September 1 script September 1 in kindergarten: songs, poems, dance, scenes, contests, games

September 1 script September 1 in kindergarten: songs, poems, dance, scenes, contests, games

The article contains materials that will help educators organize the holiday on September 1 in kindergarten

September 1 brings a joyful mood not only for schoolchildren, students. Elegant and ceremonial on the day of knowledge and preschool children in kindergartens: for them, educators arrange matinees, come up with entertainment, play scenes.

This article contains thematic materials that will help employees of kindergartens spend the Day of Knowledge interestingly and cognitively.

Preschool children are also waiting on September 1
Preschool children are also waiting on September 1

Morning script on September 1 in kindergarten

This scenario of the holiday of Knowledge Day is suitable for children of 4-6 years old. The hall or section of the kindergarten where the holiday will be held can be decorated with balls, garlands, flowers.

How to arrange a music room
How to arrange a music room by September 1
Another option for decorating the hall
Another option for decorating the hall by September 1

Clown red
The clown is puffy
Baba Yaga
Music sounds - a phonogram of popular children's songs by V. Shainsky, Yu. Chichkov, G. Gladkova. Children of all groups go to the site. They are met by two clowns - Ryzhik and Pukhlik.

We have gathered here at once
At a cheerful children's hour.
How did you rest in the summer?
Did you miss each other?
The answer of children.
So we met all together!
And let's start our holiday with a song!

The song “Smile” is performed, verses by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky.

Pukhlik. But I see that after the summer we had many new children. We must certainly get to know them!

Musical game "Let's get acquainted"

  • Music is selected with a clearly expressed two -part form
  • Children form two circles: external and internal
  • On the first part of the music, the outer circle moves to the right, the internal - to the left
  • On the second part of the music, the children of the inner and external circles turn to each other face, the children who are opposite each other greet the hand, pronounce their name in turn, perform counter -clas
  • The first part of the music moves on

And so several times.

Sounds "alarming" music, flies on a broomstick Baba Yaga.

Elegant and ceremonial
Elegant and ceremonial

Baba Yaga. Ugliness! What a holiday, and even without me! Not good! Thought, I did not study? My nose is in! Not a nose, but a pump! (Sneezes) What, are you not afraid of me? (The answer of the children.) Correct, who is having fun, is not afraid! And my mood is beautiful today, I even want to sing! (Sings)

Two hundred years old down,
In the pool of dance with the head,
Young man,
Danate with me!

Dance is performed " Repeat after me". Under the melody " Kukarachi»Baba Yaga performs simple dance movements, children repeat after her.

Ryzhik. Everything is fine, wonderful, great!
Pukhlik. And I look, not everything is so beautiful.
Ryzhik. Well, what are you, buddy, what's the matter?
Pukhlik. Where are all adults? Where did they go?
Baba Yaga (Evil laughs). Mine are prolons! You don’t have more adults in your kindergarten! See who I turned them into.

Educators, dressed up childishly, come out: bows, nipples, saliva, shorts, short skirts.

Ryzhik. So miracles! What are we going to do with these kids now?
Pukhlik. And I came up with! Well done, Yagul! Now our holiday will be even more interesting. We will arrange funny competitions between our real children and these enchanted kids. Guys, do you agree? (The answer of children.) Are you? (The answer of the educators.)
Ryzhik. In this case, we already have a team of educators. It remains to give her a name.

Educators call their team “dolls”.

Pukhlik. And we will have several teams of children, because there are how many of them, children! In one game, some children will play, others will participate in another competition. Deal? And your teams, guys, how will they be called? (Children call their commands "Cartoon-1" and "Cartoon-2".)
Baba Yaga. Teams, build! The first game is called "through the hoop." We begin to do everything according to my whistle.

The game "Through the hoop"

Teams of 7-8 people line up in a column one after another at one end of the site. At the other end of the site, opposite each of the teams, a hoop lies.
At the signal, the first players from the teams run each to their hoop, stretch it through themselves, put in place, return to their team, pass the baton to the second in the team; The second runs to the hoop, etc.
The team that completed this task wins faster.

Baba Yaga (Takes the ball, throws it several times). Eh! Where are you, my young ones! Do you like to play the ball, karfois? (Children's answer.)
Then with the balls our next game.

The game "Who is more?"

Small and large balls are scattered around the site. At the signal, the teams begin to collect them (educators are small balls, children are large), each team folds the balls into their basket.
This task is given a certain time, at the end of which the number of gathered balls of both commands is calculated.
The team that has more goals is collected.

Ryzhik. And now the new team of “cartoons” and the “Dolls” team are standing in one large circle for the game “Who is the dearest?”.

The game "Who is the most dexterous?»

In a circle, they are placed, there are always one less than participants in the game, who also line up in a circle of each other.

  • Music sounds
  • Participants in the game, dancing, move in a circle
  • At the end of music, everyone should grab nearby Keglu nearby
  • The one who does not get Kelah leaves the game

The game continues until there is only one kagu left. The team wins, the participant of which will eventually grab it.

Pukhlik. It's time to rest. And the best rest, in my opinion, dancing. I just adore them!
Ryzhik. There are many dancing in the world, and we recall the most famous. And at the same time we will compete, who are the best dancers: “cartoons” or “dolls”.

Kids will be happy to take fate in competitions and games
Kids will be happy to take fate in competitions and games

Competition "With dancing around the world"

For each team, musical excerpts of familiar dances sound. Team members perform the characteristic movements of these dances.
Teams dance in turn.

  • For "dolls" sound: "Sirtaki", "Lezginka", "Lombada"
  • For "cartoons": "dance of little ducklings", "gypsy", "lady"
  • All together perform "Letka-Oenka"

Baba Yaga (carries large and small pants).
Take a look that I found in my chest.
Pukhlik. Yagusya, well, is this at our holiday for what?
Baba Yaga. Do not tell me, dear. These pants are also designed for the game. She is very funny and interesting. Teams, in pairs after another!

Both kids and older children will be able to take part in the scenes
Both kids and older children will be able to take part in the scenes

Game "Pants for Two"

The team members get up in pairs one after another at one end of the site. At the other end of the site, racks are installed.
“Dolls” receive large pants, “cartoons” - small.
Standing in pairs, one leg stand in one leg (Siamese twins). At the signal, the first pair of both commands runs to the other end of the site, runs up a rack, returns to his team, passes his pants next pair, etc.
The team was the first to finish the competition.

Ryzhik. In dexterity, speed, ingenuity, there are no equal “dolls” or “cartoons”. Children, did you like your educators enchanted by Baba Yaga today? (Children's answer.)
Pukhlik. And when you like them more: when they are ordinary educators or when they are as mischievous and funny as you? (Children's answer.)
Ryzhik. That's wonderful! Let your educators always remain so kind, cheerful, sometimes mischievous.
Pukhlik. And the friendship between you will be strong-up.
Children and educators freely dance under the song “A Great Secret for a small company (performed by S. and T. Nikitin). It turns out Baba Yaga with a tray on which there are boxes of sweets.
Baba Yaga. Flone! Disassemble!
Children open the boxes, and in them instead of the candy pebbles.
Ryzhik. Yagusya, we tried, had fun with the heart, and you are again for your own!
Pukhlik. Not good, bad! They say that it’s good that ends well. And what happens to us?
Baba Yaga. I can’t do anything with my harmful nature! Directly trouble!
Ryzhik. Baba Yaga, and if we ask you in a good way to return to us a real treat?
Pukhlik. And let's say all magical words together?
Baba Yaga. Well, try. Maybe you will succeed ...

Children begging Baba Yaga, calling her affectionate words, pronounce the magical words: “please”, “be good”, etc.

Baba Yaga. Oh oh oh! What is it with me? Where are the scabbards carry me? (Baba Yaga with children moves towards a hidden basket with treats, children find her.)

So I became kinder
Complacency and generous.

Here are your hotels. Help yourself to your health!
Red -haired and puffy. And we wish you all year fun and sunny mood!
Baba Yaga and clowns say goodbye to all the participants in the holiday, go away.

Baba Yaga
What is the holiday without a woman Yaga?


In this section to help educators and leaders of the DOW, songs are collected, which can be used in preparing the script for celebrating Knowledge Day in kindergarten.

First of September
Music M. Partskhaladze. The words of Yu. Polukhin

In kindergarten with everyone
I was friends for many days
And now another time -
There are more important concerns!
I have a book in my briefcase
I have a bouquet in my hand,
All familiar boys
They look in surprise after.

Why am I funny
And dressed, like a parade?
I'm going to school today,
This is not a kindergarten for you!

Preschool dance for September 1
Preschool dance for September 1


Twice two four twice two four
Everyone knows this in the whole world
Twice two four twice two four
Everyone knows this in the whole world

Twice two four twice two four
And not three and not five you need to know
Twice two four twice two four
And not six, and not seven, this is clear to everyone

Three times three times the forever nine
There is nothing to do here
And it's not difficult to count
How much five five will be

Five -five twenty -five
Five -five twenty -five
Absolutely true

Twice two four twice two four
Everyone knows this in the whole world
Twice two four twice two four
Everyone knows this in the whole world

Twice two four twice two four
And not three and not five you need to know
Twice two four twice two four
And not six, and not seven, this is clear to everyone

Who will not ask friends
Six eight forty -eight
Six six, please take into account
Invariably thirty six

Six six thirty -six
Six six thirty -six
Absolutely true.

Twice two four twice two four
Everyone knows this in the whole world
Twice two four twice two four
Everyone knows this in the whole world

Twice two four twice two four
And not three and not five you need to know
Twice two four twice two four
And not six, and not seven, this is clear to everyone

Twice two four twice two four
And not three and not five you need to know
Twice two four twice two four
And not six, and not seven, this is clear to everyone

Words and music: Zhanna Kolmagorova

If the house is a cavard,
Someone climbed the attic
Someone tied to the tail
A butterfly cat.
If your house is not recognized,
You have to know about it,
So there were friends here
So I will tell you ...

Girls, boys
Continuous shalunies.
They read books
And they live cheerfully.
Girls, boys
Again rugging rugs.
Funny, even too
And the songs sing.

Tighten the panties soon
Are you not a hut?
Where is your image? Where is your charm?
And on stage we are without mothers!
We are artists, scene, roles,
We are going on tour soon.
Just learn the words
All of Moscow will recognize us!

Girls, boys
Continuous shalunies.
They read books
And they live cheerfully.
Girls, boys
Again rugging rugs.
Funny, even too
And the songs sing.

What is taught at school

Writes different letters with a thin feather in a notebook
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Subtract and multiply, do not offend kids
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Subtract and multiply, do not offend kids
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
To the four, add two, read words by syllables
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Good books to love and be educated to be
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Good books to love and be educated to be
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Find the east and south, draw a square and a circle
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
And never confuse the islands and cities
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
And never confuse the islands and cities
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
About the verb and about the dash, and about the rain in the yard
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Strongly and firmly friends, get cherish friendship since childhood
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Strongly and firmly friends, get cherish friendship since childhood
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.


In the country of knowledge - with smiles and laughter!
In the country of knowledge - with smiles and laughter!


Preschool children for a day of knowledge come like real little schoolchildren: elegant, smiling, with beautiful bouquets of flowers.
The kids learned poems and are ready to congratulate their friends, parents and guests of the holiday on September 1.
Here is a selection of poems for preschool children with Knowledge Day.

If you go to the kindergarten,
Then you take it with you:
In a cell notebook?
New slingshot?
Venik for cleaning?
Bread two crusts?
Album and paints?
Carnival masks?
ABC in pictures?
Torn boots?
Flomasters and pen?
Cloves a bunch?
Pencils are colored?
The mattresses are inflatable?
Eraser and ruler?
In the cage canary?
The first of September is the red day of the calendar!
Because on this day
All girls and boys
Cities and villages
They took bags, took books,
Took breakfasts for mice
And they rushed for the first time
To first grade!

This holiday is more important for everyone,
This holiday of all children.
We have this day everywhere
The whole country notes.
This day is the best
Red day of the calendar!

The holiday in kindergarten should be funny
The holiday in kindergarten should be funny
Many, many days in a row
In summer and winter
We went to kindergarten,
To the kindergarten of the native.

We wake up early
You can’t be late.
We are waiting in the garden
Toys and friends.

We are taught to dress here,
Brush your teeth, wash.
And tie the laces,
And tell poems.

Among us there are brags,
Plaxes, brawls, panties.
But we always forgive each other
And do not upset the reproaches.

Children live in kindergarten,
They play and sing here.
Friends are found here,
They go for a walk with them.
They argue and play together,
They grow quietly.
Kindergarten-second our house:
How warm, comfortable in it.

We have many glorious
Different days on the calendar,
But one is - the most important
The very first in September!

The bell rang cheerful,
Hello, school time!
And walks together to school,
This morning children!

We are too early in first grade,
But we grow like oil
We are not to be lazy to be suitable
We will learn to study
Together with us our dolls,
Teachers teach. Teach letters.

Which of you does not like boredom?
Who is the master of all hands here?
Who dances and sings?
Who protects clothes?
Does it put her under the bed?

Who stores things in order?
Who tears books and notebooks?
Who thank you?
Who thanks everything?

Who is the first to get down to business?
And in the hall of sports, who is running boldly?
Songs sings in musical - then the hall?
And who carefully contains notebooks?

And who is not a lazy person, and not a coward, and not crybaby?
Who puts a huge blot in the album?
Who is going to smile for charging?
I love charging, do I try to exercise?

Multi -flowers of the balls will give a feeling of joy and fun
Multi -flowers of the balls will give a feeling of joy and fun

Dance Waltz

The waltz is preschool -school at the festival on September 1 - this is a special moment: touching to tears and causing tenderness. Let the parents look differently at their kids

Waltz in kindergarten - a highlight of the holiday
Waltz in kindergarten - a highlight of the holiday

Classic or incendiary, with the participation of schoolchildren, with an elements of a flash mob - choose the option that is best for the holiday in your kindergarten.

Watch the video and come up with your special waltz.

Video: Dancing options in kindergarten


In order for the holiday of Knowledge Day in kindergarten to be fun, you need to make sure that the script has funny interesting scenes.

It is sometimes very difficult to look for humorous miniatures: you need to open the entire script of the holiday and see if it is provided for a scene.

We offer to use the miniatures collected on our portal for the holiday on September 1

Future first -graders
Future first -graders

Game scene "Testers"
/Two girls and two boys participate/

1st girl
-Asten to school, let's become students.
I have already bought everything for the school.
2nd girl
-The school is everything seriously, of course you can play there,
But if the bell rang and the lesson begins,
then learn to write then, consider to get an assessment of "5".
1st boy
-If you know a lot, then you can become a scientist,
I love to dream so much!
2nd boy
-And here are my neighbors, future first -graders, dreamed of testers to become.
1st boy-
What did they feel?
2nd boy
All (surprised)
- Balls? ! Oh, how interesting?
2nd girl
- Here, listen to how it was.
Virgo: The brothers got up early in the morning, they didn’t even breakfast.
From parents secretly on the balcony rather run
2nd boy
They wanted to test whether the portfolios could fly
On air on balls, like birds in the clouds?!
1st boy/admiring/
- Blimey!
- And what, portfolios flew?
Flapped! Flew-and-and ...
Flew-and-i (they wave their hands like wings, pull the letter I-and-and)
Directly (pause) down!
1st boy /admiring/:
- Wow! Great! And then what happened?
2 Girl:
- On the branches the portfolio hung, on the branches of the maple.
2 boy:
Oh, shout from the balcony, oh, do not hesitate for not an hour,
Call Vercholase!
Everyone is cheerfully chanting, playing with each other in the hands, repeating:
Oh, do not hesitate not an hour, call Ver-Ho-laza!
1st boy (with interest )
- And another portfolio?
2 Girl:
- And the other was stuck in the bushes, loudly heard: Bach! Bach!
Everyone is having fun: Bach! Bach! Salut testers! /play, squeezing rhythmically palms/
2 Girl:
- The portfolio fell right into the pond!
All/ fun/ where ah?
1 girl: (fun)
To the frogs in the pond!? /Everyone laughs /Frogs will go to first grade?!
1st boy:
- Imagine, frogs with portfolios are paced /and continues (thin voice) /
Oh, do not hesitate for an hour / with index fingers conducting / call a diver!
(all together with bass) Call the divers!/Scandil/
2 boy: (continues)
A loud roar on the balcony, /shows, rubs his eyes /
Roal of two students, the testers are offended,
They tried in vain, you can see right away.
2 Girl / sad/ unsuccessful flight,
And at the door of their/pause // regret all together/dad is waiting!
1st boy:
“I hope they didn’t really get it?”
2 Girl:
- Yes, not very much, there was a kind of educational conversation.
2-boy -/joyful/I think the boys - cosmonauts will become.
All together: Necessarily !! They will!

Video: comic scene

Competitions for September 1

Competitions for babies develop communicative skills, activate the emotional factor of trust, support.

The holiday will not be complete if the guys cannot compete and receive incentive prizes.

We offer you a choice of competitions that will help fill the holiday on September 1 with fun and laughter

Competitions develop communicative skills
Competitions develop communicative skills

Cats Mouse: Competition Game

All players held hands and formed a circle.
Inside the circle is one player who will be the mouse, and outside the circle there is another player who will be a cat.
The task of the cat is to get into a circle.
Players, in turn, must protect their mouse and with their hands not to let the cat into a circle.
If the cat still penetrates into the circle, then the mouse should run out of it.

One, two, three: competition

Children become in a circle, and in the center of the circle they put a gift.
The host begins to consider “one, two, three ... one hundred!”, “One, two, three ... sturdy!”. Players should catch exactly the moment when the host says the coveted “three”.
The one who will react first can take a gift for himself.

Machine competition

Players are awarded long threads at the ends of which are attached cars.
The task of each player is that he should quickly wash away his ball. Players will be reelled for funny music.
Whose car came first, he won.

Competition multi -colored handkerchiefs

On the board are suspended shawls of different colors. On each scarf, the name of the girl is written. The task of the boys at the signal of the leader to run to the board and tear off a handkerchief with the name of the girl that you like. After that, the handkerchief must be given to this girl.

The ball is in the palm of your hand

All players line up in the line and stretch one rush forward with his palm up .. The host gives one player the ball.
This player will not stand in the line, but will walk along it with a ball. He must choose who wants to put the ball in the palm of his hand.
After he chooses the “victim” and puts the ball in her palm, the rest of the players should notice this and hold the player.
If they did not have time to do this, then the player who put the ball in his hand leaves the line and becomes a driver.


To brighten up a slight sadness on the outgoing summer, to prepare the kids morally for studying. And how without them at a children's holiday? On Knowledge Day, we choose cognitive thematic entertainment

Games for kids on Knowledge Day Gazema
Games for kids on Knowledge Day Gazema

The game "Dream of first -graders"

Leading: Our guys had a dream, as if they were in space, in weightlessness. Everything scattered around the ship, and the guys have to go to classes. The guys are tied to cosmic chairs, so they will gather sitting without getting up from their cosmic chairs. Who will gather faster?

Two children are sitting on chairs in different ends of the hall. Near each child, school supplies and empty hoops are scattered. It is necessary to collect your objects in the hoop without getting up from the chair, you can move in a chair on the hall.

White sheets of books,
A lot of black letters on them.
For people they are important
The guys should know them.
If you know the letters,
You can read the book
And you will hear at the same hour
An exciting story.
You will find out how old
The sun gives us light
Why flowers in the spring,
And in winter the fields are empty.
You will recognize your native land,
The edge is powerful and large.
The book is a good friend to us,
Read - you will find out for yourself.
Master: Mom has a baby,
Nepomed children,
There are only 33 of them
What is the name of them, name!
Children: Letters!

Game "Collect the letters"

On the floor are letters and numbers mixed. Children should divide the letters separately, and the numbers separately.

Leading: Now we are starting a fun score!

They lived in a task bookOne yes one ,
They went to fight alone on ... (one)
And our fire went out, this time
The truck brought firewood - this ... (two)
They gave an elephant shoe,
He took one shoe
And he said: “We need wider
And not two, but all ... (four)

Game: "Mathematical peas"

Pods with peas (painted) are distributed to children, children should count peas and choose a figure that corresponds to the number of peas.

Masha: I understood everything. I also want to study, run to Mishka, it's time to go to school to school.
Masha leaves the hall.
Presenter: And we guys will now see how Masha is going to school.

View the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"
The hall enters Masha, dressed as a schoolgirl.

Masha: So I am ready to go to school. And the guys are treated with Mishka.
Treats children with juice.

Postcards, drawings

On such a delightful day as September 1, kids should not be sad. Invite them to draw or make a postcard together. Let them feel diligent and independent schoolchildren. Children will captivate the creative process, and the experiences and excitement will remain behind

Small congratulatory cards
Small congratulatory cards
With leaves
With leaves
Another version of the postcard
Another version of the postcard

Crafts for September 1

An informal celebration of Knowledge Day may be preceded by a joint colorful decoration of a kindergarten or music hall, where the celebration will take place. You can also prepare home -made gifts and surprises for participants and winners of competitions and games. Making crafts will not be difficult. The main thing is fantasy and desire!
Other home -mades for the future student are presented in the photo

Creative crafts for school
Creative crafts for school
Sea of \u200b\u200bPositive in painted pebbles
Sea of \u200b\u200bPositive in painted pebbles
Paper bag
Paper bag

Good workshops of crafts here: See here:

Video: Knowledge Day in kindergarten

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