Charmicons for nails - how to glue charmicons. Overview of charmicons to Aliexpress. Nail design with charmicons: photo

Charmicons for nails - how to glue charmicons. Overview of charmicons to Aliexpress. Nail design with charmicons: photo

Instructions for using charmicons for nails.

Charmicons for nails are nothing but adhesive silicone strips. Often used during nail design. In this article we will talk about the basic principles of design when using charmicons.

What are nail charmicons?

For the first time, EMI produced such products and called it Amy charmicons. In fact, these are stickers, only they are not water, but attached to a wax or plastic basis, using special glue. In order to remove the decor element from the substrate, there is no need to soak it in water. The main advantage of these stickers over the slider design of other manufacturers is that they are located on a silicone basis, which is very plastic and elastic. That is, she stretches without forming any folds.

Thanks to this, you can quite tightly attach such a design to the nail, without the formation of Zazubrin, as well as detachments. In addition, the charmon has one more advantage, there is no need to overlap it again with a layer of base, since it holds quite well. This is due to the fact that they fit tightly to the nail, without forming emptiness, folds. Most often, charmicons are an ornate ornament in the form of lace or stripes. Usually used in addition to the jacket or a variety of drawing.


How to glue charmicons?

How to attach charmicons to the nails? This is quite simple, and saving a huge amount of time.


  • To do this, the nail is prepared in a standard way, a base is applied, two layers of color coating, which is dried. After that, a prerequisite is the removal of a sticky layer.
  • Since in the presence of a slippery coating, silicone glue does not fit quite tightly to the surface of the nail, it can subsequently puff and exfoliate from the coating. Which will lead to a gradual detachment of the decor, as well as its spoilage.
  • Accordingly, after you cover your nails, you need to remove the sticky layer and only then remove the charmon from the substrate, attach it to the nail and smooth it with a silicone stick or brush.
  • Try not to press the charmicons with your fingers, as this leaves fat prints on the surface, which can cause a skirmish in the consequences. After that, it is covered with two layers of thin finish coating. For these purposes, one layer of dense rubber top can also be used.

Nail design with charmicons: photo

It is necessary to carry out nail treatment, as well as glue the design with special tweezers, without touching the surface of the nail with your fingers.

Working rules:

  • Try to immediately place the sticker correctly, because subsequently it is quite difficult to pull it off the nail without damaging. Also, it is impossible to endlessly firing the nail, a charmon with a brush, because it can damage the paint, and accordingly the pattern can get down, stick together.
  • Try to block the charmicons with the finish coating in such a way that there are no protruding parts, as well as bulges anywhere. Because subsequently this will provoke the lifting of the design, as well as its damage.
  • The main advantage of the charmicons is that they are satisfied with elastic, that is, you can stretch them in the shape of the nails, and also make them curved. This is very relevant if you do the design not completely on the entire nail, but partially.
Design with charmicons
Design with charmicons
Nail design
Nail design
Nail design
Nail design

Features of work with charmicons


  • The charmon can be used as a kind of dividing tape or strip that will distinguish part with the pattern, and the usual plain coating. That is, a kind of charmon will act as a border.
  • If ordinary classic sticky tapes for decor can only be used in the form of straight lines, then charmicons are used in the form of curved lines. Because the silicone base is quite flexible and plastic.
  • Particular attention in the attachment of charmicons must be paid to the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint, the end of the nail plate, as well as the stickers itself. The fact is that it is in these places that the adhesive base most often leaves, since it is quite difficult to carefully smear with the top in this area. Accordingly, we recommend in order to attach charmicons. Cut the tips not with manicure scissors, but with a file.

The best charmicons on the ends are held if you do it as follows:

  • It is necessary to remove the sticky layer from the main coating, attach charmicons, and stretch through the form that you need.
  • After that, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ends, it is necessary to cut off with nippers or manicure scissors. Further, the charmicons are overlapped using a finish top with a sticky layer.
  • After removing the sticky layer, you need to take a file and walk in the end of the ends to remove the zabins and potentially dangerous places that can be closed on time of the socks of the coating.
  • Only after that the design once again overlaps the finish layer. In this case, the charmicons even on the ends will hold well, and not to leave, which often happens when using sticky tapes.

Overview of charmicons to Aliexpress

On the Aliexpress You can also find a lot of interesting things, including charmicons, and at an affordable price.



Video: charmicons

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