Self -reading, training, development of quick reading of children and schoolchildren 7, 8, 9, 10 years at home: Exercises for reading speeds

Self -reading, training, development of quick reading of children and schoolchildren 7, 8, 9, 10 years at home: Exercises for reading speeds

In this article, we will consider methods and exercises on how to teach a child speed reading. And we will help you fight the common mistakes that slow down reading.

Speed \u200b\u200breading is the dexterity of quick reading of the text. Yes, not easy, but with perception of the essence. But this is where its benefit is not limited. Using this technique, a child or even an adult expands his field of vision, he can weed out and, most importantly, to highlight important information. Moreover, you can learn speed readings at home, regularly engaged with your child. And our exercises and methods will help you not only avoid common mistakes, but also quickly learn this technique.

Speed \u200b\u200breading for children: Problems

Often parents are faced with a problem when the baby reads poorly at school. This affects the speed of homework, which is also reflected in the general performance of the child. And the main baggage of knowledge has to be obtained at home behind the book. And the problem is aggravated when the child cannot still sit on the spot. Therefore, the speed of speed is simply necessary in this situation. But there is a small list of problems that adults and their children may encounter.

  • In the school curriculum, the usual speed of reading is measured in words. That is, how many words the child read in one minute. But the length of the words can be very different from each other and be completely different, so experts recommend paying attention to the number of characters.
    • In the first grade, the child should read on average 30-40 words per minute;
    • But in the second year-at least 50-60;
    • In the third grade, the student should already read at a speed of 70-90 words per minute;
    • And by the end of elementary school-100-120 words.
  • But the division is still the general performance of the child. For example, by the end of the fourth grade, an excellent student should already read 130-170 words per minute, good-100-130, which is an average indicator. The trash is enough 75-90 words per minute.

Important: an adult reads on average about 200 words per minute, while the child should read 90-150 words. Speed \u200b\u200breading will help increase this indicator by 3-4 times. The maximum possible reading speed according to this technique is 600 words per minute.

Speed \u200b\u200breading helps to quickly perform homework
Speed \u200b\u200breading helps to quickly perform homework

Choose the time correctly: when to start to engage in speeding?

Yes, many parents do not just want to read the baby quickly and clearly, but also to become the best in his class. By the way, pay attention to the fact that the child should not only quickly read the text, but also delve into it, and understand the main essence. Do not forget about intonation also.

  • There is no definite answer to this question. Some argue that it is advisable to start developing the child's opportunity to quickly read at the age of 5-7 years. It is during this period that the brain of the “young ranger” remembers the material as quickly and qualitatively as possible.

Important: speed reading should begin only when the baby is already completely reading the word. That is, without breaking it into syllables. But it is still important that the child himself wants it. It is contraindicated to engage in the methodology and do exercises, forcibly forcing and forcing the child! At this age, training should take place only in a playful way.

  • If you neglect these rules, then you can not get the desired result. Yes, and completely beat off the child’s hunt.
  • From a logical point of view, the optimal age is from 7 to 10 years. It is during this period that the child does not only know how to read words, but also understands the essence of what has been written.
  • Although many experts recommend starting to engage in no earlier than 10-12 years. It is at this age that children understand and remember information at the speed of the speech. Also, at this age, memory is better developed, which will allow the student to retell the read text!
  • If you decide to deal with the child speed read, be sure to consider his features. And always select a childhood methodology.
Consider not only age, but also the characteristics of the child
Consider not only age, but also the characteristics of the child

Pay attention to such rules:

  • you need to not only know the letters, but also put them in syllables and words. The child should do this easily and quickly. Particular attention requires the difference between sounds and letters;
  • the baby must capture the meaning of the text read and understand what he reads about. If the child does not know or does not understand the meaning of the word, let him emphasize or highlight it with a pencil. Be sure to explain these words;
  • the child must be able to highlight the main one from the text. That is, to understand its essence and the main idea;
  • ask to retell the material read. For speed reading, this is one of the important conditions.

Mistakes that parents often make when teaching children

When you see the child that he is ready to master the technique, pay attention to his requirements. This is especially true for parents who decided to study at home with children at an early age. Yes, there are light game forms of training specifically for preschoolers or first -graders.

  • Pronounce the letter correctly, or rather, her sound! At first, you will cut a rumor that letters are not pronounced like in an alphabet. But the baby first needs to learn how to hear sounds and be able to put them in syllables, and then also in words.
    • “BE”, “em” or “ka” is the correct pronunciation of letters. But the child will be as follows: “meamea” or “kaote”. Learn sounds with your child! Otherwise, this will not only slow down reading, but will not teach the baby to understand the meaning of words.
  • Put the letters in syllables right! You need to read them, holding out sounds. For example, "PPPAAAPPA" or "LLLEES". By the way, in order to teach a child it is easier to find the difference between vowels and consonants, remember one rule - vowel sounds can be easily sung and stretched out without hesitation.
    • No need to read with him. For example, “P, A, P, A” or “L, E, C”. You can not put between the letters "and." It will bring down the baby. It’s wrong to do: “A” and “X” are formed in “Ah”. The kid will hear them as "ay."
    • The same goes for the "+" sign. It can be used only on an example of how the letters are in general in a syllable. So that he just understands the scheme.

Important: Give your child the concept of what a syllable is. Recall that it necessarily consists of a vowel letter! One syllable is equal to one vowel letter. Teach him to initially see the syllable himself and be able to consider it in words.

  • Do not press on the child! This is the main problem of most parents. No need to force you to sit behind the book for several hours a day. The technique of 5-7 minutes is much more effective, but 4-5 times a day. By the way, even in 15-20 minutes the child’s brain can get tired. Therefore, the material will not be absorbed so well.
Do not force and do not demand too much from the child
Do not force and do not demand too much from the child

What other problems arise that reduce the speed of reading?

They already depend completely on the child, but require great attention to parents. Such errors should be paid attention to and immediately fight them.

  • The most common problem is the reading of "to yourself." That is, the child moves his lips and tongue, but pronounces the words in his head. And the eyes can remain at one point. A similar phenomenon reduces the speed of reading.
  • Children's eye has a relatively small field of view. That is, he sees the picture only in front of him. Unfortunately, there are few techniques that help eliminate this factor. But you can diversify them yourself.
  • The main problem of children of any age is the effect of regression. That is, the eyes are returning to the read material. With speed read, this is unacceptable. Moreover, such a defect is very difficult to eradicate.

Important: Do not confuse with the reception! This is also a regression, but as a result of rethinking or better assimilation and additions of the material. That is, it is justified. If the child has questions, then they need to be solved after reading the entire text. This will increase the speed by almost 3-4 times.

  • Also pay attention to the vocabulary and general baggage of knowledge. It happens that the baby is mentally trying to understand the essence of an incomprehensible word or process, slowing reading.
  • Try to reduce the path between text and analysis. And for this, train perception not through a hearing, but visually!
  • And the problem, with regard to most children, especially hyperactive or with a shortage of attention. Inattention often makes the child get away from the meaning of the text, and reading begins to “walk” in a circle several times.
With reading problems, start working in a timely manner
With reading problems, start working in a timely manner

Speed \u200b\u200bReading for Children: Methods, Technique

We touched the time and frequency of classes a little. Better engage with your child often, but not very long. You need to start with classes for 5 minutes. In the future, this time is increasing. Consider the age of the child. With preschool children and primary school schoolchildren, you need to reduce the number of classes to 2-4 times a week. But even an adult student should not spend more than 20 minutes on training.

The main scheme of any methodology

  • Warm -upWhat consists of reading. Within a reasonable - no more than 100 words. The main task is to activate the brain, make it think and remember it. After reading, be sure to ask the child leading questions. Such exercises will help increase the vocabulary of the baby. Below we will also consider some simplified warm -up options.

Important: at this stage, carefully follow the articulation of the child!

  • Work to expand the field of vision. To do this, use a square with numbers or, as it is also called, the Schultte table. The numbers should stand in random order - this is an important condition. This is precisely the development of the speed of finding the desired number:
    • for children under the age of 7 years, 9 digits will be enough;
    • from 7 to 10, a square increases to 25 digits, diluting them with letters;
    • over 10 years, about 35 digits and 20 letters are already required.
  • Another exercise that trains visual memory and increases the attentiveness of the baby is damaged text! That is, some letters in words are removed or rearranged. Below we will return to such exercises, since they have several options.
  • Next is a whole set of exercises that include suppression of articulation and elimination of regression. At this stage, work in pairs with adults will also not hurt. This will increase the speed of reading the text itself and improve the understanding of what has been read.
  • Final part Founded of logical thinking. But take into account that the baby may already get tired by this time, so switch to mathematical material or even take drawing as a basis. That is, ask the baby to draw a drawing on the topic of the read text.
Fasten the material using the pattern
Fasten the material using the pattern

Regarding young children

  • For them, the text of 100 words will be extremely tiring. The child will spend about an hour reading it, and the brain will get tired of an excess of information. Take small segments, which consist of 1-2 offers. Increase their number when the baby is ready for this.

Important: Conduct classes regularly! This is precisely the basis of the speed of speed reading. It is better to do small exercises with small material, but often regularly. This will give positive results much earlier than long texts, which are versed 2 hours once a week.

  • If it is difficult for the child to perform the entire list of exercises (and at first it will turn out), then break it into several parts. Or take a short break.
  • No need to change the text or position of numbers every time. You can use them 2-3 times.
  • There is also a gentle mode when the child rests even in the process of class, and visualization is intertwined with reading. The child reads the phrase, then he is shown the image (slide). After that, a short break. Despite its ease, this is an effective method to teach the child to read quickly. Especially, it is good to use such tactics for children 5-6 years old.
Preschool requires the game form of classes
Preschool requires the game form of classes

Speed \u200b\u200bReading for Children: Exercises

Each exercise is suitable for a certain age and has a specific goal. Below we will give a list of the most effective schemes of exercises that will help you and your child learn to speed read. In one course you do not need to go through the entire list. Periodically, you can supplement or change a little exercise among themselves.

First -graders and young children require easier exercises

  • Warm up It can be performed in games, not only reading books. Blow out an imaginary candle. Turn on the imagination, let them be of different sizes. You need to blow out at least 3 candles. Work separately with each.
  • To develop visual memory, first -graders do not need to use the Schultte table. You can make your own simplified scheme. For example, in the center, draw the sun, and around it are different geometric shapes. You can even ask your child to decorate them. The baby's gaze should look strictly at the sun. But he must call objects that are around.
    • Another exercise for training visual memory. Write in large letters 5-6 words that are not interconnected. Give the child half a minute to read them. After that, close the words and ask: is there a “such-and-such” word between the written phrases?
  • The game "Halves" Or folding words in parts. For children 6-7 years old, they need to be cut into two parts, gradually increasing the number of syllables. That is, on paper small words from 2 syllables are written and cut in half. Stir and give the child the opportunity to fold them. This develops visual memory, and also trains thinking and replenishes the vocabulary.
The game of half of the words
Game "Half of Words"
  • There is still a similar game "Guess the word". Only the child is given one syllable, and he needs to supplement the word on his own. For example, “ma”, and the child complements with several options mom, butter or Masha.
  • Game for a group of children or together with adults "Additional chain". You offer him the word mom, for example. The child must separate the second syllable and start a word with him, for example, a boy. You continue already on the syllable "Chick". By the way, there is the same game only using letters.
Example of the game Additions to the chain
Example of the game "Additional chain"
  • You can do even easier, offer the game "Come up with a word". You set the letter and come up with as many words as possible on it. This trains memory and replenishes the vocabulary. There is a game game "Find the word". The principle is the same, but you need to find words on a certain letter in the selected text.
  • Funny and interesting game "Find a couple". For example, "fish - needles, hedgehog - scales." On the contrary, write another word, and the child must find him the right pair.
  • Anagrams For first -graders, they will be an excellent task for attentiveness! An adult can read them without even a mistake. After all, it is important to put the first and last letters in its place. For example, LAKIS, Kshoka, Lashod, Padan or Sokaba.
    • Such reading increases attentiveness and will be very interesting to the child as a puzzle. But it is also an incentive to learn how to quickly read or master a “sliding” reading. When the gaze does not linger on a certain letter or syllable, and the eyes choose the meaning on their own.
  • "In tow" will push your baby to read faster. The child reads aloud, and you follow a finger. Gradually begin to accelerate, that is, move your finger a little faster than the read words. Thus, you will customize the student to read faster.
Read more together
Read more together
  • For children 7 years old, the task is very stimulating "I could". The point is to show the baby that he can quickly read. Give him a small text that he will read in 1.5-2 minutes. After taking a short break and read the same text again. For the second time, the baby will read faster.
  • Exercise "Start - finish". This exercise will train visual memory and attentiveness as much as possible. Set the child in front of an open book. After the Start team, the student must start reading. After the phrase "stop", the child closes his eyes and rests a little. But, after a second start, he must start with the location.

Take breaks and let the eyes relax

These training will not only give the child a little relax, but will also be useful for training. And this is a kind of indispensable gymnastics for them, which will help preserve or even improve vision.

Important! During each lesson, secrete 1-2 minutes for warm-up. And try to do such exercises even while performing lessons or viewing cartoons.

  • Close your eyes for 5-10 seconds and lightly press the eyeballs with your palms.
  • Remove your hands and rotate in one and the other by 5 times.
  • Open your eyes for 2-3 seconds, click for 1-2 seconds, then open them wide again. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  • Make rotating movements in each direction already with open eyes.
  • Look at the tip of the nose, then the maximum up. Repeat several times.
  • You can do otherwise. Glue a small circle on the glass. A look at him - into the distance. Also do several times.
  • In the end, also give the eyes a little rest for 5 seconds, clutching their eyes with their hands.
Do not overload the child - regularly take a break and warm -up
Do not overload the child - regularly take a break and warm -up

Exercise scheme for children 8-10 years old

  • For older children warm -up It can take a little in a different form, again, not only reading the paragraph. Say the consonants when the child exhales. For this, do not forget to take a complete breath. The letters can be any in random order, the main thing is not less than 10-15 pieces.
  • Work with schultte table Suitable for any age, just control the number of digits or add the letters. You need to name the entire list of numbers in 10-15 seconds. Young children can be slightly increased. Eyes should be in the center, then you will achieve the maximum effect. This will not only expand the field of vision, but also train the RAM.
  • Suppression of regression. Prepare a small bookmark. When the child reads the word, immediately close it. So do it with each word read. The result will be visible in a week.
  • Fighting with articulation. For speed reading, it greatly interferes, and in general it slows down reading.
    • Let the baby read to the music. But choose it without words. Then it will be possible to switch to song accompaniment. The main condition is after reading, the child must answer the questions posed on the text.
    • Buzzing bumblebee - Another exercise that will suppress the articulation. Reading the text, the child must pronounce the sound "ZHZH".
    • Rhythmic knock It requires a kind of dexterity. Previously, the rhythm tone itself will need to be learned. When the child reads the text, he must beat this rhythm with a pencil, gradually accelerating it.
    • Lock It implies a closed mouth (you can even press your lips a little) and a very pressed finger to the lips. And only after that proceed to reading. After that, leading questions are necessarily asked.
    • You can improve the task a little more. The child presses his finger to his lips, and begins to read on the command of the “lips”! After the “stop” phase, the finger is removed and the child reads aloud.
For speed reading, articulation is unacceptable
For speed reading, articulation is unacceptable
  • We train attentiveness And we help to focus on the task. These exercises are suitable for any age and are simply necessary for active and mobile children.
    • Confused words. You just write in pairs the words that differ from each other only by the letter. For example, “House - Com”, “Spit - dew”. The child must find what is common and different in them. Be sure to complement this list.
    • Make as many words as possible From one long. For example, "clerk" or "modeling". You change the word every time. You can give it to young children. This exercise also trains thinking.
    • Change the fonts In every letter. This will concentrate all the attention to the text and will help read at maximum speed even a distorted text.
    • Confused words. For example, “Samoil” and “Ice”. Next, you can slightly complicate the task, for example, Amolset, Roktav. The child must guess the word "plane" and "bed".
    • There is still such a game "Producer". In any phrase, change words in places, and the child must guess their correct position. For example, "oak on the Lukomorye is green." Choose the length and complexity of the sentence yourself.
    • Invite the child to find "Related words". For example, forest, forest, at the forest, earthly. Or sea, sailor, marine, seaside.
    • The game is perfect for second -graders and older children "Hidden words". In other words, a small crossword puzzle. Older children can take a little more complicated options.
    • The child will also appreciate the game "Swap places". That is, the student will act as a teacher and must monitor reading parents. And they will deliberately make mistakes.
    • Or do a slightly different way. Write a few phrases With missing letters Or even syllables. The child must supplement them. For example, “on the courtyard .. children .. played .. in foot ..” or “between de.. Vychi, height .. mick ..”.
The game of confusion
Game "Confusion"
  • We develop anticipation. That is, predicting the word in meaning, not seeing the previous and extreme words.
    • Working with a ruler Or a bookmark. The child reads at the usual pace, you close the previous and the next word.
    • We read somersault. The child should read the text in the usual position, after which the book or notebook is rotated by 180 °. Also well develops the thinking and turn of the book by 90 °.
    • Closed half of the text. There is also work for the configuration and smartness of the baby. Close the first line with a sheet of paper where the child reads. But only the upper half of the letters, the lower side remains visible. When the baby goes to the next line, it is also closed. This will teach the child to read faster, capturing the text from the lower line.
  • Paired with adults You need to work so that the student is driving speed.
    • There is an exercise parallel reading. An adult reads at different speeds and intonation, and the child should carefully monitor and drive a finger.
    • You can arrange competition, alternately reading one text. That is, the child reads, and adults intercept him and continues to read. By the way, doing this is not particularly desirable at the end of the paragraph. Be sure to increase the speed.
    • We read the tail. That is, the adult begins to read, and the child should continue the text after 4 words. The main goal is not to go astray.
Do regularly with children
Do regularly with children

The final part or memo to parents

  • Be sure to praise your child for success, even for small achievements. Focus only on positive points. If you make a remark, then only relying on a good result.
  • Never compare your child with other students! This does not give a stimulating effect. Remember in such a situation yourself at his age, when parents spent parallels with friends. The only criterion for comparison should be the achievements of your child. For example, yesterday he read two words more, and today will set a new record.
  • When practicing with a child, do not make mistakes. Remember - it is always more difficult to retrain!
  • Accustom him to reading. This should not be limited only to classes, read fairy tales and magazines at leisure or before bedtime.
  • And be sure to set an example! Let the child in your hands more often sees a book than a tablet or phone. It is you who should instill a love of reading to your baby!

Video: How to teach a child speed read at home?

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Comments K. article

  1. Great material, thanks! I would also recommend courses on effective reading. They helped us a lot.

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