Scenario of the celebration of Trinity in a rural club, House of Culture: games, contests, ditties, concert. How many days is the Trinity celebrated? How to celebrate Trinity correctly?

Scenario of the celebration of Trinity in a rural club, House of Culture: games, contests, ditties, concert. How many days is the Trinity celebrated? How to celebrate Trinity correctly?

This article offers you advice and ideas for organizing a rural holiday in honor of the Trinity.

How many days is the Trinity celebrated and how to celebrate it correctly?

Trinity is an important Orthodox holiday that believers love and respect very much. A lot of traditions and customs are connected with this holiday that can and should be honored. The Trinity holiday is a holiday of life and nature. The main symbol of the celebration is the young tree or birch branches that are compared with the riot of young life.

On this holiday, everyone rejoices, feasts and sing songs. The church is being prepared for the meeting of the Trinity for a whole week. This is done by means of special prayer songs and decorations of the temple with herbs. It is interesting that the Trinity is still preceding Parent Trinity Saturday - The day on which you need to remember the deceased ancestors and relatives who have passed away by suicide (the only day when the church allows you to do).

Orthodox people (not clergy) celebrate Trinity one day. The holiday always falls on Sunday. On this day, it is strictly forbidden to work on Earth, wash and sew. It is only possible to cook, cook food and carry out small affairs on the household (if, for example, something is scattered and this must be urgently removed).

Important: it is believed that if a person violates this custom of the celebration of the Trinity and is engaged in everyday work, he easily brings heavily, livestock diseases and his own ailment.

After the Trinity, the week of the holy, and after them, Petrov post comes. The post has no exact date, since its time segments depend only on how sooner or later Easter is celebrated in the year.

How the trinity celebrates:

  • On Saturday, the deceased relatives are remembered before the Trinity, their graves are visited and put in order.
  • On Sunday, people go to the temple for prayer, put candles for health at the necessary icons and candles for the rest of the souls.
  • On Sunday, it is customary to decorate the house with branches of young trees, preferably birch trees to attract prosperity and health.
  • It is customary to visit relatives and friends in Trinity, visit friends and arrange feasts.
Church celebration of the Trinity

Scenario of the celebration of Trinity in a rural club, House of Culture

In rural areas, such a church holiday as the Trinity is given much more attention. The fact is that people living in villages and villages are more pious and righteous, they honor the traditions of their ancestors. Often for inventing the script and holding a holiday capable of giving joy to the whole district and residents, special rural organizers are taken, to help whose ideas from this article will be.

Important: if weather conditions allow, a holiday on the Trinity is best spent in the open air in order to completely enjoy beauty and unity with nature. If there is no possibility, then the event held in the club or the House of Culture is also permissible.

Variants of introductory speech:

Option No. 1
Option No. 2
Option No. 3

Important: in the introductory part of the holiday, it is also good to tell the audience about the history of the holiday, the reasons for its occurrence and name. The information should be presented with an accessible easy language, show pictures and images well.

The history of the emergence of the Trinity

It is good to diversify the entertainment program with a large number of poems and congratulations. Everyone can read these lines, because the most important thing is to convey their meaning.

Poems for organizing a celebration on the Trinity:

Poems No. 1
Poems No. 2
Poems No. 3
Poems No. 4

Competitions for the celebration of the Trinity: how to diversify the program?

A special place in the holiday is occupied by entertainment and competitions. They will certainly cheer everyone present and will allow you to get pleasant emotions from the entire celebration. It is best to conduct such contests in the fresh air, since they are active and require not only a sufficient amount of territory, but also a splash of energy.

Trinity contests:

Entertainment "Tree"
Contests for adults
Traditional competition for the village
Trinity competition
Interesting competition

Video: "Trinity in the village"

Games to celebrate the Trinity on the street and in adults

Depending on which audience will gather at a holiday in a rural club or house of culture, you can arrange entertainment games. Naturally, the older generation will not want to take part, and young people and children will receive the maximum pleasure from this.

Video: "Trinity in the village"

Trinity games for children: how to entertain children at the holiday?

The children's script for the holiday should be distinguished by an abundance of entertainment events. For this, the younger generation should also be used. It is useful for children to arrange games and contests, well arrange a tape carousel, which is associated with the sun and warmth. How to conduct and organize children's contests for a trinity you can read here.

Video: "Trinity in the village"

Concert script for Trinity in a rural club, House of Culture

Funny songs will help diversify the festive program for adults. Everyone can sing them, but only those who want: adults, children, old people, choirs or soloists. Spread the words in advance so that everyone knows them.

Songs for Trinity:

Songs No. 1
Songs No. 2
Songs No. 3
Songs No. 4
Song number 5

Ditties for trinity, songs for an entertainment program

Cymbols - favorite songs of the rural people. Such songs will be decorated with any holiday. They can be singing, both under the phonogram and to live music.

Ditties on the trinity
Trinity ditties

Video: "Trinity in the village"

What did the girls burn on the trinity by tradition?

One of the ancient rural traditions for Trinity says that young girls should burn old men's pants at the end of the day. They could be filled with straw, or it could simply be hung on a pole. The reason for the ritual is very simple, it was believed that this fire would allow brides to appear in the village (i.e., guys become more brave and make proposals to their girls).

Video: "Trinity of Traditions"

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