Comic medals for a man: for an anniversary, on February 23, on the 45th anniversary, 50th anniversary

Comic medals for a man: for an anniversary, on February 23, on the 45th anniversary, 50th anniversary

In this article we will talk about what kind of comic medals for a man can be presented for a birthday, anniversary, February 23 and what words-congratulations to come up with a presentation ceremony. Thanks to such gifts, the holiday will become more interesting and more fun.

Two centuries ago, the breasts of emperors, soldiers, nobles were often decorated with orders. And so this tradition has come to our time, if a person distinguished himself in the good sense of the word, then he is given solemnly by the order or medal. But there are comic medals for a man who gives on the anniversaries both holidays and birthday. Cool inscriptions are written on these medals. And each birthday will be suitable for different inscriptions, because the psychological characteristics of the personality should be taken into account. Therefore, when buying a medal, or manufacturing, it will not prevent this fact from taking into account this fact, to choose an order with the name as suitable for a man.

Cacify medals for a man for an anniversary

The anniversary is a solemn event not only for the birthday man, but for all family members. All relatives are also preparing for the festival. And you will need not only to cook a feast, but also to arrange a holiday with jokes, dances, songs, etc. To congratulate the culprit of the celebration, you can use comic medals for a man. They are given in a festive atmosphere with toasts, congratulations. Guests are talking about what the birthday man has achieved, praised, jokes, amused.

Medal to the anniversary
Medal to the anniversary

Congratulations and nominations of the culprit of the celebration are the best solution for the celebration. And in order for a relaxed atmosphere to be preserved at the bottom of birth, you will need to prepare a little in advance for the celebration. Here, see examples of comic congratulations when presenting medals.

Comic medals for a man for an anniversary:

  1. Combine funny congratulations when handing medals with screamers. It is enough for the toastmate to propose to solve the riddle - which title will be indicated on the comic order for the birthday. The presenter will read the welcome verse, at the end you will need to substitute the word. Example: Great children grow up with you. You gave them life, dressed and fed. You were always an example of good for them. Get the medal - Honorary father!
  2. Medal MASTER We want to present. When you do not come to the house, the order is always there and the crane does not flow. And the equipment is normal, the capital repair is wherever you look. Zhenya was lucky: do not live, love and take care of the beloved owner and take care.
  3. Best HUSBAND For his wife, our anniversary. For many years they love each other. The obstacles and winter blizzards are not terrible. Every year, everything is stronger than love!
  4. Mother -in -law will not let us lie! Our anniversary is the most the best son -in -law!
  5. Only grandchildren can say that it is difficult to adore grandfather. Only GRANDFATHER We are so indulging and buys sweets for us, leads to bets in the summer, makes a whistle out of a tree.
  6. Older BROTHER And the best friend! I never let you down, I drove to school to first grade. And he didn’t give offense, he helped with lessons. It’s better not to find a brother, you get a medal.
  7. Medal gets our best UNCLE. We are your nephews. Thank you for being, you can’t count your good deeds.
  8. You may not be a businessman, but to fix, you can plan. SKILLFUL FINGERS You have a bright head.
  9. You DRIVER Ours from God! Let it always be smooth the road!
  10. Medal Good person They are awarded for a reason. You always thought about your wife and children. I did not forget about friends. You are great SON and DAD, Father -in -law and UNCLE, Kum and GRANDFATHER. And now a man is also in his prime!
Medal Jubilee Jubilee
Medal Jubilee Jubilee

IMPORTANT: For presentation of medals, you can use speech, texts are not in the form of poems. For example: our anniversary is awarded a medal - “ SOLE OF COMPANY"for many beautiful human qualities. Our Jubilee has always been distinguished by understanding, kindness, patience, attention, cheerful communication, nobility, sincerity, optimism, wit, good sense of humor, balances, emotionality, justice, judgment.

Cacify medals for a man on February 23

On February 23, they celebrate with whole organizations, conduct corporate parties or arrange gatherings at work. In order for the holiday to succeed, it will not hurt in addition to treats and alcohol to conduct some entertainment program. And you can distinguish a particular participant in the celebration by handing comic medals for a man. After all, February 23 is considered a men's holiday.

Comic nominations for colleagues by February 23 and Schovets, and the Reaper, and on the Duda player | Serpantine, holiday, February
Order for February 23

Next, the names of comic orders for valuable employees will be presented:

  • If a person often goes on business trips, then he can be awarded with a medal: The most mobile or car
  • A medal with this wording is suitable for a lawyer or an accountant: Really a cool guy or a clear guy
  • It is better for drivers to give a medal: I can drive on any road
  • Security Service: The guard is not sleeping
  • Principal employees: Real defender
Congratulations of men on February 23 - Best congratulations in the category: Postcards to men (6 photos, 1 video) on
February 23: Medal
  • Comedians and optimists: The most funny
Jokes and humor. comic medals and nominations for the anniversary of a man comic medal for birthday template
  • Men whose profession is related to repair: Golden hands
  • A thin and tall man can be awarded with a medal: CYPRESS
  • A colleague who does not sit in one place: ELUSIVE
  • A colleague who constantly wakes up to work: Sonya or good morning
  • Activist and started: Energyzer of the company
  • Economic, economical: Cat Matroskin
  • Responsive employee: A good soul
  • The youngest colleague: Our youngest
  • First handsome: The most charming, attractive
  • A man recently married: LUCKY
  • Gentleman man: Knight of gallantry

IMPORTANT:An example of the nomination: We hand this medal (name). After all, gentlemen are considered not just men, such a title is not available to everyone. To be gallant is a real calling, not all men are given. (Name), you are by nature a knight in everything, you are characterized by nobility! Accept this order from our hands, wear it proudly!

Job medals to the anniversary for 45 years

Everyone, including men, loves when their achievements are emphasized and rewarded. And for the anniversary, comic medals for men are suitable. By the way, medal art was started even in ancient Rome, Greece. And only then the orders and medals began to be done in other countries.

35 original presentations of the medal to the anniversary in verses by a man - the first in poems
Commentary on delivery

The word medal means - metal and comes from Latin - Metallum. Medals, as a rule, are made either round, or oval. They were most often given out for outstanding events. But many people in their lives have never received a single order or a single medal. To fix this mistake, you can congratulate the anniversary with beautiful words and give a comic medal. At 45 years old - it will be very useful. In addition to all the birthday ones listed in previous points, you can also congratulate Prosperity medal, If you also do this in a solemn form, then a person will appreciate such a gift anyway.

Commentary on delivery

The medal can be packaged in a box. And present the nomination in the following way. Print on a sheet of paper Decree of the Supreme Council of relatives, friends, It will say that the birthday person is awarded a commemorative medal. All relatives and friends wish the hero of the prosperity, health, longevity. The decree was drawn up in a city or village, the date of the decree and time is indicated. And the medal is described as an object without a price tag and a sampling of steel, which is a relic of the 45th anniversary of the anniversary. This item is by no means sold or bought. Medal care is simple. Neither special processing nor anti -corrosion work is required.

Cacify medals for a man for 50 years

Only people with a good sense of humor will understand that comic medals for a man are most likely a reason for fun than some special signs. Yes, and surprising a person with a gift at fifty years is no longer so simple, because the anniversary has almost everything. That is why it is precisely this accessory of metal or made of MDF with a comic inscription that you can congratulate the man. And this event will be remembered for a long time thanks to the extraordinary event. The name can be any, starting from Fifty years in the ranksand finishing The best husband or grandfather or father, Or maybe all together at once.

The medal can be large. In this case, after the anniversary it is placed in the most prominent place so that all guests in the house see her. As an accompanying speech, when the accessory is presented, it is said that the birthday person can never be angry, or get better, do not get sick, and even more so old.


  • Wear the medal on holidays before putting on - bathe.
  • And the order of alcohol rinses, take the remains of alcohol inside.
  • You can’t hide the medal under a coat, even if you go to the cinema with your wife.
  • Do not let your wife wear a medal, if you ask, hide it in the dressing room.
  • Do not forget to help the medal for the New Year, then hang on a jacket.
  • So use the medal so that in no case do not fall dust.

Video: comic medals for a man with your own hands

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