The deepest sea on Earth: opening, depth, location on the map, bottom features, climatic conditions, living world

The deepest sea on Earth: opening, depth, location on the map, bottom features, climatic conditions, living world

In this article, we will consider the features and characteristics of the deepest sea of \u200b\u200bthe World Ocean.

If you recall the course of geography, then the part of the ocean, which is limited by land, is considered the sea. But this aspect is sometimes not always performed, since the sea can create streams or just elevations. The seas are classified according to various criteria. For example, behind the maximum percentage of salinity or transparency, in area or depth. And in this material we will consider the record holder according to the last criterion.

What the deepest sea on Earth: discovery, depth, geographical location

Leaving all competitors without regret, the first place in depth comes Filipino Sea. By the way, it occupies the second position in size. True, some scientists still dispute the fact of recognition of the Sargass Sea by the largest contender, putting forward a Philippine reservoir. But now she’s talking about it.

  • If you carefully look at the geographical map, you can see that the Filipino Sea extends along the northern part of the Pacific. Often the sea is called "intense" due to several islands scattered around the sea.
  • In the fifteenth century, the Philippine Sea was accidentally found by a famous navigator and researcher F. Magellan. The sea itself and the islands close to it began to be called the Philippine not in honor of the discoverer, as is commonly believed, but in the name of the monarch Philip II. And another interesting fact - later Fernan Magellan was killed in a battle on the island near the sea.
  • But in the middle of the 20th century, this sea shocked all scientists. When the researchers attempted to reach the bottom, it turned out that at certain points the depth reaches more than 6 thousand m. In addition, on the border of the unique deep -sea sea is the famous Mariana cavity - the most deep -sea place.
    • The average depth of the reservoir slightly exceeds 4 thousand m, but the maximum practically reaches 11 thousand m (without one hundredth).
The deepest is considered the Philippine Sea
The deepest is considered the Philippine Sea
  • This is a unique sea in nature, it has long been considered the deepest point in the world. The length of the sea is more than 5 thousand m and covers one of the deepest basins in the world - the Philippine cavity.
  • The deepest point is concentrated in the Mariana cavity, which is located on the eastern border of the Philippine Sea. And, based on scientific research, it belongs to the ocean. But, even despite all these facts, the terrifying scale of the Philippine Sea really amaze to the core.
  • The Philippine Sea does not have concrete caused borders. Visually the milestone of the sea is limited by the accumulations of the islands: in the north side - Japanese islands, in the south of the sea - the Philippine Islands, as well as the island of Palau, from the western side - the little -known islands of Kazan and the Mariansky, and in the east - the island of Taiwan.
The Filipino Sea is limited by the islands
The Filipino Sea is limited by the islands

What is the bottom of the deep sea on Earth?

The sandy embankment of the deep sea sea is significantly different from the usual sea bottom.

  • Many scientists compare the bottom of the Philippine Sea with the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. All of the lowland is dotted with large cavities and underwater hips. Moreover, they are also very long, because they are located on average by 2.5 thousand m.
  • During the study of the Philippine Sea, it was revealed that the bottom itself was very embossed and tuberous. As if a protruding chain from elevations, the bottom is connected to many islands that enter the sea reservoir.
  • Often you can find the current underwater volcanoes, the minimum number of which slightly peeps out from under the water column. Their height can reach the mark of 3 thousand m.
The bottom of the sea is simply dotted with rain -linked protrusions and hills that seem to interconnect the islands
The bottom of the sea is simply dotted with different protrusions and hills, as if they are interconnected by the islands

What are the features in the climate and weather conditions on the deepest sea?

The air temperature and the amount of precipitation directly depends on the location of the sea in the northern Pacific zone.

  • The sea was lucky enough to settle in four climatic zones, namely, in subtropical, tropical, equatorial and subequatorial belts.
  • But the differences in seasonal conditions can be observed exclusively in the zone of subtropics. Often, strong, intermittent winds blow on the Filipino Sea, and sometimes even typhoons arise.
  • The air temperature increases significantly only closer to January-February. Moreover, it increases in a natural pattern. In the north of the sea, the average air temperature is 8-11 ° C, in the central part of the Philippine Sea-19-25 ° C, and in the south-26-28 ° C.
  • In winter, a calm, soft climate prevails on the Filipino Sea. In the northern climatic zone there are moderate winds, it is often rains, rarely with wet snow. But the eastern stand is distinguished by noticeably, because it can reach the winds to a speed of 25 m/s.
The climate is completely dependent on the belts
The weather is completely dependent on climatic zones
  • Due to the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe inter-Heal Sea, the weather in each section of the climatic zone is significantly different.
    • In the central and northern part of the sea, dry tropical air, small amount of precipitation and very hot weather are increasingly noticed.
    • A little south of the air becomes more moist, which increases the amount of precipitation.
    • In the subequatorial zone, increased cloudiness prevails, it often rains.
    • As for the extreme south of the Philippine Sea - hellish heat, which is often accompanied by heavy rains with a thunderstorm and lightning.
  • A considerable impact on the climate has a passive northern course, which significantly softens the weather conditions of the Filipino Sea.
  • The salinity of water has an average value of 34.5 ‰. But also increases from north to south in the same proportion to the mark of 35 ‰.
The salinity of water also depends on the north and south
The salinity of water also depends on the north and south

What is the living world to boast the most blue sea in the world?

Due to the record depth of the Philippine Sea, the plant and the animal world was poorly studied. For researchers, to this day remains a mystery which secrets keep the depths of the Philippine Sea.

  • In 1960, when the Trithest research bathyscaphe sank to the bottom of the Mariana Slok, at a depth of more than 10 thousand km. Living organisms were found, which in their appearance resembled a worn sole from shoes.
  • A few years later, the same scientist, descending a little lower, was able to detect many bacteria, crayfish and mollusks that lived at this unimaginable depth. Scientists were struck by the fact that living organisms have the opportunity to survive, eat and multiply in such natural conditions.
  • The inhabitants of the underwater world of the Philippine Sea, which are located in the depths, are very diverse. Many arthropods, mollusks and fish live here. By the way, it was recorded that the latest representatives have more than 1 thousand different types.
The Philippine Sea boasts a wide variety of fish
The Philippine Sea boasts a wide variety of fish
  • Often you can notice quite large marine inhabitants: whales, dolphins, sharks and sword-fish. Also, the indigenous inhabitants of the Philippine Sea often notice large turtles, which have long been founded in the depths of the Philippine Sea.
  • For the inhabitants of the Philippine Sea, fishing is the main and only type of earnings, in addition to tourism. The Filipinos are hunting tuna, sardine, sea eels and flying fish, which are in great demand among tourists.
  • In addition to traditional fishing, the indigenous inhabitants of the Philippine Sea, catch large turtles and octopuses, of which there are a huge number in the sea zone near the shore. The water world, which is located further than the coastal zone, is quite poor and meager.
  • The Filipino Sea has a huge number of sharks. Most often found near the coastal zone, since there are not enough food at a depth of sharks. Many types of fanged representatives are very dangerous predators for humans. The most common species: gray sharks, tiger, reef and hammer sharks.
You can even meet such large turtles, however, local fishing hunts for them
You can even meet such large turtles, however, local fishing hunts for them

The amazing island of the deepest sea

  • To date, there is no person who would not know about the existence of the incredible island of Okinawa.
  • The island itself belongs to Japan, and its area is relatively small. The main feature is its indigenous inhabitants, the number of which does not exceed 500 people.
  • All residents of the island are more than a hundred years old, but at the same time they have an active healthy lifestyle, look great and do not get sick at all. They explain their longevity with proper nutrition and life near the sea.

Video: not only the deepest, but also the largest sea of \u200b\u200bthe world ocean

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