Marital status is not married - how is it written: together or separately? How is the marital status in the questionnaire, resume: is divorced or not married? How to write the word "not married" in English?

Marital status is not married - how is it written: together or separately? How is the marital status in the questionnaire, resume: is divorced or not married? How to write the word

The article describes how it is written - not married, together or separately. Also find out how to write this phrase in English.

When registering for a new job, compiling a resume, various profiles on the portals, women have problems, how to correctly fill the column about marital status. What is interesting is that problematic situations appear, with status - not married. It is not clear what and how to write, because you can still interpret this situation - divorced. And not all representatives of the fair sex know the rules for writing a phrase - not married.

This question itself is relevant not only for newcomers to rewriting, copyrighten, but also for ordinary situations in life. Next, we will dwell on this problem in more detail.

Marital status is not married - how is it written: together or separately, unmarried or not married?

Expression - the categories of women who are either not in marriage ties or divorced are not married.

According to the rules of the Russian language - a particle "not" is written separately. The words that cannot be divided into two parts are used together: hatred, ignorant, careless, etc. Or the words to which you can choose synonyms without a particle is not.

Not married - you should write separately. Indeed, in other cases, “not” with adverbs is used that way.

How to write - not married?
How to write - not married?

In addition, doubts about writing a word - for a husband or married. In the literature there are both options, but there is a rule that indicates when which option is suitable. Examples:

  • my sister is married
  • the woman is not married
  • a friend quickly went after her husband.

Married- It is used when it is said about the marital status of women, and this word in this case answers the question - how. Example: she was already married for the fourth year.

Married - It is used in texts when the question is suitable for this phrase - where. Example: she stood behind her husband.

The etymological meaning of the phrase - to marry marry the girl should be marriage in marriage.

Not With adverbs can be used both together and separately. Basically, this particle is used separately, except for those adverbs that were formed using the suffix - about.

More Notthey write separately when an unchanged word is predicted in the text. Examples:

  • she was not sorry for him
  • Marina is not married
  • she doesn't need it at all


The rules for writing a particle are not
The rules for writing a particle are not

Sometimes in Russian there are phrases where they are not married together. For example, in the spelling Russian dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences or other publications - this does not comply with accepted norms in modern Russian literature.

Predicative adverb - unmarried It has nothing to do with adjectives, which is why it should be written separately. Incorpable adverbs are used, as well as the adjectives corresponding to them. Examples:

  • not easy, corresponding dialect - not easy
  • the bad, corresponding adverb is not good.

So, if you want to make the first impression on the employer, then use in the questionnaire or resume - unmarried separately.

How is the marital status in the questionnaire, resume: is divorced or not married?

In any office or at the enterprise, employers are always interested in the question of marital status. It is even customary to indicate the status during simple registration on the site or on the social network. Moreover, it is important in marriage or not when you make up a resume. And this document should be in perfect order. If you make an error when filling it out, then you can simply not get the desired place of work. Therefore, this issue should be approached with the ultimate concentration of attention. By the way, few people know how to correctly fill the count - family status. Men are not sure how to write correctly: idle or not married or divorced. Ladies also often make mistakes. We will find out how to correctly fill this count for women.

Spelling not with adverbs
Spelling not with adverbs

According to legal norms, there are various interpretations of family status. Consider each in detail.

  • If a woman has not yet entered into a marriage, then the status is suitable - Unmarried.
  • If the lady is already connected with the man's ties and there is a document about this, then the status is suitable - Married.
  • If you have a divorce certificate, then the status will suit you - Divorced.
  • Nowadays, couples are often found that live together, but do not have official documentation on marriage registration, for women in these relationships, the status is suitable - I am in a civil marriage.

How to write the word "not married" in English?

To fill out the questionnaire in English, a number of statuses are used, both for gentlemen and ladies. If you need to fill out the fateful resume, then again it is important to approach the process thoroughly. One error in the documentation will cross out the entire career.

There are the following interpretations of marital status (Marital Status):

  • I’m not married or unmarried - Not married, I am not consuming, suitable for a person who has never been connected by marriage ties.
  • Divorced - officially divorced.
  • Married - Married, officially married. A civil marriage is not suitable for such an interpretation.
  • Widowed - Widow.
Not married - in English.
Not married-in English

Most often, only two status are found in profiles married, not married. Civil marriage is an unofficial situation. The employer needs to know the marital status of the employee, thanks to this they constitute a psychological picture of the subordinate. Many people prefer to take family employees, it is believed that they are more responsible to fulfill the requirements in the workplace.

Video: How to write correctly - not married?

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  1. a good article, it reads easy!

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