September - what is the zodiac sign? September 23 - 24 - Zodiac sign: Virgin or Libra?

September - what is the zodiac sign? September 23 - 24 - Zodiac sign: Virgin or Libra?

September - the time when representatives of two zodiac signs Virgo and Libra are born. About who is born at the junction of two periods on September 22-23 we will tell in this article.

Stars Not only attract us with their cold and distant light, but also have a significant impact on human destinies. What character they endowed born in September Read this article.

In September - what is the zodiac sign?

The first month of autumn gives us the birth of representatives of two zodiac signs. Since the beginning of September and almost the whole month, dominance belongs logical and insightful Virgin, and at the end of the month the reign goes sincere and charming weights.

Virgo: from August 22 to 23 September
Libra: from September 24 to 23 October

Most of those born in September - Virgo according to the horoscope

Most of those born in September are the virgins according to the horoscope

The period of the Virgo sign in September lasts up to the 23rd. The most strong influence of the Virgin until September 20, then it gradually gives its position to the increasing effects of the scales.

There is some similarity between these signs, nevertheless they were born in one month. Representatives of both signs balanced, tend to specify the terms of the relationship in advance, are equally indecisive if necessary to make a decision quickly.

But still in the characters of the virgins and scales there are more differences, and in the opinion of astrologers, these two signs Even incompatible. Nevertheless, there are many happy couples in which partners are representatives of these opposite signs.

The element of the Virgin is the Earth, and the element of the scales is the air.

General characteristic of men and women of the Virgin born in September

Virgo - 01 - September 23

Representatives of the Earth of the Virgin differ judgment, businesslikeness. They are quite conservative. Clearly set goals and are patient in their achievement. Express their personality through professional achievements. And people of air often cannot finish the work that has begun, they get bored very quickly. But they cheerful, sociableEasy to get along with others.

Patron of Virgin - Mercury
Patron of Virgo - Mercury

Virgo are under the influence of Mercury, the planets of the rational mind. Men and women of this sign are distinguished by the ability to adapt even to the most unfavorable conditions, and also benefit for themselves at the same time.

People born under the sign of Virgo are executive and flexible, they have an analytical mind.

In love, Virgo strives for stable partnerships. Random ties and romances are not characteristic of her. Often exist monogamouses. In marriage, support and mutual understanding is important to her. After the wedding for her spouse, Virgo is ready to do everything, even working in several works to the detriment of her health. But the representatives of this sign are very demanding on the chosen one. It is not easy to be close to the maiden, you need patience and the ability to withstand its criticism and nit -picking.

A child - a virgin is distinguished by a clear mind and good performance. But at the same time it is often imaginary and secretive. Avoids conflicts and quarrels with other children. They rarely cause troubles to teachers and parents.

Nature gives the girl with good health
Nature gives the girl with good health

Hard work and the habit of watching the girl endow good health. They recognize the disease at the very beginning, closely follow the instructions of the doctors, avoiding its transition to a chronic form. But there are still weaknesses of the body - digestive system. Therefore, it is especially important for the girl to monitor proper nutrition.

Compatible with signs of lions, fish and Aquarius. They experience difficulties in communicating with Scorpions, Taurus, Aries and Libra.

General characteristic of men and women of weights born in September

Libra-September 24-30

Planet Libra- Venus, who usually gives its “subjects” with a beautiful appearance. In addition, both men and women have high intelligence and the desire for new knowledge. This sign is distinguished by a bright personality and free thought. Representatives of the scales are extremely charming, affectionate and soft in communication. Endowed with a sharp sense of justice, so they often find themselves in the legal field. Also have a tendency to elegant arts. They like to go out "into society", so they always look good.

Venus gives his wards with dreaminess
Venus gives his wards with dreaminess

In love, Libra Often they are afraid to make a mistake and therefore cannot decide on a relationship for a long time. They have been waiting for “their soul mate” for years, carefully choose a partner for themselves and they doubt it for a long time In the correct choice. But having entered into a relationship, they are very attached to the partner and often violate the personal distance.

Child - weights From early childhood he loves everything beautiful - toys, clothes, music. It is distinguished by restlessness and fatigue. But at the same time grows capable Both the exact sciences and the field of art. Loneliness for such children is very difficult, and quarrels of parents are led out of balance for a long time.

Due to the fact that Libra loves and can relax, disconnecting from problems, they are rarely subject to mental disorders. Vulnerable to them is considered the immune systemas well as kidneys and bladder.

Good compatibility with Aquarius, Aries and Gemini. Relations with Capricorn and Cancer are unfavorable.

September 22 - Zodiac sign: Virgin or Libra?      

People who celebrate their birthday September 22nd, belong to the zodiac sign of Virgo, since, according to astrological laws, the action of this sign it lasts until September 23.

The main feature of the nature of the Virgin is considered renseriality. For the most part, they live with their minds, relying on logic and common sense.

Virgins are very reasonable, slopes to rationalism and pedantry
Virgins are very reasonable, slopes to rationalism and pedantry

People of this sign are very fond of order and accuracy. They are quite critical, but not only to others, but primarily to themselves. They are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses.

Analytical mindset and insight help the virgins to penetrate the essence of the problem and find Successful ways to resolve it. These are excellent responsible workers who pay attention to every little thing and always strive to a perfect result. Their motto: if you need to do something, then you need to do it only well. Sometimes pedantry Wir can be like boring, but their ability to successfully solve the most difficult tasks compensate for this small drawback.

Born under this sign are always sure that no one except them will do the job better, so they often take over too much.

The girl is difficult to deceive, since they have excellent memory and attention to the details.

Virgins are rarely leaders, but the role of subordinates to them is very to their liking
Virgins are rarely leaders, but the role of subordinates to them is very to their liking

As a rule, representatives of this zodiac do not like to be in the spotlight, rivalry and competitions are also not for them.

Virgins are very attentive To your health, regularly undergoes a medical examination, eat useful food.

Married Virgo - reliable partners who care about the family, the health of loved ones and purity in everyday life. Despite the lack of luxury that this zodiac sign does not like, comfort and a pleasant atmosphere always reign in their house.

The women of this sign are beautiful mothers. They are always sure that their children are the best. For the sake of the child, the mother - Virgin pushes her interests and completely devotes herself to the education of the child. Her children are always neatly dressed, well fed only with healthy food, well -educated. But this does not mean that Virgo allows her children to sit on her head. No, it's enough strict and demanding mother.

Woman-girl is a good mistress and mother
Woman-girl is a good mistress and mother

But the men of this sign in terms of paternity are contradictory. On the one hand, they are responsible for their paternal duties, but this is given to them with great difficulty. These dads can withstand the crying and infestedness of their child with great difficulty. Often Virgins - fathers It is believed that the child did not live up to their expectations, which leads to conflicts and alienation.

Virgins born at the end of their zodiac period, also find themselves under the increasing influence of the scales that endow them with some features of their sign. For example, sophistication and artistry. Such virgins, unlike typical representatives of their sign, are easier to find a language with people, differ in greater sensitivity and a tendency to music or painting.

September 23 - Zodiac sign: Virgin or Libra?

Many people whose birthday is on the date of September 23, wondering what zodiac sign they belong to: Virgo or Libra?

Indeed, in various sources, the date of the beginning of the period of dominance of weights is determined in different ways. This is due to the fact that in the leap year there is a shift in the boundaries of the zodiac signs.

In the high year, the zodiac periods are displaced
In the leap year, the zodiac periods are displaced

In addition, on the date of the beginning of the zodiac period, the time zone of the birthplace of a person has an effect. And in generalized horoscopes, the average indicator of the transition of one sign to another, excluding these factors, is indicated. Probability birth on September 23 Virgo or Libra is 1: 1. Only professional astrologer can definitely determine using special astrological schemes and astronomical tables.

But one can say with confidence: people who were born at the junction of two zodiacs have the features of both of them.

The border between the signs is called Cuspid. Astrologers also call people of this period “border guards”. The unification of two zodiac signs always gives rise to unusual persons. As a rule, these interesting personalities They have an outstanding character and do not meet generally accepted standards.

"Border guards" born on September 23, inherent in features of both Virgo and Libra. Although many astrologers believe that such personalities relate to a greater extent to the sign of weights.

Most of the Australists claim that born on September 23 belong to Libra
Most of the Australists claim that born on September 23 belong to Libra

September 24 - Zodiac sign: Virgin or Libra?

From September 24, Libra enters the power.

The character of these people combines such incompatible features as the rationalism of the Virgin and the thin nature of the scales. The main feature of the nature of the Virgins is the desire for beauty. They love luxury, art objects, antiques. They spend huge funds on the arrangement of their home or office.

They strive for harmony in all life aspects. Possess sophisticated tasteThey strive for aesthetic ideals. The combination of the elements of the Earth and the elements of the air gives the Virgins the talent for solving various household problems with the greatest benefit for themselves.

The sign of the scales gives such people balanced, diplomacy and romanticism, and Virgo with practicality, prudence and some pedantry.

As a rule, people born During the cusp, experience internal conflicts associated with the influence of different elements. But for girls, the confrontation of different signs is not characteristic, on the contrary, they harmoniously complement each other. Representatives of this border sign never doubt the correctness of their decisions. They easily find a common language with absolutely different people. They love beautiful courtship and praise.

Cuspids September have features of weights and virgins

They are distinguished by some laziness in the desire to change anything in life. Therefore, it is difficult for them to change their work or a familiar lifestyle.

Like representatives of typical virgins, they do not consider it necessary to penetrate deep into the psychology of people around them, so some can calculate them with rather superficial persons. As typical scales, possess artistry and the desire for extraordinary. And even have a tendency to light flirting.

Unfortunately, the border signs of the zodiac are also inherent in the disadvantages of both signs. In our case, the Virgin endowed them with stinginess, and from the scales, interest switched only to the outside of the phenomena, not content. Often they are obsessed with their image, too hard to make a good impression.

In any case, people born 23 SeptemberLucky. After all, they are patronized at the same time Mercury and Venus. So in difficult life situations, two assistants help them.

Video: date of birth September. Numerology and a map of fate, love and nature of the day. Horoscope of the Virgin and Libra

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