Sympathy. Signs of sympathy of a man, guy, girls, women. Recognition in sympathy in your own words, in prose, verses, SMS

Sympathy. Signs of sympathy of a man, guy, girls, women. Recognition in sympathy in your own words, in prose, verses, SMS

There are a lot of signs of sympathy in men and women, and recognition in sympathy is the first step towards a long and sensual relationship. You can “read” your partner with the help of obvious gestures, views and words.

Non -verbal signs of sympathy, what is it?

  • Such a complex concept as “non -verbal signs of sympathy” is very easy to understand. Literally this word “non -verbal” can be translated as “not perfect” or “not done”
  • This is the action that is not performed with 100% understanding, but carries the clear meaning of what is happening. Such signs are needed in order to literally "read" the thoughts of the interlocutor without unnecessary words
  • Knowing gestures, facial expressions, views and speech turns will make clear conclusions about a person’s attitude towards you. For example, men are not as talkative as women and they are more common to do than to say
  • Unlike the beautiful half of humanity, men do not like to open their souls and frankly, and only non -verbal signs will allow you to form guesses about real attitude towards you
Taking a hand - a direct sign of sympathy
taking a hand - a direct sign of sympathy

It is worth noting that each person has signs of sympathy in different ways. But most often they can be seen during the conversation “face to eye”. The eyes, movements of the hands, moves the head, touching different parts of the body, the timbre of voice, facial expressions and general behavior will help to say this. All signs appear in a person completely unconsciously and he cannot regulate them on his own.

It is safe to say that sympathy can only be read after a personal conversation. By the way, each person did this a huge number of times in his life. A peculiar “sensor” is built in our brain, which reacts through all the signs of sympathy as unconsciously.

It is not rarely signs of non -verbal sympathy are:

  • frequent attention signs
  • gifts and presentations
  • wishes in poetic form
  • human constraint and not rarely reddened
  • excessive eloquence or vice versa, strong silence
  • inadequate and defiant actions
  • touches the interlocutor during the conversation
Human behavior during a conversation is able to tell a lot about his attitude towards you
human behavior during a conversation is able to tell a lot about his attitude towards you

If the couple in communication often looks at each other, exchange not bold and long glances, touches the hands - this indicates mutual sympathy between each other.

Signs of a girl’s sympathy, how to read sympathy correctly?

As a rule, girls are always too emotional, impressionable and excited, so their signs of attention and sympathy are not always easy to read. But if you get a good and remember a few basic techniques that girls use constantly, you can learn to read them from the first seconds of communication.

Signs of sympathy in girls
signs of sympathy in girls
  • Look into her eyes. Bright and a little childish, they always shine when they are filled with sympathy and the first feelings. Pay attention to how the girl looks at you. Often, girls look fluently at their “object of lust”, take off a playful look and look for contact again
  • Pay attention to how your legs behave.The girl who has sympathy for you is directed to your sock in your direction. She can swing with a sock, stroke the leg of a chair or table - these are signs of sexual excitement
  • Pay attention to the hair.A girl who feels sympathy for you does not give rest to your hair: strokes them, corrects them, winds up on a finger, sometimes bites or combs. All this suggests that she wants to attract your attention to herself
  • Look at the behavior of your hands.Hands are literally the "language" of the girl. If she feels a feeling for you, she will constantly show you her manicure, open her wrists, stroke the back of her palms and touch you upon occasion during a conversation
Hair touch - a sign of a girl's sympathy
touching the hair is a sign of sympathy in a girl

Read eloquent signs is not difficult if you want to do this. Pay attention to how much she is interested in talking with you, how often a blush appears on her face and what topics she is ready to affect during a conversation.

The non -verbal signs of a woman’s sympathy, how to recognize them?

Women know how to send signals of sexual sympathy very eloquently, forcing a man to feel puzzled and sometimes embarrassed. Remember at least Sharon Stone and the picture "Basic Instinct."

The interrogation scene became a favorite episode only because the actress skillfully scattered her legs in the air, causing confusion among the police. So in real life, women make it clear to the man about their desires by innocent and sometimes very frank gestures.

Demonstration of axillary depressions is a sign of sympathy in women
demonstration of axillary depressions is a sign of sympathy in women

Unlike young girls, women are more experienced and able to send stronger and more understandable sexual signals towards men.

  • Close contactand the unexpected touches of a man with intimate parts of the body (hips or breasts) are able to say that a woman is experiencing a strong sexual attraction
  • Demonstration of axillary depressions -a very intimate thing, since women are able to demonstrate such sympathy only in intimate cases
  • Shoulder and neckit also indicates that a woman strives with a man to closer contact
  • Game with jewelrysays that a woman does not mind having fun with a man and experiences a strong outright sympathy for him
  • Demonstration of the legsindicates that a woman wants your attention
  • The manner of conversationwomen will tell you about what she feels for you: a low voice, slow, protracted speech, patting with eyelashes The gaze of a squint

Bright signs of a man's sympathy. How to understand the sympathy of a man?

It is accepted that it is common for a man to show his sympathy more than a matter than words. Therefore, it is customary to read their signs of attention precisely in what they do: give gifts flowers, call, write, remind of themselves. Of course they have a set of vivid signs of sympathy:

  • A loud voicesymbolizes a man’s desire to show his superiority and attract a woman to himself
  • pay attention to the desire to take care of you.You can tell you a desire to warm you with your jacket, opening doors before you or the desire to give a hand, leaving the transport
  • Closure of clothes, tie or hairsays that a man really wants to demonstrate your attractiveness to you and attract attention
  • pay attention to the look of a man,if he looks at you from top to bottom, stops a look at a bust or hips - this is the most striking sign of your passion for you
Men show their sympathy with deeds, not words
men show their sympathy with deeds, not words

How to read the signs of a guy's sympathy?

Guys are a little softer than men due to their age and their signs of attention is easier to read. Guys show their attention as children: give gifts, draw hearts on the asphalt and send many delicate SMS.

Gifts from a guy - a sign of sympathy
gifts from a guy - a sign of sympathy
  • Sight -the first sign of sympathy. So, pay attention to how the guy looks at you. If he does not take your eyes off you, this is a passionate passion for you
  • Smile -the very gift that the guys are not released by everyone, perceive it as sympathy
  • Voice -an indicator of the guy’s intentions, if he tries to be stricter and louder, he wants to show his masculinity
  • Gesturesthey talk about the guy in the most vivid way. Pay attention to what parts of the body it concerns if he often holds his hands in his trousers pockets - this is a clear sign of sexual attraction
If the guy touches the intimate parts of the body holding his hands in his pockets, this speaks of his sexual attraction
if the guy touches the intimate parts of the body holding his hands in his pockets, this speaks of his sexual attraction

Beautiful recognition in sympathy in your own words

It is not enough to gain sympathy, because it is much more difficult to choose the right words that will reveal all the colors of your feelings and help you position it. Recognitions in sympathy must be sincere, honest and original. Proper recognition fascinates and contributes to a reverse positive reaction.

Sympathy for man
sympathy for man

Examples of beautiful confessions in sympathy in your own words:

  • Seeing you once, my eyes could no longer come off the magical image. Your features were forever sunk into my heart and now, wherever I go, my face is all about everywhere ... And I become happier
  • When you see “your man” forget about all imperfections and do not notice the flaws. You are a real work of art and I am your fan
  • How rarely you can survive that feeling when the earth leaves under the feet, and the heart begins to tremble like a bird in a cage. You cause me only joy, love and a pleasant sweet trembling.
  • Next to you, my wings grow up, I want to jump and feel like a child. What a blessing to meet you in your life!

How to give a recognition in sympathy for a girl in your own words, in prose, in verses, SMS

  • You are a Budious fairy fairy descended to the ground and the world under your legs turned into a fairy tale. I am devoted to you to your last desire and is ready to follow your every movement
  • I can’t be original and it is unlikely that I can choose eloquent words for you ... But I drowned in the beauty of your soul and body and now there is no salvation for me
  • You know, I notice a terrible lack of you behind me. I wake up and fall asleep only with thoughts about you and often notice that I completely forget to myself ...
  • Our meeting with you changed me and now I can say with confidence that your features have become a seal on my heart!
Recognition in sympathy - the beginning of strong love relationships
recognition in sympathy - the beginning of strong love relationships

Beautiful recognition in sympathy for the guy in his own words, in prose, in verses, SMS

  • You are present in my thoughts from the very first minute of our meeting with you. I am grateful to the fate that managed to reduce us at that moment of life when I needed you
  • At the moment when I saw you, I felt a wild attraction and joy that you are only mine and more
  • You are the best thing that could happen to me and I am infinitely grateful to God for having once confused our paths
  • How I would like to convey to you those feelings that burn and burn in my soul. But I will just tell you that you are the best and I incredibly want to be with you always!
Guys love when girls express their sincere sympathy for them
guys love when girls express their sincere sympathy for them

Sensual recognition in sympathy for a man in his own words, in prose, in verses, SMS

  • When I think about you, every piece of my body is covered with trembling trembling and the heart begins to pound as if a small bird was placed in a tiny box
  • You are the embodiment of real masculinity, courage and strength. I feel the most reverent feelings for you and experience the storm of the most vivid experiences
  • I am sure that in the world there is no more attractive man than you. When I see you, I am speechless and I am mentally flying away to that fantasy where I am always devoted to you and in everything
  • When you are nearby, I am sure that nothing threatens me. I plunge into the warm sea of \u200b\u200bmy feelings, devoted only to you
Recognition of sympathy for a man
recognition of sympathy for a man

Tender recognition in sympathy for a woman in his own words, in prose, in verses, SMS

  • You are the embodiment of tenderness, sensuality and beauty. Every time I am surprised how perfect your features are and how lucky I was to contemplate them
  • When I imagine you, I forget about everything that surrounds me. I plunge into the joyful pool of excitement and happiness from the fact that you are the most beautiful woman on earth and you are mine!
  • God created a work of art and made me a huge gift when he crossed our paths with you. You can’t even imagine what power you possess over me and I am madly happy to submit to you
Sympathy for a woman should be heated with warm words
sympathy for a woman should be heated with warm words

Sensual and delicate verses about sympathy for the desired person

  • Devil's features from your memory will not tear anything
    I am devoted to you to the end, I love you, I only live you!
  • I am poisoned with your features, I drown in a quiet whirlpool of feelings. This pool is insanely huge, without you I am unhappy and empty
  • Ah, how interesting to me with you! So fabulous and so easy to breathe. I tell you about this honestly, love for you calls me to fly!
  • This miracle happened to me, I am devoted only to one for you. I do not want, and I will not look for replacements for my fate
  • You are a delicate little kitten with which it is fun to play. A funny little child, I want to tell you that our meeting is like a fairy tale. I am glad of you to count my!

Video: "Five Signs of Sympathy"

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