How many years does a birch tree live, depending on the species and climate? How many years has a birch live in Russia? How to extend the life of birch?

How many years does a birch tree live, depending on the species and climate? How many years has a birch live in Russia? How to extend the life of birch?

The life expectancy of birch.

Birch is one of the most common trees that can be found in Russia. The plant is quite popular, and common in the forest strip, also in reservoirs and rivers. In this article we will tell you how many years a birch has been living.

How many years does a birch tree live?

It was this tree that was sung by poets, and also portrayed artists. It has a certain grace, very beautiful thin branches, and an unusual color of the bark. In total, there are more than 120 species of this tree, but in Russian forests you can find about 60.

Growth features:

  • The most interesting thing is that in each region its appearance is growing, which has adapted to specific habitat as well as possible. So, for example, in the Far East, widespread Stone birch. She can live for about 500 years, But at the same time, it looks little like a birch. The fact is that her trunk is not quite ordinary, slightly resembles an apple tree. At the same time, the bark, as it were, breaks into large pieces and hangs from a tree. That is why the plant was called stone.
  • There is a special type of birch with pink bark on Pamir, and in the Caucasus, birch grows for the sake of, it also has a pink bark and an unusual appearance.
  • In Transbaikalia is common black birchwhose fluffy shaggy bark. On average, birch lives about 100 years.
  • The period of residence depends on the conditions, as well as the type of birch. Just the Far Eastern birch with a stone stem lives for the longest. Leskals the least Birch is warty Or hanging. It is very rapid, but the average life expectancy 50-60 years.

The benefits of birch and use in folk medicine

  • It is worth noting that the birch since ancient times is famous for its healing properties. At the very beginning, its juice was used, because its composition contains a huge number of vitamins and trace elements. This is an excellent immunostimulating, as well as a cleansing healing agent.
  • Branches and leaves are used in the process of making brooms for a bath. This is due to the fact that the branches of birch trees are very flexible, soft and do not break, while they do not give fragments, which is very convenient in the process of enjoying bath procedures.
  • Compresses, tea, as well as some tinctures are prepared from the leaves. Birch buds are particularly popular among folk healers, because they contain a lot of tannins, essential oils, also ascorbic acid.
  • Birch buds are used as a mucolytic agent, as well as an antiseptic. It is mainly used in order to treat bronchitis, SARS, and other respiratory diseases.  
The birch is dudden
The birch is dudden

Birch life expectancy: Features of growing in a summer cottage

In order to fully feel the beneficial properties of a given tree, you can grow it in a summer cottage. The life of the birch life depends on the features of landing, as well as the departure. That is, you are in force to extend or vice versa to reduce the life of this slender tree. It is worth noting that birch can be grown from seeds or from seedlings.

We will have to tinker with the seeds, because before planting, they must be kept in a cold place for several months, and then dried for several days. After that, the seeds are laid in a shallow hole, and are closed with a layer of humus.

The most interesting thing is that it is necessary to do this after the appearance of the first snow in the cold ground, or immediately after the snow melts in early spring. It is necessary that the soil be cold in order for the seeds to be able to harden in the ground for a long period of time, as well as swell and grow faster. Seedlings are planted in the spring. It is necessary to carefully take care of this tree, weeds can interfere with plant growth.

They greatly clog the root system, which significantly reduces the life of the tree. It is worth remembering that the roots of birch are very developed, and in a day they can drink up to 250 liters of water. That is why birch is common near reservoirs and rivers. In dry forests, it is very difficult for her, because there is not enough moisture. She needs frequent and constant watering.  


How many years has a birch live in Russia: how to extend the growth of birch?

It is significantly affected by the life expectancy of birch not only the species, but also the features of the climate. It is worth noting that in places where there are no factories, a huge number of chemical emissions, and also in sufficient quantities there is moisture, a tree can live up to 200-250 years.

The reasons affecting the life expectancy of birch:

  • If this is a noisy city where there is a lot of dust, then birch trees can live only 60 years. Significantly reduces the life expectancy of juice. The fact is that it is carried out in the spring, when a very stormy outflow of fluid and sapotage occur in the barrel.
  • Because of this, plants need nutrients, and saturation with moisture. When this juice is fled, part of the useful substances leave with it. That is, thus, a tree has a deficiency of beneficial, nutrients, which significantly reduces life expectancy.
  • The more often birch juice is taken from wood, the less it is able to live. Very often to the places where the juice is carried out can penetrate the infection. Accordingly, when connecting the infection, the tree quickly wreers and dies.
  • It is worth noting that sometimes it is very difficult to find out the life expectancy, because it grows for about 100-150 years. But after it reaches its maximum size, it may be in a constant state for another 50 years.
  • Every year the number of foliage will decrease and over time the tree dies. That is, the birch does not dry out on one day, this process takes place for a long time, gradually, with the extinction of all the functions of the plant.  
Birch Grove
Birch Grove

As you can see, the birch is characterized by a rather long period of life, which significantly depends on the climatic conditions and features of the place of growth of the plant. The cleaner the terrain, more moisture, the longer the birch can live.  

Video: How many years does a birch live?

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