likely they were bought in a store, already specially separated. This means that the breast is taken from the young chicken of quick cooking. Therefore, chicken breast will be prepared from 20 minutes to half an hour after boiling.

How and how much to cook chicken into pieces after boiling?

The chicken divided into pieces is prepared faster than a whole carcass.
You will have to cook chicken meat. 30 After boiling, and then - checking its readiness with a method of pricking, for example, breasts. A knife or teeth of the fork cooked in cooked meat is easily included.

VIDEO: How to cook chicken breast?

How and how much to cook the chicken thigh after boiling? How and how much to cook the wings of chicken after boiling?

Separate chicken thighs, as well as wings, from the moment boiling to readiness are cooked for 25-30 minutes.

The wings and legs of the chicken are cooked quickly, no more than half an hour.

How and how much to cook chicken fillet after boiling until cooked?

The chicken fillet is also cooked for 20 - 30 minutes.

How and how much to cook chicken for soup?

The chicken for soup is cooked for 35 minutes.
The chicken for soup is cooked for 35 minutes.
  1. The process of making boiled chicken soup will take 30 - 35 minutes.
  2. It is desirable to cook chicken for soup, after cutting it into pieces
  3. If the chicken is young, and after boiling 15 - 20 minutes have passed, then you can gradually lay the necessary ingredients in the soup
  4. So, first put onions, salt, then - prepared and cut into pieces of potatoes, whose cooking time in broth is 10 - 15 minutes
  5. Next, cereals or vermicelli are placed in the broth, which boil for 10 - 5 minutes
  6. At the end of cooking a couple of minutes before turning off, a cooked fry of carrots, onions, celery (to taste), pepper and bay leaf is placed in the soup.

How and how much to cook chicken broth?

The chicken needs to be scorched to remove the remains of the opera, wash, cut or put it entirely.

A delicious broth will turn out if you cook the entire chicken.
A delicious broth will turn out if you cook the entire chicken.

If you cook the chicken whole, you need to make sure that all the meat is carefully boiled. It will take more time than, if, for example, cook chicken into pieces.
If the goal is to prepare a delicious broth, then for this it is better to take home or market chicken. Even if not very young.
You just have to lengthen the cooking time, perhaps 2 hours or even longer.

From which part of the chicken is it better to cook the broth?

The most useful and dietary broth is obtained from chicken giblets, and these are legs, the upper part of the wings, neck, head with a scallop, stomach, liver.

True, it is better not to use the liver for the broth, it gives a specific bitter taste and changes the color of the broth.

Tasty broth is obtained from chicken giblets.
Tasty broth is obtained from chicken giblets.

Some like to cook broth from chicken breasts, some prefer to choose meat with a bone, then to sink with them with cartilary. It all depends on personal tastes and desires.

Is it possible to cook frozen chicken and how long?

Of course, it is better to cook from defrosted meat. Well, if there is no time to wait until the chicken is crushed?!
Frozen chicken can be sent to boiling water. Only you will have to wait longer for the moment of her boiling, and it will cook longer.
Add to the usual time of cooking boiled chicken for another 40 - 45 minutes.

A chicken from the freezer, if desired, can be boiled without defrosting.
A chicken from the freezer, if desired, can be boiled without defrosting.

How much to cook the legs of chicken?

A delicious broth is obtained from chicken legs.
It will not work to check them for readiness by piercing, because they consist of bones, cartilage and articular fabric.
Cook store chicken legs for 30 minutes, legs made of home chicken 10 minutes longer.

VIDEO: How to cook chicken hearts?

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