Strong prayers for Easter - Christ is risen, for health, luck, love, marriage, wealth, against harmful habits. Effective conspiracies for Easter with texts and descriptions of rituals

Strong prayers for Easter - Christ is risen, for health, luck, love, marriage, wealth, against harmful habits. Effective conspiracies for Easter with texts and descriptions of rituals

Strong prayers for Easter.

From the article you will find out what prayers exist for Easter and what conspiracies will help in love, marriage and getting rid of bad habits.

What are the strong prayers and conspiracies to read to Holy Easter?

Prayers and conspiracies uttered in the hours separating the liturgy from Easter peace and in the previous passionate week have special strength and energy.

On such days, there comes a moment when you can recover from a heavy ailment, protect your family with a bombing from misfortunes. It is believed that prayers for Easter can attract good luck, successfully start a new business, and even improve the financial situation.

The text of the prayer for Easter, which protects against adversity and preserves love, brings good luck and prosperity to the family.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother Maria wore Christ,
I gave birth, baptized, fed, watered,
She taught prayers, saved, protected,
And then she sobbed at the cross, poured tears, lamented,
Together with her dear son, she suffered.
Jesus Christ Risen on Sunday,
From now on, his glory from earth to heaven.
Now he himself, his slaves, takes care of
Mercifully accepts our prayers.
Lord, hear me, save me, protect me
From all sorts of troubles now and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, both in the forever and ever.

Another the text of a strong prayer that is read on Easter days:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary of Christ wore, gave birth, baptized, fed, watered, She taught prayers, saved, protected, and then sobbed at the cross, poured tears, wailed, suffered with her dear son. Jesus Christ is resurrected on Sunday, from now on His glory from earth to heaven. Now he himself, his slaves, takes care of, graciously accepts our prayers. Lord, hear me, save me, protect me from all sorts of troubles now and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, both in the forever and ever. Amen"

Strong prayers for Easter
Strong prayers for Easter

Strong prayer for Easter - Christ is risen

In the Easter week, Orthodox Christians turn to the Lord with prayers in which they ask for salvation for themselves and their loved ones. Prayer will affect everyone who turns to the Lord during a large, great and long -awaited holiday with faith in the soul.

How to read prayers for Easter correctly?

  • Read prayers for Easter in complete solitude. Therefore, going to pray, make sure that no one will bother you.
  • Before prayer, an Orthodox icon and a cup filled with holy water are placed on the table.
  • 3 candles are lit.
  • They read the sacred text when the presence of God is felt.
  • During the reading, they look at the lit candles.

Prayer text:

Prayer "Clock for Holy Easter"

The text of the prayer that is read at the end of the Akathist Easter

The prayer read at the end of the Akathist Easter

Strong prayers for Easter for health

Prayer is a special amulet with incredible power. Prayers for the Easter week are able to heal the seriously ill patient if he turns to the Lord with all his faith, with bright feelings, pure thoughts and respect for God.

What are the prayers and conspiracies for Easter to heal from diseases?

There are several strong magical texts:

  • from an unknown illness
  • from seizures
  • for good health
  • for seriously ill

In each individual case, a special rite is carried out, and the text of the conspiracy is read.

The prayer read on Easter for healing
The prayer read on Easter for healing "from three deaths"

To return good health: Easter conspiracy

The rite is conducted by a sick or suffering from the disease. The text of the conspiracy is read to itself with the sound of the first blow of the bells on Easter. Before reading the conspiracy you need to cross.

“Christ is risen, and the slave (name) is health. Amen".

Effective prayers for health
Effective prayers for health

Conspiracy for good vision

In the morning hours on Easter you need to wash yourself next to the icon and pronounce the next conspiracy:

“As people look at the icon, so my eyes would look well in a century. Amen."

The following rite will help to recover from an unknown illness, even if doctors cannot determine its cause:

  • On Easter Sunday, the patient must personally collect the remains in the apartment from the Easter meal: animal bones, shells from Easter eggs, dry crumbs. All these scraps to the patient should be buried in the garden or in the field.
  • But it is necessary to bury according to this scheme: to imagine that a garden or other plot of land in which the remaining food will be buried is a rectangle. And divide the scraps into 4 parts: instill one part in each corner.
  • At home, the patient can not speak with relatives before the next morning. After a night's rest, the well -being will certainly improve.

Conspiracy from an unknown disease

It is read on the third day after Easter for holy water:

“God created the sky,
God created the earth.
Create, Lord,
And the health of the servant of God (name).
Like Jesus Christ on the third day
Risen to eternal life,
So that the th servant of God (name)
It is resurrected to health.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, both in the forever and ever. Amen".

The patient should be washed in the evenings in the evenings for three days in a row.

Prayer for Easter for healing
Prayer for Easter for healing

Prayer for Easter from the disease of the child and adult

  • With constant malaise or severe illness, conduct a special ritual on Easter. Prepare a small bottle of holy water, which was brought from the church with a cross cross inside (sanctified).
  • The cross must be taken by the person for whom you are conducting the ceremony. Prayer is read three times:

“In the kingdom of heaven, there is a wonderful spring. Who touches the water, who is washed with water will wash off the ailments from that. I typed that water, gave the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  • The cross must be taken out of the bottle and put on the one to whom it belongs. Holy water is sprinkled with the patient's forehead.
  • Put a bottle of holy water near the icon: a sick -of -the -course of the Easter week needs to spray the forehead three times a day, over which they read a prayer.
Prayer from the disease of the child and adult

Strong prayers for Easter for good luck

  • During the bright and joyful festival of Easter, people cleanse their souls and spiritually revive. It is at such moments that many people read prayers, creating a powerful energy thanks to great spiritual tension. So magic rites become effective.
  • In spring days, the revival of nature also occurs and the bioenergy connection with man is enhanced. Therefore, our ancestors held pagan holidays and magic rites during this period.
  • The magical energy of Easter, which is skillfully used, is able to attract luck and all kinds of well -being. The strength and effectiveness of conspiracies is confirmed for many centuries.
Prayer-reinforcing for Easter
Prayer-reinforcing for Easter

Easter food conspiracy

  • The conspiracy is read over painted eggs, cakes, which themselves have great magical power:

“Christ had everything that he had, and so bequeathed to others.
I treat everyone with the Easter cakes and I wish all my neighbors.
So let everything that is given to me, will return to me the story.
Let luck come with me in business, defend me from troubles and failures. ”

  • Considered for good luck, Easter eggs in a blessed mood and with pure thoughts treat friends, relatives.
  • Your generosity will return to you and before the next holiday of Easter, you can successfully complete all the important things.
Easter food conspiracies
Easter food conspiracies

Easter egg conspiracy

  • In Easter, take a painted Easter egg. Read quietly a conspiracy, bringing an egg to your mouth:

“Easter egg, light egg, blessed egg,
All my troubles break, all my failures overcome,
The news is good to smash, bring me good luck. ”

  • Now find an opponent for the "battle" on the eggs. Having broken the enemy’s egg, you can count on the fact that luck will be on your side.
  • You can strengthen the action of the conspiracy by a large number of broken spoke eggs.
Easter egg conspiracy
Easter egg conspiracy

Strong prayer and conspiracy for love for Easter

  • Lonely can conduct a rite for love on Easter holiday. The rite has no dangerous consequences, unless the magic text reads with pure thoughts and good intentions.
  • However, it is dangerous to be twisting someone in order to take revenge or mocking for someone who conducts the ceremony. Magic is able to turn against himself.
  • So, you have sincere feelings and you are ready to act! While kneading the dough on the cakes, read the words:

“I am beautiful, I come in handy, I am a slim birch.
I’m sweet like a honey, as a holiday is pleasant, it’s clear with my soul, with my body is neat.
I am promised to you alone, we are bequeathed to us together. ”

Prayer for love
Prayer for love
  • Bake a cake, take it out of the oven and, having kissed, say a conspiracy:

“Tell me the kiss of my narrowed, promise the happiness of being with me.
He will be saturated, and his soul is plowed with love. ”

  • Turn your fence with a spond of cake. The beloved must taste the cake first. After that, your beloved will become favorable to you, up to the point that you can live with him in love and happiness.

Conspiracy for love

  • The following ritual on Easter can also be lonely: to defend Easter service with a handful of wheat attached to the chest. At home, grain needs to sprinkle the threshold, pronouncing the conspiracy:

“How many lights were from candles in the church, so many grooms. How many grains are in a handful, so many grooms. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Conspiracy for the lonely
Conspiracy for love

Strong prayer and conspiracy for Easter for marriage

If you cannot get married, then at Easter do such a rite:

  • Paint 9 eggs with the following colors
  • green - 3 pieces
  • blue - 3 pieces
  • red - 3 pieces

Harvesting the stickers that depict a wedding paraphernalia: engagement rings, couples in love, wedding bouquets. Stick on the painted Easter eggs these drawings, pronouncing the following words:

“How people love holy Easter, appreciate and remember maternal affection, so I would love me more than a strong one, they appreciated more than thewater. The herds are behind me. God's slave (name), went. Christ is risen, and to me - the bridegrooms. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Put the spoke eggs in a beautiful plate and leave them overnight on the table. Waking up in the morning, choose the most beautiful Easter egg and eat it. The rest of the eggs you need to treat friends and acquaintances.

Conspiracy for unmarried girls

  • You can ask yourself a groom on Easter. When the time comes for Easter service, say the following words:

“God forbid the groom of the good, in boots and with galoshes, not on a cow, but on a horse!” Or with the first blow of the bells, say the following words: “Christ is risen, and the grooms to me. Amen".

  • After that, you need to take a towel that was used to wipe on a clean Thursday, Easter cakes, Easter eggs and give to those who ask for alms next to the church.
Prayer for 9 Easter eggs
Prayer for 9 Easter eggs

Easter: conspiracies for wealth

On Easter holiday, you can conduct a rite for money. To do this, prepare a container with water and put 3 Easter eggs there: gold, silver, red. In the morning, wash with water on Easter in which eggs lay and wait for good profit.

Conspiracy for money

A rite is held in the morning for Easter. “Our Father” is read, and then the conspiracy is pronounced three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the people of an honest bright holiday rejoice at how the bells call to the member, let the money rejoice at me. In my wallet, both the house and the shelter. As in Easter, they do not allow the poor with hunger, as they are served alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name) of prosperity in the house. Neither the equestrian nor the foot of my word cannot be interrupted. Amen."

Covered coin

  • The rite is carried out before Easter. On Saturday evening, until the sun has set, such words are slandering a coin:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Money for money, a penny to a penny. How people wait for the bright Easter, how they go to the temple of God, so the slave of God (name) would go to me money. All the saints are sung, everything is with me. Amen".

  • The spoke coin is placed in a wallet.
Prayers for wealth

Conspiracy for money prepared for donation

  • During Great Lent, collect the money, and go to Easter in the morning to the church and give money to the donation. It is better if no one will see this. Leaving the money, say the following:

"God gave me, I return it to God, God will multiply a hundred times, a thousandth will return."

  • Having said magical words, go to the resurrection icon. Pray next to the icon.

Rite for money

  • Exchange money for Easter three times. After that, throw the coins into each corner and say 3 times:

“Kit silver in the red corner, we are for wealth and good. Amen."

Conspiracy during Easter meal

  • When you sit down at the festive table, say the following quietly:

“As the egg shell is broken, so my failures fly apart as Easter eggs
They will go to my mouth, so the money will float into my pocket with a river. ”

  • On this day, you should eat more krashanok. But the shell should be divided into small pieces.

Conspiracy to attract money for Easter

  • Prepare the money tree that you yourself have grown. Take a pot of wood in your hands and say the following words:

“Let my income always grow, and let my wealth accumulate here. Green leaves, each in its turn. You are growing, money, there will be income to me. And at the morning dawn, this is true. And at the evening dawn, this is true, and it is true, and a dark night is true. May my word be true. May I have money at home. May my word be tight, let them hold on to me. May my word be firm, and I stand on that. Amen!"

Video: Easter rituals for wealth / rituals for money / Easter Day

Conspiracies and rites of Natalia Stepanova on Easter: how to read and conduct?

Conspiracy from enemies

The famous healer Natalya Stepanova has conspiracies that protect against the intrigues of enemies. Magic ritual should be carried out on Easter. Bring purchased candles from the church on Easter Sunday. Make one candle out of them, twisting together. On a lit candle, say the following words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
There are seven domes over the Holy Church,
They have seven golden crosses.
I will come, the servant of God (name), to the temple of God's feet,
I will cross my hands.
Mother of the Virgin, the father of God, the Son of God,
Take crosses, gold keys,
Close with them the enemies of my tongues evil, thorny.
Close your teeth and lips, get your arms, legs, get it down,
Throw the keys to the bottom,
To my enemies
Never take these keys.
I can’t destroy my baptized soul,
My body is not to break white.
My first prayer
Enemies are the last word.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Read the conspiracy text 9 times in a row.

Easter conspiracies from Stepanova
Easter conspiracies Natalia Stepanova

Easter conspiracy from seizures

  • The text of the conspiracy can be read on the waning moon, but the ritual on Easter is more effective.
  • The magic text should read the one who suffers from seizures. The patient should stock up on shells from Easter eggs, which were consecrated in the temple in front of Easter.
  • The patient should go to the river, holding the shells behind the bosom in the bag, turn face against the current. After that, the shells should be taken out and thrown into the river, saying the following words:

“Go away, trouble, on the far shores,
I would be a disease of God (name),
Not languishing, from my body forever retreated,
I didn’t break the bones.
Go, seizures, from the servant of God (name),
In the violent river, leave me forever.
Save, Lord, and have mercy on me a sinful.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And this conspiracy read for children from seizures:

  • It is necessary to collect holy water in the church and say a conspiracy after Easter.

"Children's body, angelic soul,
Before the Savior is innocent, pure,
In his suffering is inconspicuous.
Clean and cling,
Get back from the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • The spent water must be sprinkled with the child's face.
The spent water should be sprinkled with the face of the child

Conspiracies read on Easter: how to quit smoking?

Since Easter conspiracies are very effective, during the holiday you can help loved ones get rid of such addiction as smoking.

The conspiracy must be read three times on a passionate Friday.

“As the dead man does not get up and does not walk, the roads do not wander at all along the intersections, so you don’t take any liquid in your mouth. Do not push about it, do not yearn. On the key to the teeth and lips of Amen. "

And here is another conspiracy that should be read in front of the mirror. Look into your eyes and say:

Stands near the temple of the devil,
Smokes, smells tobach.
He slips to the clerk tobacco:
"On, clerk, tobacco chicken, me, damn, amused."
The devil says that:
"The Lord Himself does not tell you to smoke."
Like the holy righteous people do not smoke, they do not die tobacco.
So they do not command the servant of God (name),
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Key, castle, tongue. Amen.

Conspiracy from smoking
Conspiracy from smoking on Easter

Easter conspiracies from drunkenness

  • Conduct a ritual that saves a loved one from alcohol dependence so that no one knows about your intentions.
  • The recorded text of the conspiracy on paper should not fall into the hands of anyone. Put a piece of paper with a conspiracy in an envelope and hide so that no one finds.
Conspiracy from a booze
Conspiracy from a booze
  • How to conduct a ritual that relieves drunkenness? On Easter Sunday after the holiday service, the consecrated cake is cut into 12 parts. With a cake cut, you need to go to the cemetery and find there 12 graves with the name as a person whom you want to get rid of drunkenness. Leave a piece of kulich on each grave, bowing and saying the following:

"Christ is risen!
You, the deceased, do not get up, do not drink alcohol.
And never get up for the whole century, don't drink alcohol
And do not let's drink a slave (name for a drinking person).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The rite can be carried out for three years, no more.

Video: Easter rituals to attract love and grooms / How to find your love / Magic of love

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  1. A difficult life situation has developed. The husband changed and went to his mistress. The help of a magician, psychic, clairvoyant was urgently needed. I watched the entire Internet, read a bunch of reviews about magicians. I accidentally saw the Center for Magic for NTV. I called the hotline and talked about the problem. I was appointed a specialist and diagnosed. After the work, the spouse returned on the third day with things. All my problems were removed as a hand. (I don’t want to go into my troubles, all of my own have enough of our problems), first of all, people close to us suffer (in my situation are children), I understood my problems. The only thing I will say excellent specialists, the lowest prices that have encountered during the search, and the prices are all on the site, not like scammers, it is convenient that reception is remote. In my life, everything worked out very quickly, which I did not even expect. Give very good, useful recommendations. The site is called mystic info Especially for those who are very bad or confused in life and do not know what to do. A lot of free rituals and rituals. I hope they will help you!

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