The highest statues and monuments of the world: a list with the names of countries, cities, photos, description

The highest statues and monuments of the world: a list with the names of countries, cities, photos, description

In which countries and cities are the highest monuments, statues in the world? Rating of the highest statues with a list, description, photo

The highest statues of the world: List

High statues amaze with their greatness and excite the imagination of tourists. Many recall the story of Gulliver, looking at majestic sculptures. Huge statues are in different parts of the world. Sculptors, architects and authors of projects wanted to glorify their creations so that they stood for centuries. They managed to do this. We offer to get acquainted with the list of the highest monuments, statues of the whole world.

Important: the first place in the ranking of high sculptures belongs to China, Japan. There are many majestic statues of Buddha.

If you list all these structures, then besides the statues of Buddha in our ranking there will be no others. We will not describe here all the sculptures dedicated to the Buddha in order to introduce you to other, no less magnificent structures. So, let's get down.

The highest monuments and statues indicating the height, the names of countries, cities:

  1. Victory monument (Russia, Moscow) - 141.8 m;
  2. Krishta Rei (Portugal, Almada) - 138 m;
  3. Wellington column (Great Britain, Liverpool) - 132 m;
  4. Lechjun-Sasakzh (Myanmar, s. Khatakan-Townus)-129.24 m;
  5. The statue of the goddess Guanin (China, Sanya) - 108 m;
  6. Sculpture "Motherland" (Ukraine, Kyiv) - 102 m;
  7. The statue of the goddess Cannon (Japan, Sendai) - 100 m;
  8. The Statue of Liberty (USA, New York)-93 m;
  9. The statue of the Buddha (China, Op) - 88 m;
  10. The sculpture "Mother Mother calls!" (Russia, Volgograd) - 87 m;
  11. The statue of St. Rita (Brazil, Santa Cruz)-56 m;
  12. Genghis Khan statue (Mongolia, Tsonzhin-Boldog area)-height 50 m;
  13. The statue of the king of Christ (Poland, Svebodzin) - 52 m;
  14. Memorial complex "Alyosha" (Russia, Murmansk) - 42.5 m;
  15. Statue of the Virgin Mary Kitsky (Ecuador, Kito) - 41 m.

These sculptures were erected in different years and centuries, they glorify saints, soldiers and great people, pay tribute to the significant events of the people and the country. In each of these statues, history lies and sometimes incredible miracles.

Rating of high statues

Victory monument

In the capital of Russia on Poklonnaya Gora, a victory monument was built, dedicated to victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Important: the height of the monument is 141.8 m. And this figure has a reason. For every day of a bloody war, 10 centimeters account for.

This monument in Russia is the highest. In our ranking, it also takes first place. The shape of the monument is quite complicated. The statue is made in the form of a trihedral bayonet with bronze bas -reliefs. Almost at the very top of the bayonet is the goddess Nick with a victorious crown in her hands, as well as the Amurs, trumpeting about the victory.

The victory monument is located on a hill. In this hill, service buildings are equipped. Here the state of sculpture is monitored.

Victory monument takes 1st place in the list of the highest statues
Goddess Nick and two Amuras
High monument in Russia

Krishta Rei

This statue is built in Portugal near the city of Almad. The figure personifies Jesus Christ, addressed to people. Krishta Rey 138 m high, of which the sculpture of Jesus Christ is 28 m, the base is 110 m. The base of the structure is presented in the form of four pillars combined into a common base.

At the foot of the statue of Krishta Rey is an observation deck, with which you can enjoy the beauty of the adjacent territory and the river Thezh. From afar, it is better to admire the statue at night, when the lights are lit on it. Special lights allow you to better see the statue.

Important: the construction of this structure has an interesting history. The sculpture project was signed in 1940. Thus, they wanted to ask God that Portugal would not be involved in the Second World War.

Funds for the structure of the statues were raised by the people of Portugal. People sacrificed money and asked God to keep the life of their relatives and friends.

What happened next? It is noteworthy that this country did not participate in the Second World War. And the construction of the statue was in 1949-1959.

Inside the statue is a house for guests, a chapel and a church. Inside there is an elevator that will quickly deliver you to a sightseeing site.

Majestic statue to Krishta Rei, Portugal
View of a huge statue near
Krishta Re from the back

Wellington column

Important: in Liverpool there is a monument to Wellington. Its other name is a monument to Waterloo. After the death of the Duke of Wellington, they decided to erect a monument in honor of the Duke and his victories.

Citizens were raised by citizens for the installation of the column. The first stone of the column was laid in 1861, the construction ended by 1865.

The monument represents the steps, a pedestal and a high column on which the figure of the Duke of Wellington is installed. The height of the figure is 25 m. Bronze eagles are located on all sides of the pedestal. On one side depicts the battle of Waterloo.

Liverpool, Wellington column
Eagles around the perimeter of the column
The figure of the Duke of Wellington


This statue in the form of a huge standing Buddha. You can look at a large-scale statue in the vicinity of Khatakan-Town in Myanmar. All tourists who go to Myanmar recommend visiting this unique place to see the majestic statue live. After all, the photo does not convey the entire scale of the structure.

The height of the statue is more than 129 m, of which the Buddha is 116 m, and the remaining meters are allotted for the pedestal. The construction of the statue lasted a long 12 years. The official opening occurred in 2008.

The statue of the treatment with a sunsacha is painted mainly in yellow. Inside the statue is hollow. There is a museum on the topic of Buddhism.

Important: for local residents, this statue is a place of religious worship, and for tourists of another faith - the sight of Myanmar. The statue can be seen from afar, it is surrounded by a huge garden with many plants.

The face of the statue close

The statue of the goddess Guanin

In the city of Sanya, on the resort island of Hainan, the statue of the goddess Guanyin is majestically located. Its height is as much as 108 m. The statue was built for 6 years. The opening of the statue occurred in 2005. This sculpture can be seen from anywhere in the city. The first thing that the guests of the island are a statue. It is worth noting that there are always a lot of guests, because the island is a famous resort.

The peculiarity of the statue is that it is three -faced. One person is directed to the island, and the other two in the sea. This personifies the protection and patronage of the goddess from all sides.

Important: traditionally, the goddess Guanin is the patroness of women and children. Those who have problems with conception can turn to the goddess. Many tourists from around the world go to the island specifically in order to ask the goddess to fulfill the dream and give a child.

However, tourists are not always able to quickly get to the statue: access to it opens at certain hours.

The statue of the goddess Guanin, located on Hainan Island, is included in the Guinness Book of Records. This building is the highest statue dedicated to this goddess around the world.

The magnificent island of Hainan
Majestic statue
Tourists go to the goddess Guanyin


On the right bank of the Dnieper River in Kyiv, a majestic construction of the Motherland-Mother was erected. The statue is dedicated to the Great Victory, won in 1945.

Important: the statue personifies a woman with a sword and a shield in her hands.

The years of the construction of the statue - 1981. The famous sculptor - Evgeny Vuchetich worked on the project of the statue. After his death, the project was headed by Vasily Boroday. The height of the statue with a pedestal is 102 m, the statue itself is 62 m. The sculpture of this size in those years was the largest work in the USSR. The statue is made of steel, although it was planned to cover it with golden gold. The whole statue is whole.

According to forecasts, the construction will spin for more than 150 years. The statue is not scary even an earthquake with a scale of 9 points. Inside the structure there are elevators that raise people to sightseeing sites. From the height of the statue, you can admire the beauty of the city of Kyiv.

At the base of the structure is a three -story museum. In front of it is an area on which 30 thousand people can simultaneously fit. There are events dedicated to Victory Day.

High statue-Motherland
Rating of the statues of the world
This is what a statue looks close to

The statue of the goddess Cannon

In the city of Sendai, not far from Tokyo, the main attraction is located - the statue of the goddess Cannon. Height - 100 m. The statue is considered the patroness of the city since 1991, this is the year of the construction of the structure. White statue.

According to Japanese mythology, the goddess of mercy Cannon helps people, gives them happiness. The goddess can take different looks, she can come to a person in 33 images. The image of a cat with an outstretched paw, which attracts good luck, takes the roots from here. According to legend, one prince took refuge from the rain under a large tree. Suddenly he saw a cat beckoning his paw. The prince went to the call of the animal, and suddenly lightning fell into a tree, and it crumbled into small chips.

Important: Cannon, which is known primarily by its cameras, is named after this goddess.

The statue is located on the territory of the temple, where they pray to the goddess of mercy. Tourists and everyone can climb the stairs or on the elevator up, where they can look at the Japanese city of Sendai.

High statue of the goddess Cannon, Sendai
View of the statue from afar

The Statue of Liberty

The statue of freedom is called a symbol of America. From the ground to the top of the torch, the height is 93 m. The image of this statue can often be seen on postcards, souvenirs, in the cinema. The statue of freedom was open in 1886.

Important: everyone is used to calling this sculpture with a statue of freedom, but not everyone knows its full name - "freedom illuminating the world." This statue is a gift to the US people from the French people who supported America in the struggle for democracy.

The collection of money for the construction of the statue was carried out in France and the USA. For this, exhibitions, balls, sports competitions and other events were organized. It was assumed that the statue will be made on the 100th anniversary of the US Independence Declaration. However, only a hand with a torch was made by this date (1876). The statue of freedom got into New York only in 1885, and was opened in 1886.

The statue is located on the island of Freedom, which until 1956 was called Bedlow. The statue has been restored many times. In connection with terrorist attacks, they repeatedly closed the statue for visiting with tourists. Currently, the statue is open to visiting, but before the inspection is to be held there.

Freedom statue, America
The world famous statue
View of the statue from afar

The statue of the Buddha

The bronze majestic Buddha is located at the top of the Linshan hill in the Chinese city of Strengthen. The city became popular after the construction of the statue in 1997. Tourists and pilgrims from different parts of the planet began to come here to bow to Buddha.

Sculptors and architects worked on the creation and installation of a statue of 3 years. The height of this structure is simply amazing, the head of the statue goes into the sky. The statue has 88 meters, and the weight is about 800 tons. I had to build a statue in parts. The blocks were installed and welded to each other. There were many representatives from other countries at the opening of the statue.

The money for the construction of the statues of the Buddha was collected in many areas of China. Interestingly, the statue has underground floors.

To go to the Big Buddha, first you need to go to a small one-8 meters. Only then does access to the steps leading to the Buddha open. There are 216 steps in total.

Important: according to legend, having passed 2 steps, a person loses 1 suffering. So, having passed all 216 steps, you can get rid of 108 suffering.

Long rise to Big Buddha
A huge Buddha close
View from afar

The sculpture "Mother Mother calls!"

The sculpture "Mother Mother calls!" He rises in the city of Volgograd on Mamaev Kurgan.

Important: Mother Homeland is a woman with a raised sword in her hand. She steps forward. The statue personifies the homeland, which calls its faithful sons to fight the enemy.

The statue is located on a large mound, whose height is almost 14 m. This mound is bulk, the remains of 34505 soldiers rest here. Imagine this figure!

To go to sculpture, you need to go along the serpentine path. From the foot of the mound you can count 200 steps - exactly as many as the Battle of Stalingrad lasted.

The total height of the statue is 85 m, and the height of the figure is 52 m. The weight of the motherland-mother is 8000 tons. The steel sword, which is in hand, weighs 14 tons. The construction of the statue lasted 8 years. The opening occurred in 1959.

A copy of the statue is in the Chinese city of Manchuria.

"Mother Mother is calling!"
View near
A huge statue

The statue of St. Rita

The statue of St. Rita is established in Brazil in the city of Santa Cruz. The height of the statue is 56 m.

Important: St. Rita is revered in Latin America. On the day of this memory of this saint, people decorate their homes with roses, and also give them to each other. Often the holy is portrayed with roses in their hands.

According to legends, St. Rita was born in a family of middle -aged and poor parents. Since childhood, the girl was brought up in the spirit of Christianity, she was a devout child. The girl wanted to devote her life to serving God, but her parents persuaded her to get married.

Subsequently, Rita killed her husband, and already adult sons wanted to deal with the killers of his father. However, St. Rita asked God that he would not make her sons killers. As a result, both her sons soon died of illness.

Saint Rita after the death of his sons spent the rest of his life in the monastery, helping people. Once she was instructed to water a long -wilted vine. And a miracle happened - the vine came to life.

Before her death, Rita was visited by a relative. Rita asked her to go to the garden and bring her a rose and 2 figs of figs. A relative considered that St. Rita was crazy, because there was winter, but nevertheless fulfilled the request. Imagine her surprise when in the middle of the snow she found a rose and figs of figs. Rita considered that it was a sign from God, that the souls of her children and her husband were saved.

Construction of the statue of St. Rita
This is how the statue of St. Rita looks at night

Genghis Khan statue

It is easy to guess where you can see the statue of the famous khan and the conqueror. This is Mongolia. A statue in the form of Genghis Khan on a horse. Its height is 50 m, of which the figure of a horse with a rider is 40 m. The opening of the statue occurred in 2008.

Important: the statue of Genghis Khan is the largest equestrian statue.

The place for placing the statue was not chosen by chance. According to legend, near this place, Genghis found a gold lash. Around the statue of the conqueror there are 36 columns. They are built in honor of the khans of the Mongol Empire.

The pedestal houses restaurants, shops with souvenirs, a museum, an art gallery. And on the head of the horse is a mischievous site.

The territory adjacent to the pedestal is planned to be developed to attract tourists. According to the project, there will be a whole complex of entertainment, which includes a golf field, lake, theater, thematic park of Mongolian life.

For the inhabitants of Mongolia, the statue is very important and honorable, because the history of the nation began with the name of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan on an iron horse is a symbol of this country.

Monument to Genghis Khan
Statue Genghis Khan
Type of the statue near

The statue of Christ is the king

There are a lot of sculptures personifying God. They are in different parts of the world. One of these statues can be seen in Poland. This sculpture is opened in 2010. About two years it took the construction and construction of a statue.

For some time, the construction was suspended, since the power line passes nearby. However, soon this issue was settled, construction continued. The height of the statue reaches 33 m. A gilded crown is on the head of the statue. The monument is hollow.

Important: a statue in the form of Jesus, addressed to people with open hands. This personifies the main symbol of the Christian faith - a cross.

Statue of Christ the Tsar, Poland
Type of the statue near
Golden Crown on Statue

Memorial complex "Alyosha"

The legendary "Alyosha" is located in the city of Murmansk. The full name of the memorial is "Defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War." But most know this monument by its abbreviated name.

Important: "Alyosha" is a symbol of the city of Murmansk. The monument represents the figure of a Russian soldier in a cloak-tan with a gun behind him. Alyosha's eyes are directed into the distance, to where enemies came to our lands.

The opening took place in 1974. In those years, many monuments, statues and memorials were erected, which surrendered the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The total height of the monument is 42.5 m. Inside the monument is hollow, but its weight is huge - 5000 tons.

The opening of Alyosha was very solemn. Old -timers recalled this day as one of the most significant and solemn in the life of the city. Eternal flame was installed at the opening. Many local residents and tourists come to the monument to lay flowers. People remember the heroic act of their ancestors.

Memoril "Alyosha", Murmansk
Monument "Alyosha"

Statue of the Virgin Mary Kitsky

The statue of the Virgin Mary Kitskaya is the highest structure in Ecuador. Its height is 41 m. The statue was erected in 1976.

Despite the height of the statue, its weight is relatively small. The statue is made of lturjuj material - aluminum.

Important: the sculpture personifies Virgin Mary, who stands on the globe. You can see under the feet of the Virgin Mary Snake.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe sculptor to show that the saint will protect the city and people from all evil. A distinctive feature of the statue is that the wings are located behind the Virgin Mary. This is not characteristic of Christian iconography an image. The statue is located on the Paninesilo hill in the city of Kito in Ecuador.

Statue of the Virgin Mary Kitsky
Type of the statue near
This is what a statue looks like at night

In the photographs, the listed statues may seem small, but in fact they are very large and majestic. It is worth seeing with your own eyes. Over the years, the first places in the list of the highest monuments are occupied by others. So, in 2018, it is planned to open the largest statue of a patel in India in the world. The estimated height of the statue is 182 m.

Video: TOP-10 of the highest statues in the world

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  1. But what about the monument to Peter 1, which is 98 meters, above the statue of freedom?

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