The sexiest female and male professions

The sexiest female and male professions

Sexuality is what drives relations between a man and a woman. There are many interesting professions that somehow attract the opposite sex and are present even in the most frank fantasies.

The most popular rating of sexual male professions

A study on the rating of the most sexy male professions was conducted by specialists of one popular online magazine. They conducted a global poll, which gave them a clear understandable picture about which men women feel sexual excitement of everything.

The rating of the sexiest professions in men:

10th place - broker.No matter how strange this decision seemed strange, but it is brokers that occupy the last position in this rating. Such a man should always look neat and in accordance with the business dress code. Perhaps that is why they attract women so much: a restrained hairstyle, a suit, a white shirt, shoes and a leather portfolio for documents.

In addition, a broker is the person who regularly deals with money, and not small. And what can excite women stronger than money? A broker is a man with an analytical warehouse of the mind, he is wise and reasonable, educated and thoughtful. Such a man understands values \u200b\u200band an incredible compliment is his attention to the female sex. This profession, of course, raised many questions among analysts, but nevertheless the fact remains that women like brokers!

Broker - 10th place of the rating of the sexiest male professions

9th place - lumberjack.This profession can include not only those people who regularly pole the forest, but also similar heavy professions: the builder, for example, as well as any other profession where a man makes huge physical efforts. Apparently, women believe that a really strong and brave man is able to go to such work, in whose body there is a mountain of muscles and the icy calm of the temper in order to perform the same work daily, playing with muscles on the hot sun.

However, the poll indicated one important circumstance and condition - such a man must be clean! That is, sweaty and littered men in the mud and a layer of unwashed dirt on the body is a clear antiseck. From this it is worth concluding that women like men who especially follow their hygiene even during working hours or only when their working day is over and they are heading home with a pure soul and body at a delicious dinner.

Lumberjack - 9th place of the rating of the sexiest professions

8th place - leader.This profession includes all similar positions: director, deputy director, shift chief and so on. Women believe that a man who has a certain level of power embodies many sexual fantasies. Perhaps that is why most “adult films” have a similar inclination, and many jokes are able to make fun of the relationship of the boss and secretaries.

Be that as it may, women like men higher and older than their status. So they are more secured financially, have experience being guided by small ranks, belong to the “high society”, wear beautiful clothes and expensive things, have a separate working room at the enterprise, as well as a car.

Head - 8th place of the rating of the sexiest male professions

7th place is a foreign car driver.In this case, even a number of several professions can be distinguished: a private driver, a driver of a large successful enterprise, a driver of a secured person, a limousine driver and so on. In any case, a man should have a car of a foreign large manufacturer, large and grated to shine. But the car is far from the sexiest in this profession.

Women clarified that the driver must be neat and well -groomed and even if he does not have a special cap and suit, then a white shirt and trousers smeared with arrows - mandatory. The beautiful gender has weakness for men who can restrain the car for a long time, look into the distance with a thoughtful look, gleam with a gold clock on his hand holding the steering wheel.

Driver - 7th place of the rating of the sexiest male professions

6th place - biker.For some reason, women attributed this image not to a hobby and a way of life, but to professions. Nevertheless, they confidently consider the biker a sexy man and for this there are a number of understandable explanations: a large and powerful “iron horse”, behind which every self -respecting biker, a large leather jacket, adding brutality and power, large black berets and must Black glasses hiding their eyes and adding mystery.

Moreover, women have made a mandatory accent: a biker is a man who takes care of himself and every detail of his image. Women are not attracted by flabby or huge beer stomachs, a thin gray beard, mustache, bald heads and folds of fat on the sides. In their understanding, the biker is a slender in a middle -aged man, with a thick black hair, a confident gait and an incredible charm.

Biker - 6th place of the rating of the sexiest male professions

5th place - fitness coach.An increasing number of women absorbs the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports. Almost every city contains a variety of fitness centers in which, using a professional coach, you can get the necessary set of exercises. A fitness trainer is always a large, muscular and athletically built man who can: push up, pull up, pump up the press and all this is given to him with a smile.

A woman is necessarily attracted by politeness and a pleasant appearance of fitness coins. In addition, a beautiful coach is, as it turned out, the key to a daily visit to the gym. Working ethics does not allow the coach to raise his voice, rude and only politely turn. Perhaps that is why women have an opinion that a coach is an ideal man and an incredible handsome man.

Fitness trainer-5th place in the ranking of the sexiest male professions

4th place - doctor.Women identified the doctors as one of the sexiest male professions. Apparently, this happened because doctors and doctors are well -groomed men who necessarily monitor their appearance because they constantly have communication with people, and also constantly wear uniforms. Pissility and education, as well as a high position (namely the position of the senior doctor), attracts the female sex.

Doctors, as a rule, say well, know many interesting things and have higher education. And the specifics of the profession itself allows women to trust these men, following all the recommendations. And also - a high position always allows you to earn a sufficient amount of money, which allows you to invariably attract a wonderful floor.

Doctor - 4th place of the rating of the sexiest male professions

3rd place - teacher.A number of this profession can also be attributed to several related ones: teacher, lecturer, academician, professor. The fact is that the man-teacher is always an educated and wise person. He necessarily has a higher education and not one. You can always talk to him on many interesting topics, laugh and read, as well as discuss any read book.

The man-teacher must comply with the dress code: trousers, shirt, suit, vest, tie and so on. Women also clarify that the teacher must be either young or middle -aged. He must monitor his sports: not to be too thin and not stand out fullness. In addition, he should certainly understand the beautiful, be interested in art and value women not only appearance, but also beauty in women.

Lecturer - 3rd place in the ranking of the sexiest male professions

2nd place - oligarch.The oligarch, it turns out, is also a profession in the female sense, and not financial condition. Women believe that managing big money is difficult work and experience a great desire for beautiful and wealthy men. But this is completely not surprising. Such men are always well -groomed, smells of expensive spirits, traveling on a beautiful expensive car, wear expensive accessories and clothes.

In addition, the oligarch is always the man who can allow his woman: gifts, attention, flowers and pleasure. Such security attracts women much more than its external data. That is why women are not very whimsical to the age of the oligarch. The main thing is his charm and pleasant communication.

Oligarch - 2nd place in the ranking of the sexiest male professions

1st place - a policeman.In this case, there are many nuances, because modern policemen and police come in completely different types. Women prefer those men who have a fit sports look. Those that are always restrained have achieved certain successes in their business, have good work experience. Such men are always “suspended language” and they know how to treat people. In addition, they have a note of dominance and leadership.

The form of a policeman deserves special attention. It must be modern and one that emphasizes only the advantages of a man: strong arms, wide shoulders, round ass (why not?) And a muscular press. Also, he must have handcuffs and weapons with him, which adds strength over any person. Women remain unchanged and always prefer those men in which there are at least the slightest hint of suppressing their will.

Policeman - 1st place in the ranking of the sexiest male professions

Other sexiest male professions for women

Among the generally accepted rating, there are a number of professions for male, which invariably cause women excitement and sexual fantasies.

Fireman -one of the most striking professions that is preferred by women. And this can be understood, because there are a number of certain reasons why the fair sex “does not breathe evenly” to such men:

  • A uniform -one of the important factors that is able to have its “exciting” action and let the uniform of firefighters are much more colorful and sexy abroad than our domestic “rescuer”, however, it is and it differs from others
  • Nobility -the fact that firefighters save people and property invariably attracts sensitive and emotional women. They relate to a difficult profession, gently care for men tired after a working day and experience only positive emotions to their work
  • Status -a fireman is the person who works for the benefit of society, which means he is always respected. Women are attracted to a good position of such a man, she is sure of him and trusts him that she plays not a small role in her sexual excitement
Fireman - one of the sexiest male professions

Military -this is a constant template of a "sexual man" for a woman. The fact is that there are several understandable explanations for this:

  • A uniform -a clear sign of sexuality for any man, especially if she is dressed on a large muscular body and emphasizes all its advantages
  • Calling -to protect something either or his homeland, it raises a man in the eyes of a woman and creates a feeling of nobility. A strong desperate man attracts women
  • Weapon -any military has access to weapons, which means that he has power over the situation. This property literally conquers a woman and excites her desire to submit in her
  • Adrenaline -each battle for the soldier is “playing with death”, which adds passion, unknown, severity and not a little adrenaline to the relationship
Military - one of the sexiest male professions

Stripper -one of the sexiest professions for women and this is not sacred. Such a man has a number of invariably “exciting” advantages:

  • It has an ideal athletic body, muscular, sports and toned: pumped up, wide shoulders, round ass and hips
  • His body is constantly naked and represented by the female public and, in the beat of rhythmic music, he demonstrates all his virtues excited ladies
  • His profession is to excite a woman and this is explained by this
Stripper is one of the sexiest male professions

Advocate - also one of the sexiest professions for several reasons:

  • A lawyer is a highly educated and status and his mental abilities excite women no less than an attractive appearance of a man
  • The lawyer complies with a certain business dress code, and women are obvious fans of the restrained wardrobe: white shirts, ties, trousers, costumes and polished shoes
  • A lawyer is a profitable profession, which means this is a person with a prosperity who can afford many life pleasures
Lawyer is one of the sexiest male professions

Security guard - Also a profession that attracts women. The guard must have a uniform, to be an attentive and examination person, to have a sports body in which case he will be able to protect the guarded person or property. Such a profession also allows you to carry a defensive or firearm that can raise the status of a man in the eyes of a woman.

A guard is one of the sexiest professions in men

Video: "The sexiest male professions"

The most popular rating of sexual female professions

Along with male, female professions are not inferior, and sometimes surpassed in the exciting effect many of them. It is so arranged by nature that the female body and nature are designed to be beautiful, sensual and sexual, those that attract the “male” and arouse in it a desire to “continue the family”.

According to the same secondary request, which has been conducted by one well-known online publication, a rating of the ten sexiest female professions that cause excitement in men of any age and status.

Rating of the sexiest female professions:

10th place is a secretary.This is not sacred only because they usually take young and “flowering” girls to this position who are able to become a decoration of any office. As a rule, they observe the dressing code in which they persecute business style and pretentiousness. Nevertheless, female sexuality is not hidden with long black skirts, but blouses without a neckline.

The secretary is associated with a polite and helpful lady capable of fulfilling any assignment of the boss. This attracts men - obedience and humility. It should be added to everything that the duty of the secretary is to regularly take care of yourself: to have a beautiful hairstyle and makeup, beautiful shoes and accessories. The femininity that it radiates becomes the main factor in attractiveness for the male.

Secretary - 10th place of the rating of the sexiest female professions

9th place - stewardess.It causes sexual fantasies for each man and this is understandable. The fact is that the stewardess must meet certain criteria: height, weight, pleasant appearance, education and most importantly - age. Stewardes can be well -groomed and young girls who have to themselves and cause pleasant emotions.

The stewardesses are slim and always dressed in a beautiful uniform, which emphasizes their dignity. Their work is to serve customers, answer their questions and show their courtesy. In addition, you will never meet a dissatisfied stewardess, since smiling is also her work.

Stewardess - 9th place in the ranking of the sexiest female professions

8th place - a journalist.It stands out near men as the sexiest profession because a woman with this specialization is always confident in herself, always looks good and knows how to speak. She is not afraid to answer and ask any questions, often violates the rules and is always in the spotlight. Journalists are educated and smart, active and interesting women.

Journalist - 8th place in the ranking of the sexiest female professions

7th place - nurse.A nurse is a classic sexual image for most men. They are attracted by the courteousness of the woman, her education, the ability to work for the benefit of people, as well as the most important factor - a pleasant uniform in the form of a short robe. Most often, men represent what a nurse without a dressing gown is dressed in, but yet this profession has not left male minds for many decades and is present in their sexual fantasies.

Nurse - 7th place in the ranking of the sexiest female professions

6th place is a waitress.As with the nurse, the waitress has similar duties - to serve and care for customers, fulfill their wishes and be as polite as possible. Most likely, this humility attracts men. In addition, a waitress is a profession for a young girl who often dresses in a short skirt, opening her feet on display. The strict form and pleasant appearance of the waitress attracts most of the strong half of humanity.

Waitress - 6th place in the ranking of the sexiest female professions

5th place - maid.It is not known what was the first and sexiest for men - the profession or uniform itself. Of course, in the performances of many men, the maid must certainly have a frank uniform with a short skirt and an open neckline, in the hands of such a lady a dust for dust from ostrich feathers, and a cute cap is on her head. The real form of the maid is significantly different from this template, but nevertheless it continues to attract and excite men.

Maid - 5th place in the ranking of the sexiest female professions

4th place - boss.The style of rule and leadership over "little people" does not disappear from sexual fantasies not only in women, but also in men. As it turned out, a strong floor likes women who are able to take initiatives with a certain authority and advantage. In addition, a high position allows a woman to regularly monitor and care for herself, wear expensive clothes and linen, beautiful shoes and accessories.

Boss - 4th place in the ranking of the sexiest female professions

3rd place - teacher.Every man stores this image in his head from school desk. Even at that time he was attracted by slender young and beautiful teachers who were more than once the object of love. The teacher embodies both severity and friendliness. As a rule, they always observe a restrained style in clothes, modest makeup and hairstyle.

The teacher is a common sexual fantasy in men, she can be present at any age. As a rule, the teacher can be angry, or it can show sympathy and every time it excites a man.

Teacher - 3rd place in the ranking of the sexiest female professions

2nd place - fashion model.A fashion model is always a beautiful and attractive woman, young and slender. Felts often advertise not only clothes, but also underwear, which invariably attracts the male audience. Demonstrating their body, they achieve that men begin to desire them. There is also one important circumstance indicated by men. The fashion model should not be too skinny and must have lush breasts.

Fashion model - 2nd place in the ranking of the sexiest female professions

1st place-a fitness trainer.The woman coach is always slim and always cares for herself. The main feature of her sexuality is a fit body with beautiful breasts, a thin waist and a round booty. Men are happy to watch women during sports, exercises and bends of the body, while imagining the most piquant situations.

Fitness trainer-1st place in the ranking of the sexiest professions for women

The sexiest female professions

In addition to all these professions, popularity and male preference are also used by others that are invariably present in their frank fantasies.

TV presenter -it is also one of the sexiest professions for men and this is understandable: such a woman always cares for herself and looks excellent, she dresses in beautiful clothes and wears catchy makeup, carefully lays her hair, monitors the manner of her speech. TV presenters are slender girls and women who meet all the norms of generally accepted beauty and often they are actresses or singers.

TV presenter is one of the sexiest female professions

Office worker -a woman in the office should always observe a special business style of clothing and therefore, men often “taste” strict narrow skirts or snow -white blouses. They are attracted by the restraint and calmness of such ladies who are always polite in communication and courteous. Most often, in male fantasies there is a desire to liberate such a “gray mouse” and make it a “goddess of love”.

Office employee is one of the sexiest professions for men in women

Military woman-the strong half of humanity also arouses interest and desire. Such a woman embodies power and power, is able to manage people and work for the benefit of society. As a rule, women also adhere to uniforms, which causes excitement in men.

A woman policeman is another sexual profession in the understanding of men

A housewife -such a profession (although this is far from a profession, but a type of activity) attracts men because being completely at her disposal regularly cares for herself, monitors makeup and hair and at the same time leaves in perfect condition everything that surrounds her: furniture, dishes , floors, windows and so on. As a rule, men always represent a housewife while cleaning the house or cooking. They see in such women a full -fledged beautiful mother and caring wife.

Housewife - sexual fantasy for most men

Video: "10 of the sexiest female professions"




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