How old is Vera Brezhneva now? Singer Vera Brezhneva: biography, personal life, family, children, girlish surname

How old is Vera Brezhneva now? Singer Vera Brezhneva: biography, personal life, family, children, girlish surname

The famous singer Vera Brezhneva is known far beyond the borders of her homeland. But do all her fans know her biography in detail?

One of the most beautiful women of the Russian and Ukrainian scene is the singer and actress Vera Brezhnev. A lot of rumors and gossip walks about her, the audience not only evaluate the singer’s new compositions, but also bosses about her husbands and children. What is she really?

The maiden name of Vera Brezhneva

  • Vera Brezhneva by birth - Vera Viktorovna Galushka from the Ukrainian city of Dneprodzerzhinsk in the Dnipropetrovsk region. This city (by the way, now renamed Kamenskoye) is known as a small homeland of the most popular Soviet Secretary General from the Soviet past Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.
  • Who knows if Vera chose such a loud stage pseudonym in honor of the famous countryman? This is also evidenced by one of the official versions of the appearance of a new surname: it was invented by the producer of the VIA Gra group Dmitry Kostyuk, to whom the combination of Viagra and Galushka clearly seemed impossible.

Biography of Vera Brezhneva

  • Middle Daughter engineer Viktor Galushka and medication Tamara Permyakova-Galushka She graduated from the most ordinary Dneprodzerzhinsky school. In his free time, her life was filled with classes of a variety of sports and the development of foreign languages.
  • Elder and younger sisters Galushka They did not achieve such fame as star faith. At one time, however, in sight was one of the younger sisters-twins-Victoria, and even then-as the wife of the star “academician” and producer Alexandra Tsekalo.
  • The future singer received the most that is the prosaic - economic, having finished transport Institute in Dnepropetrovsk.

Personal life of Vera Brezhneva

  • A beautiful woman who, moreover, knows how to give herself, of course, is successful among men. Vitaly Voichenko, with whom Brezhneva lived in the Civil Union for several years, the Dnipropetrovsk businessman Mikhail Kiperman, which is considered one of the richest people in Ukraine, the composer and producer Konstantin Meladze - Here are the three main “stages” of the singer’s life.
  • Brezhneva is credited with many conquered male hearts, one of the latter is a novel, whose hero was faith and director Marus Weisberg. However, the main characters of the intrigue did not give confirmation of this rumor, so you could only guess about whether this connection was.
  • Today Brezhnev is associated with the bonds of marriage with Konstantin Meladze, The couple legalized their relationship under the cover of secrets in sunny Italy four years ago.

Did Vera Brezhnev lead a stranger husband?

  • According to the ex -wife of Meladze, she had long began to suspect that her husband had a friend, and even, as she herself admits, called Brezhnev to a frank conversation. Vera denied such a connection, but later the truth swam out.
  • Yana Meladze filed for divorce, calling such a life "emotional hell." The couple by that time had three children, and yet they broke up. Today, both Konstantin and Yana Meladze are happy with new partners. Vera Brezhneva seems to be the same.

Children of Vera Brezhneva

  • The eldest daughter of the singer, Sonya, is already 18 years old. She was born in a civil marriage with Vitaly Voichenkobut bears a surname Cypermanlike the youngest Sarah, whose father is a businessman Mikhail Kiperman.
  • Sonya from an early youth chose the podium, having passed the appropriate training and participating in the mods of the mod. Now the girl dreams of cinema, and in her luggage there is already an episodic role in "Vampire Diaries". She is often seen with an American from the highest circles, whose name is Hawk Krugert, Photos of their joint travels filled the girl's page on Instagram.
  • Sarah, who is soon ten, is a schoolgirl. The circle of her interests - languages, painting, dancing and fashionable clothing. Not surprising, because a stylish and fashionable mother is an example for a girl. Both daughters are very similar to the mother outwardly, that fans do not tire of emphasizing in the comments on joint photos posted by the singer.

How old is Vera Brezhneva now?

  • Despite the fact that the singer managed to achieve a lot, to become the mother of two children, to be married three times, Vera Brezhneva is still quite young - she 37 years (Brezhneva was born on February 3, 1982).
  • She has a wonderful figure, with growth 171 cm weighs only 53 kg. The male half of the audience (yes, however, it is very likely that women also) repeatedly recognized her with the most beautiful woman in Russia.

Creativity of Vera Brezhneva

  • A large scene began for faith from the group "VIA Gra." She managed to attract the attention of the producers of the team during his performance in Dnepropetrovsk and was already invited to the casting.
  • The result surpassed all the expectations: Vera Galushka became one of the soloists of the group by Vera Brezhneva, and her partners on the stage were Anna Sedokova and Nadezhda Granovskaya.
  • After a four -year career in VIA Gra Brezhnev I preferred to do a solo career, which it continues to this day. The scope of her creative activity also includes the role of a TV presenter, filming in the cinema, participation in various projects.

Vera Brezhneva in Cinema and on Television

  • In this hypostasis, the singer began to try herself since 2008.
  • "Magic of ten" - That was the name of her first program, in which she made her debut as a host. Then she became skates in the "Ice period" and starred in the film "Sex and the City"who later had a second part. Another role in the cinema is itself in the film "Christmas tree".
  • Then there was a participation in the improvisational show called “South Butovo” and work in the judicial composition of the Ukrainian show “Superstar”, and of course, the frequent appearance of the leading numerous shows, on the awards of prizes, etc.
  • Brezhneva debuted in the cinema in 2004, playing with partners on VIA Gra in the musical "Sorochinsky fair." The next two cinemas were also part of the team: “Disco's Night” and “First Home”.
  • Three parts "Love in the big city" and "Christmas tree", movies "Jungle" and "Rockland", and also - the role of Masha from "8 best dates" and participation in the sensational series "Major" - so successfully manifests himself as actress singer Vera Brezhneva.

Social activity of Vera Brezhneva

  • Like many artists, Brezhnev provides assistance to those in need, in particular, created its own "Ray of faith" - This is the name of the fund that helps with cancer patients.
  • In addition, the singer is concerned about the rights of people with HIV infection, and she acts as the UN ambassador in this direction.
  • The beauty and charm of faith Brezhneva They made it desired in advertising campaigns. Russian financial system "Gold Crown" And the Italian brand Calzedonia They made her their face.

Vera Brezhneva and her awards

  • In addition to the public recognition of their external data, which was expressed in the repeated assignment of the titles of the most beautiful, sexy, stylish, etc., Vera Brezhneva was recognized as the best TV presenter in 2008, she received a prize World Fashion Awards As the best singer of 2009. Awarded the Order of Princess Olga For the help that children provides.
  • In the creative asset of the singer - numerous "gold gramophones" and the prize awarded by the RU.TV channel, in recent years, it has been an unchanged winner of the Russian "Songs of the year." In recent years, she began to celebrate her as a beloved actress and the best star blogger.

Songs of Vera Brezhneva

  • Like a real woman, Brezhneva sings primarily about love, and one of her most popular songs is called so "Love saves the world". The singer admits that she is “not a saint”, tells about "Close people"He wishes everyone “good morning” and rejoices in the “good day”.
  • She appeals to the audience with a call "Love each other", admits that "you are my man." "Real life", "petals of tears", "insomnia", "do not run after me" - These and other names are always heard and loved by admirers.

Instagram of faith Brezhneva

  • Over 400 thousand page subscribers Brezhneva's faith on Instagram - This is the indicator of the popularity of the singer. In the network of Brezhnev, it uploads a lot of personal photographs, and, often is not afraid to appear before fans in natural form, without cosmetics and breathtaking curls.
  • The singer usually posts from 10 to 15 pictures per month, so they are not bored with fans.
  • These pictures can be called a kind of report on everyday life and holidays. Here are the moments of filming, concert performances, studio photographs, occasionally family. The most attracted to fans the naturalness and immediacy of photographs, since Brezhnev very rarely uploads the so -called staged photos to the network.
  • In addition, in the notes of faith there are many words of gratitude to admirers, warmth and positive. Perhaps this is what attracts so many people to her page.

Clips of Vera Brezhneva

  • The singer starred in many video clips, both in the VIA Gra and her own. Today, apparently, the most popular clip for the song is the most popular "I'm not a saint", in general, the number of loved ones and having the most views can be attributed “Love each other”, “You are my man”, “close people”, “number one” And, of course, "Love saves the world".
  • Also among the works of the singer - “Feel”, “love at a distance”, “I don't play”, “good day”, “real life” and pl. etc.

Dan Balan and Vera Brezhnev

  • Together with his friend and colleague Dan Balan Vera Brezhneva shot more than one video. The first was "Petals of tears", which gave rise to many rumors about the tender feelings that connect the performers. However, these rumors remained, as they say, without comment.
  • And again-a wave of rumors that rose after the release of a black and white clip "Our summer". She was also heated by the commentary of Balan himself about a certain nostalgia for the past, irrevocably gone relationships. The clip shot on the Italian Elbe excites the minds of fans of the artists-were there really this relationship?
They suspected a novel
They suspected a novel

Vera Brezhneva: "I'm not a saint"

  • That is what is called new video of Vera Brezhneva, In which she appears in front of the viewer in a black sexy body and the same black leather jacket.
  • A woman with a beautiful figure, Vera Brezhneva knows how to conquer, and the first comments on the YouTube channel on the YouTube channel confirmed this. Fans note that the beauty of the star is impudent and sexy, but at the same time does not look vulgar.
  • However, Brezhnev herself admits that it does not be equal to recognized standards of beauty, but, came to the understanding that it was necessary to accept itself natural.
Not holy
Not holy

Reviews about Vera Brezhneva

  • "Vera is a typical blonde", they say alone. "Vera is super!" - categorically refute others. “She is a beauty, and those who condemn her simply envy,” admirers say. "She is ordinary mediocrity", - those who do not apply to such do not agree.
  • This is how the camps are approximately shared “For” and “against” Vera Brezhneva. There are among them those who do not deny its external data, but completely confident in the absence of talent and vocal data. It gets Brezhneva and from the guardians of moral principles - for broken families.
  • Many girls want to look the way she, admiring femininity and beauty. There are also those who consider it the teeth are inserted, the eyes are oblique, also the mouth is “to the ears”.
  • Someone is attracted not only by the beauty of the singer, but also by the positive from her, and too frank outfits push off someone. The envious assures that the singer deliberately downs her age, that she "surrendered".
  • All this is a common phenomenon in the starry environment, because there will always be both admirers and haters. However, it should be noted that disputes are carried out mainly around the appearance of Brezhneva. Regarding her vocal data, they argue little, mainly agreeing that they can hardly be called outstanding.

Video: About Brezhneva Vera

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