The most expensive perfumes in the world are the price, the main notes of the aroma, a brief description: TOP-16

The most expensive perfumes in the world are the price, the main notes of the aroma, a brief description: TOP-16

Any person tries to show their own personality differently. Someone does this using exclusive things, someone uses exceptionally expensive hours. But there are people who emphasize their image with the help of an exclusive, bright aroma.

The train of exquisite spirits emphasizes masculinity, allows you to become more feminine, thereby creating an excellent mood, to become a visiting person.

In the life of every person, the smells of spirits, perfumes are always important. Fans of exclusive things give large sums, so that the smell emanating from the owners is rich, even some kind of special. Dear perfumes, which are created by famous brands and are released in minimal quantities, of course, always have a large price. But their cost corresponds to high quality.

In our material, you can find out what perfumes on our planet are considered the most expensive.

The most expensive perfumes in the world: TOP-16

Perfume, perfumes - their smells daily surround every person from ancient times. However, the perfumes that are on the shelves today began to be produced only in the 19th century. The best perfumer is considered a chemist, an artist, a creator, all at the same time together. At the moment, every man, every woman uses spirits, generating a huge demand.

A special place is given to luxurious objects. Among which, of course, there are expensive perfumes with a stylish box. Such perfumes will be the perfect present for any holiday. Of course, the smells that we list below are not affordable manypeople. The list includes the most expensive, sophisticated aromas that exist in the world today.

Dkny Golden Delicious

In the 1st position, these bright perfumes are located. They give them to the notes of musk, white lilies, orchids, apples. There is also an orange smell in the perfume. If the perfumes are placed in an ordinary bottle, their price is no more than 50 American dollars. But a few years ago an amazing bottle appeared in the world, which became the most expensive. This happened because it was decorated with a huge number of precious stones, and therefore its cost was 1,000,000 dollars.


The perfume itself with the bottle was promised by the famous connoisseur of luxurious things. The funds that were planned to be received from sales were supposed to go to the Fund, which is involved in the problem of starving.

Clive Christian Imperial Majesty

Amazing cocktail, Unusual aroma. Part This exclusive product includes about 2 hundred rare components. The spirits themselves are placed in beautiful bottles, for the manufacture of which only expensive, high -quality mountain crystal is taken. The bottle has a neck, which is decorated with gold foil. This gold has 18 carats, the bottle cover is framed by diamonds, the weight of which is 5 carats.


There were only 10 exclusive bottles on sale. The volume of each was a little more than 500 ml. The price of one bottle 215,000 dollars. It is amazing that the price includes additionally delivering aroma to the future owner. But the delivery itself is carried out on the expensive machine of Bentley brand.

Many famous people were able to acquire such perfumes. Katy Holmes belongs to famous owners of the expensive product. She decided to supplement her own expensive dress with this exclusive smell at her wedding. In addition, Elton John replenished his own collection. The famous singer uses perfume as a kind of accessory, placing it in the winter garden.

Guerlain Idylle Baccarat - Lux Edition

Further, this perfume is located in the ranking. The brand that produces perfumes, especially for this smell, released an unusual bottle resembling a crystal tear.


The bottle also has gilding on the surface, and the perfume itself includes notes of lilies mixed with a rose, as well as peony. The cost of this exclusive product is equal 30,000 euros.

Royal Arms Diamond Edition Perfume

The Floris Fashion House released this amazing smell. The perfume was released in 6 copies. Perfumes spilled into unusual bottles. All bottle were released at the beginning of the last century.


They placed chains with diamonds made of gold, the weight of which is 18 carats. The cost of such a bottle is equal 15,000 pounds.

Clive Christian no 1

He was published thanks to the famous designer from Britain Clive Christian. The perfume bottle is made of expensive crystal and framed by a diamond, the weight of which is 3 carats.


Every year, about 1 thousand bottles of these unique spirits go on sale. Product release is limited, since it contains very rare ingredients, for example, Ilang-Ylang. This culture is from Madagascar. The product also consists of other unique components, for example, the root of violet, bergamot, vanilla. The price of one bottle of 30 ml is slightly larger 5000 dollars. Any interested buyer can buy this amazing smell. The store in which the aroma is available is located in the capital of Russia.


This is a French perfume released by Jacques Fat. Spirits are considered a classic chipl smell. The bitter notes of wood are caught in the perfume. There is also forest greens, the aroma of field flowers, a pine grove and other amazing notes. Since the beginning of the 70s of the last century, perfume has been produced in conjunction with the famous brand L’Oreal.


But after a few years, the partners began to quarrel, as a result of which the production of perfume was soon terminated. Today, these perfumes are considered the most expensive vintage perfumes on the whole planet. The cost of the smell is equal at least $ 900 and a maximum of 5000.

Chanel No. 5 Grand Extrait

The product is considered a representative of a well -known collection, which was released by Brand Chanel. Spirits were immediately able to become rare, since their limited number was produced.


The bottle was designed quite simply. The perfumes were placed in a glass bottle, the packaging was made manually. The price of such a perfume with a volume of 900 ml is a maximum of 4200 American dollars.

Ralph Lauren Notorious

The perfume that appeared thanks to the young company. The manufacturer of spirits is considered designer Ralph Lauren. Women whose age is 25 years or more can use the product.


A note of the root of the iris, musk, white peony, bergamot, black currant and so on is present in the smell. The price of the product is 3500 dollars.

Caron’s Poivre

The smell that was released in France in the last century. More than half a century has passed since that time. The creators themselves say that spirits can pboth women and men, that to how they are considered universal. The aroma has red pepper, black pepper, cloves, various spices.

With a crystal
With a crystal

There is a crystal on the perfume bottle. The product itself is released repents tolimited quantities. Anyone who wants to become the owner of the smell must pay approximately 2 thousand dollars.

Baccarat’s Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebe

The smell that was released in the 90s of the last century. The aroma was released by the brand that was engaged in the production of crystal. Buying these perfumes is quite difficult. The cause of the rarity of the product is a very high price, which is equal to $ 1700.


The cost of the product is also high because only expensive, high -quality crystal is used for the manufacture of the bottle. The price is also high because of the product itself, which includes Mirra, plus notes of incense. The shape of the bottle resembles an Egyptian pyramid.

Hermes 24 Faubourg

Perfume intended only for real ladies. The fragrance was created in 95 of the last century. The smell is quite saturated, in it the flower and oriental notes are caught in it. The perfumes are packed in the bottles, the material of each bottle is expensive crystal.


The perfume was originally produced in minimal quantities, and therefore it was bought very quickly. Each fan of exquisite things will be able to purchase a fragrance today, but for this he will have to lay out no less $ 1,500.

Annick Goutal’s Eau D’Adrien

A product that was released by a perfumer from Europe - a model, a talented pianist. In one day, she was inspired by a very smell, and therefore also wanted to create something of her own-a fresh, unusual, bright aroma. Years later, the girl created a whole collection of these odors. All aromas were able to become popular and even today they are quite in demand on the world market. You can buy a perfume bottle for $ 1,500.



The perfume was released by a famous brand from Japan. The product contains rare components. Some of the components present are quite expensive, for example, resident, osmantus.

From Japan
From Japan

Also in the aroma you can catch notes of jasmine, sweet rose, aroma resembling balm and so on. The smell is able to relieve stress, rest. One bottle of such spirits is worth $ 1200.

Shalini Parfums Shaalini

Fragrance for the lady. It was created thanks to the famous perfumer Maurice Rusel. The aroma is saturated, it has notes of Neroli, coriander, vanilla, musk and other other ingredients. The perfume was released by a small party, just for the holiday of all lovers. The implementation received no more than 9 hundred bottles.

For the lady
For the lady

For the manufacture of these bottles, expensive, French crystal was used. The price of the product is equal 900 dollars.

Jean Patou’s Joy

Designer from France Jean Patu invented this fragrance. The perfume was first released in the 29th century. In those years, perfumes were considered the most expensive throughout the Earth. In order to release a fragrant liquid equal to one bottle, about 330 roses were used, as well as a huge amount of jasmine.

Rose and Jasmine
Rose and Jasmine

The aroma was created after the stock market of America collapsed. As a result, the popularity of the exclusive smell was delayed for a while. Currently perfumes from France are in order 8 hundred dollars. Many ladies were already able to love this legendary line.

Jar Parfums Bolt of Lightning

The collection of the most exquisite, expensive perfumes closes precisely this smell. These are perfumes that appeared in the world thanks to Joel A. jeweler. 800 dollars.

This smell has notes of currants. Also in the aroma you can catch the aroma of fresh grass, dahlias, broken twigs. It is impossible to buy a product in our region, since perfumes can only be found in some Paris stores.

With currant
With currant

The art of the production of spirits is developing annually. The aromas acquire greater saturation, they become stronger, and therefore it is difficult to change the cost of the finished product.

For exclusive perfume prices, as you have already noticed, many factors can affect. It can be an unusual design, the shape of the bottle itself, rare components present in spirits. As a rule, such a perfume is produced by small bottles. Species are luxurious, refined can be a unique acquisition of each collector.

Video: TOP of the most expensive spirits

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