Scenario of the holiday for first -graders on September 1 at school: dance, song, poems, contests, games, quizzes, scenes

Scenario of the holiday for first -graders on September 1 at school: dance, song, poems, contests, games, quizzes, scenes

The article contains poems, scenes, congratulations for first -graders that can be used in preparing the script for the holiday of Knowledge Day.

The first grader on the day of knowledge falls into the situation completely unknown to him. The task of the organizers of the holiday on September 1 is to ensure that the adaptation of the children is faster, and interest in school and study does not fade away after its first visit.

Knowledge Day for newly made schoolchildren is an acquaintance with the first teacher, with each other. The teacher during the first meeting with children reveals the ability of first -graders. From this article you will learn how to arrange an interesting and memorable holiday on September 1 for first -graders.

How do you want to school!
How I want to school!

Scenario for first -graders for September 1

Leading: Good afternoon, boys, girls, their parents, grandparents. You patiently and for a long time waited for the day - September 1, and here you are smart and beautiful, standing on your first school line in real school uniforms, and in the classroom your first book awaits you - primer.

I congratulate you all on the start of the first school year in your life! See how many guests came to your holiday. Did everyone find the eyes of their relatives and friends? Watch them with your hand and say "Hello, guests, teachers!" (In response to the greeting, the guests also wave their hands). I wish you all more knowledge and excellent assessments!

Music about the school sounds.

First presenter:
Quietly, trembling and affectionately

Leaves fall to the legs

This is an autumn chalot

I asked for a visit to us.

Quiet maples are noisy in the yard

This morning smiles and light

The sun plays brightly in the window.

Play, say goodbye to the summer!

The walls of the classes are bright,

Floors smell of paint,

Autumn looks gold in the windows,

And everyone in sight of the leaves in the school garden

They spin softly, flying smoothly.

Every fall comes to school

First -graders noisy round dance,

Joyful, thoughtful funny,

The teacher will lead you to knowledge.

Second presenter:
There are different holidays in the year
And today we have a holiday
First time there are first graders
In your friendly school class!
First -graders are welcomed by students of grade 11.

1st graduate:
We are glad to see you guys
In our school for the first time,
Your leader is soon
A class will show you a native.
2nd graduate:
The school will help to grow up,
And will open the path to knowledge,
It is only very bold
You will quickly step into it.
3rd graduate:
The first class began for you,
We are already at the end of the journey
Everything that we got here,
We wish you to find.
4th graduate:
So that the parting word remains
Next to you to the end,
We sent with gifts
You are a cheerful messenger.

Boys are also ceremonial and elegant
Boys are also ceremonial and elegant

High school students present gifts to beginners (school supplies, liturvari). The presenter announces the solemn transfer of the Golden Key to the upcoming knowledge to the sounds of the song "Teach at school, taught at school"

Teacher: Today you go on an amazing journey - to the country of knowledge. In this country, you can get to know each other better, play and learn a lot of interesting things. Which of you guys will say what they teach at school?

After the children answer, teacher continues:
“That's right, at school they teach to write and read, count and draw, but you will also learn to be friends and help each other.”
- And who will say where your lessons will take place? ( Children answer - in the class)
- That's right, you will study in a beautiful, cozy class. I hope that you will really like to study in it. Well, now, let's get acquainted. My name is (the name of the teacher). I am your first teacher. We will spend as many as 4 years together and, I hope, will become inseparable friends! After the holiday, we will get to know each other better. Now let's show the guests how we prepared for September 1.

Pre -prepared first graders act:
1st student:
Just left the kindergarten,
Right into the hands of backpacks,
We will study now
We are no longer kids.
2nd student:
We will try at school,
Complex letters to teach,
To good marks
In their diaries to wear.
3rd student:
We asked mom, dad
Come here to come here,
To sit at a new desk,
In the primer read poetry.
4th student:
We give you promises
Become successful in everything,
And an approximate behavior
We will not let anyone in.

The first lesson is an exciting moment for first -graders
The first lesson is an exciting moment for first -graders

First -graders who have just performed are in a row with students of their class. The line continues with a small concert, which was prepared by high school students for guests and parents. Schoolchildren dance, perform several songs about the school years. The final part acts head teacher.

Today is a very important day
For those who strive for knowledge,
For their parents, teachers,
Who is not afraid of responsibility.
Now hear the call
It will sound for you for the first time
And you will go to the lesson
Where the walls will become your family.

A high school student picks up a first -grader, passes the bell into her hands and sits on his shoulder and passes in a circle along the students lined up in the line. After the first calls the first for newly made schoolchildren, the bells are flying into the sky with helium balloons.

Protrudes military training teacher With the words: "On the construction site, become quiet, right." Silence occurs. The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds, after which students give bouquets to teachers and school principal. Schoolchildren go to their native classes for the world lesson, and first -graders take graduates to their class.

Song about school for September 1

The closer the holiday on September 1, the more often the organizers need to find a good song dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. We offer you the following songs.

Hello school!
The first day of September was spinning with foliage.
Autumn by bird flies along the native roads.
Summer ended yesterday,
It's time for everyone to go to school,
And calls us a call again to the lesson.
Calls are poured over the country.
In the morning, students go to school again.
We are returning to our friends in a cheerful class.
Hello school! We cannot part.
You, teacher, taught us all to dream,
And your lessons will not be forgotten.
Let us schoolchildren for now,
We know for sure
All our bright dreams will come true.
We will sing, we will live, we will love life
And the homeland, blooming under the sun.
We will never forget
Our school years,
And calls, calling to lessons!

Knowledge Day

In all cities and villages
Supply marches sound.
Enthusiasm and fun
Smiles on the faces of the guys.
Beautiful mothers with a parade
With bouquets are marked in a row
The holiday comes to us elegant
Always on the first day of September.
Magic door with miracles
And secrets of school sciences
Will open on a day the joyful most
The teacher is a mentor and friend.

The first teacher is remembered for life
The first teacher is remembered for life

Poems about school

In this section you will find poems about school, Knowledge Day, the first teacher. The poems presented here from modern authors will help to diversify the scenario of the holiday.


I read in the book suddenly:
"School" meant "leisure".
In ancient Greece it was like that:
Only time came
Take a break from all labors
Every resident was ready
Talk about the fate of the world,
Eligating his rumor with a lyre.
Time slowed down.
"School" every person
I read like a paradise ...

Again I collect my portfolio.
Times would have come
To love the school.

Favorite school

How I love school, mom!
In the morning a noisy crowd
We come to the classroom ...
This class is of course mine.

There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It is comfortable and warm.
And with our teacher
We admit, we were lucky.

Does not swear angrily,
Even if it puts "two"
And it will show business
Where is the error, we myself.

Let there be many lessons at school,
We overcome, it doesn’t matter!
Start from the threshold
Our school years ...


When I walk out on the weekend,
I try to bypass it,
But a sunny bunny in a clean window
She will always wink from afar!

Anthem of the native school

Everything will pass and maybe
Get tired of everything to old age
But while you are studying
In this school - rejoice.

Glory, Glory to the School
And teachers,
After all, they teach us
And very diligently.

Glory to our Motherland,
Wise and beautiful.
We will increase the work
Her power and strength.

Glory to all decisive
Superflowing is difficult -
Increase in the ignorance
In the opposite.

If you someday
You will become in a row with the great
You do not forget this anthem
Like your relic.

The start of classes at school is, first of all, Ira!
The start of classes at school is, first of all, a game!

Scenes for September 1

If you are looking for funny miniatures about school, then pay attention to the following scenes for September 1. They will amuse both students and their teachers. Let the “infusion” in the new academic year be painted with humor and laughter. Small miniatures will be able to play schoolchildren of different classes.

1. The method of education.

Teacher: He will go to the board, he will go to the board ... Ivanov will go to the board!
Ivanov: Why immediately Ivanov?! There, Aniskin, does not go to the board at all!
Teacher: Because Aniskin always does homework. And you, Ivanov. You do not do it and therefore call to the board.
Ivanov goes to the board.
Teacher: So, let's say you have four apples, divided them between you and Sergeyev.
Ivanov: I am four, not a single Sergeyev!
Teacher: Why?
Ivanov: I do not like it from the first grade, all so positive.
Teacher: Okay, then divided the apples among themselves and your best friend.
Ivanov: I have three, one friend.
Teacher: And now why so?
Ivanov: I love apples more than a friend, so I will take three.
Teacher: Then the four pears.
Ivanov: Four to a friend, I am not a single one.
Teacher: And now what?
Ivanov: I don't like pears at all, let it take everything.
Teacherb: Ivanov, this is not the correct answer!
Ivanov: What is the right thing then?
Teacher: And you will have the correct answer in your diary now, let him here.
Ivanov: I know the correct answer - this is a deuce!

2. Question-answer

Teacher: Who wants to get the five on my subject?
Ivanov pulls his hand.
Teacher: Oh, Ivanov, commendable, commendable. Come on, come out.
Ivanov goes to the board.
Teacher: Now we will have a mini test. I will ask questions, and you quickly answer them. Understood?
Ivanov: Yes, I understand, how quickly should you answer?
Teacher: So fast so that it is right
Ivanov: I see, I'm ready.

Then there is a dialogue in the form: the teacher’s question, the student’s answer.

- The greatest traveler?
- Frog traveler.
- What are the part of the flower?
- Flower, pot.
- Drezhamny forest, is that?
- Forest where you can doze.
- How much does the mouse live on average?
- It all depends on which cat lives in the house.
- Why is time in Europe ahead of time in America?
- Because America was opened later, and time is behind there.

Teacher: Yes, Ivanov. I did not expect this. So quickly answered. Well, let's summarize: for the answers of the stake, for the resourcefulness of five. The result is three.
Ivanov: Thanks I was trying.


When the holidays end and the school time comes, it is so hard for the guys to stay in the classroom for a long time, leaning over the next textbook.

Organize contests on the day of knowledge on the day of knowledge, and let the one who did not lose time in vain win, practicing in speed, resourcefulness, and resourcefulness. Children have fun, compete and laugh heartily, and the teachers will check how much they prepared for school. You can arrange a simple tea party with fun contests, riddles and funny tasks.

Details: Prepare Vegetables and Fruits sliced \u200b\u200b1x1cm. Toothpicks, disposable plates, napkins. Blows for the eyes.
Put the same fruit and vegetable cubes on plates. This competition is best done not for a while, but so that the participants of the game can try each cube and determine it correctly. The player wins who guessed more cubes. For which he receives the prize "Apple"

Details: sharpener, ruler, plastic pencil (because it gives out the longest chips when turning) is involved in this competition. Task: In the appointed time, to grind as long as possible the curl. The winner can be chosen both for a larger number of curls, and for the longest curl. The winner is awarded to a pencil sharpener.

Details: cookies or sweets, in the same amount for each player. Both boys and girls participate in the game. At the signal, it is necessary to lay out the pyramid as high as possible for a certain time. The player whose pyramid turned out to be above and turned out to be the most stable wins. The winner receives a sweet prize.

Details: bottles with soda water, balls. Bottles with soda are exhibited in a row, not very close to each other. Two players are called to participate in the competition. Each is given on the ball. Players stand behind the line so that there is no stack. The task, for the appointed time, knock down as many bottles as possible. The winner is awarded a bottle of lemonade.


Competitions and quizs can always be found a decent replacement - these are games. In games, schoolchildren will be willing to take part, especially if they are interesting.

For this game, you will need a jump rope 1.5-2 m long. Several people can participate simultaneously. All participants get up in a circle. The host stands into the center of the circle. He takes a jump rope in his hand (you can take a rope or cord with a soft ball tied at the end) and with the words: “Catch, fish, big and small!” He begins to rotate the rope so that its end falls under the feet of the participants. The task of the participants is that the jump rope does not touch their legs. To do this, when approaching the feet of the “fishing rods” you need to jump so that the rope is underfoot. If any of the participants steps on the “bait”, then it is considered caught and at the same time changes places with the host. The game can be limited or conducted until all participants are in the role of the host.
Catch the sparrow!
This cheerful game is designed for all participants who become in a circle, holding hands tightly, choose “sparrows” and “cat”. "Sparrow" is placed in the center of the circle, and the "cat" - beyond the circle. The task of the “cat” is to run into a circle and catch a “sparrow”. The rest of the participants should not let the “cat” to the “sparrow”. The game continues until the “cat” caught the “sparrow”. In this case, the game ends, and new "sparrow" and "cat" are selected.
Pull me
In this game, all participants need to be divided into pairs. The couples line up on one line that the host drew. At a certain distance (about 3 m), another line is drawn. Participants become their backs to each other and capture the partner bent at the elbows with their hands. At the signal of the host (a call to the bell, clap in your hands, the words: “One, two, three - pull!”) The couples rush to the indicated line. Having reached the mark, they return.
At the same time, first one participant goes forward, and then vice versa. The winner becomes the pair that faster than the rest has returned to its place.


When preparing a quiz for schoolchildren, you can use the issues below.

  • The highest school mark in Russia is ... what?
    (Five, five)
  • What is the name of the verbal equivalent of the school rating "Five"? ("Excellent")
  • What is the name of both the student receiving only five, and an employee who perfectly fulfills his duties? (Excellent student. And the student is also called the five -rose)
  • What is the name of a coin or an amount of five cents? (Nickel, Piglet)
  • What is the name of a small round platform and generally a cramped, limited space? (Piglet)
  • What is the name of the pink friend of Winnie the Pooh? (Piglet)
  • What is the name of the five fingers with the palm? (Five)
  • What is the name of the working week with two weekends? (Five days)
  • What is the name of a short production meeting? (Five -minute)
  • What is the name of the economic development plan for five years?
  • (Five -year plan)
  • What numbers should end with the number so that it is divided into five? (Zero or five)
  • What does the number five look like in the binary number system? (101)
  • What Latin letter plays the role of the Roman number five? (Letter "V")
  • What is the name of the music ensemble of five people? (Quintet)

Waltz on September 1

The waltz at the festival on September 1 will become a real highlight. Therefore, be sure to include it in the script and learn it with schoolchildren.

Video: Waltz on September 1

Inscription September 1

If, in preparation for the holiday, September 1, there is a need for a beautiful inscription, then you can choose you like in this section. A spectacular inscription is sometimes better than any words immerse it in a festive school atmosphere

Cool leaves inscription
Cool leaves inscription
The inscription Day of Knowledge
The inscription Day of Knowledge
The inscription is the first -grader
The inscription is the first -grader

Postcards by September 1

How to make a postcard to your beloved teacher on September 1? See in this section a selection of photos of beautiful congratulatory cards, and your fantasy will tell you what and in what sequence the postcard you like are performed.

Postcard School call
Postcard School call
Maple leaf card
Maple leaf card
Postcard first grade
Postcard first grade
Postcard for a girl
Postcard for a girl
Postcard for the teacher
Postcard for the teacher
Postcard for the teacher
Postcard for the teacher

Drawings on the topic 1 September

What drawings are associated with Knowledge Day? Of course, a book, school supplies, autumn flowers and many yellow leaves.

The drawing of an open or closed book that will not be difficult to reproduce with a pencil according to the schematic images proposed below, will be appropriate on a postcard about the school, on the poster, at the competition of thematic drawings.

A procked book in thick binding
A procked book in thick binding
Open book with a bookmark
Open book with a bookmark
You can draw children with a large open book
You can draw children with a large open book
Boy and girl
Boy and girl
Picture for the collage
Picture for the collage

But if you need more complex drawings from September 1, then Soviet congratulatory cards will help. You will definitely find anything for yourself. These are the options for what drawings are suitable for the holiday on September 1

A boy with a portfolio
A boy with a portfolio

Wishes for first graders for September 1

First -graders for the Day of Knowledge need special attention. A selection of poems for those who first go to school is mandatory in preparing the script of the holiday.
First -grader from parents.

You will remember this day forever:
The school will accept you for the first time.
Open its doors wider -
And the school week will begin,

And behind her the second, quarter, year ...
Your school period will flow,
Walks, runs, rushes,
Just have time to study on "five"!

This is still in the future, now
The first time you go to first grade.
Knowledge is still Ma-a-Lenky reserve,
But over the years you will overtake us.

First -grader

Bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new satchel behind him,
In the eyes of excitement and delight,
You squeeze your mom tightly.

Today is your main holiday,
You are going to school for the first time,
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

Wishes to a first grader

On the first day autumn
Joyful, cheerful,
With a vigorous mood
You will run to school.

You will meet after the summer
There are friends of the Wikhrane,
And everyone has in bouquets
Festive asters.

You will be until May
You are now working.
We wish you
Study well!

Mom is very expensive
Each of your steps
Bring "Five"
More for her, my friend!

Poems-wishes for Knowledge Day

The summer ended, and gently calls
Children for their desks are all school.
And with books new, magical flight
Knowledge Day will give you again.

And on the first day of autumn, day of September,
School friendship meets you.
And childhood, silver,
The light of good is radiated on you.

Video: First time to first grade

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