The most beautiful ballerinas: TOP-22

The most beautiful ballerinas: TOP-22

They are famous and tender, flexible and feminine. All this is about famous ballerinas.

Ballet is a sophisticated art on which different types of choreography are based. The ballerinas are perfect, they are sophisticated, sensitive and beautiful girls, who like fluffs flutter along the stage.

The most beautiful ballerinas: rating

The list of the most charming ballerinas included such beauties.

  • 22nd place. Ilze Liepa (date of birth 11/22/1963, a native of Moscow) is a well -known ballerina of Russia, who received the title of People's Artist in 2002, the winner of the Golden Mask award, as well as the State Prize of the Russian Federation.
  • 21st place. Ulyana Korneva (date of birth 10/23/1972, the city of Kerch)-ballerina, unsurpassed prima of the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater. It is called up by the People's Artist.
  • 20th place. Tamara Roho (Born in Canada, 05/17/1974) - Ballerina of Spain. He works as an artistic director of the famous national ballet of England and also holds the position of leading dancer there. Shortly before that, she played solo parties in the royal ballet.
  • 19th place. Hanan Tork (The date of birth 7.03.1975, a native of Egypt) - is engaged in an acting career in Egypt, previously was a ballerina. But these are not all its achievements, it is still an international ambassador of a charity organization that solves problems around the world - Iskamic Relief. Hanan began to build a career as a ballerina when she graduated from the Cairo Institute of Ballet. Tork is in a ballet group that performs classics in Cairo.
Now the actress
Now the actress
  • 18 place the most beautiful ballerin  Svetlana Zakharova (date of birth 06/10/1979, the city of Lutsk) - ballerina, as well as the prima of the Bolshoi Theater. Received the title of People's Artist in 2008 in the Russian Federation.
  • 17th place. Maria Mogzolova(6.09.1987, a native of Buryatia) is not only a ballerina, but also the host of the Fashion TV program, as well as the model. Her mother is a famous ballerina - Elena Mogzolova. At the dance school she studied classics, then continued to study at the Academy of Music in Vienna. The world popularity was brought to her by a performance in Cannes Film Fest, which took place in many European countries.
  • 16 place. Andrea de Oliveira (Born in Brazil) - an unsurpassed ballerina, as well as actress Brazil. At the age of seventeen, she graduated from the ballet school. She danced not only in her homeland, but also around the world. He knows several languages. She moved to the United States, where she was also engaged in dancing, starring in commercials, was leading and played in films. In 2008, I received America's citizenship.
  • 15th place. ORELIA DUPUP (Born in the city of Paris, 01/15/1973) - the ballerina of France. Since 1983 she studied at the Ballet School at the Paris Opera. After 3 years, she was offered to participate in the Cordella of the Paris Opera. She performed solo batches since 1996. A documentary movie was released about her in 2010.
The film was shot about her
The film was shot about her
  • 14th place the most beautiful ballerinasoccupies Kandaurova Ekaterina -The famous ballerina of Russia plays as part of the ballet of the Mariinsky Theater since 2001. After 11 years, she received the status of prima-ballerina.
In Mariinka
In Mariinka
  • 13th place. Natalia Immortnova (Date of birth on 07/19/1941 - Date of death 02/19/2008) - brilliant domestic ballerina of Russia. She was engaged in pedagogical activity.
  • 12th place. Alina Kozhokaru (The date of birth 05/27/1981, a native of Bucharest) - this sophisticated girl acts as a prima in the UK in the famous royal ballet.
  • 11th place the most beautiful ballerinasoccupies Mia Slavic (The date of birth 02.20.1916 - died on 10.10.2002 in America) - Ballerina Croatia. At the age of seventeen, she was invited as a prima to the famous Zagreb opera. Later, she became the prima of a well-known ballet called the Metro-Opera.
  • 10th place. Isabelle Syaravola (date of birth 03/12/1972, Ayaccio native) - the famous ballerina of France. Ballerina of the National French Opera in Paris.
  • 9th place the most beautiful ballerinasoccupies Susan Farrell (date of birth 08/16/1945) - the famous ballerina of America of the 20th century. Many attributed her to the lyrical ballerina for her images on stage. She is also the founder of the famous ballet in Washington, who bears her name.
  • 8th place. Camilla Vergotis(Born in Australia in the city of Gold-Kost)-an elegant ballerina, as well as actress Australia.
  • 7th place. Tamara Tumanova (The date of birth on 03/03/1919, Russia-the date of death 05/29/1996, America)-the greatest prima-ballerina, an excellent choreographer, as well as an actress. She performed the main ballet parties not only on the scenes of Europe, but also in America. She performed on the stage of La Scala. She was invited to the famous troupe of the planet. Famous choreographers composed ballet parties for her. She lived in France and in America. She finished her ballet career in 1969.
  • 6th place the most beautiful ballerinasoccupies Nina Kaptsova(The date of birth 10/16/1978, a native of the USSR) is a famous artist of the Russian ballet, as well as the prima of the Bolshoi Theater. In 2010, she received the status of an honored artist.
The most famous
The most famous
  • 5th place. Diana Vishneva (date of birth 07/13/1976, the city of Leningrad) is the greatest prima ballerina of Russia, the holder of the status of a people's artist.
The dear
The dear
  • 4th place. Evgenia Obraztsova (date of birth 01/18/1984) - unsurpassed ballerina of the Russian Federation. He plays in the famous Bolshoi Theater Significant roles.
  • 3rd place. Amanda Schull (The date of birth 08/26/1978, a native of Honolulu) is not only an unsurpassed actress, but also a dancer of American ballet.
  • 2nd place the most beautiful ballerinasoccupies Sofya Arzhakovskaya (The date of birth on 08/12/1987, was born in the city of St. Petersburg)-the famous film actress of America, Russian ballerina. Titled "Mrs. World."
  • 1 place. Anastasia Volochkova (date of birth 01/20/1976) - she is the greatest Russian ballerina, acts in films, sings, and also engaged in social activities. In 2002, she received the status of an honored artist. The owner of many famous awards.

Video: The most beautiful goddess-ballerina

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