The fastest Internet for the tablet and smartphone Android - which one to choose? MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2 - Which Internet is better for a tablet and smartphone?

The fastest Internet for the tablet and smartphone Android - which one to choose? MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2 - Which Internet is better for a tablet and smartphone?

Today, almost everyone uses mobile Internet. In our article you will find out which Internet is the fastest android for tablets and smartphones.

Mobile Internet is very popular and most affordable in terms of location. You can connect to it in any convenient place where there is a coating area. It can work in places where wired communication is not available. It is enough just to purchase a SIM card and configure it. Moreover, it can work in this way on smartphones and tablets.

But, not only the fact of connecting to the Internet is important, but also its speed, as well as the communication standard. Devices can work with different standards, or with all at once. It is on this that the tariff can be chosen from the operator. To begin with, let's figure out what communication standards exist, and then we will talk about available tariffs with the fastest Internet.

What communication standards can be supported by android smartphones?

Communication standards
Communication standards

If you carefully look at the map of the coverage area of \u200b\u200beach operator, you will immediately notice that at the moment only three communication standards are available:

  • 2G/Edge. This is an outdated communication standard that cannot give a quality connection. Even the annual connection here works poorly, what can we say about other processes. The largest speed at the moment does not exceed 236 kbps. But usually it is even less. If you call you when using the Internet, then most likely the connection will be interrupted. Although, there are no problems in terms of connection. The Internet works wherever the operator has a coating.
  • 3G/HSPA. This is the next, more powerful standard. Its maximum speed is 64 Mbit/s, but in fact it is much higher. The Internet will remain stable even when receiving calls. The area of \u200b\u200bthis standard is much smaller than that of 2G, but it is in most cities. Almost all existing tablets and smartphones work with it.
  • 4G/LTE. The most modern connection standard that provides high -quality Internet and the highest speed. It can reach 399 Mbit/s. Operators provide coverage of this connection in many settlements, including the most remote ones.

How and what to choose a tariff for a tablet or smartphone?

Which Internet to choose?
Which Internet to choose?

Before you choose a specific tariff, first decide on some points:

  • What is the communication standard in your region? If there are no good standards at the place of residence and you have to use only 2G, then you should not order the maximum tariff. The connection through 2G will not be high, and therefore you will not even manage to download something. In large cities, it is worth choosing such packages that can meet your needs.
  • Consider your personal needs and how often you go to the Internet. If you have a Wi-Fi at home and you only need a mobile Internet outside the house, then choose an inexpensive tariff. Large traffic packages are useful for those who often travel. Keep in mind that many operators additionally offer free access to social networks, as well as various audio and video services.


Internet from MTS
Internet from MTS

The MTS operator has a service such as " Unified Internet ". What's the point? If earlier different tariffs were used for smartphones and tablets, now you can use one bag for them. That is, you connect the service from one number and apply it to others. You can use up to five devices.

For connection:

  • Go to And get back by phone number. Once in your personal account, open the tab "My group"and then click "Invite the device".
  • In the line opened, enter the number for which you want to provide the Internet and select "To invite".
  • Next, enter your personal account again from the tablet at the same address and you will be notified that they want to share traffic with you. It remains only to accept the request and the Internet will become available, and do not make a fee for two tariffs, but also use the phone as a modem.

Each client can choose one of three packages of services:

  • Internet Mini. 7 GB of Internet is given for one month. The fee is 500 rubles.
  • Internet MAXI. Allows you to get 15 GB for a month in the daytime, and at night unlimited access without restrictions is turned on. The cost of the package is 800 rubles. As a pleasant bonus, the operator offers a 30% discount on TV.
  • Internet vip. For a month you are given 30 GB in the daytime and unlimited at night. The cost of the package is 1200 rubles and is provided by MTS TV with a 50%discount.

It is worth noting that the conditions presented are available exclusively in Moscow and the region. If you live in a different area, then tariffs may vary slightly in cost. Moreover, the borders of the region are charged, which is 50 rubles a day. Be sure to consider this fact if you decide to go to another place.

In addition to the above tariffs, there are others:

  • Internet 4 Mbps/s. This tariff gives unlimited traffic, but with limited speed. The fee for such pleasure is 750 rubles a month. The tariff is good for those who constantly need the Internet, but its speed is not too important.
  • Internet for the day. This is a package of 500 MB, which costs 50 rubles a day. It is important to note that payment is written off only when using the service. If you do not need the Internet constantly, then this is the perfect choice.
  • 100 GB per day. Not everyone chooses this package, but there is a lot of traffic and its price is 5000 rubles.
  • Minis - Another tariff for those who do not need the Internet constantly. Every day, the first 20 MB will cost 25 rubles, and the subsequent ones will already cost 15 rubles.
  • BIT. For 200 rubles a month you get 75 MB per day.
  • Superbit. With such a tariff, you will receive 3 GB of traffic and you will have to pay 12 rubles a day for it. In just a month, 350 rubles come out. At the end of the traffic, 500 MB will immediately be added for 75 rubles.

Having concluded, we can confidently say that MTS provides good tariffs for any case of life. The quality of the services is quite acceptable, and the coating is one of the best.


Internet from Beeline
Internet from Beeline

The Beeline operator is also provided with several tariffs that are intended for use on tablets.

#you can. Planet. This tariff is provided exclusively for tablets, and therefore it cannot be used on other devices. The operator offers 12 GB of traffic at the highest speed. For the first month, payment will be 300 rubles, and already in the future - 600 rubles. It is important to note that the tariff works in Russia and when leaving the home region, no surcharges will be charged. This volume of traffic is suitable for each subscriber.

The Internet is forever. This package is suitable for those who do not very often enter the Internet. Its conditions are quite favorable. Without a monthly fee, you will be provided with 200 MB of traffic every month. If this is not enough, then activate one of the additional services - "Internet forever+highway":

  • 4 GB - 400 rubles
  • 8 GB - 600 rubles
  • 12 GB - 700 rubles
  • 20 GB - 1200 rubles

There is also a post -paying form of service that provides for two different tariffs:

  • 6 GB - 400 rubles
  • 12 GB - 600 rubles

The most important minus of Beeline tariffs is a binding exclusively to the tablet. At the same time, prices are not the most profitable.


Internet from megaphone
Internet from megaphone

This operator not very long ago introduced new tariffs for tablets and smartphones. First of all, new options were created at favorable prices, as well as new packages of additional traffic.

  • Internet tablet XS. When connecting this service, 1.5 GB is provided at the highest speed of up to 300 Mbit/s. This tariff is suitable for those who are rarely on the Internet. Additionally, access to Megafon TV is given.
  • Internet tablet s. The cost of the tariff is 400 rubles. For this money, the user receives 4 GB. If this amount is not enough, then you can activate the package.
  • "Requested speed". In addition, Megafon TV is also activated immediately.
  • Megaphone online - This is one of those services for which you do not have to pay every month. The only restriction is that megabytes will have to be bought.

So, for access to the Internet, one of the packages is selected:

  1. Internet s - For 350 rubles to the client, the operator provides 3 GB
  2. Internet m - This tariff gives 16 GB for a month and its price is 590 rubles
  3. Internet l - For 890 rubles, 36 GB of Internet is provided for a month
  4. Internet XL - This tariff is slightly different from others. Its price is 1290 rubles and for this money the user receives 30 GB. There are no restrictions at night, complete unlimited is activated

You can use purchased packages on any device. If desired, you can even share them through Wi-Fi. By the way, the proposals of Megafon are considered only their most profitable.

Tele 2

Internet from Tele2
Internet from Tele2

Although this operator has been working for a long time - he has the lowest coating of all. At the same time, the tariffs of Tele2 are the cheapest of all and something new constantly appears. The following packages operate on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • Internet suitcase - For one month, according to the conditions, the client receives 30 GB of data. Its cost is 899 rubles
  • Internet portfolio - For 599 rubles, the operator provides 15 GB
  • Internet package - For one month for 299 rubles, the client receives 7 GB of Internet

The largest tariff for the price is almost the same as that of competitors, but the minimum volume costs only 299 rubles a month. Moreover, for smartphones there is a good tariff called "My online". Its cost is 250 rubles per month. The tariff package includes 10 GB of Internet, 450 minutes (you can exchange for GB), as well as 100 SMS. It is worth noting that the tariff works without problems on tablets. The only drawback of this operator is not a too extensive coating area.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that if you have been using the services of one operator for a long time, so better use his services to connect the Internet. Or compare the offers from companies and select the most suitable for yourself.

Video: unlimited Internet for a tablet

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