The highest peak of the world of Everest: height, climate, living world, coordinates of Mount Jomolungma, toponymy of the name, discoverers, dangerous facts and nuances of the rise. How does human activity affect the ecology of the highest mountain Everest?

The highest peak of the world of Everest: height, climate, living world, coordinates of Mount Jomolungma, toponymy of the name, discoverers, dangerous facts and nuances of the rise. How does human activity affect the ecology of the highest mountain Everest?

In this article, we suggest looking at all the subtleties and aspects of the highest peak of our land.

When we climb to the top floor of a multi -storey building, the spirit intercepts a little from bewitching beauty. Now imagine what horizons will open before your eyes if you climb the highest peak in the world. Then you can see with your own eyes the captivating splendor of the hill and real, unimaginable natural landscapes. Therefore, we invite you to plunge into the world of dreams of any climber and climb, albeit yet verbally, to the highest point of the globe.

The height of the highest peak of the globe and the coordinates of Mount Jomolungma

It is worth noting that on each continent there are mountains that reach a certain height. And on each mainland, their leaders stand out on the kilometers of altitudes. But the highest point already in this aspect has a highlighting nuance.

  • According to most scientists throughout the globe, the highest peak extends at once two continents. Although there is a small pitfall. Visually, it belongs to one big mainland - Eurasia.
  • And acting as part of the long mountain system of the Himalaye and the ridge, which is called the mahallangur-chimal (or khumbu-gimal), it seems to be shared by Europe from Asia.
  • By the way, it has a little double height. The southern position borders on Nepal and reaches 8760 m. But the northern part rose a little (probably this point is considered key) to a level of 8848 m.
The southern side of the top
The southern side of the top
  • And if you look at the mountain from above, then in its form Jomolungma is similar to a trihedral pyramid. The slopes of the vertex are very steep, especially on the south side. Therefore, there is no snow or ice blocks on them, because they simply move down. From other parts, the glaciers begin to encircle rocks from 5 km of height.
  • If we talk about the very top itself, then it consists of 90% precipitation, namely, of limestone and sandstone. And it is interesting that these are the main natural fossils, which in ancient times served as the bottom of the aunt the ocean before the appearance of the mountain itself.
  • But back to the coordinates themselves - 27 ° 59′17 ″ s. Sh. 86 ° 55′31 ″ c. D.. Now carefully look at the card below or make calculations on your atlas. It turns out that Jomolungma or Everest is in China. Yes, there is only a short distance to its border. And, of course, this is the top itself, and not for the entire foot of the ridge.
Coordinates of Mount Everest
Coordinates of Mount Everest
  • The southern Nepali part of the vertex is included in the reserve of a given country called sugarmatha. By the way, the reserve renamed the highest mountain into the "Heavenly Versh". And from this side, a certain descent of the ridge southern saddle up to 7906 m and Mount Likhods, which jumped up to 8516 m, “support” the mountain pyramid.
  • But from the north surround the peak, respectively, the northern saddle up to 7020 m and the top of 7543 m cangze. The eastern side gave the sharp and dangerous descent of Kangashung 3350 m.

What is the height of Jomolungma?

As soon as the exact location of the vertex was determined, scientists began to measure its actual height. Disputes on her account continued for a rather long time, given that the exact parameters of the top were established by English scientists in the middle of the 19th century.

  • Chinese researchers argued that the altitud Jomolungma is 8844 m. But the Nepalian residents calmly disputed this fact. After all, calculus gave evidence several meters higher.
  • And this was due to the fact that the inhabitants of Asian countries are confident in the correctness of calculations without a huge layer of snow on the mountain.
  • Today we came to the common denominator, uniting both versions. After all, both peoples are right. Therefore, officially the height of the mountain has a mark of 8 km 848 m, but taking into account 4 m of ice.
4 meters of the mountain - this is ice and snow
4 meters of the mountain - this is ice and snow

The highest peak of the world: Mount Jomolungma or Everest?

The maximum top of the mountain range has several names. We have already voiced some of them. Also, some peoples call her Sagarmatha (of course, these are Nepalians) or Shenmufen (and this is the northern side).

  • By the way, the initial name of the “chomolangma”, which was consecrated by the Tibetan peoples, sounds correctly. It was thanks to the endurance of the Sherpes, their education and hard work, the Himalayan mountains, and with them Jomolungm were studied along and across.

Interesting: Sherpas are the descendants of the ancient Tibetan monks who live in the eastern part of Nepal, and moved to the Himalayan ridge many years ago. For the monks of Jomolungma - a sacred and divine place. Based on the legends of Sherpes, perfumes, demons live in grief, as well as one of the goddesses of longevity. Before climbing to the top, the descendants of the Tibetan monks conducted a ritual in which they asked the spirits to have mercy on them and not to kill.

  • And they named in honor of the goddess Sherab Zhamma. And the literal translation of such a celebrity sounds like "Divine mother of vital energy or winds". Since the translation has two consonant values. But a simplified conversational variation sounds like "Lovers of the Winds".
  • The scientific name, which more often sounds in school textbooks and scientific journals is Everest. In honor of the Englishman George Everest, the head of the geodetic group in 1930-1943. But in 1956, his receiver Andrew published for the first time the name and measured data on the exact height, which was studied by an employee Radhanat Sikdar 4 years ago. By the way, in those days the mountain was called as a peak XV.
This peak has several names
This peak has several names

Features of the climate and the living world of the highest peak of the planet - Mountains of Jomolungma

Naturally, such an arrangement and maximum height indicators played a significant role in the formation of the living world and the climate itself at the top.

  • Of course, the temperature here also reaches maximum indicators. No, to -93 ° C on Antarctica, of course, can not reach. But still, Everest boasts minimal indicators of -60 ° C. Moreover, in the summer, there is relatively heat about 0 ° C.
  • But the strongest winds complement this whole picture with cold, which justifies the original name of the mountain. And from a logical point of view, at such a peak, well, it can not be quiet and calm.
  • In addition, frequent snow in total with rains, they prevent climbers from climbing the top normally. Most often, such a “gift” presents precisely the summer period. Moreover, the collapse can fall on the head of extremes or abruptly change to a sandstorm in just one night.
  • Winter stands out by another record that we have touched a little - this is wind. It’s just that in winter they have indicators sometimes over 200 km/h. But the adjacent periods between them are more calm and favorable for raising.
Over 200 km/h can reach Everest Wind.
Over 200 km/h can reach Everest Wind.
  • Well, of course, no plants or animals survive in such conditions. Moreover, we do not lose sight of the fact that oxygen with each rise is getting less and less, and atmospheric pressure increases. Therefore, even a few minutes there is very problematic.
  • Unless on the very slope of up to 6-7 m you can find coniferous rocks that are famous for frosty resistance and the bushes of rhododendron. Moreover, this plant even blooms and has the maximum variety of the whole type in this area.
  • As for insects, the Himalayan jumping spiders live on Everest, which are almost the only creatures that are able to climb so high. They feed on frozen insects, which are brought by monsoons.
  • In addition to them, you can find green jumpers of rare species of grasshoppers. Also, such conditions were to the liking of mountain mornings and even alpine jackdaws that they can eat carrion and poor diet.
At the foot of the mountain you can find such beautiful flowers
At the foot of the mountain you can find such beautiful flowers

The highest peak of the world is Mount Jomolungma: the goal of extreme climbers

The highest point remained impregnable for a long time, because the harsh climate and sharp cliffs were simply dangerous for many climolas. And to this day this is the most dangerous place!

Important: The labor -intensive path covers for about 2 months. Of course, this is taking into account all the nights and their preparations. Moreover, this is a great way to lose extra pounds, because when raised on average, about 15 kg is dropped. But such a "pleasure" costs a lot of money. The amount ranges from 11 to 85 thousand dollars. As some prices managed to compare, Tibet has the lowest tariffs.

By the way, commercial firms are engaged in such a “business” that they provide a full package of services in the form of a guide according to the excursion and the whole armored vehicle for security.

Raising to Everest costs a lot of money
Raising to Everest costs a lot of money
  • They tried to conquer the peak of the land in 1921, when local authorities gave the go -ahead to enter foreigners. But the climbers could not get to the very top because of the large snowfall.
  • Although the English expedition J. Gilbert Lee Mallori went into history at the end of 1921, when the border above 8,100 m was crossed. After the next two attempts, the group went missing. And after 75 years, investigators managed to find the corpse of a given person.
  • And before the significant date there were more than 10 unsuccessful attempts. The loud opening took place on May 29, 1953! It was on this day that Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgei opened a new record to the world. Their path lay through the south side, and breathing was protected by oxygen devices. Moreover, the New Zealand, accompanied by Sherp, managed to conquer the climax of all continents.
  • It is also worth highlighting a woman who dared to step on the land of the winds in 1976. The name of Dzyunko Tabay with Japan went down in the history of Everest.
The first conquerors of the highest peak of the world
The first conquerors of the highest peak of the world

Important: “The longest mile” is already a real aphorism about the impossibility of passing a certain site. The last 300 m to peak heights are simply a hard labor, which checks for the endurance of each person separately. The hut path does not even make it possible to insure a comrade. And this bouquet is complemented by a frosty wind and a terrible deficiency of vital oxygen. On this site, even the most experienced mountaineers are most often broken into the abyss.

Sad facts of raising on Jomolungma

  • Do not forget that climbing Everest is not a romance at all, but a very serious danger and a high probability not to return alive. According to statistics, more than 300 climbers died, climbing to the top.
  • For example, in 1979, on the descent from one of the slopes, the German Hannelor Shmartz tragically died from a catastrophic lack of oxygen and cold exhaust. The corpse of the deceased froze for a century in a sedentary position on the southwestern crest of the mountain. This was the first terrible event of Everest.
  • In the early 90s, the mass conquest of the top and soon the bodies of the dead became the usual phenomenon on the way to the mountain. The dead in 80% of cases are left on the slopes of the mountain due to the inability to evacuate them. Many serve as a guide for tourists.
  • At such a height, only short-term presence is compatible with life due to numerous threats to human health. Since a person feels an acute lack of oxygen and exhaustion of the body from a long cold. The condition of the climber is constantly deteriorating, apathy begins and motor activity decreases.
  • Over time, the body does not recover. In the most severe cases of mountain disease, heart failure, brain tumor and lung cancer may occur. The most effective method of treatment is to leave the top as soon as possible and end up at the foot of the mountain. In addition, many risk their health in order to save a friend.
The last 482 km the most dangerous
The last 482 km the most dangerous

Environmental situation on the highest peak in the world

Would return a few decades ago to see the beauty that opened before the eyes of the first discoverers. Literally in a matter of years, the situation has changed and reaches another record mark. True, it is not for the better. One of the famous garbage spots is in the Pacific Ocean, but the person now went higher, clogging even the highest point of the earth - Jomolungma.

  • That fascinating picture of nature disappeared when you stand in its center and notice every corner of the surrounding horizon. After all, the peak is now strewn with used cylinders, stolen tents and human excrement. According to scientists in 2017, tourists brought more than 100 tons of garbage.
  • The climbers cause iromolungme to the nature of irreparable harm, destroying the flora around the foot of the mountain, using rare trees for their own heating. The burial of tourists today is also a pressing issue.
Today the picture is not the most attractive from above
Today the picture is not the most attractive from above
  • The authorized bodies of Nepal have developed a huge number of measures to revive the nature of Everest, most of which are to the detriment of the country's savings. The authorities control the number of fixed permits for lifting to the mountain.
  • In addition to the created events, a resolution was approved, which states that each climber who climbed the mountain undertakes to pick up at least two kilograms of garbage from the top.
Here is such exciting beauty opens before my eyes from the mountain
But such exciting beauty opens before my eyes from the mountain

Jomolungma or Everest, or even the “mother of the gods” is another valuable and beautiful creation of nature. Today we have the opportunity to observe not only such beauty from the usual angle, but also feel even indescribable emotions from exciting images of extreme daredevils. But we need to take care of our life, and the creations of nature, so that the “wildest dream” remains like this for subsequent generations!

Video: The highest peak in the world is Mount Everest

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