The script of the rally at the obelisk and concert for May 9 Victory Day. Holiday script in kindergarten and school

The script of the rally at the obelisk and concert for May 9 Victory Day. Holiday script in kindergarten and school

Scenarios for the children's holiday on May 9.

Children's holiday May 9

When everyone celebrates Victory Day, small concerts are also held in kindergarten. Their peculiarity is that the holiday should become bright, memorable, so that children can feel their involvement in the great victory, to educate them with respect for the feat of veterans, their courage and heroism.

Honorary guests on the days of victory in schools, kindergartens are veterans, for which a concert and congratulations are necessarily provided in the program.

Our scenarios will help you to make the victory interesting and solemn.

Concert script for May 9 Victory

When preparing the holiday, educators, teachers should focus on children's attention on the inadmissibility of repetition of military fever.

Important by children of military events and the upbringing of careful attitude to veterans and everyone who died, fighting for their homeland.

Let the children take part in the preparation of the assembly hall in which the celebration will be held. Green branches and lilac are suitable as decoration. From the scenery on the stage you can use front -line motifs.

You can make an impromptu bonfire, hang a camping pot over it, place a tent layout nearby. Children can wear military uniforms, helmets

Class decoration for May 9

Class decoration for May 9

Scene design to celebrate Victory Day at School

School design at school for Victory Day

The script of the rally at the obelisk on May 9 Victory Day

Before the start of the holiday, the song "Take the overcoat" sounds

Children's holiday for May 9

1 student.
For many years of our glorious victory,
Again, peaceful dawn, silence ...
And is not heard on the planet
Spring returned to people!
Behind the distant ones were already given,
Years, as if in a fog, are visible.
And have long been adults
The grandchildren of those who returned from the war.

Vedas 1. The holiday of victory is a joy and pain of losses, it is laughter and bitter tears.
Ved.2. On this day, volleys of festive salute in all cities of our Motherland sound. The May days of 1945 returned the future to Soviet children. Flowers were given everywhere, songs sounded, laughter and fun were heard. During the days of the popular holiday, people danced right on the streets.

Vedas 1. Blinds of thousands of guns Moscow saluted victory! It will sound today in honor of a glorious victory.

2 student.
We are not here with you because the date
Like an evil fragment, memory burns in the chest.
To the grave of an unknown soldier
You come on holidays and everyday life.
He protected you on the battlefield
Falled, never stepping back,
And this hero has a name -
The Great Army is a simple soldier!

The scene is designed using front -line motives. On the stage there is a layout of a tent, a fire, a pot. Next to the tent are fighters - high school students, on a stump, at the deck. In their hands are open envelopes with letters. Fighters read.

How to arrange a scene for a front -line motive

Scene in the kindergarten for day

The music “I in a cold dugout sounds warm from my oversized love”

Music subsides and one of the fighters reads a letter:
"My relatives! How I miss you! How much more we have to live in separation is unknown. With my native greetings, kiss everyone! ”
September 15, 1941.

Reads the second

“Hello, sister! Finally found time to write. From the hospital, I again got to my front line in the Smolensk direction. I will not write much about myself. After the battle, I will send the news again. 1942.

The continuation of the song "" I in a cold dugout is warm from my oversized love. " Music subsides again.

A girl comes to the stage. She is reading:
I still don't quite understand
How am I, both thin and small,
Through the fires to the victorious May
The stopudovs reached the Kirzachi.
And where did so much strength come from
Even in the weakest of us? ..
What to guess! - Russia was and has
Eternal strength eternal supply.
The second girl appears and reads:
I have seen melee so many times,
Once in reality. And a thousand - in a dream.
Who says that the war is not scary,
He knows nothing about the war.

A fighter rises, approaches the girls and reads "Wait for me, and I will return"

Vedas 1.
The cooler the tread of victory
The nationwide celebration,
But in the 41st the enemy did not know
What is waiting for him in the 45th.
He was full of bully jack.
Until she was demolished!
A victory with a new song came
To us in that harsh, formidable hour.
Victory! How did she get?
What way did you come to her?
And the wounds were fatigue.
And scars on the chest of the earth.
Armor in deep dents,
And gave the roads passed
And orders on tunic,
Where sweat mercilessly burned the fabric
Vedas 1.
I would like to be on the planet
Kept peace and silence,
So that descendants, our children,
They never knew the war.
After centuries, in years - remember!
About those who will never come - remember!
Do not Cry!
Hold the groans in the throat, bitter moans,
Be memory of the fallen!
Forever worthy!
As long as the heart is knocking - remember!
At a price, happiness has been won -
Please remember!

Ved.2. We honestly have the memory of those who died on the fronts of the war, who did not live to see the Victory Feast that we celebrate today. A minute of silence is declared

Vedas 1. From the cities and sat on the front of the Great Patriotic War, more than two dozen millions of soldiers took. More than 14 million 616 thousand people died.

For many, the first post -war year was the last year of life, others have forever remained cripples. We will always remember the names of those who lay their heads on the fronts of the war, who died, fulfilling their duty, defending their homeland (listing the names of the names of the dead countrymen).

Ved.2. On this holiday, we recall the unprecedented feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great -grandfathers. May explosions from bullets and shells never sound on our blessed land. Let these balls fly into a peaceful cloudless sky in memory!

Children release balls.

Vedas 1. I ask a solemn rally dedicated to Victory Day. Flowers to the monument to those killed during the Second World War - to lay down.

Holiday script in kindergarten

The holiday of Victory Day in kindergarten should also take place in a festive atmosphere. We offer educators and organizers of the holidays an interesting scenario of the Victory holiday, which will certainly please the kids, and will be informative for them.

In the kindergarten Victory Day

Children can take part in the festive decoration of the hall, cut and hang multi -colored flags, prepare drawings on the topic “War through the eyes of children”. You can hang a card, binoculars, a machine gun, a dishevef -disable or a cap on the stage

May 9 in kindergarten

The kids are planted, distributed along the flower and flag, beams of multi -colored ribbons as symbolic “salutes”. The host appears.

Scene in the kindergarten for day

Leading: On May ninth we celebrate Victory Day over fascist Germany. Every year on this May day, both people and the country are rejoicing! We will always remember the significant date and solemnly celebrate it.

The song “There was a thunderstorm” sounds, the music of Azantin Fattah, the words Vladimir Korkin.
Hello, Victory Day holiday,
The day is great, glorious!
You and adult, you and children,
The holiday is the most important.

1st child
Now the Kremlin watch is now
They will solemnly break
And I will see with mom
In honor of the holiday, salute.
2nd child
He will illuminate the entire area
All faces, orders ...
So Victory Day today
The country celebrates again.

Leading: At dawn, when both children and adults slept peacefully, fascist Germany began an attack on our borders.

Parents read in turn:
... summer night, at dawn,
When the children slept peacefully,
Hitler gave the troops an order
And sent a German soldier
Against all Soviet people -
This means against us.
He wanted free people
Turn hungry into people,
To deprive everything forever.
And stubborn and rebels,
On the knees of those who did not fall,
Exterminate to one!
He ordered to defeat
Topped and burned
Everything that we kept together,
The eyes were cherished than the eyes
So that we tolerate the need,
Our songs did not dare to sing
Near your house,
So that everything is for the Germans,
For Nazis-lands,
And for Russians and for others,
For peasants and for workers -

Leading. The fight against the Nazis lasted four years. The victory was not easy.

May noon is radiant,
A thunderstorm was silent over Berlin,
And silence came
A wary-fucked after ...
The one who saw her
Who then looked into her eyes,
He remembered forever
The features of the long -awaited victory.

The song "Victory Day" D. Tukhmanov, children sing together with the STRIES.

1st child
There was a great Victory Day
Many years ago.
Grandfathers remember Victory Day
Each of the grandchildren knows.
2nd child
Remember the glorious Victory Day
The whole beloved country
On Victory Day, our grandfathers
Put on orders.
3rd child
We are talking about the first day of victory
We love to listen to their story -
How our grandfathers fought
For the whole world, for all of us!

The host invites veterans to the stage, gives them a word. Children give invited veterans flowers and flags carved from colored paper

1st child
On our street
Twenty houses,
On our street
Twenty yards.
2nd child
On our street
The sky is one:
Open, loudly,
For all it.
3rd child
Both troubles and grief
The wound is one:
Twenty our grandfathers
The war killed.

The song “Eternal Flame” sounds (music by A. Filippenko).

Leading: After the Great Victory, our people began a new struggle - for the restoration of cities destroyed by the war, villages. It was necessary to raise industry, agriculture. Children, guess who healed the wounds of war. What is the profession.

Children read in turn:

At the machine he is days and night
He knows everything, he - ... (worker).
The bake is buzzing like a samovar
Steel is brewing in it ... (steelmark).
The flame is dusting with heat
Sweat pours from the face
Loudly hits steel
Hammer ... (blacksmith).
To work, he is a hunter,
Day-Day with a shirt ... (carpenter).
Under the spring bird whistle
He plows the earth ... (tractor driver).
A choir is heard in the combine field,
The bread ship leads ... (combiner).
He is a resident of the construction forests,
He builds us at home ... (builder).

A peaceful day is swimming over us -
Joy in villages, cities,
Above factories, fields -
The sky is pure scope.
Our children will say
Good in the edge of the native!
We need to study good, we need to learn
We are growing for joy.

Stage "Border Guards"

On the stage there is a layout of a border pillar. A sentry walks nearby, examines the terrain. Stops and says:

At the very border is secret
I carry a keen service
For each hillock in the answer,
For each Christmas tree in the forest.

Border outpost,
Cedars, hills, silence.
Time after midnight.
The barracks have long been immersed.
Rather, skip it soon, sentenced,
I need a boss. Miss, I am mine!

The boss appears: What happened?
I saw a dog, disappeared in the forest,
From somewhere from a distance they whistled the dog,
A heavy collar is worn on the neck.
The dog is not ours - we do not have one.
Boss. On the horses!
Rall around the hall. Stop.
Hourly. The task is completed!
Boy. Secret documents were sewn in the collar.
Border guard, you're in response
For the people, for peaceful work,
Let them grow happy
In cities and villages children ...


Everything today is not like that
Not as always.
Everyone goes out into the street
Everyone then shout "Hurray!"
Noisy everywhere, interesting
Fun and crowded everywhere,
They hit the drums loudly,
They dance and sing everywhere.

Boys and girls dance in pairs (music to choose from)

Stage "We are military" To the poem by S. Mikhalkov

Telephone operator (with phone)
Hello, Hello, Jupiter, I am diamond.
Almost at all you can not hear you.
We took the village with the battle.
And how are you? Hello Hello!
Nurse (begins to bandage a fighter who sits on a chair and groans)
What are you roaring, like a bear?
The trifle remains to be patient,
And your wound is so easy
That heals for sure.
Sailor (looks at binoculars)
On the horizon is a plane.
The course is full, forward!
Get ready for battle, crew!
Set aside, our fighter.
So I climbed into the attic.
Perhaps the enemy lurks here.
Behind the house we clean the house,
We will find the enemy everywhere.
Pilot (considers the card)
The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.
There are five minutes to fly.
The combat order is understandable?
All. The enemy will not leave us.
Private (with the Order)
I am a young infantryman
He fought with the fascist near Moscow.
I went to reconnaissance more than once
The colonel awarded me.

Children perform the song "Solar Circle".

To the sounds of the song “We wish you happiness” the host invites guests to see what drawings the children prepared for the holiday. Children give guests homemade cards and drawings.

School of Victory Feast at School

Before the start of the holiday, the song "Take the overcoat" sounds

Leading: Hello, our dear veterans, children and their parents, teachers! The proximity of eras and generations reigning in this room warms the hearts. The hardships of a long and monstrous war, which our veterans carried on their shoulders were left behind.

Today, a generation of children who do not know the fear of war is looking at you. The only reminder of those days for them was monuments, monuments, books, history lessons, films. We devote our concert to everyone who celebrates Victory Day today.

The word for the opening of the rally is provided to the school principal
The anthem sounds
Word to guests

The song “We have not been home for a long time” sounds Efrem Flax.

The song gradually subsides on the stage the student comes out:

The boys left - on the shoulders of the overcoats,
The boys left - they sang brave songs,
The boys retreated with dusty steppes,
The boys were dying, where they did not know ...
Boys fell into terrible barracks,
Fierce dogs caught up with boys.
They killed the boys for the escape on the spot
The boys of conscience and honor did not sell ...
The boys did not want to succumb to fear
Boys rose on the whistle on the attack.
In black smoke of battles, on a punch armor
The boys left - squeezing the machine guns.
The boys have seen - brave soldiers -
Volga - in the forty -first,
Spree - in the forty -fifth,
The boys showed in four years,
Who are the boys of our people.

Appears on the stage student And reads the poem:

Recall the serene children's sleep, happy
The first sun beam is leisurely
The smell of apples ripening in the garden
Recall the worst day of the year
Let us recall the city of glow burned
In the field of crop, sleeping fire
Explosions, death, eyes filled with pain
The borders of Russia, flooded with blood.
Let us recall that to glorify the fighters
To send people all the earth
The spell, sounding light:
There should not be a war in the world!

The school waltz sounds. Girls in polka dot dresses dance with boys in school uniforms.

The usual morning came. Small children slept peacefully in their cribs, adults saw bright dreams. Silence and peace occasionally violated their birds awakening from the rustle with their singing and a surge of water in the river.

The sounds of the school waltz came somewhere from afar. This was the next farewell of graduates with childhood, when they crossed the threshold of the school, and an adult life opened before them.

Who would have thought then that a long and terrible four years of the war were waiting for them ahead, and many guys will not have the future. The earth was calmed down in the predawn darkness. The last minutes of silence went on.

The music sounds quieter and a recording of Levitan’s performance on the radio about the beginning of the war is heard. Boys and girls run away from the stage.

Against the background of the sound of a siren, outbreaks from explosions on an interactive screen, a student and students with rifles dressed up in military uniform appear.

Flower in dews all to the flower
And the border guard extended his hands to them
And the Germans, having finished coffee at that moment
Climbed into tanks, closed hatches
Everything was breathing in silence
That the whole earth was still sleeping, it seemed
Who knew that between the world and the war
All, for some five minutes left ... ...

(Sounds the song “Holy War”)

Rally script for Victory Day

Leading: 1418 days and nights of war. The Soviet people entered a mortal battle, bringing the victory with every minute.

The popular trouble rallied soldiers, partisans, collective farmers, to give a worthy rebuff to the enemy invasion. And only selfless love for the homeland, unprecedented resistance and mass heroism helped Soviet people withstand and resist the deadly fight with brown plague.

(The song “At the unfamiliar village of Dmitry Hvorostovskaya” sounds))

Bombs staggered the earth in the forty -first year
Only we resisted the centuries in sight
So much grief was mastered, do we not know
As Russia stood, it will stand!

Read children:
Cross-blue stripes
On the windows of the crooking hut.
Native thin birches
They look anxiously at the sunset.
And the dog on a warm ashes,
To the eyes stained in the ash,
He is looking for someone all day
And does not find in the village ...
Throwing an old zipunishko,
By gardens, without roads,
Hurrying, a guy is in a hurry
In the sun - right east.
Nobody on a distant road
He did not dress warmer,
No one hugged at the threshold
And after him he did not look.
In an inaccuated, broken bathhouse
The night is like a beast,
How long it is with his breath
He could not warm his chilled hands!
But on his cheek,
The tear did not pave the way.
There must be too much at once
They saw his eyes.
Everything saw, for everything ready,
Falling into the snow on the chest,
Runned to his mock -up
Ten -year -old man.
He knew that was somewhere not far away
Can howl behind that mountain,
Him as a friend, dark evening
The Russian sentry will hail.
And he, clinging to the overcoat,
Relatives heard voices
Will tell everything that you looked at
His non -childish eyes

The girl reads:

The class is very cold
I breathe on the pen,
I lower my head
And I write, I write.

The first declension -
Female family on "a",
Immediately, no doubt,
I take it out - "war."

Which is more significant
Today for the country?
In the case of the genitive:
No - what? - "War."

And behind the word howling -
Mom died…
And a distant battle yet
So that I live.

Whore "war" of the curse,
I only remember the "war" ...
Maybe for an example to me
Choose "silence"?

But we measure the war
Today life and death,
I will get "excellent" I -
This is revenge too ...

About the "war" that is woeful,
The proud lesson
And I remembered him
I am eternal.

Leading: Do not convey the words of the pain that relatives and relatives experienced, escorting their sons, fathers, brothers to the front. What will happen to them? Should I go home? Will they see your loved ones at least once? No one had answers to these questions. And only woeful forebodings exhausted the soul and tormented the heart. But hope did not fade off even in the worst minutes.

Victory Day rally

(The song "Dark Night" sounds)

Come out children And they read the poem:

What is a war?
Why, why
It arises
In hopeless smoke?

In impenetrable longing
Not forgiven offenses ...
Really to me
Is it all?

Why are they filled
People are hostile?
Is it really like that
Will happen to you?

I can't comprehend
And unable to understand,
Why is this world
Loved to fight?

Evil envy is darkness
And pride in the lot -
This adult game
For the worldly redistribution.

And bloody torture:
Iraq and Chechnya
Really touch
You and me.

Children of the whole planet,
Let's all
Let's stop this horror
Crazy war!

We ban our adults
Forgot about us
Let us publish children's anti-
Military decree!

Childrenthey sing in chorus:

And you were once a child
Naive, kind and simple,
Played, naughty, laughed loudly,
I asked for forgiveness easily.

You have never revenge on years
And he forgot all the insults.
I always ran a question to my mother,
When I met an unclear.

There is in life - adult dictatorship
Until the child has grown.
But children have all questions
There is the most important question to you:

Why are you fighting, people of the Earth?
Wouldn't you be able to live without a war?

Is the peaceful happiness of the planet of people
Not more expensive than all other wealth and venture?

Maybe you are on your progressive path
Have you forgotten the magical word "sorry"?

Laughter and jokes are heard
And the cod of the fire is a little heard
This is a rest moment -
The long -awaited time!
Who said that you need to throw songs in the war?
After the battle, the heart asks for music doubly!
(The song “Airplanes” sounds)

Leading: The war has long ended .... Only the trenches that were equal to the ground are remembered about it. Front roads can no longer be seen among the fields sown with bread.

The dugouts covering our fighters from German shells are covered with wildflowers. But on the earth where blood was shed, there will always be a trace of the war. He will remain in the hearts of people!

The war left, leaving the lists of the dead in a righteous battle.
The obelisks in a motionless stone system froze
“Failed the death of the brave” - we answer and live again to the coming day
With a minute of mournful silence, let's remember the fallen!

(Minute of silence)

(The poem “Why won?”) Sounds


Why won?
A simple question is and is not simple ....
Because it is fearless
You got into full growth!
Why won?
There are many reasons here
Because you are together
There were all as one
Why won?
What is in vain to guess?
Because they loved
Our Motherland is mother!
Well, if otherwise
To make it clear:
You loved the homeland
More your life!

(The song "Victory Day" sounds)

Leading: (Against the background of the melody of the song “Victory Day”)
So our meeting came up to an end. We congratulate you again on the holiday! A peaceful sky above your head, health and prosperity.

Victory Day Script

Video: May 9 at school

Contests for May 9 Victory Day

ATTRACTION Game "Four flags"

Leading: Guys, now we will play an interesting game. Attentance will help you to win it. I have four flags. Each of them means a certain action. When I raise the blue flag, you will swim; The blue color of the flag is the sky: you will fly; Green means the Earth (imagine that you jump on a horse), the red flag means victory: as soon as I raise the flag, you shout “Hurray!”.

The host begins to alternately raise the flags up, and the children show how they float, or jump on horseback, shout "Hurray!" Or how fly.

You can divide children into groups, classes, and compete.

Relay "Physical Engineering"


Install 6 kegles along the line of movement. Teams line up in a chain one after another. Each participant puts an elongated hand on the shoulder ahead and bends his legs at the knees. The team wins, the participants of which will be able to overcome the distance from the label to the label, rounding all the obstacles and without rising in full growth.

"Moving on the battlefield"

Install the keg in a checkerboard pattern. The task of the participants is to crawl between the segles without hitting them.

"Go through the tunnel"

Chairs are arranged in a row. The task of the participants is to crawl between them without hitting.

"Accurate shooter"

The children are invited to share in two teams and on the command of the host begin to throw soft toys or balls into the center of the target. Then the host stops the game and “judges”: which of the players made more well -aimed shots remains to continue the game and choose the “most well -aimed shooter”

"Save the wounded!"

Two teams. Two participants play the role of the wounded, which should be attributed to the first -aid post (put chairs at the other end of the class).

The game "What?" Where? When?": The host calls the date, and the participants must guess which event occurred on this day. For example:

1. On August 23, 1939 (the Soviet-German non-aggression agreement was signed).

2. September 1, 1939 (attack of Nazi Germany on Poland).

3. June 22, 1941. (The attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union.).

Video: concert in honor of May 9

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