Blue plus yellow - what color will turn out? How to get green and its shades when mixing paints?

Blue plus yellow - what color will turn out? How to get green and its shades when mixing paints?

To achieve extraordinary shades of green color, find out from the material which colors should be mixed.

From childhood, we remember that if the green pencil broke and is not subject to repair, then there is no problem in this if blue and yellow remained at hand. We draw in one color, painted on top with the other - and the matter is in the hat, the green color appears on the album sheet as by the wave of a magic wand.

What color will turn out when mixing yellow and blue colors: how to get shades?

But this is in childhood, when mothers, educators, teachers are nearby, and most importantly - a box of pencils. How to achieve green, if you do not have, for example, also yellow, but you need to paint right now? In this case, new mixing of similar colors and shades will come to the rescue. Take the color of ocher and, diluting it with white, mix with blue. A wonderful saturated color of bright juicy greenery will come out.

With a classic green color and a way of achieving it, it is clear. And how to achieve this or that shade that is so rich in green? To do this, we will resort to mixing again and see how color saturation changes, its depth, how intense it becomes.

  • To achieve a pale soft shade of greens, We enrich the classic combination of yellow and blue with a small amount of white. This is how a soothing pale green The color in which it is recommended to paint or paste the walls of the bedrooms.
  • Noble sophisticated olivethe shade is achieved in two stages: first we get the classic green, and then we begin to add yellowness to it, while controlling how rich the color we want to have as a result. The light yellow color will make our olive soft and muffled, the darker the chopper of the yellow will be, the more saturated and deeper the tint of the final color will be.
  • IN bottle shades of green When mixing blue with yellow base, the second color is. The final color resembles a bottle glass depends on its precisely extinct amount.
  • Adding to pure green alternately and carefully so as not to overdo it with proportions, yellow and black, we will achieve shade of needles.
  • Summer gamut fern We will recreate, mixing green with the contrast of black and white, and the base color will be white. This color cannot be attributed to light or dark, rather it is a link connecting these gradations.
  • Plunge into forest greens You can, connecting green with black in the right proportions.
  • So beloved by the kids is bright salad- This is light and white green.
  • To obtain swamp The shade (as an option is khaki), the original green color needs to be “strengthened” with the red-brown range.
  • Dark green It is easy to achieve, varying with black or brown colors, adding them to green.
  • Turquoise A shade that is already close to almost blue can be achieved by mixing green with blue.
  • Gray-green The color will become when we add light gray and green paint to the basis of white.
  • Color avocado, as close as possible already to the gamut of yellow shades, is created on the basis of yellow by adding brown and black.
  • For achievement emerald Tones again take the yellow base and enrich it with certain parts of green and white.
  • Aquamarine It is based on white, with the addition of green and black.
Flowering colors
Flowering colors

So, using only a few colors, you can achieve the rich gamut of green shades - such juicy, saturated, pleasant to the eye and unique.

Video: getting flowers when mixing

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