Spinach and its application: benefits, therapeutic and dangerous properties. Spinach and cooking: a nourishing drink based on kefir with spinach, cottage cheese appetizer with spinach and garlic, vegetable salad with spinach and egg, spinach and cottage cheese, spinach cream, spinach sauce-delicious recipes for dishes

Spinach and its application: benefits, therapeutic and dangerous properties. Spinach and cooking: a nourishing drink based on kefir with spinach, cottage cheese appetizer with spinach and garlic, vegetable salad with spinach and egg, spinach and cottage cheese, spinach cream, spinach sauce-delicious recipes for dishes

The creation of spinach dishes is not only interesting and useful, but also very tasty. Let's look at interesting options.

Spinach is one of the edible types of greenery. In cooking, it began to be used since the 16th century. Based on historical facts, spinach was delivered several centuries ago from Persia. But seriously engaged in its cultivation precisely in Spain. How to use it correctly? You will learn about this later.

Spinach and its application: benefits and dangerous properties

In Persia, this plant was called the "green hand", as it was believed that the shape of the leaves of this plant is similar to the hand, and it really is. Although, in our time, the varieties of this plant are much larger and the shape of the leaves is now not always round, sometimes this type of greenery can be seen with elongated or egg -shaped leaves.

If we talk about the benefits of spinach, then the list will be huge. After all, this is the emission plant in its composition:

  • manganese
  • vitamin K.
  • folic and ascorbic acids
  • lutheinov
  • gland
  • bora
  • beta-carotene
  • silicon and iodine

It is in this plant that almost all vital vitamins are collected. It is important that this vegetable retains all its beneficial properties in any form. Regular spinach use significantly improve your body.

About the benefits of spinach

The constant use of spinach will help you get rid of many diseases and strengthen your body. It can also be, and even better, you need to use during pregnancy and young children. This product is perfectly absorbed and has a diuretic, tonic, anti -inflammatory and slightly laxative effect.


Here's what is the useful spinach for the body:

  • Tonizes
  • Cleanses
  • Normalizes appetite
  • Eliminates constipation
  • Helps to improve the composition of the blood
  • Accelerates metabolic processes
  • Contributes to the better gas exchange in cells and tissues
  • We have a good effect on nervous reactions
  • Supports vision
  • Helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system
  • Increases the power of the immune system
  • Prevents the development of cancer cells
  • Is an excellent means of prevention from hypertension

It is also important that the use of spinach protects against the occurrence of cancer cells. The constant use of spinach also has a preventive effect on atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. For a person who is sick with diabetes, spinach is a saving enrichment of the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Dangerous properties of spinach

Although this plant has a lot of useful properties, in some situations it can harm the body. From your diet you need to exclude spinach to people who suffer:

  • stomach ulcer
  • gout
  • renal and gallstone disease
  • arthritis
  • rheumatism

Due to the fact that spinach contains a large amount of oxalic acid, the product can harm the body and aggravate chronic diseases. If you still really like this culture, you can use it only in small quantities, rarely and when the plant is very young. It is the young spinach contains a minimum amount of oxalic acid.

Can be harmful
Can be harmful

There is also a risk of individual intolerance. The composition of the spinach is present histaminethat can cause allergies. If such a reaction of the body arises, then all the beneficial properties of the plant are simply neutralized.

If a person undergoes a course of treatment to reduce blood coagulation and at this time consumes spinach, then you will not receive the result of treatment, since spinach has an absolutely opposite effect.

Therapeutic properties of spinach

Not everyone knows that spinach also has healing properties:

  • Freshly squeezed spinach juice tones and cleanses the body, fills the body with force and energy.
  • Juice helps with asthma, dry coughing, they can rinse their teeth if the gums occurred.
  • Spinach juice can be added to other types of juices and consumed together, this use helps the body calm down.
Possesses healing properties
Possesses healing properties
  • Also, a spinach decoction will help get rid of constipation, remove inflammatory processes during pneumonia. With proper preparation of spinach, you can get rid of a convulsive symptom, alleviate the condition with hemorrhoids.
  • Spinach leaves are used in the treatment of eczema. After the bites of mosquitoes, bees or OS, and in abscesses, crumpled spinach leaves will help remove the inflammatory process.

Spinach and cooking

Spinach is also widely used in cooking. In European countries, spinach has long become an indispensable product in food. We began to use this plant in cooking not so long ago and not on such a scale.

They prefer to mainly use fresh spinach, because this is a great ingredient for salads. But in baked and stewed form, it is also very tasty and healthy. Let's look at several spinach recipes and its main cooking technologies.

Spinach -based nutritional drink


  • Kefir - 1 l
  • Salt to taste
  • Nuts - 50 g
  • Spinach
  • Any other greens at will

Method of preparing a spinach drink:

  • Wash the spinach and any other greens, which is to your liking. Dry it and finely chop it.
  • Chop nuts.
  • Pour kefir into a container, add greens and chopped nuts.
  • Beat a drink at a long speed.
  • At the end of cooking, add salt to taste.
  • Air, rich and refreshing drink is ready.

Cottage cheese appetizer with spinach and garlic


  • Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg
  • A pair of garlic cloves
  • Spinach
  • Salt to taste
  • Sunflower seeds - 5 g

Cooking method:

  • Wash, dry and finely chop the greens;
  • Pass the cloves of garlic through garlic;
  • Load the curd mass into a blender;
  • Start to beat cottage cheese in a blender, while gradually adding chopped spinach, salt and seeds;
  • Such cottage cheese-cheese appetizer with spinach is perfect for sandwiches.

Vegetable salad with spinach and egg


  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Spinach
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Method of preparing a vegetable salad with spinach and egg:

  • Wash and dry vegetables and spinach well.
  • Boil eggs.
  • Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into large pieces, chop the pepper into strips.
  • Cut the eggs in large pieces.
  • Finely chop the spinach.
  • Put chopped vegetables, eggs and herbs in a salad dish.
  • Season the dish with olive oil and salt to taste.

Spinach pie and cottage cheese


  • Puff pastry - 0, 5 kg
  • Cottage cheese - 300 g
  • Spinach
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Method of preparing cottage cheese cake with spinach:

  • Boil spinach leaves in salted water for 2-3 minutes, let the leaves drain and cool.
  • After that, cut the spinach coarsely.
  • Beat eggs with pepper and salt.
  • Cut spinach add to this mixture.
  • Add whipped eggs with herbs to cottage cheese and mix everything well until homogeneous.
  • Lubricate the baking sheet with oil and put a sheet of puff pastry on it.
  • Add the filling on top of the dough.
  • Cover the pie with a second sheet of dough.
  • Within 40 minutes bake pie at 200 ° C

Spinach cream-soup


  • Milk - 500 mg
  • Spinach - 500 mg
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Drain. Oil - 40 mg
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 400 ml
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Method of preparing a spinach cream-soup:

  • Wash well and dry spinach.
  • Peel onions and potatoes. Finely cut everything.
  • Melt the butter in a pan and fry the chopped onion in it.
  • When the onion begins to becomes transparent, add potatoes and continue to fry for another 5 minutes.
  • Take a stewpan, add water, spinach and fried onions with potatoes there.
  • Boil the soup for 15 minutes.
  • Next, beat with a blender or kitchen combine soup to a homogeneous mass and add warm milk already.
  • Boil another cream - soup for about 5 minutes.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Milk can be replaced with cream, only cream needs a little less than milk.

Spinach sauce


  • Spinach
  • Water - 30 ml
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Walnuts - 30 g
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

Method of preparing spinach sauce:

  • Wash and dry spinach.
  • Grind walnuts.
  • Peel and finely chop the garlic.
  • Beat nuts, spinach, water and garlic in a homogeneous mass in a blender.
  • Add lemon juice, salt and pepper to the cooked sauce.
  • All well mix until homogeneous mass.

Video: 10 spinach dishes

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