How many calories per day need to eat a woman and a man to lose weight? The norm of consumption and combustion of calories per day for men, women, adolescents, pregnant women, nursing mothers, athletes

How many calories per day need to eat a woman and a man to lose weight? The norm of consumption and combustion of calories per day for men, women, adolescents, pregnant women, nursing mothers, athletes

We count calories: an accurate calculation for maintaining weight and weight loss.

I want to be beautiful all year round, but especially this question is aggravated in the spring-summer time. Exhausting workouts are good, but not everyone is suitable. Mono diets are high -speed, but very harmful to the body. Is there really no way out? Of course, there is! Regularly observe the correct number of calories, there are carbohydrates in the morning, proteins in the evening, combine and absorb for no more than 40-60 gr. Fat. No one cancel the active lifestyle, but with the proper distribution of power, you will begin to lose weight during an hour -long walk, and not an exhausting training after which it is difficult to get home.

How many calories per day need to eat a woman and a man to lose weight?
How many calories per day need to eat a woman and a man to lose weight?

But there are also myths about calories that often misleads people and thereby harm health:

  • It is important not that you eat, but how much it is in calories. Indeed, you can calculate calories in chocolate and hamburgers, and there are them in the required quantity and yes - you will begin to lose weight. But with this you will acquire a bad complexion, gastritis, and possibly an ulcer.
  • An ideal combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fat. Unfortunately, there is no such combination, but if you add the number of calories and only healthy products, you will not need to calculate to milligrams. And remember - a protein diet - great harm to the body without the possibility of recovery;
  • We eat calories for a week, but no effect. Indeed, this is not an instant decision and you will see the first results only after 20-30 days. But if you add physical activity from the first days, then you will feel the first results later only 5 days - a surge of energy!
  • If I eat calories, I can throw sport. Again, not true. If you reduce activity, then metabolism slows down, and, accordingly, weight loss;
  • To take away from the number of calories I need 50% and I will immediately lose weight. And again there is a mistake, you not only slow down metabolism, but also make the body starve, and, accordingly, accumulate fats;
  • The frequency of meals is more important than calories. It is really recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, but at the same time in smaller portions than 3 times a day, observing the overall proportion of calories;
  • To establish hormones and you can not worry about calories. If everything depended on the hormones, it was easier, but as practice shows precisely the excessive calorie intake and the inactive lifestyle often violates the body's work, and the hormone imbalance is also followed by it. You establish a lifestyle and often hormones become in place.

The norm of consumption and combustion of calories per day for men, women, adolescents

If everything is quite simple with children, they all perform approximately one daily routine daily, and they also most often have the same way of life, then in adults the situation is fundamentally changing. Depending on how a person works and rests his daily calorie norm.

Load group Number of calories for a woman Number of calories for a man
Teenagers from 11 to 13 years old 2500–2700
Teenagers from 14 to 17 years old 2700 3150
Adults from 18 to 40 years old with a sedentary lifestyle 2400–2850 2800–3300
Adults from 18 to 40 years with average life activity 2550–3000 3000–3500
Adults from 18 to 40 years old with an active lifestyle 3150–3600 3400–3800
Adults from 40 to 60 years with a sedentary lifestyle 2200–2550 2600–3000
Adults from 40 to 60 years with average life activity 2500–2850 2900–3300
Adults from 40 to 60 years with an active lifestyle 2900–3250 2900–3250
People who work in heavy physical work and professional athletes 3500–4000 4500–5000
People from 60 to 70 years old 2100–2300 2350–2650
People over 70 years old 2000 2200

Knowledge of this information will allow you to adjust the most accurately as possible menu by calories and achieve the optimal balance.

The norm of calorie consumption per day for pregnant and nursing mothers

With the advent of a new life in the stomach of the future mother, a woman needs to radically review her diet. It is worth excluding all preservatives, dyes and harmful foods, since the body will work in an enhanced mode. Regarding calories, they will also be enlarged.

On average, a pregnant woman should consume 3200 calories per day, but for a more accurate calculation you need to know the exact weight of the pregnant woman, as well as the activity of her life.

The norm of calorie consumption per day for pregnant and nursing mothers
The norm of calorie consumption per day for pregnant and nursing mothers

As soon as a woman gives birth to a pregnant woman, she immediately goes into the nursing section. And her diet should not be reduced, but, on the contrary, increase by 300 calories and reach the mark 3500. Tell me time to put the figure in order? To do this, as soon as it allows the condition, it is necessary to add physical activity, more walks (the presence of a child is required to spend 3-6 hours a day on the street).

The norm of calorie consumption per day for athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor?

Heavy physical labor without enhanced nutrition is the right path to the rapid wear of the body and severe diseases. Therefore, depending on age (more detailed in the table above), it is required to consume from 2500 to 5000 calories! The last mark, of course, treat men with heavy physical labor (diggers, builders, movers, etc.), as well as athletes preparing for competitions.

The norm of calorie consumption per day for athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor?
The norm of calorie consumption per day for athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor?

How many calories a day need to eat a woman to lose weight?

In order to accurately calculate the number of calories in order to lose weight, we offer not to use ready -made tables, but to calculate our individual number below the specified formula.

OO means the main exchange, or in other words, the sum of calories that must be consumed per day.

So, a formula for girls, women and grandmothers: oo \u003d 10*weight (kg) + 6.25*Height (cm)-5*age-161

But this amount is not enough lifestyle, because, depending on what it is (active or passive) it requires more or less calories.

We multiply the resulting amount by:

  • Passive (sedentary) lifestyle - 1.2;
  • Passive lifestyle with 1-2 training per week for 1 hour-1.375;
  • Inactive lifestyle - 1.55;
  • Active lifestyle - 1.725;
  • An active lifestyle with constant physical exertion (hard physical work or professional sport) - 1.9.

Let's look at the example:

A woman working as an accountant aged 35 years with a weight of 90 kg and a height of 162 cm.

We count: oo \u003d 10*90kg+6.25*162-5*35-161 \u003d 1576.5 kcal

1576.5*1.2 \u003d 1891.8 kcal

Total, a woman needs to consume 1891.8 kcal so as not to get full, and if she decides to lose weight, her diet must be reduced by 20%.

1891.8 kcal*0.8 \u003d 1513 kcal

Remember: lowering the diet less than 1200 kcal, it is imperative to be observed daily with the doctor!

How many calories per day need to eat a man to lose weight?

In order to calculate the required amount of kcal for a man, there is another formula.

Formula for young men and men: oo \u003d 10*weight (kg) + 6.25*Height (cm) -5*age + 5

The coefficients are the same as in women.

We consider the example:

A man 36 years old, with a height of 162 and weighing 70 kg. Leads an active lifestyle.

So, we calculate: oo \u003d 10*70+6.25*162-5*36+5 \u003d 1537.5 kcal

Now we use the coefficient: 1537.5*1.725 \u003d 2652 kcal

In order for a man to lose weight, you need to reduce the diet by 20%. Total: 2652*0.8 \u003d 2121.75 kcal

Remember: lowering the diet less than 1800 kcal, it is imperative to be observed daily with the doctor!

Calory calculation formula per day for weight loss

The formula is quite simple: OO (taking into account lifestyle) -20%.

For a sharp weight loss under the supervision of a doctor, you can bring a reduction in kcal to -40%.

Calory calculation formula per day for weight loss
Calory calculation formula per day for weight loss

How many calories usually a man burns per day?

It is believed that a man per day requires 2800 to 5000 kcal. But as you can see, the dispersion is quite high, so for more accurate data we recommend calculating according to your individual data.

We give a table that indicates how much a man burns energy in the gym, thereby you can choose the optimal amount and quality of the load.

Caloria consumption in training
Caloria consumption in training

And for those who want to find out how many calories he spends in everyday life, we give another, more fun table.

How many calories usually a man burns per day?
How many calories usually a man burns per day?

How many calories are spent with a sedentary lifestyle without physical activity?

With a sedentary lifestyle on average, men spend 2800, and women 2400 kcal. But due to many factors, including the quality of food consumed, even with this menu, excess weight can arise.

But in order to start an active lifestyle, you do not need to pay money at all and urgently sign up for the gym. We give elementary calculations, it would seem, everyday affairs.

How many calories are spent with a sedentary lifestyle without physical activity?
How many calories are spent with a sedentary lifestyle without physical activity?

If you have become on the wrestling path - the first thing to start doing is walking for 60 minutes or more without stopping. And then increasing.

How to properly distribute calories during the day?

We calculated the necessary calories, and sat down to breakfast ... By the end of the breakfast, only 50 kcal can remain free, or on the contrary, eat a cracker for breakfast and wait for the effect of losing weight. But no, calories must not only be calculated, but also correctly distributed.

So, we give an example of calculating calories for a losing weight woman with an active lifestyle with a diet of 1,500 kcal and 5 one-time meals.

  • Breakfast - 400 kcal
  • Lunch - 300 kcal
  • Lunch - 300 kcal
  • SUCTION - 300 kcal
  • Dinner - 200 kcal

They noticed that calories are distributed proportionally, but with a shift in breakfast 100 kcal, removing them from dinner? Please note that between meals the same amount of time, and also dinner should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Calorie table for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body

Below we give a large -scale calorie consumption table with a wide variety of classes. Thanks to her, you can accurately calculate the number of calories that you spend in a day, and thereby give the opportunity to relax to the body or, on the contrary, increase the load.

Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: part1
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: part1
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: part2
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: part2
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: part3
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: part3
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: part4
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: part4
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: Part55
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: Part55
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: Part66
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: Part66
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: part7
Calorie table for a day for weight loss and restoration of the energy balance of the human body: part7

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Comments K. article

  1. It's not only about calories .. you will take them count. Activity is important-this really helps to lose weight. And in addition, I am still accepting a sport expert L-carnitin in front of the coach. Lost easily, even taking into account the fact that I do not worry about calories))

  2. In general, everything is individual and depends on many points. For me personally, to lose weight, you need to eat no more than 1200-1300 feces a day, if there is a little more, I will not lose weight, but also gain weight too. You also need to look at activity and sports, in such cases, daily calorie content can be greater. It is also usually hard for me to rebuild on a less high -calorie menu, so so that there are no breakdowns, I still drink fibraksin, it helps me to control the hunger.

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