How many after 50 years you need to walk per day and is it possible to run? Running and walking after 50 years: benefit or harm

How many after 50 years you need to walk per day and is it possible to run? Running and walking after 50 years: benefit or harm

No need to think that after 50 you can lie on the sofa and rest. Running and active sports is useful and if you have exceeded 50.

Today, 50-year-olds are mostly quite young, vigorous and fit people. Often mothers and daughters look like peers, and this is wonderful! Because the fashion for beauty, health, energy is a wonderful tendency that each of us should follow. However, looking young in appearance is one thing, but it is more and more difficult to feel like that every year.

Which exit? Of course, movement! Of course, it is hardly worth starting to actively play football or engage in windsurfing, if before that you have not been an avid athlete. But walking is it!

Running after 50: what to pay attention to?

  • Consultations are required with the attending physician and cardiologist,if you decide to try Running after 50 years-Still, the age is far from young, and therefore problems and “surprises” are possible, which you do not even know about.
  • Having agreed with the doctor, all the loads, and finding out if there are contraindications, start training gradually, listening to the signals supplied by your body.

Do not disregard pulsating or dull pain if it appeared after a run.

  • Necessarily choose comfortable shoes - light, comfortable, corresponding to your size. At the same time, remember that the leg may swell a little as a result of increased loads, so let your sneakers be slightly freer than daily shoes.
Pay attention to shoes
Pay attention to shoes
  • In addition, it is necessary reliably fix and protect the chestWhy it is worth buying a sports type bra made of moisture -outing fabrics.
  • Do not forget about antiperspirants to avoid skin irritation as a result of increased sweating, as well as the convenience of the legs: use a patch if you suddenly have lost any part of the foot, prevent the appearance of corns, etc.

Walking and running after 50 years: benefit or harm?

So, you decided to do walking or a health run after you were “hit” 50. What positive points follow?

Benefit in the morning
Benefit in the morning
  1. According to research, walking contributes to decreased fat in the bodyand therefore a decrease in the risk of heart disease.
  2. With a long -term lesson, walking was noted lowering levels of pressure And, as a result, a decrease in the need for drugs.
  3. The heart muscle is strengthened, ligaments, while there is no strong load on the heart itself and on the joints.
  4. Weight loss Due to increased energy consumption and calorie burning. Of course, when running a load, and therefore the effect is greater than when walking, but in general - the effectiveness is measured by the number of heated calories.
  5. Walking is beautiful prevention For many ailments, and first of all, it is cardiovascular.
  6. The lack of need for sportsure, equipment and the ability to train in almost any conditions.
  7. Slow down aging processes, improving the general condition, mood and well -being.
  8. Walking and running in combination with diet Promotes to improve the condition with diabetes.
  9. Depressive and alarming symptoms are reduced.
  10. Running after 50 years Positively affects coordination of movements and mobility of articular elements.
  11. Is happening increase in muscle strength, the density of bone tissues increases.
Compare the benefit and harm
Compare the benefit and harm

Is running harmful after 50 years?

Of course, such runs can harm. But only in the following cases:

  1. If a person begins to run, without consulting a doctor, not calculating the maximum permissible loads for his body, without stretching before the start of the run. Running without agreement with a doctor can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as to infarction and stroke states.
  2. Possible injuries, including Both knees and spine, especially if you run on asphalt or concrete, and at the same time, are also shod in shoes that are completely not quite suitable for running. Change the route to the soil or sand, shoe sneakers - and you will significantly reduce the risks.
  3. Incorrect landing: when the straightened leg is fixed in the heel.
  4. Any training can harm if you perform exercises through force. It’s better not to force yourself to run than to do this with discontent - you definitely will not receive the benefits of such “physical education”.
  5. If you run along the city street or, worse, a busy transport highway - you inhale all impurities, gases, couples, exhausts. It is better to lay a route for parking alleys or forest paths. In extreme cases, go to the gym.

Running after 50 years: Contraindications

  1. To those who it has no initial training. To start classes at such a respectable age, and even immediately from running is not the best solution.
  2. To those who suffers from cardiovascular diseases. To such people, running classes can be available only with the permission of the attending physician and consulting a specialist cardiologist.
  3. Those who have joint problems. Here you should not even think about sparing norms and time - it is better to leave the run to the run.
  4. Women with gynecological diseases suffering varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.
  5. At the presence of excess weight is running after 50 years contraindicated.
  6. If there is a history of osteoporosis, and also impaired coordination of movements.

Where to start running after 50 years?

  • Like any physical exercises Running after 50 years We start with a warm -up. Walk, open the joints, perform several inclinations.
  • The more and better you warm the muscles, the less chance the possible stretches or injuries. And, by the way, also stretching exercises, you should finish your running classes - this will help reduce the intensity of possible muscle pain.
  • It would be wrong to start running from the very beginning, without proper experience and physical training. Better start with walkingyou can even with Scandinavian, gradually accelerating her pace, and somewhere in a month to switch to running.
Start by walking
Start by walking
  • At first, gradually, alternating him with walking, then, in accordance with his well -being, walking should become less and less.

Running after 50 years: how to run the right and how much to run per day?

  • Of course, it all depends on how you feel. Consultations with doctors who will objectively evaluate your health and calculate permissible loads are also needed. In this way, the average mileage frequency is 3-5 days a week.
  • How intense there should be training and running after 50 years - is determined depending on the frequency of the pulse and, as a rule, is calculated from 55 to 90% maximum heart rate.
  • The approach to the duration of classes is the same individual. The main thing - do not start too actively: 10 minutes are enough at first with a gradual increase in the run.
  • If you run without much tension and fatigue from 20 minutes to an hour (At the same time, training can be either periodic, 10-15 minutes in several visits, or continuous)-stop on this indicator and do not load yourself in excess of measure.

Running after 50: What to do if muscle pain occurs?

  • If you are not an avid physical education, pain in the calf muscles At first, this is absolutely normal. To reduce them, you can use cooling bags, ice or simply lie down with raised legs. As a rule, when moving, such pains pass.
  • In case you it hurts to walkIf not only muscles, but also joints hurt, and the pain itself spreads throughout the leg (hips, ankles, knee cups) - you cannot do without compresses and stop running.
  • If the pain does not stop - It is better to consult a doctor, perhaps you received stretching as a result of too large a one -time load.
Of course useful
Of course useful

So, we will summarize: Running after 50 years - The lesson is certainly useful. The main thing is not to engage in amateur performances, to constantly consult a doctor and, of course, do not strive to set world records. Only in this case, you will receive from daily runs not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Video: Can I run after 50?

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